F F N Y O A . ‐ April 2014 . Resurrection Power April is here and Easter is upon us. As a matter of fact it is hard to talk about anything other than Easter. Easter is so powerful, especially if you are a Christian. The death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ are what the gospel and the Christian faith is all about. I am a huge fan of Christian music and use it often in the youth ministry here at FBC. I was listening to a new album by a band called Rend Collective Experiment the other day. They are a worship band from Ireland. One of their new songs called “Burn Like a Star” has a line it that is asking God to send us out with resurrection power. I immediately thought of Easter and what that really means. The fact that Jesus died and rose again and ascended to the right hand of God allows believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:11says, “If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.” So the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus back to life comes to live inside those who believe. What can we learn from this? 1. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit makes believers a bold witness for Jesus Christ. Acts 1:8 2. The Bible says that through the Holy Spirit we can put to death the deeds of the body which is sin. Romans 8:13 3. The Bible says that through the Holy Spirit, God has filled us with love. Romans 5:5 4. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit helps us to follow the ways of the Lord, to be filled with the fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22 5. The Old Testament speaks of the Holy Spirit causing us to walk in God’s ways. It foretells of the new covenant that was ushered in at the death and resurrection of Jesus. Jeremiah 31:31-34; Ezekiel 36:25-27 I could keep going about all of the things that are provided to believers because of the death and resurrection of our Lord. This is Resurrection Power that we be filled with the Holy Spirit. I pray that this Easter we would be reminded of the things that Christ did and does for us and that we be led out by the Holy Spirit to share the good news with others. This should affect our entire lives and ministry and everything. If Jesus rose from the dead it changes everything and I believe He did. -Randy McDaris Youth Pastor Easter’s meaning In a Barna Group survey, two-thirds of Americans knew that Easter is a religious holiday. But only 42 percent connected its meaning to Jesus’ resurrection. And only two percent of adults said they would describe Easter as the most important holiday of their faith. Not everyone who connects Easter to religion has the facts straight. Two percent of Americans said Easter is about Jesus’ birth. Another two percent said it’s about Jesus’ “rebirth.” And one percent said it’s a celebration of his second coming. Another three percent described Easter as a celebration of spring or a pagan holiday. In the same survey, 31 percent of active churchgoers said they’d definitely invite an unchurched friend to worship with them on Easter weekend. This Easter, share the truth and joy of the holiday with someone who doesn’t know Jesus. News of the Resurrection is too good to keep to ourselves! Join us for our Easter celebration services April 20. We will have our “sunrise service” at 8:10am and our late service is at 10:45am. Following the late service we will have the children’s Easter Egg Hunt outside. Young at Heart Lunch Fellowship Friday, April 4 Lunch at Earl Abel’s Restaurant If you would like to ride with someone, we will meet at the church and leave at 10:30 am. Please let Shirley or Mildred know. After our lunch, join us back in the fellowship hall for dessert and dominoes. All are invited to join us! Game Day Friday, April 25 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. Fellowship Hall Bring sandwiches, chips and dips, salad, snacks, or dessert and join us for an afternoon of fellowship and dominoes. Invite a friend! Weekly Bible Study Tuesdays (except 3rd Tuesday) 9:00 a.m. Grab a cup of coffee and join us in Room 5! NORTH AMERICAN MISSIONS OFFERING OUR CHURCH GOAL: $3,000.00 GIFTS GIVEN TO DATE: $1,623.00 As Southern Baptists, we are all partners in sowing the seeds and firmly planting the gospel throughout North America. North American Mission Board missionaries are involved in planting churches dedicated