clrtd tr{6r{ Rarr qarf,q, T€ fr;d GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS No. Time Bound/RTl Matter 200 New Delhi the Dale:14.8.2014 No. AlU551/25114 Dr. Senthil Kumar Legal Officer (Gr.ll) & CPIO, Room No. 0139, A Wing, Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan (JNB), New Delhi. Subject: Transfer of RTI application dated 6.8.14 received from Shri Harsh Bhatia under Sub section (3) of Section 6 of RTI Act, 2005. Sir, Please refer to US(RTl)'s O.NL No.RTU551i 10'19/20'14 dated 11.8.14 and RTI application dated 6.8.2014 from Shri Harsh Bhatia seeking details of lnternational Treaties signed by Government of lndia, under RTI Act 2005. '1. The requested information does not fall within my jurisdiction. &. The application is, therefore being transferred to you under sub-section (3) of Section 6 of RTI Act, 2005 for further necessary action. 9. ln case it does not fall under your jurisdiction it may please be further transferred to the Public Authority to which the subject matter is more closely connected, directly, under intimation to the applicant. Yours faithfully, J{t'. -'I' l.tasvindilsinghr Deputy Secretary (WA)/CPIO West Africa Division Room No.0155. B Wing, Ground Floor, Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan, 23-D, Janpath,New Delhi-1 10001 1. Ph.49018386 Encl: RTlApplication. Copy to: '1. Shri Harsh Bhatia,4/2g Krishna Nagar cT Road, Kanpur 2. Smt. Meera Sisodia, US(RTl), IVEA- for information. 3. Dr. Sumit Seth, DS(DD), MEA. 4. Shri Upendra Singh Negi, Publicity Officer (X[IM), [IEA. - 208007, Time Bound /RTl Matter Ministry ol Externat Affairs (Rrlcell) & Room No. 2021, A-wing, Jawaharlal Nehru Ehawan, 23-D Janpath, New Delhi-110011 oatedt 1!oal2o14 No. RTI/s51l1019/2014 Offiae Memorandum Subiect: lnformation sought lnder Right to lnformation Act, 2005. of Shri/Smt.,/Kum Harsh Bhatia, dated 06/08/2014 (received on C-t 1081201.4) is forwarded herewith fcr processing and responding to the applicant. The reply rnay be sent directly to the applicant within 30 days of receipt of application by the RTr application CilO unde. intimation to the RTI Cell. 2. lo case, the application does not fall under any of the under mentioned CPIO(S)' ju,'i9d;.:tion, ihe same may further be transferreJ to the CPIO(s) in the Ministry to which the rJL,E.i 'rattei ls more_cEselY Colngcted imaiiori i6'tFE applicant anJ tie dire;iv _ under;t _ .-j6licini. lril iTi e+lJ. lf no information is available it miv also bi conveved directlv to ife .a:r, the subjeat matter does not pertain to this Ministry, the same may be con,municated ix the Rl l Ceil in-,nediately so that the application or parts thereof can be transferred to the i.iiraIi ublic authority. -ie .pJl'.ini :. Cepo5ited requisite RTI fee of Rs.10/. ll A "1. \''T'lh^ (Meera { Sisodia) Under Secretary(RTl) Telt 4901 52261490t 5227 ToiShr; e.Cerirr.nt;oned CPIOS for providing information pertaining to their areas of wcrks, directiy to the applicant undar intimation to RTI Cell. Copyofthe application is attiahed- 1. AIJ:s Division 2. BM Division 3. CE Division 4. EADivision 5. E&SAOivision 6. I!iee;a Dili5ion 7. EW Division 8. cutt Division\9l/ Lac Division 10. Northern JrJ,s:on i1. PAI Dilisirn x:, Southern Division 13. sM Division 14. wrst Africa Divisior 15. :. Shri P.k. Ashok Babu, US(UNP) & CPIO, Room No. 0104, Jtr?, A-WinZ, i,lew ieihi. 3. Shri Naba Kumar Pal, US (UNES) & CPIO, R. No. 0117,J1i8, New Delhi 4. Dr. Senthil Kumar, LeEal Officer (Gr,lli & CPIO,.tNB, New Oelhi.6 ,' l 5. Shri Bramha Kumar, DS(MER) & CPIO, Room No. 1064, JN8, New Delhi-11 CoEv to for information:Shri Harsh Bhati., {/?9 Krishi6 tiagar, GT Road, Kanpur- 208007, Ultar pradesh. wiih the request to conuat the ;bcve mentio ed CPiO for fuather information in the matter. RTllvllsrNOlJAUKllDetarls.php Jeg l.!1r... :old I t ,, 'lt1 :'! v4... RTI RI,QUEST DETAILS MOr'AF R 20t4/80116 Regislration No.: . : Type ot Receipt Name: Eleclronicall) lranslefied lrom other public Aurhorir) ILARSH BrlAIlA h:rqza.. Date ofReceipt 06/ Language of English Request : Gender : Male i 4/29 I(RISHNA NAGAR, CT ROAD , KANPUR' Pin:208007 Country : India State : Uttar Pradesh Mobile No' : Not Provided Photre No. : Not Provided Email : [email protected] Address Education StatuslRuraUUrban) : Uban Letter No, : Not Provided Status Letter Date : Not Provided Citizenship Indian Is Requester Below No Povertv Line ? : Status Mode of Payment Payment Gateway AmountPaid:10 Mode(s) ofinformation Hard Graduate : Copy Request Yetto be assign I $ould like to have list ofall the lntemational Treaties (whether continued today or not) signed by Government of India \!ith the following info.mation on each and every tleaty. What is the treaty all about (i.e. details of the treaty) 2) When were they signed. 3) With whom (i.e. $ith Govemment of any country. with anv Intemational lnstitution, \lith any Foreign Compan,v or goup oi companies) they were signed. 4) \\'hether each is contilued today or not. 5) If any treaty is not corltinued today, \\'hen it uas stop coltinuing and why it was stop continui[g. Note :- the $'ord today (everylhere irl the text) represcnrs lhe date of submission of application i.e. 4-August-2o1'1. 1) Information Sought G I /4| \\r'V '1 x{* 'to\,, ', "r*1.rk .. V c\)'.X !"..t d' q'' \Y 5', lol l r)- rr' | .l r:
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