ST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCH April 19, 2015 Diocese of Charleston Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone Bishop of Charleston Third Sunday of Easter CLERGY HOLY MASS SCHEDULE Rev. Robert E. Morey, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Jesuprathap Narichetti, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Reginald A.T. Armstrong, Deacon Saturday (Traditional Latin Mass) …………..9:00 am Saturday (Sunday Liturgy) …………………..5:00 pm Sunday 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Spanish), 5:00pm (when school is in session) Monday ………………………………………..6:30 pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday ...7:30 am Thursday……………………………………….6:30 pm Friday (when school is in session) ………… 8:20 am CONTACT INFORMATION Church Office.. 843-662-5674….Fax..843-662-4800 Rectory …………………………………843-665-5853 St. Anthony School Faith, Family, Knowledge, Service Grades 3K - 8…………………………..843-662-1910 2536 West Hoffmeyer Road, Florence, SC 29501 P.O. Box 5327, Florence, SC 29502 Church and School Website CHURCH OFFICE HOURS Monday–Friday …………………..8:00 am - 4:00 pm (summer schedule Mon. - Thurs. 8:00 am - 4:00 pm SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday………………………………..4:00 - 4:45 pm Also available on request. SACRAMENT OF HOLY MATRIMONY Arrangements must be made six months in advance. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Parents must be registered and active members of the Parish and attend one class before the child is Baptized. Please call the Church Office to register for the next class which is April 26th at 8:00 am. MISSION STATEMENT As a community of faith, we the members of St. Anthony Parish are committed to follow Jesus Christ through prayer and the sacraments, the study of His Word, the teachings of His Church, Evangelization, and through reaching out in service to our fellow human beings, parishioners and non-parishioners, with love, respect, and support. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 19, 2015 PARISH CALENDAR AND DIRECTORY APRIL ACTIVITIES AND EVENTS Sunday 19 Men’s Club Breakfast 10 am Hispanic Religious Ed 11:30 am CYO 6:15 pm Little Rock Bible Study 7 pm Tuesday Book Club 9 am 21 Girl Scouts 6 pm Wed. 22 Bible Study 10 am Gymnastics 3:30 pm CCD 5:30 pm Bible Study 6 pm Hispanic Prayer Group 6:00 pm RCIA 7:15 pm Choir 7:00 pm Thursday Language class 11 am 23 Prayer Shawl 1 pm School Art Show 6 pm Saturday Peter Riggs Eagle Scout Award 2 pm 25 Marriage for Life 8:45 Marriage Encounter Circle 7 pm Hispanic Choir Practice 6 pm Sunday 26 Baptism Class 8:00 am SCOUT SUNDAY 11 am Hispanic Religious Ed 11:30 am CYO 6:15 in classroom A Blue and Gold Banquet and Cross Over 3:00 pm Little Rock Bible Study 7 pm Tuesday Book Club 9 am 28 Girl Scouts 6 pm Wed. 29 Bible Study 10 am Gymnastics 3:30 pm CCD 5:30 pm Bible Study 6 pm Hispanic Prayer Group 6:00 pm RCIA 7:15 pm Choir 7:00 pm Thursday Language class 11 am 30 Prayer Shawl 1 pm First Communion Practice 3:30 pm Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services 843-853-2130, extension 209 Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator, Louisa Storen, LISW, LMFT 1-800-921-8122 PARISH & SCHOOL STAFF Parish Secretary, Andrea Foyle ........................662-5674 [email protected] Parish Business Administrator, Dixie Coats...... 662-5674 Pastoral Facilitator, Regina Arde………………..662-5674 Director of Religious Education, Mary Smith .....662-5674 Music Director, Kevin Verbe...............................662-5674 Youth Minister, Mike Meggs ...............................229-7519 Hispanic Ministry Facilitator, Vincent Santamaria ......................... 662-5674 ext. 227 School Principal, Michael Ryan .........................662-1910 School Secretary, Charlotte Tilton .....................662-1910 School Financial Secretary, Ann O’Donnell .......662-1910 School Board Chairwoman, Jo Ellen Schneider 662-6546 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS/COMMITTEES Adoration Coordinator, Georgette Falcone ........665-2716 Altar Cloths, Regina Arde...................................292-8574 Altar Servers, Calvin Duncan .............................250-4774 Bible Study, Mike Hill (Wednesday) ...................662-5674 Boy Scouts, Mark Wentzel … ............................992-2436 Cub Scouts, Paul John.......................................468-0028 CYO, Mike Meggs ..............................................229-7519 Assistant, Hsin Yi Armstrong ..................317-1934 Disaster Relief Committee, Mark Sestito ......... 