PENN ENDO GLOBAL SYMPOSIUM VIENNA 2014 Palais Ferstel, Vienna, Austria - DECEMBER 4-6, 2014 in cooperation with AUSTRIAN SOCIETY OF ENDODONTOLOGY ANNUAL MEETING Österr. Gesellschaft für Endodontie Austrian Society of Endodontology – Anzeige – NEUE WEGE IN DER ENDODONTIE TOTAL FILL BC SEALER · Hoch antibakteriell · Exzellente Fließfähigkeit · Sehr gute Biokompatibilität · Sehr hohe Haftkraft TOTAL FILL ROOT REPAIR MATERIAL · Einfache Handhabung · Kurze Aushärtungszeit · Resistent gegen Ausspülung · Exzellente Heilung STERILE FKG BT-RACE-FEILE · Aufbereitung von ISO 10 auf ISO 35 · Starke Schneidleistung dank innovativer Booster-Tip-Spitze · Hohe Flexibilität dank Null-Konizität DENTALMIKROSKOP · Optische Höchstleistungen · Einmaliges Preis-Leistungsverhältnis · Bis zu 25,6-fache Vergrößerung · Auch LED-Version erhältlich B&L SUPERENDO ALPHA II UND BETA · Schnelles und einfaches Abfüllen des Wurzelkanals · Geringes Gewicht · Verschiedene Plugger-Größen BESTELLUNG UND BERATUNG: Telefon 08106/300-300 · [email protected] The pre-Christmas magic of the beautiful old city of Vienna will provide a most stimulating atmosphere for this exceptional symposium to combining high level continuing education and a refreshing change from our daily clinical work: Thursday afternoon young scientists will present their research at the Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry. This will bring together talented junior researchers in an open and friendly environment. The best oral and poster presentations will receive valuable awards. Friday morning an Endo-Circle-Training will allow participants to test and directly compare different instruments and techniques in an intense workshop. Friday afternoon the relations of endodontic treatment with other dental disciplines will be discussed, including prognosis and limitations. On Saturday highly respected clinicians of the Penn Endo Faculty will present their concepts and techniques to master non-surgical and surgical endodontics with expertise. The symposium will end with a live demo endodontic surgery which will be performed by Professor Kim being screened in 3D- technique. This will throw you in midst of the surgical field providing an exceptional learning experience. “The Penn Endo Global Symposia are our contribution to allow general dentists and endodontists worldwide to gain access to the advanced scientific concepts of the University of Pennsylvania that translate biological principles into daily endodontic practice” Syngcuk Kim, Louis I. Grossman Professor and Chairman, Department of Endodontics, University of Pennsylvania. “We will welcome you to Vienna with warm hospitality and a professional organisation of the symposium” Christof Pertl & Johannes Klimscha, President & Secretary of the Austrian Society of Endodontology Endo Easy Efficient® RECIPROCATE and SMILE “My experience with RECIPROC® has been nothing short of amazing. This presents a paradigm shift in the way mechanical root canal preparation can be achieved to provide every practitioner a markedly better opportunity to produce consistent, predictable results. RECIPROC® provides the safest and easiest method for shaping the canals compared to any system. If this doesn’t get you more excited about endodontics nothing will!