The Back Pew THE NEWSLETTER OF LEESBURG PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Leesburg, Virginia Serving God and Neighbor in the Heart of Leesburg since 1804 February 2015 Have Courage! Do Not Fear! Lent 2015 Ash Wednesday, Feb 18 – Easter Sunday, April 8 During this season of Lent at LPC, we will be exploring how we can respond as people of faith to the different fears we face in the daily living of our lives. We will examine what courage looks like in the midst of fearfulness on the five Sundays of Lent leading up to Palm Sunday. You are also encouraged to explore the this topic of faith, fear, and courage in one of the Lent Small Groups that are forming. These will meet on a weekly basis for five weeks at different times and places. It is my hope that the small group experience will serve as support, encouragement, and shared wisdom for those who want to make this a spiritual practice during our journey through Lent. A resource that we will be using is the book, Fearless, by Max Lucado. The following are the topics that will be examined in both sermons and in Lent Small Groups Sunday, February 22 – What Are We Afraid Of? Mark 4: 35-41 Study Groups – Feb. 22-26 Sunday, March 1 – The Fear of Failing God & Everyone Else Study Groups – March 1–5 Sunday, March 8 – The Fear of What Tomorrow Will or Will Not Bring Matthew 6: 25-34 Study Groups – March 8 – 12 Sunday, March 15 – The Fear of Not Mattering Matthew 10: 26-31 Study Groups – March 15- 19 Sunday, March 22 – The Fear of the End of Life John 14 Study Groups – March 22-26 The times and dates of the Small Groups will be sent out on Feb. 9th and will include Sunday mornings, weekday mornings, and week-nights. You can sign up for a particular Lent Small group by signing up on Sunday morning, February 15 or 22 or calling the church office. Back Pew January/February 2015—Leesburg Presbyterian Church Page 2 Adult Faith Formation Class Pope Francis: Who He Is and What His Papacy Is About! Guest Speaker: Dr. Carl Hemmer, former Jesuit priest February 8 and 15 Join us to kick off the Season of Lent 9:45 – 10:40 am Sunday mornings Location: TBA (depending on size of class attendance!) Deacons are hosting a pancake supper Feb. 8 – St. Francis and the Papacy Wednesday, February 18th 6:00- 6:45 pm Who he is. Where he comes from. What he faces as Pope. Ash Wednesday Service following in Fellowship Hall 6:45 - 7:30 pm Feb. 15 – St. Francis, the Jesuit! How his Jesuit DNA impacts his Papacy Don’t Forget! CHILI COOK-OFF February 1 Immediately following the Congregational Meeting in Fellowship Hall TO ENTER THE COMPETITION, CHILI MUST BE IN FELLOWSHIP HALL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING FEBRUARY 1 The Session of has called a congregational meeting of Leesburg Presbyterian Church to be held after the 11:00 worship service on Sunday, February 1, 2015. The purpose of the meeting is to present the church's annual report, share information about the 2015 budget, and vote on changes in the terms of call for the Pastor and Associate Pastor. Preschool News Registration for the 2015-2016 school year is underway! More information and registration forms can be found on the LPC website under the preschool tab or contact Director, Elaine Thiel at (703) 771-1461." Help us spread the word! Deadline for next Newsletter is February 20 Back Pew January/February 2015—Leesburg Presbyterian Church Page 3 News from the Session Current members of the Session are Trish Fraker, Frank Gasperini, Wayne Helge, Kim Hovda, Todd Joyce, Keith Markel, Linda Rawlett, Wynne Rodgers, Jim Ruddell, Cameron Spivey and Sheryl Tompkins. Rev. Debbie Parsons serves as Moderator and Jim Barnes serves as Clerk. Among the recent actions of the Session: Approved the LPC’s budget for 2015; Authorized the transfer of the $38,622 budget surplus from 2014 to the Capital Reserve Fund; Authorized the transfer of $1,100 remaining in the hymnal fund to pay for guest musicians in 2015; Elected Elder Jim Barnes to serve as Clerk of Session for 2015; and Authorized a Garden Market Table program, where church members would bring excess garden items to offer to the congregation for a small donation, with the donations to be designated for a special local mission. Loaves & Fishes First Sunday of February February 1st I had the pleasure of sitting down with a couple of our Youth, shortly before the end of Summer, to talk about their experience of Youth Group, and - more broadly about being young people in Loudon