DORSET LOCAL PHARMACEUTICAL COMMITTEE MINUTES OF LPC MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 24 JULY 2014 AT DUDSBURY HOTEL, 64 CHRISTCHURCH ROAD, FERNDOWN BH22 8ST Attendees:Independent:Chris Higgs, Robin Mitchell CCA:Fiona Arnold (Chair), Janette Best, Perveen Bhardwaj, Claire Rossiter, Garwyn Morris (Janette Best absent from meeting from Item 6 - 3.3.4 to 5.2 inclusive) AIMp:Bridget Fonteneau In attendance Jo Browning (Manager, Minutes), Amanda Moores (Chief Officer), Gary Warner PSNC Representative South Central Observer:Mike Field, CPPE Tutor, Dorset – attended from Item 4 (10.00 am) onwards 1. PRESENTATION – Dermol - the gentle giant - new developments - Liz ACTION Jones, Dermal, Mob: 07976 795 058 E mail: [email protected] NOTED: There is a wealth of product information, healthcare professional resources and patient resources at Formulary and clinical packs on doublebase will be available from the LPC Manager after this meeting. 2. WELCOME, APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Requests for AOB on flipchart Apologies for absence – Mandy West, Steve Costello Conflicts of interest – a request for any LPC members interests not already declared LPC members time – a request for any comments Action plan (CR) Timekeeper (BF) Expense forms to be completed and submitted to Treasurer either before meeting/during morning coffee break only OF NOTE: AM has received confirmation of two proxy votes for Item 8 (Annual report and accounts) and one proxy vote for Item 3 (Closed session) Nil conflicts of interest were received at this time 2.1 GUESTS Katherine Gough Head of Medicines Management Dorset CCG at 3.00 pm Martin Stephens, Chief Executive Wessex Academic Health Science Network at 4.00 pm 2.2 OBSERVERS Mike Field, CPPE Tutor for Dorset from 10.00 am Page 1 of 7 4. SEASONAL FLU PHARMACY IMMUNISATION SERVICE – to include training and development (AM) NHS England (Wessex) circulated the seasonal flu pharmacy immunisation service specification for 2014-2015 to contractors on 17.7.2014 and have invited expressions of interest from pharmacies that are able to provide a flu vaccination service for the 2014/15 flu season (deadline for response is 28.7.2014). The eligible population for this service will be pregnant women and patients aged 16 to 64 inclusive who are in defined clinical risk groups. Pharmacies are ideally placed to identify and target these groups and in many cases will provide a convenient alternative – for example for busy working people. The season for flu vaccination starts on the 1 September and NHS England Wessex is expecting pharmacies participating in the service to be in a position to commence the service on or soon after that date. Following assessment of the expressions of interest, pharmacies will be notified of the outcome no later than 6 August 2014. Dorset LPC e mailed all contractors on 18.7.2014 encouraging contractors to review this service specification and submit their Expression of Interest (EOI) to the Area Team by the deadline Monday 28th July 2014, having provided all the necessary information. This e mail also notified contractors that the LPC will be facilitating training events for contractors on 10th & 16th September 2014. NOTED: Training for contractors to support this initiative has been provisionally booked via Novartis (training for single vaccination provider only), however AM has also been approached by Alliance Healthcare (who allow multiple vaccination providers ie. an open PGD) who have also offered to provide training. Garwyn Morris and Janette Best declared a conflict of interest in the Alliance Healthcare offer. Post Meeting Note: Wessex AT will be providing a PGD AGREED FOR ACTION: JBr will send an urgent reminder to contractors about the deadlines for EOIs for the seasonal flu pharmacy immunisation service. Preference for training places will be given to contractors who are successful with their EOIs, however no contractor will be excluded. LPC members will do LPC briefing at start of each training session to paint wider political picture. LPC members to notify AM if able to do one of the four sessions. AM/JBr will compile FAQ re training from queries received AM will keep Alliance engaged, pending contractor response to EOI circulated by Wessex AT. LPC members to consider weekly activity update/briefing to contractors re flu service once live 5. PROCEDURE FOR LPC CONFERENCE 2014 (AM) Page 2 of 7 JBr AM/JBr ALL AM/JBr AM ALL Topics for discussion (2) from defined areas:- funding, services, LPC support, IT, communications, other Delegates from Dorset LPC (3) The deadline for submitting topics (2) for debate to the PSNC is 19.9.2014. However, in the first instance, topics chosen by the LPC are discussed at Regional level at the South Central LPCs Forum meeting on 18.8.2014. AGREED FOR ACTION:AM to construct comments from the following topics and circulate to committee: Moving away from purchasing towards service income Understanding the national picture in terms of contractor engagement Communication with fellow contractors – including learning best practice Communication with commissioners and services EPS – negotiating costs, directions directory Remove the block on MURs up to 400 Integrated care pathway pilots, ie. virtual wards, bag