A warm and friendly community to worship with. The Parish Community of St. Anne 2328 East Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19125 Episcopal Region 4 ~ Deanery 12 ~ Pastoral Planning Area 570 Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap A Prayer for our Saint Anner, Bishop James Paul McCloskey God our Father, we thank You for giving Your Church, a great missionary, pastor and founder of the first Carmel in the Philippines, Bishop James Paul McCloskey. Grant us the Grace to imitate his deep life of prayer, humility, selfsacrifice, charity and zeal for the salvation of humanity. We humbly ask you, Father to raise him to the altars so that through him also You may be glorified. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. In thanks for the meaningful lease for our building Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for Sunday catholicphilly.com/category/archbishop-chaput/ weekly-message-from-archbishop-chaput/ Most Rev. Michael J. Fitzgerald, Regional Bishop Reverend Thomas Higgins, Dean Pastoral Team Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Kelley, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Edward E. Brady, Pastor Rev. Jim Dalton, OSFS Rev. William Nessel, OSFS Mrs. Joanne McGuire, B.M. Mr. Dennis Corkery, D.R.E. Mr. Nick Pignataro, Music Director Honorary Deacon Chaplains to Saint Anne Tom McGovern, John Gallagher, Paul McBlain, Joe Micucci, Jack Boyle, Charlie Lindsay, John Ellis Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30 AM, 10:30 AM Team Saint Anne ~ Philadelphia, PA -----------------------------------------------------------Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick % %" See one of the priests ! ! $ after any Sunday Mass in the Sacristy. -----------------------------------------------------------Weekday Mass at Saint Anne’s !%' Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 6:30 AM Weekday Mass at Mother of Divine Grace Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Friday Saturday at 8:00 AM )!%' " $ ! % %! ———————————————————————— Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, and Sacramental Confession Saturdays: 4:00 PM to 4:45 PM &! % ' %!! %%! -----------------------------------------------------Holy Day Mass Schedule Dynamic Parish Leadership since July 4, 1845 Vigil / Evening before: 7:00 PM The Day of: 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM www.facebook.com/pages/ St-Annes-Parish/291442530919377 February 1, 2015 Rectory: 215.739.4590 Like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Annes-Parish/291442530919377 Page 1-154 A warm and friendly community to worship with. Intentions for the week February 1 Monday: 6:30 AM: Cloeren Parents requested by Father Brady Tuesday: 6:30 AM: Raymond McCabe Jr. requested by Sharon - Clark Mueller Wednesday: 6:30 AM: Florence Fair & Helen Seitz requested by Family Thursday: 6:30 AM: Saint Anne Guild requested by Saint Anne Guild A Spiritual Thought For The Week. Married Couple's Prayer Dear Heavenly Father, Thank you for this life, for the gift of love, and the blessing of our marriage. We give you praise for the joy you've poured into our hearts through this love, for the contentment of family, and the happiness of our home. May we always treasure the experience of loving each other in this holy union. Help us to remain forever committed to our vows, those we made to each other, and to you, Lord. We will need your strength daily Lord, as we live together with the goal of following and serving you. Develop within is us the character of your Son, Jesus, that we might love each other with the love he demonstrated—with patience, respect, understanding, honesty, forgiveness and kindness. Let us always be a support to one another—a friend to listen and encourage, a