662-5674 Ecumenical Committee, Marjorie Busscher .......667-0859 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Darlene Stowe ...............................................667-9637 Girl Scouts, Lisa Newell…………………………..615-5066 Hispanic Music Ministry, Vincent Santamaria ....662-5674 Knights of Columbus, Frank Love .....................453-6411 Lectors, Michael Spann......................................472-2403 Lectio Divina Bookstore, Mary Culleton ............. 6l5-3405 Kathy Lewis…..……...206-1631 Little Rock Bible Study, Warren Busscher ........667-0859 Meals on Wheels, John Noble……………..201-637-1568 Ministers of Consolation Regina Arde ..................................................292-8574 Theresa Efferson...........................................346-4661 Ministers of Hospitality (Ushers), John Guerriero ..............................................667-5098 Parking Lot Mission ............................................662-5674 Pastoral Council, Mike Hill .................................667-9540 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Patti Musto ....................665-0169 Respect for Life Committee, Michael Woodall ............................................662-5674 Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), Deacon Regi Armstrong ................................662-5674 Transportation Minister, Vincent Rolland ...........615-1654 Senior Ministry, Noreen McFann .......................409-7097 Sick & Homebound Ministry, Rita LaBruzzo ......407-6250 Sally Kenney….....669-0478 St. Anthony Men’s Club, Doug Amon ........ 843-861-4586 Stephen Ministry, Carol Germain .......................667-9702 Women of St. Anthony, Joy Burns Mierzejewski917-4326 Young at Heart, Noreen McFann .......................409-7097 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 19, 2015 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION With the Easter season well under way, we now resume our survey of the sacrament of the sick. The pastoral care of the sick will be misunderstood if we start from the vantage point of the sickroom. Begin with the Sunday assembly, from which the sick person has been separated by the crisis of illness, and whose absence is given expression in prayer and service. The goal is to extend the consolation of the Lord’s presence at the table to those who are apart from it, and for the assembly to enfold them in prayer. Secondarily, the goal is to teach people what the Church desires for all those who are sick. Seeing ministers dispatched to the sick from Mass every Sunday might help a caregiver realize that their dear one can also receive Communion. Witnessing the anointing of a woman facing surgery might help another person to overcome hesitation and ask for the sacrament’s healing and strength. Society’s impulse may be to marginalize the sick, but the tradition of our community is to see them at the center of our life. When Roman persecutors ordered St. Lawrence the Deacon to hand over the jewels of the church, he assembled a motley crew of the sick and the infirm and announced with all humility, “Behold, my lord, the treasures of the church of Christ.” —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYERS ILLNESS: Hsin Yi Armstrong, Norman Belge, Cadian Benabdallah, Paz Binuya, Veronica Blackwell, Bill Blanchard, Martyna Brodecka, Iyla Brown, Irene Darden, Barbara Depp, Michael and Mary Jo Dudgeon, Robert Dugas, Marie Edwards, Kathleen Eslinger, Katie Florio, Ethyle Frederiksen, Sheila Gallagher, Bonnie Gensel, John Germain, Tommy Hewitt, Phyllis Hilliard, Chris and Michelle Hock, Barbara Hurst, Clare Jann, Vence Jelovchan, Dean Lewis, Judy Lin, Mary Lou Martinez, Terry Matthews, Pihar Matus, Virginia McNickle, Keith McKervery, Lois McKervey, George Nichols, Janet Owens, Noel Pare, Sean, Michael and Patty Purvis, George Phillips, John Quinn, Therese Ratchko, Elizabeth Ryan, Martha Schneider, Kim Snyder, Leo Stone, Peg Tallon, Susan Toth, Georgia Valentine, Joyce Warr, Alan Waters, Joshua Wiggins, Jim Williams HOMEBOUND: Rose Leffingwell, Janet