St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church Sixth Sunday of Easter • May 10,2015 4268 Lime St ~ Riverside, CA 92501 Phone: (951) 686.4004 ~ FAX: (951) 686.3948 ~ Español: (951) 683.6204 After hours: (951) 276.0290 SOCIAL MEDIA: Parish website: Diocese of San Bernardino: Bishop Barnes: Twitter@BishopBarnes Consolata Missionaries (CA): MASS SCHEDULE: Sunday Masses: 5:00 PM (Sat. Vigil), 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 5:00 PM (Español) Weekday Masses: Monday - Friday 6:30 AM; Tuesday & Friday 5:15 PM; Saturday 8:00 AM First Friday: 7:00 PM (Español) Holy Days: 5:15 PM (Vigil); 6:30 AM, 8:00 AM 12:15 PM, 5:15 PM, 7:00 PM (Español) OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (closed 1:00-1:30 PM for lunch) SACRAMENTS: Confessions: Tuesday & Friday 4:00-5:00 PM; Saturday 3:45-4:45 PM Baptisms: Every last Saturday each month at 10:00 AM (must call the Parish Office first) Pre-Baptism Class: Every last Friday each month at 6:30 PM Marriages: By appointment only; at least SIX MONTHS advanced notice; must consult a Priest before setting a date. Ministry to the Homebound & Sick: Please call the Parish Office if someone needs a visitation or the Sacraments. Welcome New Parishioners: Please register by picking up a form from our Parish Office. St. Francis de Sales Catholic School: 4205 Mulberry St • Riverside, CA 92501 Telephone: (951)683.5083 • Day Care: (951)683.5006 • Principal: Ms. Kathy Kothlow Bulletin Deadline: Monday 12:00pm A Letter from Father Page 2 May 10, 2015 A Mother’s Love: A Choice That Demands You may not have heard the story of Princess Alice, the second daughter of Queen Victoria of England. The princess married and had a child, a baby boy. When the child was four, he came down with a terrible disease, at the time called black diphtheria. It was highly contagious. There was no cure and no hope. The doctors and nurses told the princess that she had to stay away from her son. Her own health was frail. One day, as she stood at the door of her little boy’s room, she heard him whispering to a nurse, “Why doesn’t my Mommy hold me and kiss me anymore?” That was more than Princess Alice could bear. She then did what any loving mother would do. She ran to her son’s bed, hugged him and kissed him. She had no choice. She had to show her love. He needed her. Within weeks she came down with the sickness. Both were buried together. Today, we celebrate Mother’s Day. It is good that we take the time to remember and thank our mothers who do so much for us. One can only imagine how much sacrifice a mother does for her family. Her love comes from a dedicated heart that she gives to her family: a love that overcomes pain, sorrow and hardship to care for those she has chosen. Let us pray for all our mothers and do take the time to say, “Mom, I love you.” Peace, Mother’s Day Rose Bouquet Sale The St. Francis de Sales Women’s Ministry will be selling Mother’s Day Rose Bouquets outside in the church courtyard after all the Sunday morning Masses. Each bouquet is handcrafted and will be sold for only $5.00 each. All proceeds will go toward our Riverside Life Center and Pro-Life Ministries. Get your Mother her Mother’s Day Bouquet and help support our pro-life ministries. Parish & Community Activities Page 3 May 10, 2015 SFDS GRADUATION MASS Sunday, May 24, at both the 9:00 AM (English) and 5:00 PM (Spanish) Masses, St. Francis de Sales will celebrate it’s annual Graduation Mass for our SFDS parish graduates! If you or someone you know will be graduating this year and would like to participate, please contact the parish office with the following information: Name of Graduate ♦ School of Graduation ♦ Certificate/Diploma/Degree School they will be attending in the future ♦ Which Mass - 9:00 AM or 5:00 PM? **All Graduates must be in the church 30 minutes before the start of Mass for procession. English Religious Education Program Pre-Registration - 2015-2016 The final day for pre-registration for the English Religious Education Program will be held Sunday, May 24, from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM, upstairs, in Room 5. New students will not be registered without a Baptism certificate. Tuition costs are as follows: One Child - $90.00 ♦ Two Children - $110.00 ♦ Three or more - $130.00 These prices will go up after May 24. If paying with cash, it will be appreciated if could bring exact change. Post-dated checks will not be accepted. If there are any questions, please call Toni Bastian at (951) 992-8815. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! The 2015 St. Francis de Sales Parish Festival needs your help! We are requesting food items to be donated: canned drinks (Coke, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, Hawaiian Punch, Crush, Mountain Dew, and Diet Sodas, too), for our Drink Booth. Also, we need cans of nacho cheese sauce and super-size corn chip bags for nachos. You may bring your items to the parish office. Thank you! SFDS 2015 Parish Festival Boutique It’s time to do some Spring cleaning! SFDS is accepting your clean, gently-used small appliances, dishes, pans, radios, stereos, knick-knacks, table linens/towels, curtains, games, purses, toys, small furniture, etc. from now until May 24th for the Festival boutique. Please mark your items with masking tape: Festival Boutique. Items may be dropped off at the rectory during the week or at the lunch tables after the Sunday morning Masses. Please leave a message for Fay at 951-682-9076, if you have questions. St. Francis de Sales Catholic School 4205 Mulberry St • Riverside, CA 92501 Principal: Kathy Kothlow Phone: (951) 683‐5083 ● Day Care: (951) 683‐5006 ● St. Francis de Sales Preschool - Riverside, CA Registration for our Fall 2015-2016 preschool class has begun. Our preschool offers both full-day and halfday programs for children that are 4 years old by September 1, 2015 (in accordance with the new state guidelines). We are a state licensed facility with experienced and credentialed teachers. Our curriculum focuses on social skills, introducing the Catholic Faith and kindergarten readiness skills. Space is limited to twenty students. Please call the preschool at (951) 683-5143, for more information. For K-8 registration information, please call the main school office at (951) 683-5083. Parish & Community Activities Page 4 May 10, 2015 Making a Difference in Riverside Fr. Gregory Boyle to speak at Making a Difference Event in Riverside/ Padre Gregory Boyle va hablar en el evento “Making a Difference” en Riverside On Saturday, May 23, at 6:00 PM, Fr. Gregory Boyle, founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, will be making a special appearance as the guest speaker at Catholic Charities’ Making a Difference Event at St. Catherine of Alexandria Church in Riverside. Tickets are $50.00 and include dinner prepared by Homegirl Catering. You may purchase tickets online at or over the phone at (909) 388-1239, ext. 324. + + + El sábado 23 de mayo a las 6:00 de la Tarde, el Padre Gregory Boyle, fundador de Homeboy Industries en Los Ángeles, hará una aparición especial como el orador invitado en el evento “Making a Difference” organizado por Caridades Católicas en la iglesia Santa Catarina de Alejandría, en Riverside. Los boletos cuestan $50.00 y incluyen cena preparada por Homegirl Catering. Compre los boletos en línea en o por teléfono al (909) 388-1239, ext. 324. THE BIG SHOW - BROADWAY TONIGHT St. Francis de Sales Catholic School is presenting The Big Show - Broadway Tonight on Friday, May 22, at 6:00 PM, in the courtyard. Tickets for the dinner and show are $10.00 each. The show will feature 40 of our brightest stars! Get ready for an unforgettable evening! Tickets are available in the school office from May 815. Tickets will not be sold at the door. If you are unable to attend but would like to make a donation, please contact Tracy Simeon at (951) 212-2325, or at [email protected]. See you there! St. Anne’s Sewdality News There will be a St. Anne’s Sewdality meeting this Thursday, May 14th, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the multipurpose room. Please enter via the 13th Street gate. Just press the blue button and someone will open the gate for you. All are welcome. Come and see how we work with our hands to help the disadvantaged nearby. Todos están invitados - no necesitan traer máquina. We, the Church of St. Francis de Sales, are a Community of Believers in Jesus Christ called to impact Family, Neighborhood and Society with the Gospel so that people’s lives are filled with Hope. ******** La Iglesia de San Francisco de Sales, es una Comunidad de Creyentes en Cristo Jesús llamado a impactar la Familia, el Barrio y la Sociedad con el Evangelio para que personas están llenas de esperanza. 