ST. ANNE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY BASILIAN FATHERS ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON LA COMUNIDAD CATÓLICA DE SANTA ANA PADRES BASILIANOS ARQUIDIÓCESIS DE GALVESTON-HOUSTON We, the Catholic Community of St. Anne, aspire to follow the example of Jesus Christ. We foster holiness by encouraging each other on our journey of faith. We seek the kingdom of God as a Eucharistic community. We witness the presence of the living Christ by our profound hospitality, respect and love for all. Nosotros, la Comunidad Católica de Santa Ana, anhelamos seguir el ejemplo de Jesucristo. Engendramos la santidad alentándonos mutuamente en nuestro caminar de fe. Pretendemos como comunidad Eucarística buscar el Reino de Dios. Revelamos a Cristo vivo a través de una bienvenida calurosa, con respeto y con amor a todos. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER TERCER DOMINGO DE LA PASCUA “They were all incredulous with sheer joy…” Still, today, divided as we often are between doubt and belief, we find it difficult to recognize in faith the person of the One who lives in our midst. Yet we encounter him at Eucharist. We see him in the assembly gathered in his name. We hear him in the words of those who have borne witness to him in the scriptures. We know him once again in the breaking of the bread. We experience the power of his Spirit as we are sent out into the world to spread the good news from person to person. “Estaban todos incrédulos con puro gozo…” Todavía hoy, divididos como somos entre la duda y la creencia, nos resulta difícil reconocer con fe la persona de El que vive entre nosotros. Sin embargo lo encontramos en la Eucaristía. Lo vemos en la asamblea reunida en su nombre. Le escuchamos en las palabras de los que han dado su testimonio en las escrituras. Le conocemos una vez más al partir el pan. Experimentamos el poder de su espíritu cuando somos enviados al mundo para dar la buena noticia de persona a persona. ST. ANNE CHURCH / LA IGLESIA DE SANTA ANA 2140 Westheimer Rd. Houston, Texas 77098-1419 (713) 526-3276 Church office hours: 9 AM-noon, 1-5 PM Ministerio Hispano: Lun., Miér., Vier, 1-5 PM; Mar., Juev., 9-12, 1-5 ST. ANNE SCHOOL / LA ESCUELA DE SANTA ANA 2120 Westheimer Rd. Houston, Texas 77098-1419 (713) 526-3279 For more information / para mayor información: St. Anne Catholic Community PASTORAL MESSAGE La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana MENSAJE PASTORAL Who is Jesus for me? On our faith journey, each person develops personal images of Jesus. These images take shape through our life experiences, retreats, reading, liturgy and spiritual direction. Sometimes these images develop and change as we move on our faith journey with the Lord. Saint John Paul II often expressed these words; “Who is Jesus for me? Who is He really for my thoughts, for my heart, for my behavior? How do I speak about Him to others?” Jesus took on several titles throughout his life: “Jesus as carpenter,” “Prince of Peace,” “Jesus as Good Shepherd,” “Jesus my Lord.” The images complement each other; Jesus is one. What is your personal image of Jesus and has this changed over time? (Adapted from Msgr. Francis Kelly, “Discovering Jesus”.) ¿Quién es Jesús para mí? En nuestra jornada de fe, cada persona desarrolla imágenes personales de Jesús. Estas imágenes toman forma a través de nuestras experiencias de vida, retiros, leyendo, la liturgia y dirección espiritual. Algunas veces estas imágenes se desarrollan y se cambian a medida que continuamos en nuestro viaje con el Señor. San Juan Pablo II a menudo expresaba estas palabras: “¿Quién es Jesús para mí? ¿Quién es Él verdaderamente para mis pensamientos, para mi corazón, para mi comportamiento? ¿Cómo hablo de Él a los demás?” Jesús se puso varios títulos a lo largo de su vida: “Jesús como carpintero”, “Príncipe de la Paz”, “Jesús como el Buen Pastor”, “Jesús