“ Dr. Bjørn Besserman-Svendsen, Frederiksberg Copenhagen, Denmark one file endo PROGRAM Thursday, December 4, 2014, 2:00 – 5:30 pm YOUNG SCIENTIST PRESENTATIONS – RESEARCH IN ENDODONTOLOGY A total of 12 research abstracts will be selected from the scientific committee to give 15 min oral presentations at the Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry. The best performances will be awarded with € 5000, € 3000 and € 1000, respectively. Additionally, three poster prices valued at € 3000, € 2000 and €1000 will be granted to the most significant research studies. Young scientists are encouraged to submit their research. Nominees must be no older than 35 years by December, 31 of 2014. The scientific committee will consist of Prof Claus-Walter Löst, Prof Andreas Moritz, Prof Kurt Ebeleseder, Prof Syngcuk Kim and Dr Karl Schwaninger. The application form can be found on the website of the symposium under Friday, December 5, 2014, 9:00 – 12:00 am WORKSHOP – ENDO-CIRCLE-TRAINING Participants will have the opportunity to experience all the relevant endodontic systems of instrumentation during this hands-on-course. Compare the effectiveness & comfort and find your individual preference. Do not miss this exceptional opportunity and get the feeling of different instruments, movements and forces! (Mathias Holly, Johannes Klimscha & Christof Pertl) Friday, December 5, 2014, 09:00 – 12:00 am Seminar – Bioceramics in Endodontics – Research & Clinics (industry sponsored) Bioceramics demonstrate a great promise for a variety of procedures in endodontics. They have a high ph when unset, are extremely biocompatible when set and appear to seal extremely well. MTA represents the first generation bioceramic material on the market. Extensive research and clinical experience have shown its superb properties for many applications. However it is quite difficult to handle and has the potential to discolor teeth. Recently, new bioceramic materials have entered the market with fewer disadvantages. This talk will discuss the use of bioceramic materials for pulp capping, pulpotomy, root canal obturation, perforations and retrofilling. (Martin Trope) efficiency and simplicity in perfect harmony • Suitable for highly curved cases • Reduced canal transportation • Simple to use For more information pelase visit PROGRAM Friday, December 5, 2014, 2:00 – 6:00 pm THE ROOT CANAL TREATED TOOTH IN ORTHODONTICS, PROSTHETICS, ORAL MEDICINE AND PERIODONTOLOGY During this series of lectures the prognosis and limitations of root canal treated teeth seen in the light of other dental disciplines will be discussed. This will range from the restoration of non-vital teeth, combined periodontal and endodontic lesions to oral focal infections. This ost relevant information for our daily decision making process will be of strong scientific support and clinically oriented. 2:00– 2:10 pm Syngcuk Kim & Christof Pertl Opening Remarks and Impulse 2:10 – 2:40 pm Frank Setzer Endodontics and Orthodontics 2:40 – 3:30 pm Alan Atlas Restoration & Prosthetics of Non-Vital Teeth 3:30 – 4:00 pm William Cheung Fiber Post: Why, When & How? 4:00 – 4:30 pm Coffee Break and Exhibition 4:30 – 5:15 pm Denis Kinane Disturbing Factor – „Dead Tooth“ Oral Focal Infection – Is it virtual or real? 5:15 – 6:00 pm Samuel Kratchman Root Canal Treated Teeth and Periodontal Disease 8:00 – 12:00 pm Dinner Party at a traditional „Heurigen” Restaurant, Weingut Feuerwehr Wagner in Grinzing Lunch and Coffee breaks: Audio-Visual Presentations of UPenn International Program Graduates – The Worldwide Community – Cases and Techniques Thinking ahead. Focused on life. Schnell. Sicher. Schonend. DentaPort ZX mit OTR-Funktion – erleben Sie Endodontie der Extraklasse Zähne sind für den Menschen unvergleichlich wertvoll. Dieses kostbare Gut bestmöglich zu schützen, hat höchste Priorität. Entdecken Sie die Innovationen von DentaPort ZX: Durch die neue Optimum-Torque-Reverse-Funktion sorgt das Mess- und Aufbereitungssystem für eine bestmögliche Schonung des Zahns. Zur Vermeidung der gefährlichen Micro-Cracks, wird das Drehmoment der Feile sowohl