Prompts for responses to the 14 Questions Questions 1 How does the setting / school / college know if children/young people need extra help and what should I do if I think my child/young person may have special educational needs? 2 How will early years setting / school / college staff support my child/young person? School Response We use data provided by the feeder school and our own assessment to identify additional needs. We track the progress of all our students across all areas of the curriculum which we use to identify need and celebrate success. Parents/carers are encouraged to talk to Head of Year/Form Tutor/Teachers/SENCO about any concerns they have. We have some in-house expertise in special educational needs. Flagged up by tracking/monitoring – in dept – in year groups. Spelling Age /Reading Age every year. KS2 transition data. SENCO Market Place meeting. Progress Reports that are sent home. Parents contact SENCO directly. Contact with outside agencies. MidYIS, numeracy, literacy in Year 7. Information from Primary School meetings. (transition) Contact with Head of Year. At Parent. Consultation Evening, Year 6 Induction – parents’ flag concerns. All teachers are teachers of SEN and inclusion and they differentiate appropriately to meet the needs of the students. Having identified additional need, we seek to match provision to need within the resources available. All interventions are tried and tested and known to support progress. This information is recorded on our Provision Map. We monitor the impact of interventions by tracking student progress. The Governors/ Head/ Senior Leadership Team and SENCO monitor the quality of our SEN provision. Parents/carers are involved in the planning of programmes and their permission is sought before intervention is put in place. Appropriate setting for ab. Numeracy and Literacy. Differentiated lessons. Tailored options at KS4. 3 How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s/young person’s needs? 4 How will both you and I know how my child/young person is doing and how will you help me to support my child’s/young person’s learning? 5 What support will there be for my child’s/young person’s overall wellbeing? Emotional support groups. Literacy withdrawal lessons. Pastoral Plans put in place. Personal profiles Liaison with professional outside agencies (CAMHS, EWO, Speech and Language, Language & Learning Service, School Nurse, English as an Additional Language, Surrey Alternative Learning Programme, Careers Advice. KS4 Mentors, 6th Form Mentors. Teachers are aware of the needs of all groups. Differentiation is imbedded in our curriculum and practice Teachers are provided with information about the individual needs of identified students. Progress is monitored and meetings held to discuss next steps. Specifications. 4 GCSE Options for the majority. Alternative curriculum offered (Brooklands/Willows). Withdrawal of certain students for literacy support at KS3 and for Study Support at KS4. Consultation with parents about the Curriculum Pathway appropriate. Gifted & Talented opportunities (e.g. Latin). Variety of provision (e.g. Triple Science > BTEC). Additional Maths top set. Regular assessment takes place and parent/carers are informed via Progress Reports. There are a number of opportunities for parents to meet with staff to discuss student progress. At these and Curriculum/Year group meetings parents are given information about what can be done at home to support school learning. More regular contact is arranged as and when it is necessary Progress Report and Main Report contains effort grade, target and current progress grade). Parents’ Consultation Evening. Parents’ Information Evening for all year groups. Heads of Year in contact. Senior Leadership Team Year 11 interviews. Tiered Report system. (Red report to S L.T., yellow HOY, green Tutor). KS4 mentoring. GCSE Revision evenings for Parents. Celebration of Achievement Assemblies. Tutor Awards, Mentoring system, postcards, KS3 Diploma). All statutory Policies are in place and up-dated by the Governors. All staff are regularly reminded about the guidance and expectations within each Policy. We have a School Council to get the views of the students. Students are aware of the adults they can talk to if the need arises. Tutor is key link person. Intervention group in house (vulnerable/bereaved groups) Relational Support Worker (East to West) Extra curriculum programme. School Nurse. PSHE/Citizenship. Work Experience (2 weeks) Enrichment in the Sixth Form. Sports Day. Health Day. Assemblies > Christian Ethos. Visiting speakers from community churches. Religious Studies up to GCSE for all students. Spiritual development in the 6th Form. 6 What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the setting / school / college? Educational Psychologist, Education Welfare Officer, Learning & Language, Speech & Language, CAMHS, East to West, Relational Support Worker, Intervention Support Worker, Careers, Local Parishes, Chaplaincy, Youth Support Service, SALP, Gypsy Liaison Officer, School Nurse, Willows, Short Stay school, Catch 22, Police and Community Policy. 7 What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having? Teaching and Learning differentiation Staff Briefing & individual training Educational Psychologist /Speech & Language workshop with designated staff re students. Head of Year self-harming course. SEN Link Dept meeting. Behaviour & Safety briefing (Deputy Head) Training for NQT’s tackling a range of SEND issues. First Aid training for specific SEN needs. Resilience and GRIT training SEND 14 In-Year admissions : 1-1 with Deputy – parents invited, numeracy & literacy test, Settling-in Report, Buddy system for 2 weeks, Tour of school, I.T. Training, in-year admissions co-ordinator. Next stage of Educational life : Options evening, Assembly of Option changes Skills Festival, mock interviews, A Level taster/Brooklands, SLT interviews, Careers appointments, UCAS/HE evening, Futures Day for 6th Form, 2-week work experience, Health Fair, Taster course for alternative curriculum, Study Support, Careers Fair. 8 9 10 11 12 How will my child/young person be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips? How accessible is the setting / school / college environment? Pupil Premium to support students. 16-19 Bursary. Discretionary grants for non-pupil premium. Rewards trips promote involvement of all. All school bases (non-fee) are inclusive (eg Warhammer, Worship family, sports teams) How will the setting /school / college prepare and support my child/young person to join the setting /school / college, transfer to a new setting / school / college or the next stage of education and life? How are the setting’s / school’s / college’s resources allocated and matched to children’s/young people’s special educational needs? Yrs 6/7 SENCO market place. Dad’s Day Vulnerable students visit individuals and return to the school. Summer Spectacular. Tutors/Staff advance awareness of individual needs – pupil profile. Numeracy/literacy/MIDYS on arrival. Tutor settling in evenings (wk 5) and Parents Info Evening. First point of contact with parents within 1st month. How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child/young person will receive? Local authority assesses and determines the hours allocated by a points system. This is distributed between subjects depending on the need of the child. Progress is monitored and resources deployed/reviewed. Annual reviews conducted for Statemented children. PEPs twice a year for Children in Care Ramps and lifts. Different colour door frame for partially sighted. Full disabled access (RSSS approved) Hoist for swimming pool. All new developments DOA compliant. Hearing loop planned. Amount of SEN funding is applied and follows an individual LSA’s timetabled appropriately. Use of support in exams – special considerations. Small group withdrawal (Literacy teacher, SEN support room), which is timetabled specifically and provided as a lunch/break drop in. Study Support option for those taking fewer options. Yr 11 additional coursework support. 1:1 Maths tutor catch-up. Budget/Learning Support resources are separately identified and run past Governors. 13 How are parents involved in the setting/school/college? How can I be involved? Parental questionnaire. Parents Consultation Evening, Information Evening. Reviews, contact with Shirley Warner. Headteacher, Open Door. PTA (The Friends of Bishop Wand) Reporting – Parents can make comments at end of report. Parent Governor. FROG √ Check Planner √ Home School Agreement √ 14 Who can I contact for further information? Shirley Warner (SENCO) Andy Brame – Vice Chairman of Governors, SEN Link Governor. Yvonne Hunt – Deputy Headteacher Dan Aldridge (Headteacher)
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