Come and See - North East of the Well

Come and See
John 4: 28-29
Winter 2012
Meet Melissa Marr
Melissa and her two children epitomize NorthEast of the Well’s vision – to be a Christ-centered community,
free from generational sin, witnessing to a broken world. In her own words, Melissa tells how NEW has
transformed their lives.
Before I met Christ, I was a mother
addicted to drugs and sex. I never thought
that I would be worth anything or be able
to have a good life. I grew up in dysfunction and chaos; it was my “normal.” I was
in and out of jail, motel to motel, boyfriend to boyfriend, just looking for something- anything- to take away the shame,
guilt, anger - all the pain that I held in my
In 2009, I entered recovery, for the second time, at Heritage House in Costa
Mesa. This time I had two children that I
had dragged along through my addiction.
In my heart I knew something needed to
change. I could not even look in the mirror
In recovery I found that change. God met
me exactly where I was, through the
women from NorthEast of the Well and
the Monday evening gatherings. They
spoke truth into my life, shared the gospel
with me, and showed me love I had never
felt before. They reminded me there was
nothing I could do right or wrong, to win
God’s love or chase him away. God’s love
was and always has been there for me. I
needed only to invite him into my heart.
That was the step that changed my life
forever. It brought restoration and healing
to my life. Since then, my kids and I have
the most amazing relationship with God. I
am so proud to watch my son freely share
what God’s love did for us.
ministry. No one has to be perfect; you
can just come as you are. I prayed for
change and God gave me so much more
than I could have ever imagined.
Today I am 2 ½ years sober, my kids are
on track and I am proud to be on staff and
leadership at NorthEast of the Well. As a
Peer Leader at Village of Hope, I am able
to help others like myself and point them
to NorthEast of the Well where we are
constantly poured into, encouraged, and
loved. God is doing amazing things in this
We hope you will invest in changed lives like those of Melissa and her children by pledging
your support to NorthEast of the Well.
Meet Melanie Bruechert
What began as a visit became an ongoing commitment. NorthEast of the Well (NEW) is dangerous that way. Melanie
Bruechert and three additional members of her small group came to NEW a year ago and now they cannot leave.
When Melanie and her small group first came to NEW they expected to find an opportunity to serve others. Imagine
their surprise when they discovered that what they received from this community was a chance to come, with their
own brokenness and need, to the Savior.
Melanie states, “I will never forget my first encounter with the NEW community. I expected to see people I might help
but God gave me a new vision. I saw a room full of future leaders and I wanted to be a part of this exciting work of God.
Another way, Melanie and her family support the ministry of NEW is to pledge. For the past year, Melanie, her husband
Chad and daughter Charlie Rose have been part of a faithful group of individuals and families who pledge monthly financial support to NEW. Why do they give? “Because we are ‘all –in,’ “says Melanie, “100% committed to what God is
doing in through this wonderful ministry.” Melanie says, “We give now because God is available now! He is at the well
now! We need him now. Come and see!” But beware, you too might find it hard to leave!
To learn more about how you can pledge to sustain NEW, please see the pledge card contained within this mailing.
Our Vision:
A Christ-centered community, free from generational sin, witnessing to a broken world.
NorthEast of the Well (NEW) is a Christ-centered, worshipping community whose mission is to provide
discipleship, encouragement, accountability and a network of resources that empower people to move from
lives of dependence to independence under Christ.
How Can I Serve?
Volunteer in the Children’s Ministry ~ Help fund or prepare meals ~ Provide a job or internship
Call 949-574-2272 or email [email protected]
Why Pledge?
We hope that you will partner with NorthEast of the Well by pledging. A generous and dependable base of
financial support will help NEW to plan responsible and strategic ministry. Whether you pledge $10 per
month or $10,000, every gift matters. We believe that God will bless your generosity to this powerful
ministry to “the least of these.
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine,
you did for me.’
Your Pledge of
$10 per month buys beverages for our Children’s Ministry for three weeks
$25 per month provides emergency bus passes or gas cards for 12 people
$50 per month sends three men to our annual retreat
$100 per month pays administrative costs for one week
Join us on Monday Nights
6 PM Fellowship Dinner & Children’s Ministry
6:45 Worship and Bible Study
St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
600 St Andrews Road, Newport Beach