to ensuring that those who hear the good news of Jesus Christ are firmly planted in the gospel and are bearing fruit. You still have the opportunity through the month of April to help support our missionaries and our church plants with your sacrificial gifts. Offering envelopes are available in the church pews or designate your check to “AAEO MISSIONS.” ____________________________________________ Nursing Home Ministry Country Care Nursing Home (Third) Tuesday, April 15 10:00 a.m. Brief sermon, singing and visitation. All are welcome to join us! Prayer Meeting Every Wednesday 11:30 a.m. Lunch in the Fellowship Hall Prayer Requests and Prayer, and Dominoes For more information about our senior ministry or events, contact Shirley Summers (830.391.1986) or Mildred Hoffmann (830.779.2353). Baptism Services will be held on Palm Sunday, April 13 and Easter Sunday, April 20. If you wish to be baptized at this time, contact the church office to talk to Pastor David. _____________________________________________ “This do in remembrance of me.” By Statement of Faith Join us in the celebration of Dave Raushenberger Cody and Kim Ringer The Lord’s Supper Palm Sunday, April 13 8:10 and 10:45 Worship By Church Letter Brad and Heather Tomlinson Charles and Dana Kerby Dear Lord, thank You for sacrificing Your life for our sins so that we might live. We’re thankful that because You died and rose again, we can have assurance that one day we’ll be with You in a place of no more death. S.O.U.L. Food — On Tuesday, April 8, Joan Courtney with Prayer International will speak to us about how to start a prayer group in our area. Breakfast will be at 8:30. All ladies are invited to attend. Women of all ages are invited to join our new DVD-led six-week Bible study, "Feasts of the Bible" by author, Sam Nadler, which begins April 15 through May 20. Student books are $9.00. God commanded Moses and the Children of Israel to observe these feasts and holy days as memorials to the great things that he had done in their lives. These are holidays that Jesus observed all through his life. See how these special days point to Jesus as the promised Messiah. Includes Hebrew lettering, pronunciation, the Jewish calendar, symbolism, and Bible references for the feasts and their New Testament fulfillment: Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Shavuot (Pentecost), Rosh HaShanah (Feast of Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Sukkot (Feast of Booths), Simchat Torah, Hanakkah (Chanukah), and Purim. S.O.U.L. on Missions — Beginning Tuesday, April 1, Joan Robertson will lead a card making class Tuesdays at 11:30am in the fellowship hall. All the supplies are provided. All you need to do is bring your lunch. We will do this for several consecutive Tuesdays. S.O.U.L. Women's Ministry will host a tea Thursday, April 10 at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. We will be hearing from the members of our India Team. A love offering will be taken up for the Abundant Life Ministerial Association (ALMA) in India. All women (including youth) of our church and their guests are invited to this event. Spring hats are encouraged! We do need help with finger foods (tea sandwiches, scones, small desserts, cookies and flavored tea bags). Please contact Gina Trowbridge at 210-392-4852. S.O.U.L. Train — We are going Greek for our April social! Join us for lunch on Tues, April 29 as we head to Artemisia's on the St. Philip's College campus. A four course Greek meal prepared by the culinary students awaits us. The cost is $12 including tip. We will leave from the church at 11:30 to make our noon reservation. You must prepay by April 22 to Alison Butts. Please RSVP her at 210-414-9470. Calling all servant-hearted people who want to honor God with excellence! Are you looking for a meaningful way to spend your Saturday morning? Saturday, April 12 beginning at 8:00am, we are looking for volunteers to spend the morning doing some light maintenance and clean up around the church facility. There is plenty of work for people of all fitness levels – no matter what your ability; we’ll have something you can do. So put on your grubbies, bring your tools and/or cleaning supplies, come on over and we’ll serve coffee and a light breakfast in the fellowship hall before we get started. Upcoming events and dates ... Annual Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser—Sunday, April 6 during the Sunday school time. The youth will help make and serve the breakfast to raise money for youth camp. Pre-Easter Retreat—April 17-19 at Alto Frio Baptist En campment in Leakey, TX. The cost is $75 but the money is not due until the Wednesday before we leave which is April 16. Impact Missions Project—June 9-13. Project details are still being worked on but the dates have been set. Plan on coming to this event. Collide Summer Youth Camp—June 22-26 at Latham Springs Conference and Retreat Center in Aquilla, TX. Deposits of $50 and name and shirt size are due ASAP. The total cost of the camp is $200, which the next $150 is not due until we leave for camp. We will be doing fundraisers to help with money. If you want to come do not let money be an issue. Contact Pastor Randy at 210557-2151 if you have any questions. If you miss a deadline and want to go please check with us to see if there are any spots left open Dear Church Family, Love is the joy of Easter! I am so thankful I belong to Jesus! My hope and prayer is to reflect His love all the days of my life, because the message of His everlasting love is the best blessing in life! Get all excited and go tell everybody that Jesus Christ lives! HE LIVES! ALLELUIA! HELP NEEDED FOR EASTER CELEBRATION Parents, grandparents, young adults, older responsible youth...if you would like to help with decorating, providing Easter Sunday snacks, filling Easter eggs, and/or helping on Easter Sunday during Children's Church 10:45am-Noon), please call, text, or email me at 210-382-9679 or [email protected]. CHILDREN'S SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER'S MEETING 6:30pm TUESDAY, APRIL 15th UPCOMING EVENTS ANNUAL PANCAKE BREAKFAST, SUNDAY, APRIL 6th- (Camp fundraiser): Preteen kids planning to go to camp should be signed in to work/serve by 8:30am. Contact: Judy Chesser at 210-382-9679. PRETEEN CAMP, JUNE 16th-19th - SIGN-UP NOW! Now signing up 3rd-6th grade for summer camp. Total camp fee is $190. Your $50 non-refundable deposit will hold your space. The $140 will be due by May1st. We will be going to Highland Lakes Camp by Lake Travis, near Austin. Camp Contact: Mrs. Judy at 210-382-9679. EASTER COMMUNITY PROJECT, NOW THROUGH APRIL 13th - Our kids are currently collecting canned goods for the La Vernia Food Pantry. Our goal is to collect 25 filled bags by Sunday, April 13th. Parents, please help us meet our goal! Our kids are learning to be the hands and feet like Jesus. "Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31. COMMUNITY OUTREACH, SUNDAY, APRIL 13th Kids attending Children's Church will be given ten plastic eggs to fill with candy to gift to friends and families with an personal written invitation to attend our Easter services. INDIA MISSION PROJECT, NOW THROUGH APRIL 23rd - The kids are collecting a love offering to gift bicycles to evangelists that work with Abundant Life Ministerial Association. The kids have been learning what sacrificial giving means. I am so proud of the attitude I've seen in them! How humbling! We are $35 from being able to get two bikes! PRAISE THE LORD!!! Pizza and salad provided! CHILDREN'S CHURCH EASTER CELEBRATION AND EGG HUNT, EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 20th - During Children's Church time from 10:45-noon there will be a fun and exciting Easter Celebration for kids ages five through second grade! Come join us! ALSO, AFTER SECOND SERVICE (about noontime) there will be an Easter Egg Hunt with over 1000 eggs! This is for toddlers through third grade. There will be special gifts handed out for kids up to 5th grade. Thank-you Mark Syma (3rd & 4th grade Sunday School teacher)! He took his class on a fabulous fun fishing trip! Also, special thanks to Dean & Patty Gary for letting our kids fish in your pond. