QUOTATION Ref. this office PO No. 17/14-15 DTD

Ref. this office PO No. 17/14-15 DTD-6.08.2014 quotation is invited for purchasing of
following furniture articles for the use of Battalion Hqrs. of SAP 7th Bn. and RAF unit
Durgapur. The quotation will be accepted upto 13.08.14 forenoon and will be opened
on the same day at 16.00 hr.
The Firms who do not posses upto-date Tax Clearance Certificate need not submit
quotation. Tenderers are requested to remain present at the time of opening the
Name of Items
Supreme Plastic Chair without arms
Supreme Folding table
Rate(Per Piece)
The payment against supply will be made subject to availability of fund received from
Govt. from time to time.
The undersign does not bind reserve to right to the lowest Tender but reserves the
right to accept any Tender or reject all Tenders without assigning any reason thereof.
SAP 7th Battalion, Kalyanpur
Asansol, Burdwan