refuge from the storm, and most importantly, a warrior in prayer. Holyy Spirit, p ,g guide us through g the difficult moments Be sure to pray for our benefactors: of life and comfort us in our grief. May our lives together bring glory to you, our Savior, and testify of your love. In Jesus Name we pray, Amen. Rev. Edward E. Brady Save the Date: Blessing of Throats at Sunday Mass January 31st / Feb. 1st Rectory Office Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: ay: 10:00 am to 4:30 pm. Friday and Saturday: By Appointmentt Welcome to our Newest Member(s) Tierney Christy, Gabriella Weaver, Jack Trahey, Vanessa Kelly, Matthew Asto Flame of Love Spirituality Conference February 14 / 9:00 am Lower Church Blessing of Couples at Sunday Mass February 14th and 15th First Penance February 21st at 10:00 am All Class Reunion March 7th at Social Hall 6:00 pm Like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Annes-Parish/291442530919377 acebook.com//pages/St-Annes-Parish/291442530919377 Page 2-154 A warm and friendly community to worship with. Parish Pastoral Council: 2015 ~ 2016 Elected Ms. Anne McKenna Ms. Jean Post Mrs. Ursula Wagner Newly Elected Mary Fran Greene Mike Dugan Bill Stahl Ex-Officio Rev. Edward Brady (Pastor) Joanne McGuire (Finance Council Rep.) Dennis Corkery (D.R.E).) Jim Galasso (Youth Ministry) Nick Pignataro (Liturgy Committee) Bill and Kate Ralston (Outreach Ministry) Mrs. Betty Omietanski (St. Anne Guild) Mr. Ken Milano (Saint Anne Historical Committee) By Appointment Mrs. Theresa Casey Mr. Mike Prato Mrs. Marianne Yeager Committees P.R.E.P. Dennis Corkery Peggy Weinman Bob Weinman Liturgy Nick Pignataro Dennis Corkery Fae Bermudez Dan Bermudez Jerry Doyle Anne McLaughlin Loretto Riley Karen Wellein Joe Wellein Marianne Yeager Bishop James Paul McCloskey Ken Milano Marianne Yeager Outreach Kate Ralston Bill Ralston Ed Matthews John Matthews Development Jim Galasso Joanne McGuire Historical Committee Sean Doyle Louis. Ferrero, Claire. Gardiner Thomas. Lyons, Ken. Milano Russell W. Wylie Guild Betty Omietanski Mary Byrnes Rose Cole Eleanor Craig, Dolores Deissler Joanne Hamill Thomas Lawlor Grace Miller Youth Jim Galasso PREP Staff Liturgy Staff Self-Study Tom Anderson Anne McKenna Ken Milano Jean Post Ursula Wagner Pay down the debt Anticipated Debt June 2015: $ 43,749.16 Current Debt: $ 312,239.47 January Contributions: 926.32 $ 311,313.15 Current Debt: are the best! Saint Anners Thank you for remembering Saint Anne’s between your electric and water bills! Like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Annes-Parish/291442530919377 Page 3-154 A warm and friendly community to worship with. % %" ! ! $ !%' )!%' " $ %! &! %!! %%! ! % % ' FLAME OF LOVE MOVEMENT INTRODUCTORY CONFERENCE PLACE: ST. ANNE CHURCH E. LEHIGH AND MEMPHIS ST. 2328 E. LEHIGH ST. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19125 DATE: SATURDAY MORNING – FEBRUARY 14, 2015 SCHEDULE: 8:30AM WELCOME & REFRESHMENTS 9:00AM HISTORY OF THE FLAME OF LOVE 9:45AM THE WONDERFUL DIARY 10:30AM THE PHILADELPHIA FLAME OF LOVE MOVEMENT 11:15AM MASS 12:30PM CLOSING NO COST – BUT PLEASE LET US KNOW THAT YOU PLAN TO COME. CALL 267-353-5276 Like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Annes-Parish/291442530919377 tt Page 4-154 A warm and friendly community to worship with. Baptisms: 10:00 am in the Lower Church: February 7 / March 21 Parents must register in advance by calling the rectory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pre-Jordan: 7:00 pm in the Lower Church: February 3 / March 10 Karen Wellein Joe Wellein Please contact Ed Matthews 215--634-1799 Sunday d Bingo i Doors Open 4:00 PM Bingo begins 6:00 PM John Matthews 215-425-2212 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dennis Corkery, D.R.E. Terry Ringenary