McAneney, Linda Tarte, Alma Woodfork NURSING HOME / ASSISTED LIVING: Rose Bratek, Robert Dewitt, Joyce Gingras, Mary Griffith, Ann Harrison, Ola Lynch, Teresa Ward, Linda Wooldridge PLEASE LET US KNOW If you are Sick, Hospitalized, or Homebound! Hospitals will not give out patient information; therefore, we have no way of knowing your needs. If you would like Communion or a visit, you must notify the Church Office. Please arrange to receive The Anointing of the Sick before a scheduled procedure by contacting the Pastor or the Parish Office. You may also request this after a daily or weekend Mass or call 662-5674 or 665-5853. STEWARDSHIP March 22 Catholic Schools This Year Last Year $9,592.83 $1,680.00 $9,592.01 $1,354.00 The second collection is for the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. Next week’s second collection is for the Catholic Home Missions. Your generosity supports essential ministries in poor dioceses across the U.S. and its territories. The Women of St. Anthony have a collection box on the reception counter in the church office for snack items to be donated to Hospice House. Thank you. THE TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS (“Extraordinary Form”) will be offered each Saturday at 9:00 am, unless announced otherwise. The format will be the “Low Mass”, in “Dialogue” (1962—congregation may join in some responses, in the “Gloria”, etc.; readings will be done out loud in Latin, and repeated in English.) Each First Saturday of the month Marian Devotions and Benediction will immediately follow the Latin Mass, unless announced otherwise. Plan to attend! THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 19, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE AND INTENTIONS MONDAY, April 20 6:30 pm +L. J. and Frederica Tacquard TUESDAY, April 21 7:30 am +Rose and Carmen Ventimiglio WEDNESDAY, April 22 7:30 am +Hugh Willcox Buyck, Jr. FRIDAY, April 24 7:30 am +Fred Thielen, II 8:20 am +Andy Roth Latin Mass SUNDAY, April 26 9:00 am +Dot Garand 11:00 am +Lillian Tarte 1:00 pm For the Parish Spanish Mass 5:00 pm +Constance Mary Degenhart FORTY DAY MASS for Sylvia Jebaily Saturday, April 25th at 5:00 pm Fr. Bartholomew Leon will celebrate this Mass in the Maronite Rite. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Today: MEN’S CLUB BREAKFAST Sunday, April 19th 10:00 am Elya Family Center Join your parish family for breakfast. The men serve a complete breakfast that is sure to include your favorites. There is no charge, but a donation is appreciated. THURSDAY, April 23 7:30 am +John Culleton, Sr. 6:30 pm Healing for Ceil Barnes SATURDAY, April 25 9:00 am +Peggy Wise 5:00 pm +Sylvia Jebaily NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9; 1 Jn 2:1-5a; Lk 24:35-48 Monday: Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday: Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday: Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday: Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Sunday: Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29; 1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 Belk Charity Sale Tickets to benefit St. Anthony’s Parish Tickets available at the Parish Office Purchase a $5 ticket for access to the year’s best sale. Charity Day Ticket is required for entrance to private sale. Ticket cost will be discounted off your merchandise & you will earn Double/Triple points when you use the Belk Rewards Card. 100% of the $5 ticket goes to the Charity selling the tickets! Tickets available at the Parish Office 20-70% off most merchandise Saturday, May 2nd 6 am – 10 am OR Reserve your merchandise the week of April 24th for Charity Day Sale prices Event sponsored by the Women of St. Anthony for the repair of the pantry ceiling and for LED lights for the Church. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Please consider spending an hour in Eucharistic Adoration. It is good for the heart and the soul. If you cannot commit for an hour, ask a friend to share the hour or to alternate weeks. Our Lord is always available and waiting for someone to come and visit with Him. Please call Georgette Falcone at 665-2716 with any questions. