iconvienna 2014 The 10th European Business and Investment Forum East - West Summit on Innovation and Smart Cities April 9 to 11, 2014 Vienna presented by MAKE CONTACTS TO CONTRACTS Guest Country Slovakia Welcome to iconvienna 2014 East - West Summit on Innovation and Smart Cities „Willkommen im Herzen Europas. Willkommen in Wien. Es freut mich besonders, dass in diesem Jahr die iconvienna bereits zum 10. Mal in Wien zu Gast ist. In einem Jahr, in dem sich auch der Beginn des berühmten Wiener Kongresses zum 200. Mal jährt. Damals, im Jahr 1814 ging es um die Neuordnung Europas. Bei Veranstaltungen wie der iconvienna 2014 ist die wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, vor allem die Entstehung neuer Kontakte, im Fokus des Europagedankens. Wien steht als „Stadt im Herzen Europas“ als Wirtschafts- und Informationsplattform und auch als Vertreter einer Wirtschaftsregion mit zahlreichen Perspektiven im Mittelpunkt der Veranstaltung. In Wien, an der ehemaligen Grenze zwischen West und Ost, wurden schon durch Jahrzehnte Dialoge für Zukunft und Entwicklung „räumlich angesiedelt“. Diese Drehscheibe ist unsere Stadt geblieben. Die iconvienna als European Business and Investment Forum unterstreicht diesen Standort, wichtige Beiträge zur wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit sind Inhalt für Gegenwart und Zukunft. Als Bürgermeister und Vertreter des Gastgebers Wien sage ich allen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern ein herzliches „Willkommen in unserer Stadt“ und wünsche interessante, informative aber auch erholsame Tage in Wien. Nehmen Sie bitte in ihrem Herzen ein Stück Wien mit nach Hause.” Dr. Michael Häupl | Mayor and Governor of Vienna „We are celebrating the 10th anniversary of iconvienna this year. Following the motto ,Make Contacts to Contracts’ iconvienna represents the best arena for networking at the top executive level. It offers a unique possibility to exchange know-how and to find new business partners. Main topics this year are challenges and opportunities for Smart Cities and Regions in Europe, innovation and infrastructure and international financing models as well as an outlook on innovations for Smart Cities and Regions in the global competition. This year for the first time the “iconvienna young leaders dialogue” youLEAD will be held - offering networking opportunities to start-up owners, young managers and high potentials from Central and Eastern Europe. The dialogue aims to develop common approaches to the topics of the future - this year’s focus is on “Shaping the future of cities”. As President I wish all participants successful and enjoyable days during the 10th anniversary of iconvienna!” KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek MBA | President iconvienna „iconvienna 2014, European Business and Investment Forum, takes place for the tenth time already. Tying on the success of the past years the forum developed into a prestigious East-West platform for high level Networking. Following the motto “Make Contacts to Contracts” iconvienna creates space for international decision makers and opinion leaders from economy, politics and science to discuss current topics, future trends and concrete projects and thereby securing Austria’s leading position as an innovator and business pioneer in the CEE countries. As chairman of iconvienna I wish all participants interesting and successful days at the 10th anniversary forum.” KR Dr. René Alfons Haiden | Chairman iconvienna Statements iconvienna 2014 East - West Summit on Innovation and Smart Cities „During the recent turbulent crisis years, the supply of bank funding to European economies has been very significantly curtailed exposing gaps in the way Europe finances economic activity. These issues have limited and even threatened to prevent Europe’s ability to generate economic growth. A discussion directed to the identification of adequate financing models for innovation with focus on SME is an excellent topic for iconvienna 2014 European Business and Investment Forum and should provide ideas and recommendations necessary in helping improving financing for SMEs innovation projects.