Metabolomics of urinary tract infection

Metabolomics of urinary tract infection:
a multiplatform approach
Tiziana Pacchiarotta
ISBN: 978-94-6182-433-2
This thesis has been partially funded by the Stichting Tropische Geneeskunde – Leiden.
Printing: OffPage, Amsterdam
Copyright © 2014 by T. Pacchiarotta. All rights are reserved. No part of
this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted
in any form and by any means, without prior permission of the author.
Cover Page
The handle holds various files of this Leiden University
Author: Pacchiarotta, Tiziana
Title: Metabolomics of urinary tract infection : a multiplatform approach
Issue Date: 2014-05-20
Metabolomics of urinary tract infection:
a multiplatform approach
ter verkrijging van de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden, op
gezag van Rector Magnificus C.J.J.M. Stolker,
volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties te verdedigen
op dinsdag 20 mei 2014, klokke 13.45 uur
Tiziana Pacchiarotta
geboren te Avezzano, Italy in 1981
Prof.dr. A.M. Deelder
Prof.dr. J.T. van Dissel
Dr. M. Mayboroda
Overige leden:
Dr. W. Dunn, University of Birmingham, UK
Prof.dr. R.P.H. Bisschoff, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen
Prof.dr. J.W. de Fijter
Dr. L.G. Visser
Prof.dr. Ir. J.A.P. Willems van Dijk
Table of contents
Introduction 7
Chapter 1 17
Metabolomics investigation of human infections
Chapter 2 29
H-NMR-based metabolic profiling of urinary tract infection: combining multiple
statistical models and clinical data
Chapter 3 45
Fibrinogen alpha chain O-glycopeptides as possible markers of urinary tract infection
Chapter 4 61
Evaluation of GC-APCI/MS and GC-FID as a complementary platform
Chapter 5 77
On-line spectral library for gas chromatography/atmospheric pressure chemical
ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry
Chapter 6 95
Exploratory analysis of urinary tract infection using a novel GC-APCI-MS platform
General discussion and conclusion109
Nederlandse samenvatting119
Curriculum vitae124
List of publications125