im rotierenden als auch im oszillierenden Betrieb stets optimal angepasst. So verhindern Sie Feilenbrüche – und gewährleisten eine noch schnellere, sicherere und schonendere Endodontiebehandlung. Jetzt neu: aufOszillierend Drehbereiten ohne hreitung. sc er üb t en mom mehr auf Er fahren Sie DO 2014 EN der PENN tand. am Morita-S PROGRAM Saturday, December 6, 2014 9:00 am – 5:30 pm THE PENN ENDO CONCEPTS AND RECIPES The faculty of the department of endodontics at the University of Pennsylvania will present their concepts and recipes to master conventional and surgical endodontics with expertise. This will include issues such as biofilms; instrumentation; disinfection & obturation protocols; best & worst Cases; options to remove materials and instruments; vital pulp therapy; endodontic microsurgery; critical clinical anatomy and intentional replantation. 9:00 – 10:00 am Gilberto Debelian Endodontic Treatment - Instrumentation, Disinfection & Obturation Protocols 10:00 – 11:00 am Frank Setzer & Bekir Karabucak Endodontic Retreatment – Effective Options to Remove Materials and Instruments 11:00 – 11:30 am Coffee Break and Exhibition 11:30 – 12:00 am Francesco Maggiore & Helmut Walsch Non-Surgical Endodontics Best & Worst Cases – What can we learn? 12:00 – 1:00 pm Martin Trope Keeping the pulp alive – Is it predictable for our clinical practise? 1:00 – 2:00 pm Lunch Break and Exhibition 2:00 – 2:30 pm Meetu Kohli Endodontic Success and Other Treatment Options 2:30 – 3:00 pm Samuel Kratchman CBCT & Endodontic Treatment Planning 3:00 – 4:00 pm Syngcuk Kim & Spyros Floratos Endodontic Microsurgery – State of the Art 4:00 – 4:30 pm Coffee Break and Exhibition 4:30 – 5:00 pm Christof Pertl Critical Clinical Anatomy in Endodontic Surgery 5:00 – 5:30 pm Samuel Kratchman Intentional Replantation – The Alternative? 5:30 – 7:00 pm Syngcuk Kim Endodontic Surgery – 3D Live Demonstration ENDOSTATIONTM FÜR SAF REINIGEN, AUFBEREITEN UND SPÜLEN IN EINEM ARBEITSSCHRITT : SAF 3.0 ORT W DIE ANT E AUF ALL N! EICHE FRAGEZ SELF ADJUSTING, ROTIEREND ODER REZIPROK: EIN SYSTEM FÜR ALLE FÄLLE! Die Self-Adjusting-File revolutioniert die Endodontie. Durch ihr intelligentes Gitternetz-Design wird das Reinigen, Aufbereiten und Spülen des Wurzelkanals in einem Arbeitschritt möglich. Mit der neuen ENDOSTATIONTM integrieren Sie dieses innovative Behandlungskonzept jetzt optimal in Ihren Workflow. Profitieren Sie vom umfassenden Ansatz der ENDOSTATIONTM und wählen Sie je nach Fall aus, für welche Behandlungsmethode Sie sich entscheiden möchten: Self-Adjusting, rotierende oder reziproke Aufbereitung sind ebenso möglich wie der parallele Einsatz von zwei Spülflüssigkeiten. Mehr Informationen und aktuelle Kurstermine erhalten Sie unter [email protected]. FreeTel: FreeFax: 0800–1400044 08000–400044 PROGRAM Saturday, December 6, 2014 5:30 – 7:00 pm ENDODONTIC SURGERY – 3D LIVE DEMONSTRATION A live molar surgery will be broadcasted in 3D- technique to learn about modern endodontic microsurgery. You will see and learn how to incise and reflect, make an osteotomy, remove granulomatous tissue, perform the apicoectomy, the root-end-preparation and root-endfilling, and suturing. The use of various microsurgical instruments will be demonstrated. Participants will observe the microsurgery in the auditorium in real time and threedimensional screening mode enhancing the illusion of depth perception. They will be encouraged to interact with the surgical team during the procedure. (Syngcuk Kim & Samuel Kratchman) Die neue Generation in der Röntgendiagnostik Die Morita-Gruppe zählt zu den bedeutendsten Herstellern von medizinisch-technischen Produkten. Führend in der Röntgendiagnostik und der