mi Señor”. Las imágenes se complementan entre sí; Jesús es uno. ¿Cuál es su imagen personal de Jesús, y ha cambiado esta con el tiempo? (Adaptada de Mons. Francis Kelly, “Discovering Jesus”.) STEWARDSHIP LA ADMINISTRACIÓN CRISTIANA To sign up for online giving, please go to the Faith Direct website: Our parish number is TX629. Para inscribirse a donar en línea, favor de ver al sitio de Faith Direct: Nuestro código es TX629. March 28-29 / 29 de marzo Year-to-Date / Este Año Number of Envelopes / No. de sobres 612 Number of Loose Checks / No. de cheques sueltos 115 Collection March 28-29 / Colecta del 29de marzo $ 37,266 $2,567,598 March 28-29 Budget / Presupuesto del 29 de marzo $ 49,000 $2,355,000 Over/Under Budget / Más de/menos del presupuesto $ (11,734) $ 212,598 March Needy Collection / Colecta de marzo para los necesitados $ 22,590 Catholic Relief Services / Servicios Católicos de Alivio $ 9,262 Mrs. Roberts’ Kindergarten Class of St. Anne School collected $14.35 for almsgiving during Lent. Thank you, students! Number of Envelopes / No. de sobres Number of Loose Checks / No. de cheques sueltos Collection April 4-5 / Colecta del 4-5 de abril April 4-5 Budget / Presupuesto del 4-5 de abril Over/Under Budget / Más de/menos del presupuesto April 4-5 / 4-5 de abril 856 169 $ 81,062 $ 124,000 $ (42,938) Year-to-Date / Este Año $2,648,660 $2,479,000 $ 169,660 April 18-1, 011 1, de arril de 011 IN THE PARISH FRIENDS OF ST. ANNE GOLF TOURNAMENT GOLF We play a team scramble format (best shot played until ball is holed) with adjustments for handicap index. We have prizes for the best team and if you get a hole in one on a certain hole, you may be driving off in a brand new Cadillac, courtesy of Stewart Cadillac or a golf vacation to Pebble Beach! Plus, we have great door prizes, including dinner at Churrasco’s or Chuy’s and Astros tickets! WHEN: Tuesday, April 28, 2015. We have a shotgun start at 1:00 PM. Come as early as 11:30, pick up your registration bags and details, get a few practice swings in, and grab a lunch. After your 18 holes, we will have dinner and awards. WHERE: Black Horse Golf Club, South Course, 12205 Fry Road, Cypress, TX. HOW: Go to support-st-anne/golf to register or call Dawn Martinez at (713) 526-3279. The course is $175/player and you can register a foursome or just yourself. THE HANDBELL CHOIR IS LOOKING FOR YOU! Come and join the handbell choir at rehearsals on Monday nights from 7-8:30 and Sundays at the 9 AM Mass. No ringing experience required but you must be able to read music. For more information please contact Matthew McCue at [email protected] or (713) 525-4211. EN LA PARROQUIA MARRIED & ENGAGED COUPLES “I take you to be my [spouse]…till death do us part.” This holy pledge promises a love that is like the love of God – free, faithful, fruitful, and total, forever. The intimate love that we promise at the wedding remains holy if practiced under the guidance of God’s plan. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING offers a means of keeping love holy. A three-class series begins Sunday, April 26 at 2:00 PM at St. Anne. Each class lasts about two hours. For information, contact Lou and Jeanne Curcio by email at [email protected] or by phone at (713) 263-7914. LORD TEACH ME TO PRAY Deepen Your Prayer Life; Help Others Do The Same! Are you a woman or man of prayer? Are you comfortable working with small groups? May 15-16, Holy Rosary Catholic Church will host a Facilitator Training-Retreat for the “Lord Teach Me To Pray” prayer series. There is no charge for the training itself or the materials. It will be conducted in a retreat setting and discernment atmosphere. Come & discern if God is calling you to become a facilitator! Or, if you are simply interested in finding out more about Ignatian Prayer and the “Lord, Teach Me To Pray” (LTMTP) prayer series, you are also invited! For info and registration: Carol Weiler, (504) 439-5933 or [email protected] or go to HOLINESS is a challenge for all of us, whatever our specific vocations. We are called to be holy in all aspects of our lives. This is an ongoing process, often slowed by setbacks. When the saints were alive, they did not regard themselves as saints; rather, they knew they were sinners — and they strived to be saints. The process of becoming holy is, even for saints, filled with struggle. Know you are a sinner; strive to be a saint. LA SANTIDAD es un desafío para todos nosotros, cualquiera que sean nuestras vocaciones específicas. Somos llamados para ser santos en todo aspecto de nuestras vidas. Este es un proceso continuo, a menudo desacelerado por adversidades. Cuando vivían los santos, no se considerarían como santos; al contrario, sabían que eran pecadores— y ellos se esforzaron a ser santos. El proceso de llegar a ser santo es, aun para los santos, lleno de lucha. Sabes que eres un pecador; lucha para ser un santo. Check This Out… Earth Day is this Wednesday, April 22, and Pope Francis spoke out earlier this year on our relationship with our planet and the environment as Christians. “As stewards of God’s creation, we are called to make the earth a beautiful garden for the human family.” For more on the Church’s position about the environment: renewing-the-earth.cfm . PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: POR FAVOR ALIENTE NUESTRO PATROCINADOR DE LA SEMANA: J. peter creasey Crehan Company Realtors For more parish news, go to (713) 520-0270 St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana IN FOCUS ENFOQUE Sacrament of Confirmation April 27, 2015, 7:00 PM Celebrant: His Eminence Daniel Cardinal DiNardo This year Cardinal DiNardo will be coming to Saint Anne to confirm around 55 high school students and 30 adults. We welcome him to our parish. Please keep our confirmation candidates in your prayers as they near this final sacrament of initiation. Family Life—May 3 Every first Sunday of the month (May 3, June 7, etc.) 5:00 – Mass in the Church 6:15 – Dinner in St. Basil Hall 6:45 – Parent Life (Adults) Life Teen (High School) Deep (Middle School) Games/Nursery (younger) 8:00 – End Free and open to all families! PARENT LIFE—May 3 Fr. Anthony Wieck, S.J. will speak on Discernment: How can we help our children discern their purpose in life, where they will be most happy? What are the practical steps toward this end? What does the spirituality of our Holy Father have to offer in this regard? CONTACT: Monica Aquila/[email protected] / 713-525-4223 or Natalie Mendieta/[email protected] / 713-525-4231 READINGS FOR THIS WEEK LECTURAS PARA LA SEMANA Monday Lunes NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS Acts 6:8-15; Jn 6:22-29 Hch 6:8-15; Jn 6:22-29 Acts 4: 8-12 Tuesday Martes 1 John 3: 1-2 Acts 7:51—8:1a; Jn 6:30-35 Hch 7:51—8:1a; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday Miércoles John 10: 11-18 Acts 8:1b-8; Jn 6:35-40 Hch 8:1b-8; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday Jueves LECTURAS DEL PROXIMO Acts 8:26-40; Jn 6:44-51 Hch 8:26-40; Jn 6:44-51 DOMINGO Friday Viernes Hechos 4: 8-12 Acts 9:1-20; Jn 6:52-59 Hch 9:1-20; Jn 6:52-59 1 Juan 3: 1-2 Saturday Sábado 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Mk 16:15-20 1 Pd 5:5b-14; Mc 16:15-20 Juan 10: 11-18 April 18-1, 011 1, de arril de 011 CALENDAR OF EVENTS A.M. Masses Babysitting Nursery, Parish Center 9:00 am School Liturgy BOW for RCIA Dismissal during Mass 10:00 am Coffee & Donuts St. Basil Hall 11:30 am Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 12:30 pm SAYA Sports Playing Fields 2:00 pm RICA La Casita 5:30 pm Ensayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 6:00 pm SAYA Bible Study St. Anthony Room 6:30 am Men’s Sunrise Bible Study St. Christopher Room 5:30 pm Ensayo de Serafines / Padres Salón St. David / St. Paul 5:35 pm Tai Chi