exercises Pharmacist and GPs working together ie. pilots for CPs working in GP surgeries, showing where savings can be made, software development, improving communications Contractor engagement – would like more info on exemplar behaviours and previous levers that have been successful – the role of LPCs – leadership, support, basic management HLPs – what is happening nationally and locally? The PSNC clearly backs the HLP concept however this still does not have a national framework and does not have commissioning support nationally. Current funding negotiations – how does this affect the challenges above? Generics still creating distortions in the supply market – strategically where does this go in the funding process? How can we increase the size of the funding pot for pharmacy? AM NOTED:AM has circulated EOI for attendance to LPC members, however has received only one EOI from members to date. There are 3 places available to the LPC. ACTIONS: EOIs for attending conference to AM JBr to confirm absolute deadline for delegates to be registered for attendance 6. CONSULTATION ON THE MODEL LPC CONSTITUTION (AM) Generally, the Model Constitution is refreshed every 4 years after the general election, however there have been changes due to the DH reorganisation, hence this consultation. Deadline for response to Steve Lutener, Head of Regulation PSNC is 1.9.2014. Committee members reviewed and discussed each of the tracked changes on the PSNC’s consultation document. The following changes were agreed for recommendation to the PSNC:Para 3.5.6 - recommendation that this be paragraph be re-drafted for clarification. Page 3 of 7 ALL JBr Para 5.2 - Formatting only – Para. 5.2 is currently buried in 5.1. Paras 5.10; 7.4.3: 7.4.8: 15.5 – all refer to 8% rule even though the 8% rule removed in Para 5.5. Recommendation that all paragraphs be redrafted for clarification. Para 7.6.8 – recommendation that this paragraph be re-drafted for clarification. Para 8.5 – recommendation “not less than seven clear days’ notice” changed to “not less than fourteen clear days’ notice” Para 19.2 - recommendation “not less than seven clear days’ notice” changed to “not less than fourteen clear days’ notice” AGREED FOR ACTION: AM/JBr to construct comments from discussion on constitution and circulate to committee 7. 7.1 PSNC UPDATE (GW) Funding negotiations – negotiations with Department of Health and NHS England, through NHS Employers, continue apace. 7.2 Call to Action Consultation - NHS England have reflected that the quality as well as the quantity of responses was excellent from pharmacy, however NHS England have not published their response as yet. The consultation ended on 18 March 2014. 7.3 Summary Care Records (SCR) Pilot – The Department of Health (DH) has now made it clear that Pharmacy access to SCRs is a priority. 7.4 National templates for commissioned services – there is recognition that national commissioning is not current DH policy, the current policy focusses on devolvement and commissioning locally. However, in October 2013 the PSNC produced 3 national templates for winter pressures which also have national pricing:- seasonal flu vaccinations, emergency supplies, winter minor ailments. 7.5 New Medicines Service (NMS) - NMS continues to be a priority for PSNC 2014/15, publication of the final evaluation is imminent, NMS recommissioning will depend on the outcome of this report. 8. FOR VOTING:LPC ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS 2013-2014 – formal acceptance and approval for circulation to contractors Matters arising/questions to CR with regards to the report and CH with regards to the account prior to meeting please. NB. Proxy votes are accepted – but please send an email to AM to authorise the individual attending and voting on your behalf. Claire Rossiter proposed that the LPC Annual Report and Accounts for 2013-2014 be formally accepted and approved for circulation to contractors. This was seconded by Janette Best and and unanimously agreed by all LPC members present, and by 2 proxy votes for Mandy West and Steve Costello held by Janette Best and Chris Higgs respectively. AGREED FOR ACTION: Page 4 of 7 AM/JBr CH to check if two signatories are required for BACs payments Steering Group to review expenses policy in particular claims over £500.00 CH to amend claim form to reflect date of claim and additional column for costing centre 9. MEETING WITH NHS DORSET CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP Katherine Gough Head of Medicines Management Pharmacist 9.1 Update on formulary for blood glucose monitoring meters and strips – costings & quantities CH Steering Group CH The formulary has now been approved by the Dorset Medicines Advisory Group (DMAG) for inclusion in the local formulary and the CCG is meeting with the LPC shortly to discuss the implementation plan. 9.2 Virtual Ward pilots Update on Christchurch & East Dorset virtual ward pilot:The CCG has approved funding for 20 domiciliary MURs in each of the 5 practices taking part in the Christchurch & East Dorset virtual ward pilot (total 100 MURs). LPC members agreed this is a realistic number and will be enough experience for the pilot/give the opportunity to highlight pitfalls etc. GPs will shortly have a list of CPs involved in the pilot. The