Endodontie zeigt das Produktportfolio leistungsstarke bildgebende Systeme bis hin zur 3-D-Volumentomographie, Behandlungseinheiten, Turbinen, Hand- und Winkelstücke, Instrumente sowie endodontische Mess- und Präparationssysteme. Pluradent Austria GmbH Goldschlagstrasse 172 • Stiege 1 A-1140 Wien Tel. 01/5441594-222 • Fax 01/5441594229 [email protected] Als Österreich-Partner bieten wir Ihnen verschiedene Produktpakete aus dem MoritaPortfolio an. Gerne erstellen wir Ihnen ein individuelles Angebot. LECTURERS Alan Atlas (USA) William Cheung (Hong Kong) Gilberto Debelian (Norway) Spyros Floratos (Greece) Bekir Karabucak (USA) Francesco Maggiore (Germany) Syngcuk Kim (USA) Denis Kinane (USA) Meetu Kohli (USA) Samuel Kratchman (USA) Christof Pertl (Austria) Frank Setzer (USA) Martin Trope (USA) Helmut Walsch (Germany) CONGRESS VENUE Palais Ferstel The famous Palais Ferstel is located in one of the oldest districts of Vienna and by 1900 formed the social centre of Vienna comprising of its Café Central, ballrooms and salon areas. The large Ferstel ballroom will be our lecture hall together with the arcade courtyard and side rooms for the exhibition and the lunch & coffee breaks. All of the rooms offer natural daylight and are equipped with the latest audio-visual technology. Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna The young scientist presentations will take place at the Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna (Universitätsklinik für Zahn-, Mund und Kieferheilkunde), Sensengasse 2a, 1090 Wien. Steigenberger-Herrenhof The seminar – Bioceramics in Endodontics will take place at the Steigenberger Hotel Herrenhof, Herrengasse 10, 1010 Wien, which is located a few steps away from the main congress venue, the Palais Ferstel. REGISTRATION & INFORMATION Organisation: DI Clemens KEIL [email protected] FAX: +43 316 231123 4490 Dr. Christof Pertl Scientific committee: [email protected] Dr. Johannes Klimscha Scientific committee [email protected] Symposium Fee: Registration fee before September 15, 2014 Registration fee before November 15, 2014 Registration fee on site the congress venue Registration fee – young scientists (Abstracts) Registration fee – dental students Hands-On Workshop Endo-Circle (Friday) Seminar - Bioceramics in Endodontics (Friday) Dinner Party Feuerwehr-Wagner (Friday) Spopnsoring & Exhibition: Medizinische Ausstellungs- und Werbegesellschaft Maria Rodler & Co Ges.m.b.H. contact: Iris Bobal city office: Freyung 6, 1010 Wien / Vienna, Austria [p] +43/1/536 63-48, [f ] +43/1/535 60 16 [e] [email protected] [w] € 390 € 450 € 490 € 200 € 100 € 150 € 120 € 45 SPONSORS PLATIN SPONSORS GOLD SPONSORS SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS SPONSORS NOTES NOTES 1 LIGHT 2 CAMERA // DENTAL OPTICS MADE BY ZEISS Specia offer* l 3 ACTION Septem ber 15 – Decem ber 8, 2014 The moment you can see all the details and document them. Three ways – three choices for you! Visibility is the key to increasing the quality of treatment. ZEISS offers three convincing solutions for a new world of details: 1 EyeMag® Smart from ZEISS with EyeMag Light II** – for high detail recognition and a clear view of tiny structures. 2 S7 / OPMI PROergo ® and S100 / OPMI® pico from ZEISS – with a voucher for a SONY Alpha 7 camera to document and present high-quality still images. 3 ZEISS OPMI pico – with an integrated HD video camera to enable a better workfl ow in your daily work. Take advantage of these attractive offers and rely on a ZEISS surgical microscope to make all the details visible. * The full terms and conditions of participation are available at: ** a product of Schott AG
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