Bluewater Beach

Bluewater Beach
Legal Description: Lots 1-55, Plan 735
Concession 4W & 5W
History: Bluewater Beach was purchased in 1925 by Gilbert Trew, Reuben Webb, Dr.
Tanner, Milton Bray and James Trew for a thousand dollars ($1000). It was then
surveyed and subdivided by Mr. Ardagh in 1926, into 55 lots. Walter Webb, who assisted
Ardagh, opened the first store in 1939. A popular spot for teens was Caston’s farm and
stables. Horses could be rented to ride along the beach. Another popular activity was
sledding down the huge sandy dunes. Due to the amount of housing, and activity on the
dunes, a restoration has been put into affect by the Bluewater Dunes Ratepayers
Association. They have built boardwalks, put up fences and have planted beach grass, in
efforts to protect the dunes. In the 1950s, Bluewater joined the beaches Wendake and
Georgian to form the BGW Beach Association. The name of the beach is a perfect fit,
with the beautiful clear water washing up on the white sands it is like being at a beach in
the Caribbean. Annually the Association organizes a field day at the Park Lot, where the
community comes together for activities. In 2011, they had there 61st field day, involving
107 children from the beach.