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2014: “AGENCY D3: DISCOVER, DECIDE, DEFEND” (1 Peter 3:15) from Lifeway, is this year’s Vacation Bible School theme. Mark your calendar for out VBS dates, Sunday, July 20 through Thursday, July 24. As always, our VBS meets in the evening from 6:00-9:00pm, and includes all ages, nursery through adults. No need to worry about feeding your family at home—our free family meal each evening is at 5:00-5:45pm. A kitchen coordinator is needed as well as workers in all areas. Please contact me if you are interested in serving in VBS this summer. - Mrs. Judy Sermon CDs / DVDs La Vernia Food Pantry Our church is responsible for regular donations of flour, sugar, and peanut butter. There is also a need of paper products. Please bring your donations to the fellowship hall and place in the blue container marked “Food Pantry”. Our church workday at the food pantry is Saturday, April 26. To volunteer to help or for more information, contact Victoria Johnson (210.213.0899). Please remember to check the sermon CD/ DVD box in the foyer as you enter the fellowship hall for any cds or dvds you have requested during the past several weeks. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ To receive the monthly newsletter via e-mail (rather than delivered mail) Contact the church office at Debbie @fbc-lv.org or call the office at 830.253.1239. Difficulties Build Me Up! Part 2 (continued from last month) Philippians 1:12–14 (NIV84) 12 Now I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel. 13 As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. 14Because of my chains, most of the brothers in the Lord have been encouraged to speak the word of God more courageously and fearlessly. As Paul said, maybe God’s plan included growing and strengthening other messengers of the Gospel because of Paul’s suffering. Note that the Lord had told Ananias that he was to go and lay hands on Saul in Damascus after Saul’s conversion. He said, Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name.” (Acts 9:15). Jesus indicated very clearly that Paul would do a good bit of suffering! Either way, you have to admire Paul’s attitude! He knew he was to be about sharing the Gospel. So, when God closed the doors to all the opportunities we would say were required for Paul to be able to share the Gospel, Paul just did what he could where he was! This is a pretty good lesson for us, as well! We have ideas in our minds about how we are expecting God to use us and what resources and situations are necessary for doing the task that we believe He has set before us. But when things don’t work out as we expect, we want to give up. We end up standing around waiting to get started, someday, on the task that we are sure He has for us. Tomorrow things will be different, tomorrow I will have the complete set of resources, tomorrow I’ll feel better, tomorrow I’ll feel more empowered of God. We should take Paul’s example to heart. We should just do what we can where we are! Paul was eventually set free to continue his work in planting churches and sharing the gospel. I suspect that God will also, one day, move each of us to seemingly more ideal places of service. But until then, we should be like Paul, and carry on with the task at hand and let God worry about the handicaps that, from our point of view, slow our progress. In fact, if you truly think about it, it is the difficulties of life that make you stronger. Your navigation through these difficulties has made you wiser. Your endurance of these difficulties has made you more compassionate toward others who are experiencing like troubles. Your consciousness of the Father’s guiding hand upon you during the trouble increases your faith and determination. And finally, your realization of the depth of God’s love increases your own love for the Lord. Paul describes this very thing in Romans 5:1-5 (NIV84) 1 Therefore, since we have been jus fied through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us. I have seen it before: Christians with great potential who simply sit on their blessed assurance and totally miss the chance of service for the Lord. They go through life wondering why those around them are so motivated and filled with the joy of the Lord. They completely miss the reward of serving the one who gave His life for them. They hear a small voice in side them asking, “isn’t there more?” Many think they are too good to do the simple task that is right before them. They forgot that Christ said He came to serve, and we should too! He said “the first shall be last and the last shall be first!” (Mark 9:35). So, whether the task God has put before you is emptying a trash can, washing a window, or simply sharing what Christ has done in your life, don’t shirk your responsibility. Get up, and get after it! But don’t worry, if you don’t, God will send someone else to do