St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church 116 Sixth Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11217-3596 Serving Park Slope, Prospect Heights and Boerum Hill since 1870 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Thomas W. Ahern, Pastor Mr. Joseph Bichotte, Deacon Sr. Ellen Glavey, Religious Education Coordinator Mr. Andrew Violette, Director of Music Mrs. Nilsa Peña, Parish Secretary Mr. Brendan Moloney, Coordinator of Youth Ministry Rev. Agnelo Pinto, In Residence Rev. Charles P. Keeney, In Residence Msgr. Robert Harris, in Residence OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM Monday to Thursday 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Friday: No evening hours Saturday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Sunday: 9:30 AM to 2:00 PM Appointments appreciated Rectory Office 718-783-3132 MASSES: Saturday: Sunday: 5:00 PM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 NOON 1:30 PM WEEKDAYS: St. Monica Hall Sterling Place E-mail [email protected] (English) (English) (Spanish) (English) (Haitian) 9:00 AM (English) Wednesday 7:30 PM (Spanish) HOLY DAYS: As announced HOLY HOUR OF EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: First Friday of each month, check for time. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: Speak to a staff person about the process of becoming a Catholic and/or receiving Eucharist and Confirmation. RECONCILIATION: Confessions heard Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 PM or by appointment. BAPTISM: Parents should call at least two months in advance for preparation dates. MATRIMONY: Couples should meet with a priest or deacon at least six months in advance. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: By request. COMMUNION OF THE SICK: Please call to arrange communion for the sick, homebound, or hospitalized. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Sunday morning - English and Spanish. ST FRANCIS XAVIER CATHOLIC ACADEMY: Phone number: 718-857-2559; Fax 718-638-4669 Visit our Website Page 2 St. Augustine R.C. Church Mass Intentions for the Week Sunday, April 19 5:00 +Thomas Rooney (St. Augustine Staff) 9:00 +Marguerite Elskoe (Deborah Hurd) 10:30 +Evaristo Jimenez - Birthday (Filomena Jimenez) 12:00 +William McMaster (Frank Castelluccio) 1:30 Monday, April 20 9:00 +Beatriz Rodriguez (Her Daughters) Tuesday, April 21 9:00 +Georgette Pierre (Pierre & Longchamp Families) Wednesday, April 22 9:00 +Helen Denega Sullivan - 1st Anniversary (Kitty Denega) 7:30 +Elisa Garrastegui (Manuel Garrastegui) Thursday, April 23 9:00 Bob Andreassen - Gift of Life (Manuel Garrastegui) Friday, April 24 9:00 +Winnie Dooney Saturday, April 25 9:00 In honor of all saints (Claudette Eugene) 5:00 +Lydia Vazquez (Arlene Greene & Family) Sunday, April 26 9:00 +Blanca & Beatriz Rodriguez (Nilsa Peña) 10:30 +Jose Batista (Batista Family) 12:00 +Victoria Flores (Carmen Cintrón) 1:30 Vocation Committee Meeting… Wednesday, April 22 at 6:30 p.m. in the rectory. THE 2015 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL Share the Joy of the Gospel If you did not get a commitment envelope, please pick one up today for this year’s Annual Catholic Appeal. I am encouraging everyone to take part in this program, especially at this time because St. Augustine Church can benefit significantly from your support and serve literally hundreds in need through our vast network of programs and services. Please join me in making this a successful appeal by making your pledge today. Our goal this year remains $37,584.00. Please help us reach our goal Monday, April 20 - 7:30 p.m. St. Francis of Assisi: What Does a Medieval Saint Have to Say to the 21st Century? A presentation by Fr. Solanus Benfatti, CFR, author of The Five Wounds of St. Francis. The Sacrament of Confirmation for Adults… will be celebrated here on Pentecost Sunday, May 24 at the 12 noon Mass, for adults who are already baptized and have received their First Communion. Those planning to marry in the church and are not confirmed should