Kellyanne White Peggy Weinman Bob Weinman Anne Dugan Mike Dugan Nick Pignataro C Communion i for the Homebound Our Eucharistic Ministers, will come out on a regular basis. Saint Anne’s Casino Trip Schedule, February 5, 2015 For reservations, call: Anne McGovern – 215-425-5573 or Joe Welte – 215-657-3915 * Many thanks from Operation Santa Claus for all your help. * The Development Committee has recommended to the Pastor for the weekly collections to be published along with what is needed to cover the weekly costs of sustaining Saint Anne in the neighborhood. Weekly collection needed to cover Saint Anne: $5,400.00 1/25/2015 collection: $3,333.50 1/26/2014 collection: $2,177.00 Envelopes mailed out for 1/12/15: 699 Envelopes received back for 1/12/15: 156 Like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Annes-Parish/291442530919377 Page 5-154 A warm and friendly community to worship with. Like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Annes-Parish/291442530919377 Page 6-154 A warm and friendly community to worship with. Saint Anne Guild Enrollment The Saint Anne Guild prays the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm, before the start of the Saint Anne Novena. The Rosary is prayed for all Guild Members, and the intentions of all present. If you would like to do so, please come early and join us. Perpetual - $50.00 (For Deceased Only) Annual - $10.00 (For Living or Deceased) Spiritual Cards - $3.00 The Bells of Saint Anne Parish Our bells have returned to remind us to pray the Angelus each day. When the bells are rung at 12 Noon and 6:00 PM the Angelus is prayed during the time that they are ringing. V. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Ma Mary, ary r , R. And she conceived eived of the Holy Spirit.. Hail Mary, full off grace. grace. Our Lord is with thee. thee. Blessed art thou among amon ng n gw women, om men, een n, and blessed is the he fruitt of of thy th th hyy womb, womb wo mb, Je J Jesu Jesus. esus. su us. s. Holy Mary, Mother God, her of G od , od pray for us sinners, ers, now and at the hourr o our death. off o ur d ur eath ea t . th Amen. V. Behold the handmaid hand dma maid id of of the the Lord. th Lo L or ord rd d. R. Be it done e unto un nto o me me according acco ac cord r in i g to Your W Word. Wo or ord rd d. Hail Mary, full off grace. grace.. Our Lord is with thee. thee. Blessed art thou among wom women, om men en, en, and blessed is the he fruit of thy womb, womb wo womb b, Je Jes Jesus. sus. su s. Holy Mary, Mother her of God, God, pray for us sinners, ers, now and at the hour of our death death. th h. Amen. V. And the Word was w made flesh, R. And dwelt among us. Hail Ha ail i Mary, full of gr grace. Ou Our ur Lo L Lord rd d iiss wi w with th the thee. Blessed B Bl essseed art es esse art th ar tthou hou o among am women, and an a nd b bl blessed les esse sed is is the the fruit fr of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother H Ho olyy M arry, y, M other of God, ot pray p pr ray ay for for or us us sinners, sinn si nners, now hour n no ow an and a and att tthe he h he ho our of our death. Amen. Am A men meen n. V.. Pray V Pr ra ay for for us, fo us, O h holy o Mother of God. R.. That R Tha hat we hat we may may y be b made worthy off the o th he e promises promi ro om miis of Christ. Let Le L et us us pray: prra ay: y: Pour P Po our ur fforth, orth or h, we w beseech besee You, O Lord, Your Grace You Yo our ur G ra ace ce into iint nto our hearts; nt tthat th hat we we to to whom wh w hom the th Incarnation of Christ, Son yyour yo urr S on o n was was made known by tthe th he message me m ess ssage of an angel, a byy His so b so Hiis passion and H a cross may we em ay be brought to the glory ay His of H of is s Resurrection. Resurrection Through the same