St. Anthony Room 7-9 pm FTCM Class Semester 2 St. Christopher Room 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal St. David Music Room Middle School CCE/EDGE St. John Bosco Room 5:45 pm Overeaters Anonymous St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm Taller de Oración y Vida Salón St. John Bosco Taller para Jóvenes Salón St. Joseph 7:00 pm Meditation St. Elizabeth Room 9:30 am Moms & Tots St. Elizabeth Room 6:45 pm Lectio Divina St. Teresa Room 7:00 pm Adult Choir Practice St. David Music Room HS Confirmation Class Various Locations Confirmation Prayer Sponsors St. Teresa Room CALENDARIO DE EVENTOS 7:30 pm Misa Templo SAYA Catholicism Series St. Joseph Room 9:00 am Altar Society Sewing St. Teresa Room 10:15 am Moms’ Spiritual Discussion St. Anthony Room 6:30 pm RCIA St. Christopher Room 6:30-8:30 pm Curso de Biblia Salón St. John Bosco 7:00 pm SAYA Basketball Gym SAYA Praise & Worship Church School International Day 9:00 am Catecismo en Comunidad B Salón San Basilio 9-12 Entrenamiento de Monaguillos Templo 2:00 pm SAYA Basketball Gym 4:00 pm St. Anne School Classes of ‘75, ‘76, ‘77 Reunion St. Basil Hall 8:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous St. Christopher Room A.M. Masses Babysitting Nursery, Parish Center All Masses Food Drive for Needy Church Foyer 9:00 am BOW for RCIA /CCE Dismissal during Mass 10:15 am CCE Classes Various Locations 11:30 amEnsayo del Coro Salón de Música St. David 12:00 pm SAYA Meet, Greet & Eat St. Teresa Room 12:30 pm SAYA Sports Playing Fields 2:00 pm NFP Class 1 St. Christopher Room To view the entire monthly calendar, go to, then click on “St. Anne Calendar.” St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana SACRAMENTS SACRAMENTOS SACRAMENTS SACRAMENTOS BAPTISM BAUTISMOS ANOINTING OF THE SICK UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS Parents are required to take a class. To register for this mandatory class please contact the Religious Education Office. If you are a registered member of St. Anne and have taken a baptism class in the past three years, contact Gwen to schedule a baptism date. The next baptism classes are March 28 and May 30. Para miembros inscritos. Se requiere tomar un curso de preparación. Deben registrarse mínimo un mes antes de la clase y después ya puede elegir la fecha del Bautismo. Para más información y fechas, favor de llamar a la oficina de Ministerio Hispano. First Saturday of the month after 8:15 AM Mass, or call the office. Primer viernes del mes en la misa de 7:30 PM o cuando se solicite llamando a la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano, ext. 4277. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK FAVOR DE REZAR POR LOS ENFERMOS Our ill family and friends written in our Book of Prayers: Nuestros queridos enfermos inscritos en el Libro de Oraciones: PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SOULS OF: FAVOR DE REZAR POR LAS ALMAS DE: BAPTISMS AT ST. ANNE BAUTISMOS EN STA. ANA Congratulations to the following infants, who were welcomed into our faith community this month through the sacrament of baptism: Felicidades a los siguientes bebés que les fue dada la bienvenida a nuestra comunidad de fe este mes a través del sacramento del bautismo: Lucia Carmona Parents / Padres: Emigdio Carmona & Gabriela Fernández Sofía Anabel González Parents / Padres: Martin González & Beatrice Castro Iker Santiago Zapata Parents / Padres: Erik &Gabriela Zapata Congratulations also to the following people, who received the sacraments of baptism, first Eucharist, and confirmation at the Spanish Mass on Easter Sunday: Felicidades también a las siguientes personas, que recibieron los sacramentos de bautismo, primera Eucaristía y confirmación en la misa en español el Domingo de la Pascua: Alejandra Carmona Andrew Santiago Izoc Lorena Tania Mendoza Cecilia Navarrete Jan Ellingson; Jimmy Hoffpauer; Carl Van Ness; our