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER NEWS AND UPCOMING EVENTS APRIL 19, 2015 SCHOOL NEWS MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW FOR THE 6TH ANNUAL RUN FOR THE HEROES ON MEMORIAL DAY May 25, 2015 "Registration, sponsorship, and volunteer forms available after Mass. Online registration available at RunSignUp. For additional information, please call (843) 662-1910. Let your friends and neighbors know about this upcoming, patriotic, Memorial Day event." 4th Grade Teacher (Florence, SC) St. Anthony Catholic School is seeking an enthusiastic individual with a degree in elementary education and 3 years teaching experience. Applicants should send their resumes to: Principal St. Anthony Catholic School 2536 Hoffmeyer Road Florence, SC 29501 by April 30, 2015 RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT ST. ANTHONY SCHOOL ART SHOW The Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat is a post abortion healing retreat that is helpful in sorting out feelings and thoughts about an abortion experience so that healing can occur. The next retreat is June 12-15 in the Charleston area. For more information, please call Christy at 803-554-6088 or Kathy at 803-5466010 or [email protected]. Thursday, April 23 6:00 to 7:15 pm Elya Family Center Come and experience the wonderful creativity of our youth under the direction of Mrs. Vicki Palmer, their art teacher. The retreat is confidential and non-judgmental. This is the time. BLUE AND GOLD BANQUET April 26th 3:00-5:00 pm Elya Family Center If you are an Eagle Scout or recipient of the Silver Beaver Award, please join us as an Honored Guest at this year’s Blue and Gold Banquet We are also welcoming rising first graders and their families to learn more about the Cub Scout program at St. Anthony’s with Pack 490 If you would like to join us, please call Leighan Fluharty at 336-880-7983 or [email protected] Finger Foods Needed The Women of St. Anthony would ask anyone who can to drop off finger foods to the Parish Center for the First Holy Communion Reception on Saturday, May 2nd, no later than 10:30 am. Thank you. (No Desserts are needed) First Holy Communion SCHOOL YARD SIGNS These yard signs are available in the school office. Please consider taking one for your home and/or business. Thank you for your support of the school. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 19, 2015 COMMUNITY NEWS DIOCESAN NEWS A CHOICE 2 M8K CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER “Saving lives and protecting futures through Godly choices.” This local organization (1216 W. Evans St.) is in dire need of the following items for their baby boutique: baby shampoo, lotion and wash, Q-tips, pacifiers, teethers, new bottles, onesies size nb to 12 mos. new car seats, strollers and pack ‘n plays. For more information, please call 669-4673. MAY PROGRAMS AT THE ORATORY CENTER FOR SPIRITUALITY A WALK THROUGH THE MASS An opportunity to look more closely at this important prayer experience. Fr. Paul Maier & Fr. Paul Nguyen, C.O. Saturday, May 2, 2015 from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm Cost: $40 (lunch included) SENIOR CITIZENS OF FLORENCE COUNTY You may be eligible for home delivered meals if you are over 60 years of age and are homebound. Please call 669-6761 and press 1 for Brenda Solomon for more information. “LORD TEACH US TO PRAY” An exploration of the basics of discipleship and the essentials of the spiritual life. Fr. Jeffrey Kirby Saturday, May 9, 2015 from 9:30 to 4:00 pm Cost: $40 (lunch included) MOTHER’S DAY GOSPEL MUSIC CELEBRATIONS Pee Dee Catholic Productions Proudly Presents In Concert The McCray Dove Band Saturday, May 9th Hartsville Center Theater on 5th Street Doors open at 6:00 pm—Concert begins at 7:00 pm Sectional Seating starting from $5 to $10 Gifts given to the oldest & youngest mothers there. For tickets go to or call 843-779-5591 WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS It is a great joy for us to welcome new members to our parish community. Please register as soon as possible in order to participate in our various programs, ministries and activities. Please drop this form in the collection basket or return it to the Church Office and we will send you a welcome packet and detailed registration form. Name _________________________________________ Address _________________________________________ City _____________________ Zip ____________ Phone number____________________________ A CELEBRATION OF THE LIFE OF ST. PHILIP NERI A morning talk, Mass at noon, lunch and a brief concert to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the birth of the founder of the Oratory. Saturday, May 16, 2015 from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm Fr. Joe Pearce, C. O., D. Min No charge, but pre-registration appreciated. Please visit the Oratory website ( or contact the Center for Spirituality ([email protected] or 803-327-2097) to register or for more information. NOTICE FROM BISHOP GUGLIELMONE TO PASTORS - Dated March 13, 2015 I pass on to you information communicated to the Apostolic Nuncio by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that the faithful should not participate in events that promote the "visionaries" of Medjugorje and, in particular, Mr. Ivan Dragicevic. These events and activities popularize credibility for alleged apparitions that at this time have not been confirmed by the Church. No parish, institution, or church office in the Diocese of Charleston may sponsor, host or promote these events. TERCER DOMINGO DE PASCUA 19 DE ABRIL DE 2015 PÁGINA HISPANA TRADICIONES NUESTRA FE DE Los cristianos somos ¡testigos de Cristo resucitado! Testimoniamos todo lo relacionado con Jesús de Nazaret quien murió en una cruz, fue sepultado y resucitó al tercer día. Debemos ser personas que cantan y gritan ¡Resucitó, Aleluya! Tan importante es la resurrección de Cristo que, mientras tenemos cuarenta días de Cuaresma hay cincuenta días de Pascua en el calendario cristiano. Durante esta época, domingo tras domingo mediante la proclamación del Evangelio se nos transmiten escenas de Cristo, quien cada ocho días se aparecía a sus discípulos confirmando cada Domingo que en verdad había resucitado, instruyéndolos para que pudieran ser verdaderos testigos de su resurrección. Y ¿tú? ¿Cuán buen testigo eres? Un buen testigo da testimonio de lo que ha visto, escuchado y experimentado. Para ser testigo de Cristo hay que verlo, escucharlo y experimentarlo. La Iglesia nos da la oportunidad de verlo, escucharlo y experimentarlo diariamente, en especial durante el domingo. Esto es posible sólo si durante la semana vives con el corazón abierto. Abierto para ver, escuchar y experimentar a Jesús en tu hogar, en tu trabajo, entre tus parientes y amistades. ANULACIÓN Y CONVALIDACIÓN Estamos disponibles para ayudarlo con el proceso que puede permitirle estar en comunión completa con la Iglesia. Por favor, llame a la Oficina de la Iglesia para mayor información o para pedir cita. BAUTISMOS Clases Pre-Bautismales cada primer sábado del mes a las 4:00 pm. Bautismos cada tercer Sábado del mes a las 11:00 am. Mas información favor llamar al 843-662-5674 ext. 227 con Vincent Santamaria. HORARIO Nuestra oficina esta abierta los sábados de 12. p.m. a 5.p.m. y los domingos de 12.30 p.m. a 4 p.m y durante la semana con cita previa. Gracias. Entronización del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y Inmaculado Corazón María en su hogar: El Sacerdote está proporcionando a los feligreses de la Sagrada Familia la oportunidad de tener sus hogares bendecido con el imagen del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y Inmaculado Corazón de María. Si usted está interesado participar en esta inmensa gracia para usted y su familia, por favor llame al Vincent Santamaria 843-662-5674 extensión 227 para programar su entronización en su casa. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. This enlightening talk traces the high adventure of God's Divine Love Story revealed through the seven covenants that span from Eden to Calvary, beginning with Adam and culminating with Jesus. This presentation is the fruit of Monsignor Deutsch's studies during his sabbatical at Franciscan University of Steubenville, where he learned from scholars such as Dr. Scott Hahn and Dr. $3.00 John Bergsma. Donation Suggested ¿SUFRES A CAUSA DE UN ABORTO? Ven y recibe la sanación que necesitas en un retiro lleno de compasión y amor. El Ministerio de El Viñedo de Raquel de DC/MD te invita a participar de un fin de semana de sanación que inicia el: 24-26 April, 2015 Tu llamada sera tratada con estricta confidencialidad! Para mayor información contacta a Sarah 803-627-1209 ¡HAY ESPERANZA!
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