d<tq 3fl'slFrr g{flr q-f, r[E rTewq ra,d.q.o-t61qdw drfi tis.r-$ ftd-a ffio: €o {-ssot+/lzr-14l(INSP(ExE)rce{r-<} / zot+ ///l/ 077 o+ l zot+ the Sectors A. "to this letter are posted to The personnel listed in Appendix" effect' u, ,t',o*n'l{uinit each with immediate the following timeline strictly;DG/CISF has directed to follow 2. 3. a) b) c) Allotment of units bY sectors Relieving bY units loininq comPliance d) Co*Pf 21.04.20t4 iun."' of IZT-14 to .uUritt"O to be 31.05.2014 30.06.2014 15.07.2014 FHQ bY Sector IsG and to strictly-comply to the above timelines The sector IsG are requested prescribed by tSl07l2i14 positively inthe compliance (rank-wise)i" proforma as circulated "'i. t'n*itt"a ,h,; Dte letter,frlo.e-iaozr/(z)/Post' compl2oL2 I Estt.II/(429)datedr+.oz.zors.tnesedatelinesrepiesenttheouterlimitfor prior to 31'05'14 they wish to relieve personnel tn" case In compliance. be on Election Duty "tlo' "O that such personnel should not mind may do so, but keeping in affect the security of the unit' and/or his relieving *u, noi adversely reviewed in lTT-t4 which were decided to be personnel' all of cases Request possible. However, n"t"tt9tv T]:1":tl:":*:':'."Y:t the desired Places' have been dulv examineJ ulJ ; y:l: l" : nsidered" : fi [.?'"".l" : I J"; be brought to having no merit. This may 4. il ;# J'il ""t* repeat iffi t :: *,"'":' :.ffii:L: "Reiected/nt the Unit Personnel' be earmarked to not done hard area posting may have who personnel The 5. personnel who are alreadY units so as to rotate the area hard the in tenure have their tenure' port"O in the hard area unlts and completed 6. "f regarding IZTUnit prefers a representation Representation :- If any individual to concerned I before-.31 / 14, he must submit ni""p'"'"niation may forward all Commander delay' the Unit toiuoia order In . Commander directly to action by the FHQ is required, wrricn li representations such 07'06'14 latest number of posting order by AIG(Estt.) quoting the serial and Sector IsG for information' marking a copy to zonaiorsG 05 201.4 Contd. "'Pl2 -'t?l- 6.1 Representation received after 07 IOGI1zO!4 shall not be considered repeat not considered' by 251 OG l2OL4' If no reply is will process and decide all such cases then such representation should be 30 by l06l2ot4, FHQ from received be and all such affected personnel shall reieciea oeen have to presumed relieved bY 30 /06 l2OL4' 6.7 FHQ AWL' Departmental Enquiry' long OSL' facing are personnel of any case, In Ult'^nlTore in service' proceeded pending court cases, attachment with MHA' orders t. "l and sector IsG may issue cancelled as t"utta be may posting their for purpose of information only' accordingly marking a copy to AIG/ESTf claimed by the affected,personnel will not be of respect in salaries The 8. the DDos will be personally lzoL4 (AN)failing which present DDos after 31 / ;l heldresponsibleforthelapseexceptondeferment/cancellationofpostingsbyFHQ' 3Ll o5l2ot4 (AN) should be sent to their Their movement ordersi LiCs paid upto of these personnel are facing departmental new DDos rryithout fail. In casel any enquiry,theirproceedingsshouldbecompletedwithinthestipulatedtimeandthey should be relieved forthwlth' Encls: Eryl 1. 7. J. 4. ADG/AS New Delhi. All Sector IsG/CISF DAE, DOS & CGBS All Zonal/Plant DIsG, CiSF including CISF Units. All Units Commanders of concerned qfilrtrf,' 1. ?. 3. 4. 5. 