6#j &egistration No. .,1! :_ lt:r j i:t.* il ur : Onlin* Rec*ipt Deepak Singh Name t"-'- V RTI RSQUE$T [,[TAILS Date of Receipt: PhlOINl&/2i)14161?04 tf Language nf Request I 18.109l?[)14 English *.rt . Gendsr: Male rr-oi *CI. eil-oqa. srclroR-\r' ar ;-i.,tilr1xoi:rrv apinirrtxnis. Address YAMUNA rjXPRESSWAY. CRIATHR hIOID''\, Pin:?0I3t]8 Country ; India Uttar Fradesh State Not Frovid*d Phone No. SIobiIe lto. : Education status : l-91-9958247165 Email: n ..., rrrriili Stxtxr{RurnlrUrtrxn) Abor"u Cradttittc : Is Requester Below No Amount Paid : 10 ".-.--^*;-*--*- Citizenship status Indian Mode of Payment Paymett " Mode(s) of Hard CcPl' information SUPPIY G.ir:g - Yet to be assign to CPIO Request Pertains tu : i D*ar PI*, 6. Please proviele nre tlte Undcr the Right to lttli:rnrxtiofi Act 2005.Ss*tion t'ol lor.i' ing tn ton:rati*t i. s?tt 2014 nncler the lndin-Chinn r{elegati*n level meet happen*d on lq rvith Presiclent of C}ri*a' At rv}rat le*riers6ip of Prirnel,{irristerNarenrlra ivioili, time(exair) iteeting starts and -elxls' Information Sought 2. please provide ,,?",-*Ait*,t videc fcrotnge il1each and every secotrd of thil nleetlng in a CDi'D\rD" htrpp*ned rluring this rnueting' Plcascr 3. C*mplete Transcript of ouro*rsation ,r provide transcript in Hirrdi this mu*ting. ll pfesent w*ic \"'h{i individuai *very 4. I'jarne of ear:h and tr1 "t !', .{ j | l. Language' Thank yr:u. Yours thitl"rfuilY, Deepak Singh it" jf Y- (*"t' t''' *{"* jrLl ,.',}q r" '' HVr r5flrpT, Tg. t*d MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS NEW DELHI (s+qqq+ By Registered Post with AD RTI Matter Time-Bound 30 October,2014 No.E/551/63/2014-RTl To: Sh. DeePak Singh, A-107 Technoci[y Apartments, Plot No GH-09A Sector - V, Yamuna ExPresswaY, Greater Noida - 201308 subject: lnformation sought under Right to lnformation Act, 2005 Sir, online' Please refer to your RTI application dated 18t0912014 received 2.TheresponsetothePointl,2&3ofyourqueryisasfollows: providing any information in this regard is exempted as per Section 8 (1) (a) & (f) of the RTlAct, 2005. President's visit Details of the discussion between the two leaders during the Chinese press statement. This press were elaborated by prime Minister sh. Narendra Modi in his highlighted under "Speeches statement is available on the website of Ministry of External Affairs and Statements Section. The statement is also attached' (ii) Division of this lnformation pertaining to Point No. 4 may be obtained from Protocol Division. Protocol tvtinirtry. The application is being forward to (iii) Ambule' lf you are aggrieved with this reply, you- lrfY file.an appeal to Shri Shilpak New Block, South Affairs, External of oeputy Secretary tCiinal & Appettate nuirroriiy, Ministry 3. Oeitri i 1OO1 1 , wiifrin a month from the date of receipt of this letter. (Aniket G Mafrdavgane), IFS US (China) & CPIO CC to: 1. 2. Smt. Meera Sisodia, US (RTl), MEA, New Delhiwith reference to registration no. PMOIN 1Rt2014161204 dated 1810912014 Sh. Vipul, Protocol Officer, MEA, New Delhi d#.E#..lJ,{ -,: IT;e rf - ^t {. .{S.t 1 ;1, .. 1"./ -Y RTI REQUE$T nATAILS S*gistration F{o. I PlvX0tNituz0l4/S1204 Naml English Mal* A-1i)? I'FICI rNOCITY :\FA[1'I'b{HNTS, PLOT NO. GII-09Y\. SHCTOR-Y, YAMUN A IIXPRI-iS SWAY. CREA'I'ER NOID-r\, Pi n: ?0 I 3i] I Country; Uttar Pradesh State mail Itl!?::1'14 Gender D*epak Singh Address E n-;-i;; Language of Request 0nlirrc Receipt Type cf Receipt IIT*N?: o-*- rf 1 I lllnbile No. : "l-91-9958247165 ltiot Prolided ii eepa.lisinsh,j lnriia ;r 1'1 (u!:r:r St*trrs(Rur*L,Urtran) R*r*l a i l, c'ri1i Education strtus . Above craduate : Is Requester Below No Poverty Line ? : Amount Paid : 10 h{ode(s) of HarclCopS,' inforrnatian Supply citizenshipstatus Indian Mode of Payment Payment Gatclay Yet to be assign to CPICI equest Pertains ta : i I]*ar FiL). Ur:der the Right tu Iuinrrn*tion Act 2005.Sr:$it;n 6, Please pr:nvicle nte ths follo*'rng itt lut"t:rat ioti. rl lndio-Chi1n rlelegatirn lcvel mect happeniid oit 1S Sept ?014 nnclcr the rvliat t leaelership o1'Prirnd Mirrister Nar,:nrlra Mocii, r,vith President of Cliiir*' At tirnr(exact) meetirig starts and *nr"lx' lnformation Sought 2. Piease provitl* uri-*tiigcl video tootirge *f each and evety secotrd tf this : meeting in a CDiD\rD" Plcast 3. Coniplete Tralscript of conversation happtneil during this r:leeting. provicle transcript in Hindi l-angttage' 4. Fiarrre of each aurl *r'*r-v individu*l lvho rv(re presstlt in this ntc':ting. f .. I. u Thank you. Yours taithfuily" ' Deepak $iugh J{,{4" '*; i .,, ,tilJttt I
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