Newsletter - Castleton United Methodist Church

Our mission
is to make
of Jesus
Christ for the
of the world.
We are called to be an
outward facing circle of
people; seeking, reaching and
welcoming others to join us in
serving Jesus Christ.
The Cost of Discipleship
“If you aren’t hungry for God, you are too full of yourself!”
“Ouch” sometimes is the only substitute for “Amen!” I have noticed
that often times when the Lord steps on my toes that it is not to
hear me scream but it is to get me back on track. The Lenten
Season is one of the times within the Christian year that is set aside
for self-examination, spiritual inventory, and spiritual naval gazing, in
order that we might get back on track.
Sunday Morning Services
Castleton Worship Center
(CWC) 71st & Shadeland
Traditional - 8:30 and 9:40 am
(ASL Interpreter at 9:40 am)
Contemporary - 11 am
Sunrise Worship Center
(SWC) 75th & Oaklandon
Blended - 10 am
Adult Sunday School - 9 am
The purpose of this “self-focus” is to examine where we are in light
of what we profess as Christ-followers. As we look at the person in the mirror we are
compelled to ask, “Am I a reflection of Jesus Christ?” Lent is the time when we turn on
the spiritual magnifier and ask the Holy Spirit to give us a spiritual makeover. The end
result is that we want to look more and more like Jesus.
For some it is a matter of a few adjustments and a simple change in priorities. For others,
like me, it requires a change of the heart and the head, along with a readjustment
of priorities. The good news is that the Holy Spirit can tackle both small and large
makeover projects.
Are you ready for more? Do you long for a deeper walk with Jesus Christ? Are you
hungry for tools that not only will change your life, but that can help you change the
world for Jesus?
Castleton United
Methodist Church
7160 Shadeland Station
Indianapolis, IN 46256
Buckle your seat belt and get ready for a great Lenten ride. This year we will be reading
and studying one of the great Christian classics, The Cost of Discipleship, by Dietrich
Bonhoeffer. This book can and will challenge us in becoming more faithful followers of
Jesus Christ. Please remember to get your book before Ash Wednesday.
317-849-8595 fax
I am excited about the marvelous way that God is leading and transforming us to reflect
Jesus Christ. I am more deeply committed than ever to being the pastor of a church that
believes its mission is, “to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the
World.” Transformation always begins inward before it ever spreads outward.
Office Hours
8:30 am - 4:30 pm Mon - Thur
8:30 am - 3:30 pm Fri
Prayer Chapel
6:00 am - 9:00 pm Daily
Castleton Care Line
Childcare Needs
Newsletter Announcements
[email protected]
Editor, Jordan Shew
God Bless,
Pastor Frank
The cost of the book is $10.00 and can be purchased in the Narthex or in the Church
Salvation Army
Thank You
Thanks again to the 52 volunteers who
came out to ring the salvation army bell
on December 12 & 13. The numbers have
been tallied and we raised $1591.27 during
our shifts! Great job everyone!
Merry Crews and her team - for making the
Sanctuary and Narthex look so beautiful
during the Advent Season. We also thank
Merry for her work throughout the year!
Marcie Elick - for the lovely altar flowers
each week.
Frank Beard, Senior Pastor
Matt Lipan, Associate Pastor and Pastor at Sunrise
Billy Nickrand, Associate Pastor
Jackie Chandler, Pastoral Counselor
Wayne Derr, Director of Operations
Stephanie Riebe, Director of Student Ministries
Joe Garrison, Assistant Director of Student Ministries
Katie Gilbert, Director of Children’s Ministry
Jeff Wright, Director of Music Ministry
Still Waters 4th Birthday Celebration
February 21-22 is Faith Promise Weekend. We have
many opportunities to be in mission on Saturday. Clean
and do small projects at the Ahepa Apartments to
continue the relationship started last Go weekend. Work
on some household repairs through a Neighborhood
Link project, or volunteer Saturday evening at IHN.
Sign up at
On Sunday, Feb. 15 Still Waters Adult Day Center will be
lifted up during worship in recognition of their 4 years
of ministry. Still Waters has grown from a tiny program
serving 2 guests a couple days a week to a vibrant
ministry that has cared for more than 100 older adults
and their families. The Center is now open 11 hours a day,
five days a week and plans to expand to Saturday care
this spring. Still Waters regularly serves around 17-20
guests per day and will increase their capacity to around
25 with the addition of extra space.
Missions Trips
Storm Mountain Center, a Methodist facility owned by
the Dakotas Conference - June 14-19,2015
Mission Guatemala - October 10 – 17, 2015
Mission Guatemala in the summer of 2016
Roberts Park
CUMC is hosting and cooking the meal at Roberts Park
on Sunday, March 1. We need servers and desserts.
Sign up at
Still Waters is hosting an Open House from 9am – Noon
that morning. Please plan to stop by before or after
worship and see the remodeled Center including a new
entrance through Door 3 of the Ministries Center. Visit
with staff, enjoy refreshments, and learn how Still Waters
supports the church’s vision of seeking, reaching, and
welcoming others to join in serving Jesus Christ.
Our Sympathy And Prayers
Julie, Hailey, and Stephen Ray along with their families
and friends on the passing of Brandon Ray, January 23.
Monique, Michael, Skyler, Brianna and Brad Gillespie on
the passing of Monique’s father, Allan Gene Annis, on
January 23.
Barbara Bretz, Donna and Stan Lawrence and family on
the passing of Barbara’s son and Donna’s brother,
Dane, January 23.
Stephanie and Scott Reed on the passing of Stephanie’s
mother, Audrey Roberta Harvey Chisholm, on January 21.
Renovations to Family Life Center
Demolition work has started on the Phase 1 Renovation
Chris and Jennifer Mosier and family. on the passing of
Chris’ grandmother, Jean Jones on Saturday, January 17. of the Family Life Center. Phase 1 work consists of
removing the choir loft, reconfiguring the stage area,
Phil and Suzy Komenda-Myers and family on the passing electrical(including some sound equipment), installing
of Phil’s father, Harry Myers, on January 13.
a drop ceiling, insulation, and new lighting. Phase 1 will
make the area more useable with the improved lighting
Scott and Katie (Qualkinbush) Snider, on the passing of
and temperature control. The schedule is to have the
Scott’s grandmother, Donna Konkle, on Wednesday,
majority of the work completed by the middle of March.
Jan. 7.
We are in need of volunteers of all skill levels to help
For the passing of Joan Smith,(Mrs. F. Rexford Smith Sr.)
on this project. Contact Jim Gettz (317.979.0570) if you
who passed on December 27.
would like to help.
Mark Your Calendars
Looking Ahead
March 6 - Family Night
February 1 - Camp Sunday
March 20-21 - MAD Performance
February 8 - Scouting Sunday
March 20-22 - Confirmation Retreat
February 15 - Still Waters Sunday
February 15-22 - IHN is in the Ministry Center
February 18 - Ash Wednesday Service(details forthcoming)
February 22 - Mission Sunday
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