Welcome to the Christmas edition of the LPC Newsletter! Here is some news and important information which will hopefully be useful to you. The LPC wishes all the pharmacy teams and their families a very healthy and peaceful Christmas and New Year! MONEY MONEY MONEY Minor Ailments Scheme Pilot NRT Voucher Scheme Contractors in Lancashire North CCG can participate in a Minor Ailments Pilot for patients registered in a limited number of GP practices. The LPC has also produced a temporary poster to promote the scheme. If you haven’t already registered your interest, please click www.pharmacylancashire.org/co mmissioned-services-2/ccgservices/minor-ailments/ Contractors in Lancashire North and Fylde & Wyre CCGs can now participate in the NRT Voucher Scheme. This means all contractors in all three local authorities can be involved in smoking cessation. If you haven’t already registered your interest, please email the CSU [email protected] The service specifications are available at www.pharmacylancashire.org/wpcontent/uploads/sites/97/2014/0 3/NRT-voucher-scheme-20142015-Lancashire.pdf MURs Have you completed your 400 MURs? You have until the end of March to provide MUR consultations. Please note the quarterly MUR reports which go to the Area Team are due 10 working days after the last day of the quarter. http://psnc.org.uk/wpcontent/uploads/2013/07/M UR-data-collation-sheet.pdf Contractors within Lancashire County Council (LCC) You should have received your Public Health Contracts from LCC by now. If not, please email the CSU at [email protected]. If you wish to provide a new Public Health Service that you have not previously been commissioned for e.g. EHC, NRT, please use the same email details. Are you missing patient referrals? NHS 111 Ever wonder how NHS 111 chooses a pharmacy for patient referral to a service such as Minor Ailments? Are your details correct & up to date? Contractors you should regularly review your entry on the NHS choices website for opening hours and services provided. This is used by organisations such as NHS111. To update or correct your details, please contact [email protected] EPS R2 in Lancashire - Pharmacy Newsletter December 2014 Use this link: http://tinyurl.com/oldjpu2 to read the latest edition of the Lancashire EPS R2 Pharmacy newsletter which has been published by the Midlands & Lancashire Commissioning Support Unit (CSU). Please direct any queries to [email protected] Tel: 07825 945164 If you have any other EPS queries e.g. GP engagement, please contact the LPC office [email protected] MP visits The LPC has been inviting MPs to visit a pharmacy within their local constituency. Discussions include promoting community pharmacy, enhanced services such as minor ailments, healthy living pharmacies and encouraging MPs to sign up to the community pharmacy manifesto. So far, two visits have taken place (see photos below) and two visits are in the diary (Gordon Birtwistle MP for Burnley and Andrew Stephenson MP for Pendle). A further two MPs have expressed interest and visits are being arranged. Contractors can also ask local councillors to pledge their support to community pharmacy by signing up to the manifesto. http://pharmacymanifesto.com/ Gordon Marsden, MP for Blackpool South with Emma Makram, Pharmacy Manager, Whitworths Chemists and Irfan Tariq, LPC Services Subgroup Chair (left picture) Lorraine Fullbrook, MP for Chorley & South Ribble with Ian Facer, LPC Chairman (right picture) Blackpool Council Contract Reviews Contractors in Blackpool should be aware that Blackpool Council are due to visit your pharmacies in January and February for Public Health Contract Reviews. HLP Health Champion training www.pharmacylancashire.org/health y-living-pharmacy/ Please note – An HLP Expression of Interest application form must be submitted before places can be offered on training Christmas and New Year Rotas Please check that you have received the Christmas and New Year Rotas and that they are on display. They are available to download on the LPC website: http://www.pharmacylancashi re.org/our-news/christmasnew-year-pharmacy-rotas/ Look out for rota requests for Easter! Good Friday is April 3rd. Public Health campaigns The Campaigns for December and January are based on alcohol awareness. Further details can be found on www.pharmacylancashire.org/nhscontract-2/essential-services/publichealth-campaigns/ Palliative Care Contact Details Participating pharmacies are normally listed in the service spec. Check the relevant paperwork for your locality. http://www.pharmacylancashire.or g/commissioned-services-2/ccgservices/palliative-care/
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