OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER T & C CIRCLE M. P. POWER TRANSMISSION COMPANY LIMITED: INDORE No. 742 -5000 /MP/TS-14/2014/1701 Indore /dated: 17.12.2014 To, ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Sub:- Tender enquiry for the work of online partial discharge measurement of 400 KV, 220 KV & 132 KV CT/PT/CVT at various EHV substations under Jurisdiction of T & C Circle Indore. Dear Sirs, Sealed tenders are invited for the following work with due date for quotation opening as 09.01.2015. The Governing terms & conditions are as under:- Sl. No. 1- Name of the works. Online partial discharge measurement of 400 KV, 220 KV & 132 KV CT/PT/CVT at various EHV substations under Jurisdiction of T & C Circle Indore. Tender Specifica tion No Earnest money (Rs. Cost of Tender Form (Rs.) Last date of Selling of the Tender Last date and time of receipt of Tender Form Date & Time of opening of Tender Form. TS-14 /2014 10,000/- 500/- 08.01.2015 09.01.2015 upto 14:30 Hrs. 09.01.2015 at 15.00 Hrs. Note:- For PD measurement purpose, technology proven & accepted worldwide only should be used to fulfill the following:A. B. (1). The results of partial discharge measurement should be clear, precise and conclusive in all respects. Your recommendations towards action to be taken by us, based on results of PD test carried out by you, must be very specific and clear in respect of each and every CT/PT/CVT tested. The tender forms can be obtained from the office of Superintending Engineer (T&C) Circle M.P. Power Transmission Co. Ltd., Indore on payment of cost of Tender Form through Postal Order / Demand Draft payable to Regional Accounts Officer MPPTCL, Indore. In case the Tender document is required by post, an amount of Rs. 150/- is to be paid extra. The date of purchase of Postal order / date of issue of D.D. shall not be prior to 1 month from the date of issue of tender. 2) The Tender enquiry & Tender Document is available on the website of MPPTCL, having web address . The Tender Document can be downloaded from the website. If the tender form is downloaded from the website, payment of Rs 500/- as the cost of the document must be c om pu ls ori l y d e p os it e d b y t h e f irm /te n de r e r, wi t h t he b id . I t is ob l i ga t or y f or t h e bi d ders t o p urc h as e te n der d oc um ent o r t e nd er doc um en t c os t is to be s ubm i tt e d a l on g wit h t e nd er f or m to b e k e pt in f irs t E n ve l o pe wi th E MD ( i n c as e if t en d er d oc um ent is d o wn l oa d ed ) otherwise it will be liable to be rejected. (3). The tenderer shall necessarily have past experience of online partial discharge measurement of CT & other equipments. In absence of above requirement, the tenders shall not be accepted. (4). The tenderer should be having service tax registration no. as per the provision of Service tax act along with PAN No & all other valid & legal registrations as per rules. (5). The tenderer shall have to deposit the earnest money of Rs. 10,000/- (Rs. Ten Thousand only) in the form of Demand draft/Postal Order payable to Regional Accounts Officer MPPTCL, Indore. No tender will be accepted without Earnest Money. Please note that Earnest Money deposit in any other form i.e. Bank Guarantee / FDR etc. is not acceptable. (6). The tender forms duly filled and completed in all respect should reach the office of SE (T&C) GPH compound, pologround Indore 452015 on or before the time and due date indicated above. The tenders received up to due date and time shall be opened at the date and time specified above, in presence of such tenderers who remain present. (7). This office shall not be responsible for delay on any account, in case of late receipt of tender document. (8). The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all tenders or accept any tender in full or part considered advantageous to MPPTCL whether it is lowest or not without assigning any reason whatsoever. (9). In case any of the above due dates prescribed as above is declared as a holiday, then the due date for selling, receiving and / or opening of the tender will accordingly get automatically shifted to next working day. No prior intimation shall be issued separately in this regard. (10). Any other information in respect of tender can be obtained from this office on any day during office hours. Thanking you, SUPERINTENDING ENGINEER (T &C) MP POWER TRANS.CO.LTD. INDORE Copy To:NOT ON ORIGINAL:-hhhhh 1. The EE 400KV T.Div/Testing Div I/II/Testing Div MPPTCL, Indore/Rajgarh - For wide publicity amongst the interested contractors and displaying on NOTICE BOARD.
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