it. And unfortunately for you, they will receive the blessings given by the Creator of the Universe to those that serve Him out of love. What blessings will you miss out on this week? - Pastor Devin The Impact Mission Project to India is set for April 24 -May 6 this year. Our team this year is Randy McDaris, Wendy Batey, Judy Chesser, Karen Comeaux, Joan Robertson, and Devin Butts. We will be hosting a family conference focused on marriage and parenting for the 200 pastors and their families. We will also be ministering in many village churches on the trip as well. Please be in prayer for the project and if you would like to support it financially it is very appreciated. DEACONS OF THE WEEK F 8:10 / 10:45 6 13 20 27 Mike Kinsey / Richard Grams Ted Claus / James Woitaske Jeff Johnson / Mark Syma Stan Walker / Tony Costanzo B C PO Box 279 La Vernia, TX 78121 Office: 830.253.1239 Fax: 830.779.4521 Office Email: info@FBC‐LV.org Office Hours: Mon‐Fri , 9 am‐Noon, 1‐5 2014 www. c‐people.com Our Purpose Statement To glorify God together by worshipping Him, and by reaching the people of our community with the life-changing power of Jesus Christ; developing them to spiritual maturity and equipping them for their own unique ministry in the church and in the world. Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 4 9am Adult Bible Study 9am Women’s Bible Study 6 5:30pm GROW Outreach 9:30am Annual Pancake Breakfast 7 8 Fundraiser For Youth & Children’s Camps 3pm Council Mtg 5pm Deacons Mtg 13 PALM SUNDAY THE LORD’S SUPPER 8:10 & 10:45AM 20 EASTER 9 9am Adult Bible Study 9am Women’s Ministry Guest Speaker Joan Courtney with Prayer International 5:30pm GROW 14 15 DEADLINE 22 28 9am Adult Bible Study 9am Women’s Bible Study & Lunch at Artemisia’s Restaurant 5:30pm GROW Meet at church at 10:45am Young at Heart Lunch at Earl Abel’s Restaurant 6:30pm Women's Dessert / Dominoes 10 11 12 Workday 6:30pm Fellowship Hall 16 23 17 18 GOOD FRIDAY CLOSED YOUTH PRE‐EASTER CAMP AT ALTO FRIO 6:30pm Women's Bible Study 24 25 Senior Game Day 10am-2pm (FH) 6:30pm Women's Bible Study 30 19 CHURCH OFFICE 9am Adult Bible Study 9am Women’s Bible Study 29 5 All-Church 5:30pm GROW Outreach 27 Sat 8am-Noon 9am Women’s Bible Study 10am Nursing Home Ministry 5:30pm GROW Outreach 6:30pm SS 7pm Church Teacher’s Meeting 21 NEWSLETTER Fri 26 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Monthly Newsletter PO BOX 279 LA VERNIA, TX 78121-0279 PAID RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PERMIT NO. 5 Welcome to The People Place Church Please come and be our guest at any of our worship services. Sunday 8:10 am Early Worship (Blended) 9:35 am LifePoint Bible Study 10:45 am Worship (Contemporary) and Kid’s Worship 4:00 pm Worship Choir 5:30 pm Youth Wednesday 11:30 am Noon Prayer Group 5:30 pm Fellowship Supper 6:00 pm Children’s Choir (1‐5) 6:30 pm Prayer Mee ng 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study 6:30 pm Men of Courage Bible Study 6:30 pm Basic Biblical Paren ng 6:30 pm FrontLine/Youth (G 7‐12) 6:30 pm Friends/Children (K‐6) 6:45 pm Preschool Choir (3‐K) Church Staff Enjoy a Short Stack for a Tall Cause! A n n u a l Pa n c a ke B re a k f a s t Children and Youth Camp Fundraiser Sunday, April 6 9:30 AM (no Sunday School) Fellowship Hall Come and help send our children and youth to camp with your gifts. David Gale, Senior Pastor David@FBC‐LV.org Randy McDaris, Youth Pastor RandyM@FBC‐LV.org Shawn Steubing, Associate Youth Pastor Shawn@FBC‐LV.org Jeff Parker, Worship Pastor/Minister to Families Jeff@FBC‐LV.org Judy Chesser, Children’s Ministry Director Judy@FBC‐LV.org Bob Lockwood, Assoc. Pastor / Senior Adults Bob@FBC‐LV.org Debbie McReynolds, Ministry Assistant Debbie@FBC‐LV.org Sue Flippen, Church Treasurer Sue@FBC‐LV.org Randy Lockwood, Outreach Director Shirley Summers, Asst. Senior Adult Coordinator Gary Flippen, Deacon Chairman Deacons@FBC‐LV.org Emma McDaris, Nursery Director Emma@FBC‐LV.org Kelly Mollenkopf, Director of Media Kelly@FBC‐LV.org Laurie Costanzo, Wednesday Dinner Coordinator Kitchen@FBC‐LV.org Devin Bu s, Assoc. Pastor/Business Admin. Devin@FBC‐LV.org F B C PO Box 279 201 S. Crews St. La Vernia, TX 78121 Office: 830.253.1239 Fax: 830.779.4521 Office Email: info@FBC‐LV.org Office Hours: Mon‐Fri , 9 am‐Noon, 1 pm‐5 pm www. c‐people.com
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