County. I learned some fascinating stuff, and our conversation helped me to shape the Youth Group experience in significant ways. One of the things we talked about were projects, events, trips they would like to participate in. When we met as a larger group, we also asked everyone: "Hey, what would you like to do?" Y O U T H A couple of opportunities came out of those discussions. The first one took place during the first two Sundays in January. We spent time with Finch Sewing Studio (owned by LPC member, Nicole Morgenthau) knitting hats for children with cancer. To be honest, we didn't know how it would go: we were The Session recently offered commendations for: pretty sure that between five to eight of our youth would probably be into it. But we The LPC Choir, under the direction of Terry Sisk, for were surprised in a wonderful way. We had their beautiful performance of the Christmas Cantaeighteen youth join us for the first Sunday at ta, and for representing LPC in the Choir Festival Finch, and twenty-three for the second honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; Sunday at Leesburg Presbyterian. Nicole Jennifer Morris for providing lovely flowers for the sancand Angela Helge came to the second knittuary for Christmas; ting time, and had the pleasure of witnessing Angela Helge and Juli Barnes for directing and organizing what we saw - all twenty-three youth knitthe December 14 Christmas program; ting away! Knitting a hat, as you probably know, is not a Wes Rhodes and Pam Poisson for serving as chaperones four hour job especially for first-timers, but the fun and for the youth group lock-in; fellowship we had, continued to strengthen our identity as The Deacons and Nancy Vanzandt for their hard work a Youth Group that gets down to business when it's time to organizing the Christmas dinner and decorations; serve others. Hong McGill for building LPC’s presence on Facebook with his photos; The second opportunity is coming up - a chance to worAngela Helge and Nicole Morgenthau for leading the ship with another church. On Sunday, February 15th, we Youth Group in knitting hats for children with will travel to Alfred Street Baptist Church in Alexandria, cancer; Virginia. That morning, our youth with join their youth in Jeremy Palmer for initiating the collection of coats for worship. Alfred Street Baptist is a historic, black church in homeless veterans; Old Town, and we are honored and delighted to join them Wayne Helge, Bud Elliott, Scott Lutz, Doug Sweeney and as they praise God and lead us in worship. Julie Koochagian for their hard work developing the Coming Up: We will hold our "Dessert Silent Auction for LPC budget for 2015; and Summer Youth Ministry" on Sunday, March 22nd. The Andy Tompkins for the Christian care he provided Hal silent auction is held each year to defray costs for the Glovier and his family over many years, particularly summer camp and service trips. at the end of Hal’s life. Grace and peace, Pastor James Deadline for next Newsletter is February 20 Back Pew January/February 2015—Leesburg Presbyterian Church Circles, Studies, and Fellowship Groups Emma Clemens/Ruth Circles Wednesday, February 4 7:30 p.m. The Emma Clemens and Ruth Circles will meet in the Memorial Lounge on February 4 at 7:30 p.m. Our lesson (5) will be led by Meredith Moore. Please read 2 Corinthians 5:11 - 6:10 dealing with the Reconciliation of Paul and the Whole Creation. All women of the church, regardless of age, are invited to join us. We can be a lively group! For more information contact Shirley Pearson 703-777-7425. Circle One Thursday, February 12 10:00 a.m. Circle One will meet on Thursday, February 12 at 10:00 a.m. in the church library. All women are invited to join us for bible study and lively discussion. Our lesson, "The Aroma of God Among Us", focuses on 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 and 6:14-7:1. How can we, and do we, make God's presence visible in the world? If schools are closed due to snow on the 12th, we will not meet until March. LPC Book Club Friday, February 13 9:30 a.m. Book Club continues our monthly meetings on second Fridays at 9:30 am. Please contact Jennifer Marsh ([email protected]). February’s selection is Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. March’s book is Third Son: A Novel by Julie Wu. Monday Morning Stitchers Monday, February 15 11:00am—1:00pm We have a great group of ladies who stitch on the 3rd Monday of each month at the home of Jane Ashbaugh. Bring