6. All DIsG & AisG/CISF HQrs AIG/Tech. AD/Accounts, CISF HQrs PS to DG/CISF All Sections, CISF HQrs ComPliance File' for placing in CISF website' hlq€^to,x- b' trl\. D-'\rr7T ?ol4 Fc R THE RANI< o.F-! 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South Zone Male sz Male KAPP KAKJ(1 T^II11 West Zone Male NFC HY IlllKAIrAt-l South Zone North East Zone Male Male North Zone Male North Zone Gnaztrun North Zone- Male GOA,F Male 7TH RCS BN KISTWAR Norlh Zone Maie UHEP Uzu.I North Zone Male North Zone Male North Zone qA\lAl)Hl 5l rt.'\L r\L vv v-""' Male North Zone C r-I.- I PEI I AMPALLl East Zone I Male c'r.r.I RFI I AM PAL L[ East Zone I Male East Zone Male Zone I I ls4]rl4!tle4 N orth Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone V Female lo,"t9?ll= APS North East ES West ES South ES South ES South ES North East ES South ES West I ES South ES North F.ast North North North North North North North North ES r-conroneuox ffiErnon-o II^.I PAR ADIP Male Male = Male DELHT [b: I lY i.#:;'"i',*Male sTH R ES, HN UNI14ITAD^ Male BTPS BADARPI R az Airport- I East EE .)o -'- -' ',, =;;;;,T-IT6 ES ES ES ES ES ES ES ES South ES South ES South ES North ES East NES NES NES NES North North North North INE! r I7,T 2014 FOR THE R,A.NK O tNIqPF .TNR FXF N z Z 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North East Zone North East Zone East Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone N orth Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone N orth Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone EaslZone Nofth Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone Male Male Male EPL CHENNAI DqTPD P A N,{ AGI INDM RTC BHILAI Male CPT CALCUTTA Male c' ET'I D;] P Male BHEL HYDERABAD Male \/PT \/IqHAKAPATNAM ONGC JORHAT Male DIr\D NEP-5 Male .PT 'I,IFNT}J A I Male MaLe D<!T' DLIII Male L'Ir\'I Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male AI.'DC AI IlI TNFRN,'II TKH I'1IAND\VA 2ND RES BN RANCHI NLC NEYVEL] D1.DA PATPATII r.DT 'r\'HIN D'\PT r}F PNRT R] AIR A"I f,lFI T AN/PAT I I Drr\D nFp_i NT II IAIAN ^II NTEI \/I I A TPI IR D\ID NEII/ AQ DEN EN PT NFI HI MDL MUMBAI I I'TI r.\a T A T-TI /-ll I\r/ IrlI ]N A A I-{ A EPL CHENNAI TT a= LA a< South NES South NES Training NES North East NS NS West NS South NS South North 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GUPTA INDERJIT NARENDER SINGH CHHIKARA EL (,C 0) ?= !LU) 0,/ z a CTOR EXE = N Z z O F INSPT North Zone Nofth Zone Norlh Zone Nofih Zone North Zone North Zone F.ast Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone Norlh Zone North Zone South Zone South Zone North East Zone West Zone South Zone East Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone North Zone Nofih Zone Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male IOC HALDIA N4STPP MOUDA RSP ROURKELA IST Res BN BARWAHA ONGC NARSAPUR BCCL DHANBAD AHMEDABAD AIRPORT RGPL RATNAGIzu CPT CHENNAI MCF HASSAN FACT UDYOGMANDAL DIOM DONIMAIAI KKNPP KUDANKULAM HWP MANUGURU PPT PARADEEP BIOP DEP-5 NLC NEYVELI SCCL BELLAMPALLI HYDEfuA.BAD E,CL SHEETALPUR MPT MUMBAI ZOW CHENNAI GUA ORE MINES GAIL LPG LAKWA VPT VISHAKAPATNAM OIL DULIAJAN KPT KANDLA SPM HOSHANGABAD N orth East =q) ua< West NS NS East NS West NS South NS East NS 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884500986 914493459 863200106 74t540014 8723 1020 I D L \, q)o (") <.) 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