pilot will shortly have a central co-ordinating person. Service specification for pharmacy is now in draft form and will be accompanied by the standard NHS contract. This will be presented to pharmacy contractors at the CCG networking event on 30.7.2014 and will be circulated to the LPC prior to this date. KG will check that all pharmacy contractors on the virtual ward database have received the invitation to the CCG networking event on 30.7.2014 and have been invited to join the CCG NHS network in order to receive email notification of important network events and post to network forums. Several GP localities in Dorset now considering pilot models for Virtual wards. Currently all of the proposed pilots’ models differ slightly, however the CCG is looking for consistency of approach. Weymouth & Portland Locality have contacted the LPC with a view to community pharmacy being involved in planning of care for elderly and North Bournemouth Locality have expressed an interest in applying for funding for a pilot for poly pharmacy in the over 75’s. ACTION:JBr to circulate website links to NHS Scotland Highland document and NHS Wales document - Poly Pharmacy – Guidance for Prescribing in Frail Adults - with LPC reading list (marked for reference only). 9.3 JBr Pharmacy Query to the LPC re Methotrexate on repeat dispensing without appropriate intervention (AM) AGREED FOR ACTION: AM to contact pharmacist concerned and request that this is reported as a risk error to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) in line with the NHS terms of service, which requires pharmacies to have processes to deal with and learn Page 5 of 7 AM from incidents. KG also requested information to be shared with CCG as there have been a number of recent incidents involving this medicine MF/JBr to include update on Methotrexate in next LPC contractor bulletin 10. MF/JBr MEETING WITH WESSEX ACADEMIC HEALTH SCIENCE NETWORK (AHSN) Martin Stephens, Chief Executive The AHSN discussed the fact that they are keen to ensure that contractors engage to deliver NHS services as they are aware that community pharmacies have a huge amount to contribute to their programmes, including nutrition, dementia, respiratory, reducing harm from alcohol and medicines optimisation & reducing waste. The AHSN is a licensed, member led organisation making a difference for patients and the economy on health and wealth. Building a profile and partnerships were key objectives in their first year (2013-2014). Wessex AHSN covers a population of 3 million across 9 local authorities, bringing together 10 CCGs, 11 NHS Trusts and 5 universities. Their vision is to bring discovery and innovation into the Wessex health system so that the population has better health and benefits from a thriving health innovation sector. It is focussed on addressing unmet health and social care needs in the local population. The strategic priority programmes are developed from their needs analysis and partners plans and informed by variations in health care delivery and outcomes identified across Wessex by their Centre for Implementation Science. ACTIONS: JBr to send thank you letter to Martin Stephens AM to explore possible joint proposal to AHSN regarding project manager for Virtual Ward pilot (subject to satisfactory SLA) 11. MINUTES OF DORSET LPC MEETING 12.6.2014 11.1 Accuracy The minutes were recorded as accurate. 11.2 Review of Action Plan Item 3 – Expression of interest to put together a submission for PSNC awards. However, there will be no PSNC award this year and therefore this action no longer appropriate. All other actions complete or ongoing. 11.3 Matters Arising from minutes of 12.6.2014 (for items not elsewhere on the agenda and/or identified by members prior to this meeting) Nil of note. Matters arising from reading list – see separate circulations (for items identified by members prior to this meeting and placed on supplementary agenda if necessary) Nil of note. CONTRACTOR SURVEY AGREED FOR ACTION:- 11.4 12. Page 6 of 7 JBr AM MF/AM to draft contractor survey re the seasonal flu vaccination service which starts on the 1 September. The aim of the survey is to ensure that pharmacies participating in the service are in a position to commence the service on or soon after that date. ALL LPC members to contact all contractors on their allocated contractor list MF to draft “noddy guide” ie. how to set up a contractor survey 13. AOB Local Practice Forum (LPF) and Local Optical Committee (LOC) networking event – LPF and LOC are in the process of organising a joint networking professional development event for pharmacists and opticians within Wessex in the Autumn 2014. Mike Field, CPPE Tutor for Dorset is also attending. AGREED FOR ACTION: Steering Group to work with LOC & MF to take forward. . 14. REVIEW ACTION PLAN (CR) NOTED 15. DATES OF LPC STEERING GROUP MEETINGS 2014-2015:9.9.2014, 4.11.2014, 6.1.2015, 19.2.2015 – times and venues TBC. DATES OF LPC MEETINGS 2014-2015:- 18.9.2014 (annual contractors meeting – TBC), 13.11.2014 (Joint Meeting with Hampshire & IOW LPC), 15.1.2015, 5.3.2015. All meetings at Dudsbury Hotel, 64 Christchurch Road, Ferndown BH22 8ST full day 8.30 am for 8.45 am start. Page 7 of 7 MF/AM ALL MF Steering Group
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