prepare now. You will need to bring a copy of your baptismal certificate or begin the process of obtaining one. Young adults who are confirmed but are returning to the church or desire an update are welcome as well since this program will cover the major areas of Catholic faith, practice, and spirituality. Dates for the classes to be announced. For information call the rectory, 718-783-3132. STEWARDSHIP Collection (4/12/2015) - $5,047.00 Attendance - 464 Per Capita (Adult) - $10.88 Holy Land - $1,057.00 Retired Priests - $2,131.00 Bread and Wine For masses this week… will be offered in thanksgiving to St. Jude by Celine Johannes. Blessed Mother Candle For this week… will be lit in loving memory of Lydia Vazquez by Alex Greene. Second Collection… next weekend will be for the Catholic Home Missions. Please be generous. Thank you… for your generosity through CRS Rice Bowl this year! Our parish raised $2,494.00. Your participation in Rice Bowl will continue to make a difference in the lives of those in need throughout the entire year. If you have not yet returned your contribution, you may still bring it to the church on Sunday or drop it off at the rectory. Reminder: Please take a registration form near the church door if you haven't done so already. St. Francis Xavier Catholic Academy CARD PARTY & SPRING GATHERING Friday, April 24 - School Auditorium 7:00 p.m. Ticket information -718-857-2559 –School Office Purchase your tickets early - First come first served $20.00 per person Coffee, cake, soda, water included; bring your own food, if you wish. Join us for a fun filled evening! TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION With the Easter season well under way, we now resume our survey of the sacrament of the sick. The pastoral care of the sick will be misunderstood if we start from the vantage point of the sickroom. Begin with the Sunday assembly, from which the sick person has been separated by the crisis of illness, and whose absence is given expression in prayer and service. The goal is to extend the consolation of the Lord’s presence at the table to those who are apart from it, and for the assembly to enfold them in prayer. Secondarily, the goal is to teach people what the Church desires for all those who are sick. Seeing ministers dispatched to the sick from Mass every Sunday might help a caregiver realize that their dear one can also receive Communion. Witnessing the anointing of a woman facing surgery might help another person to overcome hesitation and ask for the sacrament’s healing and strength. Society’s impulse may be to marginalize the sick, but the tradition of our community is to see them at the center of our life. When Roman persecutors ordered St. Lawrence the Deacon to hand over the jewels of the church, he assembled a motley crew of the sick and the infirm and announced with all humility, “Behold, my lord, the treasures of the church of Christ.” —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. St. Augustine R.C. Church Page 3 Housing Opportunity! Progress of Peoples Management Corporation - an affiliate of Catholic charities Brooklyn & Queens is please to announce the opening of the waitlist for the Bishop Boardman Apartments, located at 1615 - 8th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215. This building, which includes handicap accessible units, is for elderly residents and couples where the head of household or spouse is 62 or older. Income restrictions apply and are based on Section 8 guidelines. Interested applicants can obtain an application by writing to: Bishop Boardman Apartments c/o Progress of Peoples Management Corp. 191 Joralemon Street, 8th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11201 Or by visiting Bishop Boardman Apartments in person during the hours of 2-4 p.m. Monday thru Friday and leaving your contact information. An application will then be mailed to you. Applications will be available after Monday, May 4, 2015. No applications will be available prior. SABOREA LA EXPERIENCIA Una de las cosas maravillosas sobre las