2015 Parish Festival Plant Booth The St. Francis de Sales Parish Festival Plant Booth will be accepting plants, gently-used garden books, garden accessories (tools, statuary, etc.) and we are in great need of pots! Money donations are accepted. You may also help out this year by donating your time to help run the booth for 30 minutes or more. If you have any questions or need for someone to pick up or deliver items, contact Joan Maguire (951) 789-4008. LIFELINES Pregnant? Scared? You have Options: 1-800-395-HELP/ Hurt by Abortion? You are not alone. For Hope & Healing contact: English: (800)794-7863; Spanish: (909)238-4037 ♦ Natural Family Planning: (909)475-5351 Adoption: Holy Family Services (800)464-2367 Calendar of Events and Mass Schedules Page 5 Weekly Events Sunday, May 10 Women’s Ministry Mother’s Day Rose Sale After All Masses Knights of Columbus Coffee & Doughnuts - Hall No English RE/Confirmation Classes Happy Mother’s Day! Monday, May 11 Spanish Confirmation/RCIA Classes: 5:15 PM Tuesday, May 12 English Bible Study: 10:00 AM - MPR OLPH Novena: 5:00 PM - Church Women of Faith Bible Study: 6:30 PM - Library Spanish Choir Rehearsal: 6:30 PM - MR Grupo de Oracion: 7:00 PM - Hall Legion of Mary: 7:30 PM - Room 1 Wednesday, May 13 English Choir Rehearsal: 6:30 PM - MR Corpus Christi Meeting: 7:00 PM - Library Thursday, May 14 English RCIA: 7:00 PM - Library Estudio de Biblia: 7:00 PM - MPR Friday, May 15 Saturday, May 16 SFDS School First Eucharist: 10:00 AM - Church K of C “Gringo” Taco Night - 5:00 PM - Hall A.A. Meeting: 6:00 PM - Room 1 Sunday, May 17 Altar Society Coffee, Doughnuts & Ticket Sales Hall English RE K-8 Classes: 10:15 AM * 1st Communion Retreat: 10:15 AM Confirmation I, II, III Classes: 8:00 AM SFDS School Walk-A-Thon: Courtyard ALTAR SOCIETY SCHEDULE Maria Gonzales, Hermila Amezcua, Irma Bazan, Alicia Duante & Danelle Duante will have Altar Duty on Saturday, May 16, at 8:30 AM. May 10, 2015 † Mass Intentions † Saturday - May 9 5:00 PM Frances Fonseca † Sunday - May 10 7:00 AM Joseph John Gilwood † 9:00 AM Agnes Klint † For the Parishioners of SFDS 11:30 AM Dolores Avila † Fay Fletcher - SI 5:00 PM Rosalio & Leonor Nevarez †† Nicole Vargas † Monday - May 11 6:30 AM Violet Sandri - SI Tuesday - May 12 6:30 AM George Matus † 5:15 PM Roberto Limtiaco † Wednesday - May 13 6:30 AM For Your Intentions 8:00 AM Donald Zimmer † Thursday - May 14 6:30 AM Donald & Nicole Vargas †† Friday - May 15 6:30 AM Binky Yap - Happy Birthday! 5:15 PM Jay Freeman - Happy Birthday! Saturday - May 16 8:00 AM Geoffrey Joseph Semonella † (Easter Vigil Mass) 5:00 PM Raul & Felicia Zaragoza †† Sunday - May 17 7:00 AM Fr. Lenny DePasquale - SI 9:00 AM The Sadie Children - SI 11:30 AM John & Helen McAvoy †† For the Parishioners of SFDS 5:00 PM Tony A. Lopez, Sr. - SI Fifth Sunday of Easter Page 6 May 10, 2015 THE IMAGES OF MOTHER: 4 years of age - My Mommy can do anything! 8 years of age - My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot! 12 years of age - My Mother doesn’t really know quite everything. 14 years of age - Naturally, Mother doesn’t know that either. 16 years of age - Mother? She’s hopelessly old-fashioned. 18 years of age - That old woman? She’s way out of date! 25 years of age - Well, she might know a little bit about it. 35 years of age - Before we decide, let’s get Mom’s opinion. 45 years of age - Wonder what Mom would have thought about it. 65 years of age - Wish I could talk it over with Mom. ~ Anonymous Congratulations! Congratulations to our Early Bird Raffle Ticket winner: Julian Hinojos Who won the Early Bird Drawing prize of $250.00! Congratulations to our winner and good luck to everyone for the Grand Prize Drawing of $1,000.00. Get your tickets today - if you don’t buy your ticket, you can’t win! LOVE ONE ANOTHER Last Sunday we heard the familiar passage from John’s Gospel in which Jesus uses the metaphor of the vine and the branches. In that passage we were told that if we remained in Christ we would bear much fruit. Today’s Gospel tells us just what that fruit is: love. Today’s second reading and Gospel together create a great hymn to love. The chorus of this hymn is simple - God loves us so much that Jesus was sent into the world so that we would have life. The Lord Jesus, who last week told us to remain in him, this week tells us to remain in his love. In a world marked by division and terrorism, the Lord’s final words in today’s Gospel are a great challenge: “This I command you: love one another.” Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. ÁMENSE UNOS A OTROS El domingo pasado escuchamos el familiar pasaje del Evangelio de san Juan en el que Jesús usa el símbolo de la viña y las ramas. En ese pasaje escuchamos que si permanecemos en Cristo daremos mucho fruto. El Evangelio de hoy nos dice cuál es ese fruto: el amor. La segunda lectura de hoy junto con el Evangelio crean un gran himno de amor. El coro de este himno es sencillo –Dios nos ama tanto que envió a Jesús al mundo para que tuviéramos vida. El Señor Jesús que nos dijo la semana pasada que permaneciéramos en él, esta semana nos dice que permanezcamos en su amor. En un mundo marcado por las divisiones y el terrorismo, las últimas palabras del Evangelio de hoy son un gran reto: “Esto es lo que les mando: que se amen los unos a los otros”. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Sunday Collection - May 3, 2015 $7,613.93 Active Registered Families 983 Families receiving envelopes 616 Envelopes received 05/03/2015 151 Please remember to use your offering envelopes. Thank you for your generosity. May God bless you. Gracias por su generosidad. ¡Dios los bendiga! MINISTRIES / MINISTERIOS Liturgical Ministries Altar Servers Altar Society Choir (English) Coro (Español) Organist Eucharistic Adoration Eucharistic Ministers *English/Spanish Lectores *Español Lectors *English Ushers/Hospitality Mary Waterman Donna Pitell Mary Fall Josefina Oliva Prince Ward Fay Fletcher T. Waldschmitt 681-3048 688-0985 781-6772 892-8075 235-5220 682-9076 505-9814 Francisco Mendoza (909)754-8692 Lorraine Mooney 682-1659 Ray Serna 684-1607 Catechetical Ministries Adult Faith Formation Chris Gallardo (626)221-9469 *RCIA *RCIA Español Victor Grajeda 924-8614 Baptisms Parish Office 686-4004 Bible Study Fr. Louis 683-6204 *English/Español Youth Group C.R.Y. Christina Gutierrez/Bobby Huertero *Christ Reuniting Youth 686-5503 Quinceañeras Alba Dominguez 318-7511 Religious Education Toni Bastian 992-8815 Educación Religiosa Consuelo Grajeda 924-8614 R/E Office Monica Sandoval 786-7665 Parish Ministries Bereavement Ministry Card Makers Ministry Hulen House Liturgical Dance Parish Council Pastoral Care Visita Los Enfermos Spanish Ministries St. Anne’s Sewdality Weddings/Bodas *Español Women’s Ministry R. Pucciarelli-Davis 779-6958 Toni Bastian 992-8815 Miguel Caballero 288-0218 Amanda Weber 333-3476 Peter Bradley (909)910-5098 Maureen Riggs 321-9956 Roberto y Adriana Ramirez 807-5899 Alba Dominguez 318-7511 Angie Nudge 684-0570 Alba Dominguez 318-7511 R. Pucciarelli-Davis 779-6958 Catholic Ministries Catholic Charities Knights of Columbus Legion of Mary Marriage Encounter Right to Life Riverside Life Services Serra Club St. Vincent de Paul Pregnancy Hotline Office Charline Gajdos Office 689-1803 205-5334 907-7871 653-7905 784-2725 784-2422 683-1672 684-7386 Martin & Gloria Ruiz 359-4719 Mike Brunner Robert & Denise Borruel Prayer Groups Grupo de Oración DEVOTIONS & EVANGELIZATION Mother of Perpetual Help Novena: Every Tuesday at 5:00 PM Legion of Mary: Every Tuesday at 7:30 PM - Room 1 Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 24 hours/ 7 days in the St. Bernard Chapel First Friday Mass: 7:00 PM (Español) ST. FRANCIS DE SALES FOOD PANTRY We are still in need of food every week. Any non-perishable items, such as canned soups, canned fruits, canned vegetables, peanut butter and jelly, rice, beans, dry cereal, energy bars, flour, sugar, cooking oil, pasta and spaghetti sauce are welcome. You can bring them to the Mass you attend and leave the items in the green bins at the main entrance of the church. PLEASE DO NOT DONATE ANY ITEMS WITH PAST EXPIRATION DATES! Your contributions are most needed and appreciated. Welcome to the Parish • Bienvenido a la Parroquia Fill out and place in collection basket • Llene esta forma y déjela en la canasta de la colecta Last Name: _________________________________________ Apellido First Name: _________________________________________ Primer Nombre Address: ____________________________________________ Domicilio City and Zip: ________________________________________ Ciudad y Codigo Postal I would like to receive parish envelopes Quiero recibir sobres de la Parroquia Yes/Si No *We will mail you a complete Parish Registration Form* * Le enviaremos una forma de registro completo de la parroquia * S T. F R A N C I S D E S A L E S C AT H . C H . 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FRANCIS DE SALES/ 174 • Air conditioning • Heating • Duct testing & sealing • Attic insulation We service & repair most makes & models 10% off on your next A/C or Heater check-up with free disposable filter Since 1983 Lic. #519360 For advertising information, please call (951) 776-0601
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