deceased family and friends written in the Book of Prayers. Nuestros familiares y amistades difuntos que están inscritos en nuestro Libro de Oraciones. RECONCILIATION CONFESIONES Monday and Friday: 11:30-11:50 am; Saturday: 4:15-5:15 pm. Los sábados a las 4:15 PM THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE EL SACRAMENTO DE MATRIMONIO The sacrament of marriage at St. Anne Church is reserved for Catholics who are registered, attending, supporting members of St. Anne Parish and live in the parish boundaries. Those not living in the boundaries must be registered, attending, and supporting the parish for at least six months before securing a wedding date. Call the church office. El sacramento del matrimonio en la Iglesia Santa Ana está reservado para Católicos que están inscritos como miembros, asistiendo, apoyando/contribuyendo a la parroquia y que viven dentro del área de la parroquia. Personas que no viven dentro del área deben de estar inscritos, asistiendo y apoyando/contribuyendo a la parroquia por un mínimo de seis meses antes de iniciar el proceso. Llame a la Oficina del Ministerio Hispano. REGISTRATIONS INSCRIPCIONES If you are new to the parish, we would like for you to be a registered member of St. Anne Church. The next membership meeting is Sunday, May 3, after 9 AM or 5 PM Mass, in the St. Joseph Room in the Parish Center. People 18+ should register on their own. Students away at college or university should register there. You must be a registered member in order to be married in this church, to obtain a letter to be a sponsor for a sacrament or to have your child baptized or enrolled in CCE. Si usted es nuevo en la parroquia o no se ha inscrito como miembro, le recomendamos se inscriba a la parroquia. La siguiente reunión para inscribirse será el domingo 3 de mayo después de la misa de 12:45 en el Salón St. Joseph y después de la misa de 7:00 en el templo. Ser miembro inscrito en Sta. Ana es un requisito cuando solicitan algún sacramento como bautismo o matrimonio, para clases de educación religiosa, o una quinceañera. Todo joven mayor de 18 años debe inscribirse individualmente. April 18-1, 011 1, de arril de 011 STAFF DIRECTORY MASSES MISAS Sunday / Domingo 7:30 AM • 9 AM • 11 AM • 5 PM Español: 12:45 PM y 7 PM Weekdays / Entre semana Monday—Friday 7:00 AM • 12 noon Español: Miércoles: 7:30 PM y Viernes Primero: 7:30 PM Saturday / Sábado 8:15 AM • 5:30 PM (Sunday Vigil) Holy Days / Días de Obligación See bulletin; Vea el boletín INTENTIONS INTENCIONES April 18-25, 2015 Sat/Sáb 5:30 Patricia Foley Sun/Dom 7:30 Pat Vigil 9:00 Int. All Parishioners 11:00 Francesco Spagnoletti 12:45 Teresa de Calderón 5:00 Faithful Departed 7:00 Gloria Aguilar González Mon/Lun 7:00 Ida Epstein 12:00 Int. Anne Daly Tue/Mar 7:00 Charles Zontini Lambert 12:00 Coleman Family Wed/Miér 7:00 Int. George & Lynn Kapacinskas 12:00 John Cook 7:30 Emy María Tapia , Justino Reyes Thurs/Jue 7:00 Valente Domingez 12:00 Gloria Zuniga Fri/Vier 7:00 Pam Heilig & Family 12:00 Mary Sady Sat/Sáb 8:15 Azaria 5:30 Faithful Departed = deceased/ difunto Int. = Intentions of / Intenciones de DIRECTORIO DEL PERSONAL Church Office (713) 526-3276 Fax (713) 525-4365 Email: [email protected] Website: PARISH STAFF Fr. Alvin A. Sinasac, C.S.B., Pastor Fr. Jay F. Walsh, C.S.B. Fr. René Espejel, C.S.B. Deacon Jean-Paul Budinger LAY PASTORAL STAFF DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND LITURGY Jim Ross x4232 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Matthew McCue x4211 DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Cary Ann Nunn x4234 CHILDREN’S RELIGIOUS ED COORDINATOR OF YOUTH MINISTRY MINISTRY TO SENIORS PASTORAL ASSISTANT / MARRIAGE PREP SPIRITUAL DIRECTION Isabel Van Strien x4273 Monica Aquila x4223 Betty Boatman, [email protected] Joan O’Leary x4254 Mary Singleton x4291 MINISTERIO HISPANO (713) 525-4390 Fax (713) 525-4359 VICARIO