,r*"n,"H#ffi Q[Vig/s51 ts3t2o14 02.01.2015 To, Shri O.p. Bhota. F-120, Vikas puri New Dethi-110018. sir Reference your retter dated 22.12.2014 wherein you have for the response oi yo* requested nir'rpi'riition dated oe.og]ior+ 3' lt is informed repry dated 14.10.2014 in Jhaf response to your RTr application was sent by the'iri"n dpro b, ;"g,rt;reo post (Copy enclosed for ready to your address. r"r"r"n"ui. 3. ,Ll:?,:;:",:fljfni:Il:3,:j.:tjy,:1y ,.qy fire an appea| to shriArun f:iilffi 'fl ll;:ffi jie*l.rs:ii[U{.r:}viffiT#::i';ifi'i:I: Jil?,."p,,I,ffi tlTLj;l; from #H"d,:r;l[:l5::*:,llryli:,il,i^",il"J_:,fl the date of ieceipt of this ;;;#:il; yours faithfully, -_-/7 -* lstrivili Sen; unoel jgcreta ry(Vigiia nce j CptO for Vigitance Unii Ph 4901 5447 Emai : [email protected]. in cl(-tt.J W,b *a i:":- iei{r *ri,:1c, {i! S .*:-+. lEffI Mii\iSTRy 0i: EXTERNA:_ Af r-,ql;+.s NEW DELHi ElTl ll/lnllar f;df,{c{ .trTd r ver -.. o^^r-*^IoI D*+ Erv l\Eql.rLErEv "-I .$,o,.o Q/Vig/551 15312014 To, Shri O.P. Bhola, F-120, Vikas Puri New Delhi-110018. Sir, ReferenceyourRTlApplication(bearingregistrationNo. MOEAF/R t2014100201) dated 2. 1B '09'20I4 information With reference to point 1 to 6 of your letter. The following is hereby provided. No particular information is sought by the^applicant' lnformation does not pertains to this CPIO' lnformation does not pertains to this CPIO' does Copy of story witn ISICNV)'s remarks dated 23'04'2010 not exists. No information available with the undersigned CPIO' Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point Point 5 No. 6 you may^file an appeal to ShriArun lf you are aggrieved with this reply, 'tCfl\iVi a bfriet Vigilance..Offic-er & Kumar Chatterjee, Joint Secretary Delhi, Appellate Authoriiy, Mini.try of Exiernal Affairs, South Block, New witfrin a month from the date of receipt of this communication' 3. aithfully, ,l Copv to :- (i) fu*' Deputy SecretarY(VigilaFce a t) I CPIO for Vigifance Unit Under Secretary (RTl), Ph 4901 5447 : usvigmea@mea'gov'in Emai RTI RTI Cell, MEA, w'r't application of registration No. nabrnHn no1Hltoo2o1 dated 1 8.09.2014 . i{iu\-'s t.rtS- Dated: 22 December 20L4 The Central Public lnformation Officer(CP|O) {Attention: DS(Vigilance) & CPIO for Vigilance Section) Ministry of External Affairs Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan 52-D, Janpath New Delhi-110001 SUBJECT: INFORMATION SOUGHT UNDER THE RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT, 2OO5 Sir, Please refer to my RTI Application dated 8 September 2014(copy enclosed for ready reference) seeking information under the Right to lnformation Act, 2005. to inform you that although more than three months have passed by, the information sought by me has not yet been provided to rrie. I am constrained would therefore be grateful if the information sought by me may kindly be provided to me without any further delay. I Thanking you, Ynr :r< <inrorelv ( O:P. Bhola ) F-LzO, Vikaspuri, New Delhi-110018 tl' Dated: 8 SePtember 2OL4 The Central Public lnformation Officer(CPIO) (Attention: DS(Vigilance) & CPIO for Vigilance Section) MinistrY of External Affairs Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan 52-D, JanPath New Delhi-110001 SUBJECT: INFoRMATIoN AcT, 2005 SoUGHT UNDER THE RIGHT To INFoRMATIoN PART I: of APPlicant 2. Address 3. Whether citizen of lndia L. Name O.P. Bhola F-LIO,VikasPuri, New Delhi-110018 Yes PART II: sought for: Specify the particulars of the information 1. ,MlsSloN MlScoNDUcT, an article titled of photocopy enclosed the to With reference the 30th April, 2oo7 ' and the then JS{cNV)'s pubtished in the tNDtA ToDAY Jt;;;;il remarksthereon:"Plkeepino.P.Bhola'sfile",thefollowinginformationmaykindly be Provided:- 2.Whethertheinformationonthebasisofwhichtheabovestorywaswrittenand publishedinlNDlAToDAY,wasConfidentialandprivilegedinnatureknownonlyto and' if so' supposed io know the information' those officers in the Ministry who were the regard to the officer/s who provided information may kindly be provided with shukla' the correspondent of the saurabh Mr. to information confidential newsmagazine INDIA TODAY' 3. the cadre) had' in his/h9r letter dated whether the then Deputy secretary(FSP and 13 of the Mahaveer Singhvi, as reported in Para 12th Januar y, Z*O4addressed to Shri of 4.7.2008: in criminal case No'4870-72 High court of Delhi Judgement dated 2006(extractsenclosed),interalia,mentionedthat"TheMinistryofExternalAffairs or the Media about any official action initiated does not share any information with kindly be and if so, a copy of this letter may contemplated against its officers...!" provided. letter of DS(FSP and cadre) dated 4. whether, in the light of the above-mentioned L2.t.2oo4,conveyingMEA,spori.vthatitdidnotshareanyinformationwiththe its officers' the contemel"l"l.lilinst or initiated action official any about Media dated copy ot the story with JS(CNV)'s remarks Vigiiance Unit, to whom the acivance -2- / was passed on, toOk action to restrain the dissemination of information against me and' if so' relating to initiation or contemplation of any disciplinary action copies of inforrnation. relating to such action may kindly be provided, including correspondence and file notings. 23.4.2OtO 5. 6. Cadre) Whether, in the light of the above-mentioned letter of DS(FSP and any information with the L2.!.2OO4, conveying MEA's policy that it did not share its officers, and the Media about any official action initiated or contemplated against the leakage publication in the 30th April, 2007 issue of INDIA TODAY, an inquiry about inquiry report as well as of information to the Media was taken and if so a copy of the leak along with action taken against the officers responsible or the information provided. relevant correspondence and file notings may kindly be dated the other three whether similar cognizance was taken by the JS(CNV) with regard to a senior lndian diplomat cases/individuals mentioned in the story, viz. (i) "Last month (ii) "The Ministry was recalled for speaking out of turn on the shilpa shetty affairs, staffer in its high commission in has also been forced to give marching orders'to a visa if so' details relating to all the London,,, and (iii),,tO a ViSa consul in Birmingham", and, cases maY kindlY be Provided' c$" Place: New Delhi Signature offih Appiicant )
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