Crediton Learning Community – Transition: Action Plan 2014 – 2015 Area for Action Success criteria Actions required / Person Responsible Work with QE to produce targeted transition programme High uptake of places at QE Draft programme established Pupils familiar with QE before they begin. Good sharing of professional knowledge, supports progress into Y7 Cost KS2/3 Transition steering group established (RP, NG, JMcD) £1000 Transport £150 Venue/Refreshments QE staff visit Governing Body meetings £1150 Evaluation July 2015 Open Day extended to Y5 pupils Library/Science activities at QE Work with schools and settings to improve transition. Professional development of EYFS staff and sharing of good practice. Participation in CPD events and continued improvement in engagement with settings. Settings / EYFS transition (JG, WGF) Creation of a shared ‘best practice’ document for EY transition Continue engagement with pre-schools at LC and school level – ‘building links’ See Raising Standards Action Plan Move from three meetings to two whole day CPD events Transition Sub Total : £1150 Crediton Learning Community - SEND Action Plan: 2014 - 2015 Area for Action Success criteria Actions required / Person Responsible To work together to manage the new Code of Practice, DAF process and additional funding applications to meet the needs of students in the community. Successful implementation of the DAF paperwork. Successful My Plan meetings across the community. Pupil need is being met. Successful funding applications across learning communication. Ryan Merchant & Hannah Park to facilitate a discussion and workshop on the new DAF process. Literacy – share good practice of interventions which make an impact. SENCo’s have new ideas about intervening with poor literacy skills to take away and try. Good practice across the community is shared. This sees an improvement in literacy skills of identified students across the year. Alison Jones – keynote on latest literacy interventions followed by discussion on best practice facilitated by Hannah Park Supporting students with communication and interaction difficulties. SENCO’s are enabled to strategically remove barriers to learning and promote inclusion. For SENCo’s to be informed about best strategic practice when removing barriers to learning and including students with communication and interaction difficulties. An action plan for further collaborative work in place for 2015-6. Claire Thomson – keynote presentation and workshop. Followed by Hannah Park and Maggie Gomersall facilitating an action planning session on key areas of need. Cost Supporting students with complex behaviour difficulties. SENCO’s are enabled to strategically remove barriers to learning and promote inclusion. For SENCo’s to be informed about best strategic practice when removing barriers to learning and including students with complex behavioural difficulties. An action plan for further collaborative work in place for 2015-6. Matt Jones QEVT profiling tool To develop expertise in identifying and supporting students with speech, language and communication needs. Referrals to speech therapist reduced. Levels of confidence to support low level SLCN improved. Progress against EYFS progress points. ELKLAN course delivered across the learning community to a support staff representative in each primary school. £2200 SEND Sub Total: See CPD and Raising Standards Action Plan Crediton Learning Community – CPD and Raising Standards : Action Plan 2014 – 2015 Annual Conference Venue costs and speakers £5000 SEND See SEND Action Plan £6200 EYFS See Transition Action Plan £5840 Counting to Calculating Trainer and venue costs £6542 SPTO training for school leaders Trainer costs £1045 Support for writing Rebecca Cosgrave, supply and venue costs £2610 THRIVE training Cover £12000 Support leadership and governance Gill Winston briefings for school leaders £1200 Gill Winston working with governors Costs to be met by schools Consultation on models of future collaboration Reporting to governors on impact of LLC initiatives 2013/14 Consideration of options for future collaboration activities Meetings with school leaders and governors £1200 Crediton Learning Community – Events and Enrichment: Action Plan 2014 – 2015 Arts festival Venue Hire, professional support, transport £1000 Sports programme Funded by Sports Premium money Music Programme Funded by MEG Raising Standards Sub Total : £42637 Infrastructure April 2014 – August 2015 Meeting Costs Venue Costs, Catering, HT Release Support for children and families Commission South West Family Support from Dec. 1 2014 st Contingency for Redundancy Leadership & Support Team £4000 £51875 £3250 Chair, Admin, Finance, Minuting and Office Costs (Costs of supporting PSP to be recovered) £37200 Infrastructure Sub Total: £96325 Contingency £13095 Income: Carry forward from 2013/14: £45395 LLC Funding 2014/15: £107812 Total: £153207 Total Expenditure: £153207
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