PARROQUIAL Padre René Espejel, C.S.B. COORD. DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO Sylvia Salinas x4247 FORMACIÓN Y EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Sylvia Salinas x4247 COORDINADORA DE MÚSICA SECRETARIA Beatrice García x4248 Patricia Herrera x4277 OFFICE STAFF ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTANT PART-TIME OFFERTORY ASSISTANT ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT PARISH SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST WEBMASTER MANAGER OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS RELIGIOUS ED ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Paulette Golden x4239 Jerry Aucoin x4297 María Lourdes Lopez x4253 Rosemary Morgan x4272 Gwen Rossel x4256 Brenda Esparza Isabel Saucedo [email protected] Jerome Baumeister x4269 Madison Woods-Bernardine x4235 ST. ANNE SCHOOL 2120 Westheimer Rd., Houston, TX 77098 (713) 526-3279 Fax (713) 526-8025 Email: [email protected] PRINCIPAL Kathleen A. Barnosky ST. ANNE SCHOOL FOUNDATION (713) 525-4301 Fax (832) 553-1008 Email: [email protected] DIRECTOR Sharon Current x4301 BULLETIN DEADLINE IS 12 NOON ON MONDAY IN GWEN ROSSEL’S OFFICE OR BY EMAIL TO: [email protected]. Favor de entregar anuncios para este boletín a la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano antes de mediodía el lunes. St. Anne Catholic Community La Comunidad Católica de Sta. Ana ST. ANNE SCHOOL NEWS STEM Students Try Their Hand at Coding The Shamrock STEM Club is no stranger to designing projects and entering them into contests. The STEM Club stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math and is a group of sixth, seventh and eighth grade girls who come together after school on Fridays to learn new skills in these exciting fields. Under the guidance of Science teacher and engineer, Mrs. Francine Keusenkothen, the girls have expanded their horizons into the many opportunities that STEM fields create. Most recently, four Shamrock STEM Club students designed, coded and submitted their own video games for the 2014-2015 National STEM Video Game NOTICIAS DE LA ESCUELA SANTA ANA Challenge sponsored by The Smithsonian in partnership with the Joan Ganz Cooney Center and E-Line Media. The goal of the competition is to “motivate interest in STEM learning among America’s youth by tapping into students’ natural passion for playing and making video games”, according to the Challenge’s website. The students used Scratch as their game making platform. Scratch is a programming language developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. As students “create and share Scratch projects, they learn important mathematical and computational ideas, while also learning to think creatively, reason systematically, and work collaboratively.” In Rohini Chahal’s Happy Math Hippo students are challenged by a winged hippo to use mental math to solve addition, subtraction multiplication and division problems. projects/46900214 Lily Hoefner’s Perfect Square Crab helps students practice identifying perfect squares by catching them as they drop from above. projects/54774024 In Sophie Hoefner’s Fred the Math dragon, players solve math problems to help Fred get back to his castle. https:// Kate Mischlich’s Hungry Penguin game helps preschool students practice spatial and keyboard skills to move a penguin through simple mazes to get to a doughnut. projects/52182888/ The links let you try the games. Click “See inside” to get a look at the great coding these students did to create their games! Thank you to Francine Keusenkothen, who wrote this week’s article! ST. ANNE’S YOUNG ADULTS GROUP –SAYA GRUPO DE STA. ANA DE JÓVENES ADULTOS Pictured above are members of the St. Anne Young Adults’ Kickball League. This league raised $800 for scholarships for St. Anne Catholic School students. Pictured to the right is the SAYA team who took the Kickball League’s