vacaciones es que después de nuestro regreso nos pasamos dos o tres semanas saboreando la experiencia, compartiendo las fotos y recuerdos con nuestra familia y amistades. Esta clase de reflexión nos vincula nuevamente a la experiencia original y nos hacer volver a vivir el descanso y las maravillas que la vacación nos proporcionó. Hoy, el Tercer Domingo de Pascua, la Iglesia nos da la bendición de unos recordatorios de lo que celebramos hace dos domingos. Las tres lecturas son reflexiones del significado de la muerte y resurrección de Cristo. Uno de los hilos que unen a estas reflexiones es que el propósito del sufrimiento, la muerte y la resurrección del Señor fue para salvarnos y perdonar nuestros pecados. Tenemos cincuenta días para contemplar esta realidad –cincuenta días para saborear la experiencia de la muerte y resurrección de Cristo por nosotros. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Social Parroquial - Hoy Domingo, 19 de abril de 3:00 a 7:00 p.m. en el Auditorio de la escuela P.S. 77, en el 62 Park Place (entre la quinta y sexta Avenida). El evento ofrece comida, entretenimiento, música, baile y una rifa. Joel Beulah, invitada especial será honrada por su servicio. Entrada: $10 adultos y $5 para los niños. Usted puede comprar entradas en la puerta. Organizada por el grupo de apoyo Haitiano, los fondos recaudados se utilizaran para financiar los proyectos en nuestra parroquia hermana de San André en Dufort, Haití. CAMPAÑA CATOLICA ANUAL DEL 2015 Compartir la Alegría del Evangelio Si no ha cogido un sobre de compromiso, por favor coja uno hoy para su compromiso a la Campaña Católica Anual de este año. Le estoy pidiendo a todos a participar en este programa, la iglesia de San Agustín puede beneficiarse con su apoyo y servir cientos de necesitados a través de nuestros programas y servicios. Nuestra meta este año es $37,584,00. Usted puede contribuir en línea al o recoger un sobre a la salida para su compromiso a la Campaña Católica Anual. Gracias por su consideración. We pray for the sick… Recemos Por los enfermos. . . Requests for public prayers for the sick should be made by the sick person her/himself or a family member, since at times the person does not wish the illness to be made public. Please call the parish secretary. The names will remain on the sick list for three weeks and thereafter repeated as requested by a family. WEEK 1 Ana Burgos James Hugh Lilley Lorraine Cullen Tom Campo Jose Colon Doris M. Soto Carmen M. Mercado Santos M. Vidal Jackie Strachen Robert Katan Sam Velasquez Barbara Mangilardi David Heffelfinger Olive Bouaz Tiffany Rios WEEK 2 Aida Cuin John Barton Carolyn Monachelli Hector Ortiz Yvette Sendker Carmen Torres Angelo M. Ramos Barbara Merrill Col. Ret. Will Merrill Pedro R. Garsed Severina Caban Maire O’Connell David J. Tavarez Anthony Tuitt Johnny Rios WEEK 3 Angel Lopez Dorinda Baéz Alex Ramos Julie Elle Brittner Mary Jo Katan Laura M. Perez Hector Davila Pat Callahan Dolores Bill John P. Shan Paul Callahan Beulah Joel Christopher Neves Farham Qasim Carmen Rodriguez We pray for members and friends serving in the military: Rezamos por miembros y amigos que estan sirviendo en el Servicio Militar: Sgt. Estephen Shirverts, Col. Will Merrill, Lt. Jeanell Merrill, Capt. Peyton Hurley, Manny Otero, PFC Anthony J. Jolimeau, Paul Valdez, Jorge E. Moreira, Jerry Moreira, Kathleena Hurd, David Garcia, Samantha Vega, L.C. US Marine Corps, Capt. Richard Martinez, US Marines, Airman Clara Lyde, 1 Lt. Ignacio Naudon. We pray for our deceased… Parishioners Lydia Vazquez and Ethel Straughn may they rest in peace. Club de los Mayores de Edad… la próxima reunión será anunciada. Estamos esperando que la temperatura se mejore para comenzar las reuniones. El Sacramento de la confirmación... se celebrará aquí el 24 de mayo, Domingo de Pentecostés en la misa de las 12:00 medio día, para adultos que ya están bautizados y han recibido su primera comunión. Aquellos que planean casarse en la iglesia y no confirmaron deben prepararse ahora. Usted necesitará traer una copia de su