日本電子株式会社 日本電子株式会社 日本電子株式会社 JEOL MSMS Data Sheet JEOL Data Sheet Mass Spectrometry Application Group 応用研究センター Mass Spectrometry Business Unit 分析機器 応用研究グループ MS 事業ユニット MS アプリケーショングループ 〒 196-8558 東京都昭島市武蔵野 3-1-2 お問い合わせ:分析機器販促グループ JEOL Ltd. お問い合わせ:分析機器販促グループ Tel JEOL : (042) 542-2242, Fax : (042) 542-3132 Tel : (042) 528-3340 site: www.jeol.com Tel : Global (042) 528-3340 www.jeol.co.jp MS MSTips Tips (SP: 02/’09) No.No. XX No.163 (P , 03/’10) No. 040 JMS-S3000 Application Data Measurement of synthetic polymer with JMS-S3000“SpiralTOF” ~Polystyrene~ Polystyrene(PS)1000 and 2400 were measured with JMS-S3000 by spiral mode. The [M+H]+ peaks of the fragments of PS1000 and C H PS2400 whose basic unit has 104u mass number were observed. H C n 2 (Fig.1) The mass spectrum of PS1000 and its expansion image around m/z 1000 were shown in Fig. 2. The MS resolution at m/z 1101 was approximately 50,000 (FWHM). The mass difference between 8, 9 and 10-mers had very good match with the theoretical Fig.1 Constitutional repeating unit mass number (104.0626) calculated from the elemental composition (C8H8=104.0626) of the repeating unit(C8H8). The mass spectrum of PS24000 and the expansion image of isotopic pattern of 23-mer were shown in Fig (b) 104.0625 104.0626 (9mer) (10mer) (8mer) 1101.5461 1103.5482 997.4836 1205.6086 999.4853 1207.6112 3. The observed isotopic pattern of 23-mer has very good agreement with simulated one (R 60,000). a 4 u pea o e Spec t 03 u 5 80, eg t 35 39, ea 6093, 9533 (a) Intensit y Intensity x10 2.0 1000 0.0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 1100 3000 m/ z m/z Fig.2 Mass spectrum of PS1000(a) and of 8-10mer(b) Simulation of 23mer C180H186Ag R=60000 (b) (b) (b) x10 Profile Spec Maximum peak:trum m/ z 2561.4284, Height 5 1200 m/ z 244716, Area 2068988, R 61558 (a) Intensit y 2.0 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 m/ z P-C11-00-001_PS2400.tas DataSet: 0323_MH_HL_PS Spot: C11 Acquired: 2010-03-23 15:32 2560 m/z 1.0 2565 2566 2565 2567 2568 2569 Isotope distribution of 23mer 0.0 1000 2000 3000 m/ z 4000 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2560 2562 2563 m/ z m/z 2564 2565 2566 2565 2567 2568 2569 Fig.3 Mass spectrum of PS2400(a) and of 23mer with simulation(b) Copyright © 2010 JEOL Ltd.
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