OFFICttp「 Tll13 DEPUTY INSPECIFOR GENERAL:SIISL旦 SF FEROZEPUR cP旦 J ' (塾 ′ ヽ0[NGG′ SllQ― FZR/・ I` ENDER/2014ノ lι 3ι -4ξ Q狐 堅理ユ _Wtti) Dated,the 6平 「eb'2014 鯉 型⊆■lNVITI` ⊆IttNttR) ノ the undcr:ncntionc(1 「 hc Executive Engincer(Elect)OfFTR HQ BSF PunJtt invitcs SCalCd lcm ratcs ICnderliDI vith Ra::ヽ vay.MES、 P& vork ol、 bchalf ol=President of india trom approVCd and appropriate class of contractors enlistcd、 、 1,CPWl)and Pulliab State PWD:― Estirnated Cost F雨 Earnest Monev l TⅢ e T面 Allowed I =1 i days I sool- 4,74,135/― Installation of 300 1ン PD Solar watcr heater at 高而雨 various locations in AOR of45,137,143&191 1面 1 Bn 3SF under SHQ BSF Ferozepur 上_ I-as1 date (五 ) Last date ofsale oftender Papers (lii) (iV) l9'h Feb'2014 upto 1800 Hrs of receipt of appkcations (i) 20ft Feb'2014 upto 1800 Hrs 2l't Feb'2014 upto i600 Hrs 21" Feb'2-014 at 1530 Hrs Last date and time of receipt of tenders Date ano time of oPening of tcnder above mentioned v;ork can hc.btaincd frt'rnr ten6cr docurnents along with terrns and conclitro.s f.r the fees;rt cash as nrentioned against work ( Non Acccunt,,cash Branch. sHQ BSF F" on poy*.n, o1 .rctrder for issue,f lcnder paper as shown abovc i, shape of Receipt r.cfundable) and arn'unt of Earncst Money ,rltt appii.ution -l'reasury challan/Demand Draft of any scheduled dank issued in favour of DICi SIIQ BSi: t'7-R' 02. .l.he certificate. Ili':r;tric l-icencc' prooti ot address' Applicants wili have to produce their valid Enlistnrent/R',:gistration identification. along with ihe applications for issue of tenders. 03. i.enders will be receivec by a Board of officers BSF FZR' {,pened at 1630 [lt's on the sanre date at SHQ ()4 will be next day in rhe tender box up to 1600 llrs on 2l'r I'he render proccedings 06. This notice can also be seen at website WWW'bst"nic'in 0¬ be dates if any Gazene Floliday talls on above-rncntit)ne(l l)5 t'eb'2(ll4' and will 1● Llt¬ (YK(lAUTAM) ¨崚 鵬鯖 聰 ‰ 鵠智 騨 ll [[「誂 器 「 ASSl 「 E` GINEIlk(ELllC′ Fヽ 0抒 n htt」 V出 l卜 07 lぜ i‰ ,FZR Cm■ Vigllance Cell.SHQ BSF FZR 08 10. E譜 則群:#讐 麟育彦 Account Branch.SIIQ BSIT'fZlく NOtiCe BOard )lolo,ving addressce througil′ ヽⅣlS ‖TilWillyS 零 :出 准 Dl::‖ F拙 発篇 薪 ぼ鮮 1翼 :F 田 FOR I)IG 13SF「 ZR(PUNJAB, mdupbadm h
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