Christ, our Lord. Amen. Th T hrough hro ro o C Like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Annes-Parish/291442530919377 Page 7-154 A warm and friendly community to worship with. Divine Mercy: Carol Comly Pro-Life: Candy & Ron DiPetro Youth Ministry: Jim Galasso Sisters of St. Joseph Parish Services: Eleanor McGranahan Homebound: Kate & Bill Ralston Hospitality: Linda Verschelde Lighting: IBEW98 Aid for Friends: Ed & John Matthews CYO Football: Jim Galasso / Kieran McGovern Ushers: 5:00 pm Mike McKenna John Greene 7:30 am Joseph Sadowski Rich Sadowski 10:30 am Jerry Kaiser Parish Photographer: Tom Cawley First Half of our Fiscal Year 2014 ~ 2015 (July to December) Collection Income July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 October 2014 November 2014 December 2014 $25,456.28 $17,728.74 $18,670.04 $18,491.92 $21,332.50 $30,691.63 Expenses Deficit $53,674.38 $47,951.94 $39,670.95 $33,766.99 $32,767.63 $49,555.42 $28,218.10 $30,223.20 $21,000.91 $15,275.07 $11,435.13 $18,863.79 Deficit for this Half Year with regular collections only : Bingo Senior Center Rental Convent Rental Coach Bingo Stole Fees School Rental $125,016.20 Other Income $17,404.09 $16,500.00 $16,257.00 $2,997.00 $11,460.00 $8,437.50 Total Other Income ………………………………………………… $73,055.59 Total Current Deficit for this half year ………………………. $51,960.61 Average Deficit per month ………………………………………. $8,660.11 Like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Annes-Parish/291442530919377 Page 8-154 A warm and friendly community to worship with. x Have you read Pope Francis’ !" x #$%&'$((()#" x #*&$)%()#($" x )($(*$($*((&'+ #+#+,#$+--#./ through Valentine’s Day0%#.12 hear excerpts from Pope Francis’ “ .”*%*$ %$#“New Evangelization”$*(#Pope Francis’*$ 45*+*64 x 7,4,8#29,826%#:;.:,$“New Evangelization” she $$(4 x 7*&0*%#(#$-**+-<2 ($2+#2$)4 x 7&0’ words%#$%%#*( # x 72$22$$#$#*#% * +-<8-#=#4 x &+&0$&$ 5>)$8,&$./:?,42&[email protected].;?B4 5>,#$#./2:12?.20%#/$.12:;.CC>.C4(494 ->G(!I(4#(2#(%$#(% $$2,,$#2,,:.CG1:1G.?;;9)(%:.CG1;/G/1;: *=#4 JJJ,$%K-)#(%#2Men’s and Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, and ,47)#@&$B+-<)((4JJJ Like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Annes-Parish/291442530919377 Page 9-154 A warm and friendly community to worship with. Rev. Edward Brady Joanne McGuire Kieran McGovern John Rockey Marianne Yeager Betty Omientanski (Transitional Team) Bill Stahl Divine D ivine M Mercy ercy C Chaplet haplet Prayed P rayed oon nS Sundays undays after tthe he 110:30 0:30 aam mM ass after Mass (Transitional Team) Honoring our Fire Fighters, Police, and First Responders St. Anne Historical Committee is asking for any parishioners that had relatives who were fire fighters, police officers, or First Responders who were buried in St, Anne Cemetery to provide their names to us. We are planning to have a formal gathering to honor them in the near future. Please return this form in the collection basket. Your Full Name: ___________________ Your Phone: ______________________ Your family members names buried at St. Anne Cemetery and date of death: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Like us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/St-Annes-Parish/291442530919377 http://www tt facebook com/pages/St Annes Parish/291442530919377 Page 10-154 10 154 WASHINGTON Checking • Savings • Social Security Direct Deposit • IRA’s • CD’s • Money Markets Mortgages • Auto Loans • Personal Loans • Home Equity Loans Travelers Checks • Savings Bonds • Money Orders Hours of Operation M.-Th 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Fri. 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM Sat. 9:00 AM - 12:00 SAVINGS ASSOCIATION Serving The Community Since 1903 2701 E. 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