championship. Congratulations to SAYA and all of their kickball teams! SAYA is a group of single and married young adults who are members of St. Anne. There are social and spiritual activities, as well as sports and much more. For more information on SAYA, please email: [email protected]. April 18-1, 011 1, de arril de 011 FAITH FORMATION CHILDREN April & May CCE Class Dates: Apr il 26, May 3 (Last Class) VBS—Vacation Bible School—WE NEED YOU! June 15-19 Registrations are available online for Prek3-5th grade participants, as well as teen and adult volunteers! Contact: Isabel van Strien for more info / (713) 525-4273 / [email protected] YOUTH Middle School Girls Retreat Two-Day Retreat—May 8: 5 PM-9 PM & May 9: 9 AM-9 PM We would love you to join us. Open to any 6th-8th grade girls. Registration paperwork is available online or in the parish religious education office. Archdiocesan Youth Conference July 31-Aug 2 All incoming 9th-outgoing 12th grade students are invited to join us for AYC with 2500 teens from the Archdiocese. It is a weekend at the George R Brown and Hilton Hotel downtown, filled with international speakers, breakouts, games, music, food, laughs, and fun. Registration is online or at the parish religious education office. Fee is $225. Jr. High Day Camp 2015 July 6-10, 2015, 9 AM-4 PM daily A week of faith and fun including trips to Lazer Tag, Splashtown Water Park, retreat time, games, prayer, and much more! Fee is $225 for the week. Registration is available online or at the religious education office. High School Staff application is also available Contact: Monica Aquila / [email protected] / 713-525-4223 or Natalie Mendieta / [email protected] / 713-525-4231 ADULT ACTS Retreat We are working to bring the ACTS Retreats to Saint Anne! An ACTS Retreat is a three-day and three-night Catholic lay retreat presented by fellow parishioners. Talks and activities focus on Adoration, Community, Theology, and Service, from which the ACTS acronym is derived. Testimony of one ACTS retreatant: “ACTS gave me, it strengthened my relationship with God and it allowed me to go back into parish life and serve my brothers and sisters. ACTS was a big, beautiful door to my present active life in various ministries within the parish. Thank God for these ACTS retreats that infuses life in parishes!” In order to be able to offer the retreat for the parish, a team from the parish has to be formed. The team is made up of people who have attended an ACTS Retreat. If you are interested please contact Dan Persha, 713-802-6145, [email protected] or Natalie Mendieta, 713 525 4231, [email protected]. Adult Education Opportunities Would you like to learn more about our Catholic faith? Have you ever wished you had more solid answers to give about topics of our Catholic faith to your family and friends? The Religious Education Office wants to offer a number of opportunities in the coming months. Three studies for adults are being prepared for you. Endow (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) is a Catholic study program that engages the intellect of women and teenage girls to help them understand their God-given dignity and response to our culture’s desperate need for an authentic feminine presence to transforms every aspect of life and society for Women. Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained from the Augustine Institute opens up the big picture of the Catholic faith in a way that helps know it, live it and articulate it to others. Catholicism Series by Rev. Robert Barron is a journey around the world and deep into the faith. Details on each study will be featured in the coming weeks. Each study is in need of volunteers to assist. If you are interested in learning more about these studies, contact Cary Ann Nunn, Director of Religious Education: 713 525 4234 or [email protected].
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