whatever project you are working on and stitch and visit with us. If you ever wanted to learn counted thread, canvas work (needlepoint) or cross stitch on linen, now is the time! Call if you have any questions (703) 7790747. Page 4 LPC GIVES BACK The Mission & Witness committee knows our congregation is always generous, but this holiday season you have again exceeded our expectations! Due to your cash donations and a number of donated gift cards, we were able to send Loudoun Interfaith Relief $1,565. LIR used this to purchase grocery gift cards to add to food baskets so that their clients could purchase fresh food over the holidays. We will continue our monthly tradition of accepting canned/packaged food on the first Sunday of each month, in our “Loaves & Fishes” collection baskets. If you would like to make a cash donation on that day, please make the check payable to LPC and note in the MEMO LINE: “Loudoun Interfaith Relief”. You may drop the donation at the church office or into the Offering Basket during worship. You may also donate online at In addition, we thank the congregation for their generous response to the Christmas Giving Tree last November. The gifts and cash cards were greatly appreciated by Holiday Coalition. Many families benefitted from your generosity. Grace2Go Our LPC Grace to Go volunteers had a very efficient Sunday, Jan. 4, at Deli South and prepared 160 dinners. Thank you to our January volunteers, Charles Medland, Nancy Blaine, Loretta Kline, Barney McCracken, Kristi Titus, Chryslie Cultice, Florence O'Hey, John and Connie Niccolls, Don and Linda Gibson and Gabe, Taylor and Bailey Vigil. We received an email from the coordinator of G2G at St. James. She reported that lately every dinner has been taken and they have been purchasing groceries to give to those people remaining in line. She thanked LPC for our continued support. LPC supports G2G with a commitment to prepare and pay for meals on the first Sunday of every other month. We are one of many organizations who support this weekly meal preparation which is coordinated by St. James Episcopal. Our next G2G mission opportunity at LPC will be March 1, from 1:30-3:30 pm at Deli South. If you would like to help on March 1, please sign the G2G sheet on the bulletin board in the Office Hallway or email Jeff and Trish Fraker at [email protected]. Deadline for next Newsletter is February 20 Back Pew January/February 2015—Leesburg Presbyterian Church ~ February 2015 ~ ◄ January Sun 1 Page 5 Mon 2 Tue Wed 3 4 March ► Thu 5 Fri Sat 6 7 12 13 14 Circle One 10am Book Club 9:30am Loaves & Fishes Worship 8 & 11am Ad. Ed 9:45am Congregational Mtg Youth Group5:30pm Chili Cook-off Emma/Ruth 7:30pm Choir 7:30pm 8 9 Worship 8 & 11am Ad. Ed 9:45am Youth Group5:30pm 10 Worship Cmt 7 pm CE Cmt 7 pm 11 Deacons 7:30 pm Choir 7:30pm 15 Worship 8 & 11am Ad. Ed 9:45am Youth Group Trip to Alfred StreetBaptist Church 22 16 M&W Cmt 7:00pm 17 18 Session 7:00pm Ash Wednesday Pancake Supper 6:00 pm President’s Day Office Closed 23 24 19 Service 6:45 – 7:30 pm Choir 7:30pm 25 26 20 21 27 28 First Sunday in Lent Worship 8 & 11am Ad. Ed 9:45am Youth Ski Trip Choir 7:30pm Needed: A FLAT-SCREEN TV If anyone is upgrading from a smaller to a larger flat-screen TV, the church could use your hand-me-down. We want to replace our huge and heavy television that is very difficult to move! Please call the church office and speak with Pastor Debbie . Leesburg Presbyterian Church 207 West Market Street Leesburg, VA 20176 Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Permit #4 Leesburg, VA RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Leesburg Presbyterian Church Rev. Deborah Parsons 207 West Market Street Leesburg, VA 20176 Phone: 703-777-4163 E-mail: [email protected] Worship Schedule Sunday Worship Adult Education Church School Youth Group 8:30 am and 11:00 am 9:45am 9:45 am 5:30 pm The Sacrament of The Lord’s Supper is celebrated the first Sunday of each month. Sign up for our weekly electronic newsletter by emailing [email protected] OUR CHURCH ELDERS: Jim Barnes—Clerk of Session, Trish Fraker, Frank Gasperini, Wayne Helge, Kim Hovda, Todd Joyce, Keith Markel, Linda Rawlett, Wynne Rodgers, Jim Ruddell, Cameron Spivey and Sheryl Tompkins. DEACONS: Rebecca Caprio, Joan Elliott, Christian Hoff, William Marsh, Kristin Moats, Florence O’Hey, Krista Ritsema, Sharon Schmidt, Sofia Spivey, Susan Sutter, Stewart Weikel, Dennis Welsh.
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