certificado de bautismo o iniciar el proceso de obtener uno. Adultos jóvenes que están confirmados pero regresan a la iglesia o desean una actualización son bienvenidos también, ya que este programa cubrirá las áreas principales de la fe católica, práctica y espiritualidad. Favor de llamar al Padre Tom para información/inscripción. Don’t forget to visit our website for more announcements @ Page 4 Rev. Thomas Ahern, Pastor Email Address: [email protected] WEEKLY PLANNER Monday, April 20 Parish Social, Saturday, April 19 De 3:00-7:00 p.m. nan oditorium P.S. 77 nan 62 Park Place. Evenman sa mande pou pote manje pou dine, amizman, mizik, danse, ak yon raffle. N-ap onore spesialman Beulah Joel pou sevis li. Antre: $10 pou Adilt, ak $5 pou timoun. Ou kap achte tike devan pot la. Tike raffle yo ap vann apre chak lames Dimanch. Tout bagay va fet pou Gwoup Sipo Ayiti. Lajan ramase va ede projek se pawas St Andre nan Dufort, Ayiti. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Juguemos A Cantar - M Tuesday, April 21 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Juguemos A Cantar - M Wednesday, April 22 8:30 a.m. Liturgy of the Hours: Lauds - C 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Juguemos A Cantar - M 9:45 a.m. Chair Yoga Class - C 7:30 p.m. Haitian Charismatic Group - M Thursday, April 23 ***BULLETIN DEADLINE FOR 5/3/2015 *** 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Juguemos A Cantar - M 6:30 p.m. Sant’Egidio - C Friday, April 24 8:30 a.m. Liturgy of the Hours: Lauds - C 9 :00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Juguemos A Cantar - M Saturday, April 25 8:30 a.m. Liturgy of the Hours: Lauds - C 10:00 a.m. Food Pantry - M 3:30 p.m. Haitian Legion of Mary - C 4:30 p.m. Liturgy of the Hours: Vespers - C Sunday, April 26 1:15 p.m. Rosary Society - R The 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal “Share the Joy of the Gospel” Si ou pa janm resevwa yon anvlop, tanpri pran youn Jodi-a pou Anyel Katolik Apil. Mouin ankouraje tout moun pouf e pati nan program sa. Espesialman nan tan sa kote legliz St. Augustine kab benefisye anpil de sipo ou ak sevi 100 fwa moun ki nan bezwen nan anpil program ak sevis yo. Tanpri kontre nou nan fe yon Apil ki pote anpil sikse nan plej ou jodi-a. Gol nou toujou rete $37, 384.00. Tanpri ede nou rive gol nou nan fe yon plej. Mesi anpil pou konsiderasyon ou. The Sacrament of Confirmation for Adults…va selebre isit la nan Dimanch La Pankot, 24 Mai nan lames midi, pou granmoun yo ki deja batize ak resevwa Premye Kommunion. Moun ki panse pou marye nan legliz ak ki pat janm konfime kab prepare kouniye-a. Ou va bezwen yon kopi setifika batem ou, ou byen , komanse proses la pandan ou va jouinn youn. Jenn adilt yo ki deja konfime ,men , ki retoune nan legliz bienveni kom program sa va kouvri anpil chos nan lafwa katolik. Praktis ak espirityalite: Dat pou klas yo va anonse. Pou enformasyon rele presbite-a nan 718-783-3132 . St Francis Xavier Catholic Academy Card Party & Spring Gathering 763 President Street (Antre: 6em ak 7em Ave) Vanredi, 24 Avril- Nan Oditorium Lekol la a 7:30 p.m. Tike ap vann kouniye-a. Pou enformasyon rele 718-857-2559-Offis lekol la. Achte tike ou byento.Premye vini, premye sevi$20 pe pesonn. Café, gato, sada, ak dlo va enkli; Si ou vle, pote pwop manje ou. Vinn kontre ak nou pou yon plezi soire! Readings for the Week READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jn Tuesday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; 6:22-29 Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44 51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Sunday: Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29;1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 Golden Age Club… reyinion chak mwa lot reyinion va anonse biento. Tout granmou ki ged 50 ou plis bienveni. Opportunities for a better Tomorrow… Ofri anpil edikasional (GED pou laj 17+) ak treninn pou travay (laj 22+) programs. Lokal: 4em Avenue ak 27th Street; rele 718-369-0303 pou enformasion.
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