“ Stefan Adamec | Advisor to the State Secertary, Ministry of Finance Slovakia „Grundvoraussetzung für die Realisierung einer Smart City ist die Schaffung eines stärkeren Bewusstseins für das Thema. Ein wichtiges Instrument dafür sind Netzwerke und Kooperationen. Diese dienen nicht nur dem Wissensaustausch und dem Erkenntnisgewinn, sondern können auch genutzt werden, um den Themenkomplex „Smart City“ auf europäischer Ebene zu positionieren.“ Mag. DI Dr. Brigitte Bach | MSc Head of Energy Department AIT „Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der sich die individuellen Mobilitätsbedürfnisse erhöhen und die Gesamtverkehrsbelastung rasant steigt. Ein wesentlicher Auslöser dieser Entwicklungen ist vor allem, dass immer mehr Österreicher in Ballungszentren arbeiten und leben. Vorrangiges Ziel ist es, die Leistungsfähigkeit des individuellen und öffentlichen Verkehrs - insbesondere des Bahnsystems - weiter zu steigern. Die ÖBBInfrastruktur AG verfolgt seit Jahren die Strategie, eine der leistungsfähigsten Bahn-Infrastrukturen in ganz Europa für die Herausforderungen der Mobilität des 21. Jahrhunderts allen Österreichern zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir verbinden Menschen und schaffen damit Werte für Generationen.“ Ing. Mag. (FH) Andreas Matthä | Executive Director ÖBB Infrastruktur AG „Eine moderne Verkehrsinfrastruktur ist wesentlich für den Erfolg eines Wirtschaftsstandortes sowie den Wohlstand der Bevölkerung. Anstelle eines konkurrierenden Ausbaus gilt es heute ein funktionierendes Gesamtverkehrssystem sicherzustellen. Neben der physischen Vernetzung der einzelnen Verkehrsträger wird in Zukunft die Bereitstellung hochqualitativer Informations- und Routingdienste, welche alle Verkehrsträger gleichermaßen berücksichtigen, immer wichtiger. Die ASFINAG hat sich bereits 2009 zur aktiven Vernetzung mit dem öffentlichen Verkehr bekannt und in den vergangenen Jahren verkehrsträgerübergreifende Informationsplattform ,Verkehrsauskunft Österreich‘ umgesetzt.“ Dr. Klaus Schierhackl | Member of the Board ASFINAG „Die iconvienna ist mittlerweile ein fester Bestandteil des internationalen Erfahrungsaustausches anerkannter Wirtschaftsexperten geworden. Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit sind wichtige Bestandteile wirtschaftlichen Erfolgs. Als Spezialbank für die öffentliche Hand strukturiert und finanziert die Kommunalkredit Projekte in den Bereichen soziale Infrastruktur, Energie, Umwelt und Verkehr. Die Kommunalkredit freut sich, diese langjährige Initiative zu unterstützen.“ Mag. Alois Steinbichler | CEO, Kommunalkredit Austria AG „Innovative Unternehmen und erfolgreiche Start-ups beleben unsere Wirtschaft und schaffen Arbeitsplätze in Österreich. Gleichzeitig wird dadurch auch der Standort krisenfester, weil sie neben den traditionellen Stärken neue und wichtige Zukunftsfelder stärker besetzen. Die Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws) unterstützt österreichische Unternehmen dabei Ideen umzusetzen und neue Produkte zu entwickeln. Der aws stehen hierbei eine breite Palette an Instrumenten zur Verfügung: erp-Kredite, Zuschüsse, Garantien, Eigenkapital und Beratungsleistungen.“ Mag. Edeltraud Stiftinger | Managing Director Austria Wirtschaftsservice „Vienna’s long term experience in smart planning includes many areas such as urban development, social housing, public traffic, energy and water supply, climate protection and many more. Moreover, Vienna always had a strong focus on the social impacts of its plans and programs. Based on this, Vienna is one of the smartest cities of the planet nowadays and at the same time provides an outstanding quality of life. Nevertheless, there are two main future challenges: First, how to maintain and further develop the high standards of Vienna as smart and very livable city. Second, originating in its location in the heart of Europe, how to establish a common process including all surrounding partners, to become a smart region as well.