Forestry Department Manuguru Ref.No.MNG/FTY/F.18/2014/150 Dt

Forestry Department
(Open Tender)
Tenders are invited by the undersigned from experienced forestry contractors for the following
work in e-procurement mode
Tender Enquiry
Dt: 08.11.2014.
Name of the work
Value of
the work
Conversion of seedlings and
maintenance of seedlings in
Manuguru Nursery during
(In Rs.)
Date of
Up to
1. The scanned copy of EMD shall be uploaded in e-portal and the original EMD (DD) shall
reach to Sr.Forest officer The Singareni collieries Company Limited , Manuguru within
three days after opening the tenders.
2. a) The tenderers are allowed to submit the bids from the date of publishing the tender notice
till 3.00 PM on 22.11.2014 and the tenders will be opened on the same day i.e.,
22.11.2014 at 3.30 PM in the Office of SO to GM/Manuguru
b) Negotiations will be conducted on the same day immediately after tender opening in the
Office of SO to GM/Manuguru .
3. Earnest Money Deposit can be paid in the form of Demand Draft (DD)/ Fixed Deposit receipt
(FDR) duly endorsed in favour of SCCL , if the EMD is to be paid in the form of DD, it
should be payable at Manuguru from any Nationalized Bank.
4. FDRs/ DDs etc., so submitted should be valid for the entire period of the contract from the
date of opening of the tender.
5. Request for adjustment of pending bills of the Company towards Earnest Money Deposit (or)
resubmission of once discharged FDR taken on other works will not be entertained.
6. The Earnest Money Deposit will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderer immediately after
finalizing the L1 tenderer.
7. The Company reserves the right to cancel/ withdraw whole or part of the above mentioned
works without assigning any reason what so ever.
8. The Company employees should not participate in tenders either directly or indirectly.
9. The format of quoting the rate attached with terms & conditions are uploaded in the PQ
folder of the tender.
10. The Office of Sr. Forest Officer, Dept., of Forestry, Manuguru, may be contacted for
more details. Phone No.08746 – 220081 or 94911 44229.
11. If the tenderer does not attach the scanned copy of required EMD along with the tender and if
the hard copy of the same is not received within three days from the date of tender opening
by the Sr.Forest officer The Singareni collieries Company Limited , Manuguru his
tender will be out rightly rejected.
12. Please quote your rate in figures as well as in words.
13. The Conditional tenders will not be accepted.
General Manager /Manuguru .
SO to GM/Manuguru
Finance Manager / Manuguru .
All Area Forest Officers
Civil Depts.of all areas.
With a request to display the same in their Notice boards.