OFFICE OF THE SENIOR MANAGER (CIVIL) ODISHA CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION LTD. DEO IRRIGATION PROJECT KARANJIA, DIST.: - MAYURBHANJ SHORT QUOTATION CALL NOTICE NO. 2/2014-15 dated 15.12. 2014 Sl. No. 1 2 3 1. On behalf of Odisha Construction Corporation Ltd. (OCCL), the Senior Manager(Civil), Deo Irrigation Project, Karanjia, Dist :- Mayurbhanj (Odisha) PIN – 757037 invites sealed quotations in item rates from the enlisted jobworkers of OCCL for the following works. Name of the work Estimated EMD Cost of Class Period of cost Rs. in quotation of job- completion lakhs paper worker Supply of labour, Rs.85.53 @ 1% of Rs.2,000/C-1 01 Calendar materials & hire and the quoted + VAT 5% month running charges of amount machineries for Construction of Earth Dam of Deo Irrigation Project from RD 430.00 M to RD 850.00 M (Reach-IV) Supply of labour, Rs.85.45 @ 1% of Rs.2,000/C-1 01 Calendar materials & hire and the quoted + VAT 5% month running charges of amount machineries for Construction of Earth Dam of Deo Irrigation Project from RD 430.00 M to RD 850.00 M (Reach-V) Supply of labour, Rs.93.52 @ 1% of Rs.2,000/C-1 01 Calendar materials & hire and the quoted + VAT 5% month running charges of amount machineries for Construction of Earth Dam of Deo Irrigation Project from RD 850.00 M to RD 1100.00 M (Reach-VI) Sl. No. 4 Name of the work Estimated cost Rs. in lakhs EMD Cost of Class Period of quotation of job- completion paper worker Supply of labour, Rs.93.31 @ 1% of Rs.2,000/C-1 01 Calendar materials & hire and the quoted + VAT 5% month running charges of amount machineries for Construction of Earth Dam of Deo Irrigation Project from RD 850.00 M to RD 1100.00 M (Reach-VII) 5 Supply of labour, Rs.56.00 @ 1% of Rs.2,000/C-1 01 Calendar materials & hire and the quoted + VAT 5% month running charges of amount machineries for Construction of Temporary Submersible Bridge across river Deo Near village Hatibari of Deo Irrigation Project (Reach-VIII) 2. The quotation documents may be purchased from the office of the Senior Manager (Civil), OCC Ltd., Deo Irrigation Project, Karanjia, Dist. Mayurbhanj during office hours on or before 22.12.2014 up to 11.00 A.M on payment of non-refundable cost of quotation document as indicated in the table above in shape of Cash/Demand Draft drawn on any nationalised/scheduled bank payable at State Bank of India, Karanjia, Dist- Mayurbhanj only in favour of “ M/s Odisha Construction Corporation Ltd. – Project Account “. Interested quotationers may obtain further information, if any from the undersigned. 3. The quotations must be accompanied with Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of the amount specified for the work in the table above in shape of Demand Draft of any Nationalised bank drawn in favour of “M/s Odisha Construction Corporation Ltd. – Project Account” payable at State Bank of India, Karanjia, Dist. -Mayurbhanj. The demand draft should be valid for 90 (ninety) days from the date of opening of quotations. 4. The quotation must be submitted in the office of the Senior Manager (Civil), OCC Ltd., Deo Irrigation Project, Karanjia, Dist. Mayurbhanj on or before 1.00 P.M on dated 22.12.2014 and will be opened on same day at 4.00 P.M in the 5. 6 (i) office of the Senior Manager (Civil), OCC Ltd. , Deo Irrigation Project, Karanjia, Dist. Mayurbhanj(Odisha) in presence of the quotationers, if they so desire. If the last date of sale of quotation document & receipt and opening of the quotation as specified above is a public holiday, the quotation document will be sold & will be received and opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. Intending quotations are required to furnish the following documents along with their quotations to be eligible to participate in the quotation. (a) Required E.M.D (b) Copy of Up-to-date Valid VAT clearance certificate. (c) Xerox copy of PAN card. (d) Xerox copy of document indicating residential address. (e) Undertaking to mobilize men, materials and machinery, equipments etc. to site of work within 15(Fifteen) days from the date of issue of work order/letter of intent by OCCL. (f) Copy of valid enlistment certificate as job-worker issued by OCCL. a.The quotationer in its name should have completed at least one similar nature of work in the last three years (i.e. from 2011-2012 to 2013-2014) achieved a minimum financial turn over of Rs. 10.00 crore in any one financial year (attested copy of certificate of authenticity should be furnished by the quotationer from a Chartered Accountant and failure to produce the certification in support will result in non-consideration of quotation). b. The quotationer should have executed at least in one financial year the following minimum quantities for similar nature of work. a) Earth work=8,00,000 cum The quotationer is required to submit attested copy of authentic records duly certified by the concerned authority in support of such experience. Failure to produce proof in support will result in non-consideration of the quotation. The quotationer should produce documentary evidence regarding availability of the following machineries and equipments in working condition required for execution of the work owned in his name. Failure to attach the documentary evidence in support of availability of required machineries may result in non-consideration of quotation. Sl. List of plant & Machinery Minimum no. of No. machineries the J/W to be owned in workable conditions 1. 2. Excavator (0.91 cum) Tipper/Haiwa (10 cum) 3 Nos. 15 Nos. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Vibro Roller (Pad-foot) 8-10 tonne Dozer D-50-A 15 Water Tanker (5000 Lt) Dewatering Pumps (5 H.P) 02 Nos. 02 Nos. 2 Nos. 6 Nos. The authority reserves the absolute right to accept or reject any or all quotations and to spilt up works to award to one or more job-workers without assigning any reason thereof. The job-workers are to quote items rate in the sample format enclosed. The job-workers shall have to execute work as per conditions of the agreement. Any disputes arising out of the above quotation call notice shall be subject to jurisdiction of Hon’ble High Court of Odisha at Cuttack and their sub-ordinates courts at Bhubaneswar only. The quotationer shall submit methodology of working plan/detail work programme for execution of the work within the stipulated period. Sd/Senior Manager (Civil) Memo No. /OCC/DIP Dated Copy submitted to the Managing Director/ General Manager (Civil) Projects, OCCL, Bhubaneswar-12 for favour of kind information and necessary action. Sd/Senior Manager (Civil) Memo No. /OCC/DIP Dated Copy along with soft copy of the quotation call notice to the Senior Systems Manager, Systems Business Division, OCCL, Head Office, Bhubaneswar for information and request for publication in website of OCCL. Encl. : As above (DVD-One No.) Sd/Senior Manager (Civil) Memo No. /OCC/DIP Dated Copy along with soft copy of the quotation call notice submitted to the Head, State Portal Group, I T Centre, Portal Group, Odisha Secretariat, Bhubaneswar – 751001 for favour of information with a request to host the quotation call notice in the website of Govt. Encld. : As above (DVD-One No.) Sd/Senior Manager (Civil) C.C. :to Notice Board
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