“ Dipl. Ing. Andreas Trisko | Head of Urban Development and Planning, City of Vienna Program iconvienna 2014 East - West Summit on Innovation and Smart Cities WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9 2014 15.00 - 18.00 ICONVIENNA YOUNG LEADERS DIALOGUE youLEAD Exclusive dialogue with top speakers as well as a networking event for young professionals WKO - Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, 1045 Wien Saal 2 MODERATION Mag. Michael Hamberger | Spokesman Experts Group Business Mediation, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber CO-MODERATION Petra Buchinger Dr. Silke Mader Mag. Christine Schönowitz Mag. Georg Klimes WELCOME KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek | President iconvienna Mag. (FH) René Moser | Chair iconvienna youLEAD IMPULSE STATEMENTS Warren Karlenzig | President Common Current, California Dr. Wolfgang Loibl | Smart City Expert, AIT Ivan Stefunko | Managing Director Neulogy, Slovakia followed by youLEAD World Café Young Leaders shaping “The future of cities” moderated by selected experts of the experts group business mediation kindly supported by 19.00 - 22.00 WELCOME RECEPTION AT THE VIENNA CITY HALL 1010 Vienna, Felderstraße 1, Arkadenhof/Volkshalle Hosted by the Mayor and Governor of Vienna Dr. Michael Häupl with buffet, live music and interactive networking Carribean Flair with Music, Cigar Lounge and Rum Tasting from the Dominican Republic Cultural Program from the Cultural Institute of Slovakia Meet representatives of the following countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Turkey, USA, etc. Program iconvienna 2014 East - West Summit on Innovation and Smart Cities THURSDAY, APRIL 10 2014 Simultaneous translation DE/EN Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO), Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63, 1045 Vienna Parallel Exhibitions/Lounges: VIP Lounge, iconvienna Partners, Technology Exhibition 8.30 - 9.00 REGISTRATION 9.00 - 9.15 WELCOME AND OPENING KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek | President, iconvienna Dr. Hans Jörg Schelling | Vice President Austrian Federal Economic Chamber 9.15 - 9.45 CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR SMART CITIES AND REGIONS IN EUROPE Strategy Europe 2020 - Priority Projects - Innovation & Ressource Efficiency Vision Vienna 2025 - Social Components - Energy Efficiency Dr. Johannes Hahn | EU-Commissioner for Regional Policy (Video message) KEYNOTE Ing. Tomáš Malatinský | Minister of Economy Slovakia 9.45 - 11.15 PANEL I: DISCUSSION SMART CITY/TWIN CITY IMPULSE STATEMENT Paola Migliorini | Policy Officer, DG Environment Unit Eco-Innovation and Circular Economy, European Commission PANEL CHAIR Mag. DI Dr. Brigitte Bach MSc | Head of Energy Department AIT PANELISTS DI Andreas Trisko | Head of Urban Development and Planning, City of Vienna DI Arch. Ingrid Konrad | Chief Architect, City of Bratislava DI Dr. Michael Fuchs | Energy Policy, Federation of Austrian Industries Dkfm. Christian Stiglitz | Managing Director, European Institute of Environmental Economics Dr. Ilse Stockinger | Research Coordinator, Wiener Stadtwerke 11.15 - 12.15 PANEL II: FINANCING MODELS FOR INNOVATION PANEL CHAIR Stefan Petters | Managing Director, guo - Business Development Consult IMPULSE STATEMENT Stefan Adamec | Advisor, Ministry of Finance Slovakia PANELISTS Mag. Alois Steinbichler | CEO, Kommunalkredit Austria AG Mag. Edeltraud Stiftinger | Managing Director Austria Wirtschaftsservice Dr. Klaus Pseiner | Managing Director, Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG Stefan Adamec | Advisor, Ministry of Finance Slovakia 12.15 - 13.30 LUNCH BREAK & NETWORKING Program iconvienna 2014 East - West Summit on Innovation and Smart Cities THURSDAY, APRIL 10 2014 13.30 - 14.30 PANEL III: INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE FOR SMART CITIES & REGIONS - OUTLOOK FOR THE NEXT 10 YEARS PANEL CHAIR KR DI Dr. Gerhard Hrebicek | President, iconvienna KEYNOTE Warren Karlenzig | President Common Current, California PANELISTS Anette Solli | Mayor Akershus (Oslo) Ing. Mag. (FH) Andreas Matthä | Executive Director ÖBB Infrastruktur AG Dr. Klaus Schierhackl | Member of the Board ASFINAG AG Warren Karlenzig | President Common Current, California JUDr. Denisa Žiláková | Director General for Operational Programme Transport, Ministry of Transportation, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic 14.30 – 15.30 BEST PRACTICE Transformation of research into products Short presentation of the examples and parallel exhibitions PANEL CHAIR Dr. Gerhard Burian | iconvienna ARGOS RAILWAY TECHNOLOGY Walter Weilinger | Managing Director HBM Österreich Ing. Wolfgang Zottl | Head of Research & Development, ÖBB Infrastruktur AG LISI HAUS Ass.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Karin Stieldorf | TU Wien SMART GRIDS - MODELLREGION SALZBURG Dr. Sara Ghaemi | Scientist AIT DI Antony Zegers | Business Unit Electric Energy Systems AIT COLLABORATION SLOVAK ACADEMY - AUSTRIAN INDUSTRY Prof. Pavol Sajgalik | Slovak Academy of Science 15.30 – 16.00 COFFEE BREAK & NETWORKING 16.00 – 17.30 INNOVATE OR DIE - WHO WILL LEAD THE FUTURE? EUROPE, USA OR ASIA? On this international innovation panel, the future challenges for Smart Cities and on global competitiveness in general - with special focus on SME - will be discussed considering the young leaders perspective. PANEL CHAIR Representative youLEAD, iconvienna Unni Krishnan | Indian European Business Agency INEBA PANELISTS Mag. Dr. Johannes Gadner MSc | Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development Arch. DI Doris Österreicher | Head of Business Unit - Sustainable Building Technologies, AIT Warren Karlenzig | President Common Current, California Dr. Gerald Ganzger | Lansky, Ganzger & Partner Unni Krishnan | Indian European Business Agency INEBA 18.30 RECEPTION Palais Palffy | Phantastenmuseum on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary iconvienna Invitation only! Program subject to change Program iconvienna 2014 East - West Summit on Innovation and Smart Cities FRIDAY, APRIL 11 2014 SITE VISIT 9:00 - 9.15 BUS DEPARTURE FROM WKO - AUSTRIAN FEDERAL ECONOMIC CHAMBER Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, 1045 Wien 10.00 - 11.00 AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology Energy Base SmartEST Labor 11.30 - 13.00 SEESTADT ASPERN Presentation of Seestadt Aspern by: DI Claudia Nutz | Board Member Wien 3420 Aspern Development AG DWI (FH) Bernd Richter | Infrastructure ASCR Aspern Smart City Research Construction Site Tour 13.00 - 14.00 LUNCH RECEPTION AT IQ SEESTADT ASPERN on invitation of Norbert Scheed | district chairman 22nd district 14.00 Individual departure by metro line U2 to city center or WKO iconvienna 2014 - Make Contacts to Contracts The European Business & Investment Forum is the contact platform for project and investment business between East and West. According to the motto “Make Contacts to Contracts” we deliver value to participants and partners through personal contacts with executives, entrepreneurs, government officials, project partners, as well as concrete business opportunities at the forum. Date & Location 9-11 April 2014 Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Wiedner Hauptstr. 63, 1045 Vienna Conference Language DE/EN with simultaneous translations Expert Panels During the day, national and international experts present and discuss contemporary key issues that are vital to Europe’s integration and sustainable development. Key Topics Plenary Sessions on Innovation and Sustainability • Challenges and opportunities for smart cities and regions in Europe • International financing models for innovations • Innovation and infrastructure for cities and regions - the outlook for the next ten years • Challenges related to the practical application of research Region Contacts and Networking The Welcome Reception at the Vienna City Hall is an excellent occasion for easy initial contacts and thus promote networking and know how exchange, offering delegations of regions the opportunity to introduce themselves to potential business partners, investors and decision makers. Project Exhibition Enterprises and regions present best practice projects and opportunities. This is an excellent chance to network, attract investors and to acquire new business partners. High Ranking Participants CEOs, entrepreneurs, top politicians, representatives of regions, international organisations and science from more than 40 different countries join each forum. Diese Veranstaltung wird kofinanziert aus Mitteln der Internationalisierungsoffensive go international - http://www.go-international.at Eine Initiative des BM für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Wirtschaft (bmwfw) und der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich Registration: Location: maX iconvienna GmbH Börsegasse 9, A-1010 Wien Tel: +43 1 532 1000 - 14 Fax +43 1 532 1000 - 30 [email protected] Austrian Federal Economic Chamber Wiedner Hauptstrasse 63 1045 Wien www.wko.at www.icon-vienna.net
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