Mary Ann Evans Hospice Minutes of the Board Meeting Held on 22 May 2014 at 1.30pm Present: Duncan Phimister – Chair (DP) Brian Fulleylove (BF) Sarah Hall (SH) Elizabeth Hancock (EH) Maureen Hawkins (MH) Richard Humphries (RH) John Mills (JM) Edward Pogmore (EP) – Ann Williams (AW) – from from 2.45pm 2.20pm Julie Cox (JC) Janet Kavanagh (JK) In Attendance: Maggi Cole (MC) Gill Hancock (GH) – from 2.00pm 1. Apologies: Heather Norgrove (HN), Andrew Chadaway (AC), Geoff Trew (GT) 2. To Approve the Minutes of the Board Meeting held on 27 March 2014 The minutes were approved and signed as a correct record 3. Matters Arising from the Board Meeting held on 27 March 2014 EH updated the Board on the meeting she had with South Warwickshire Foundation Trust and a subsequent email regarding charging for office space. All present agreed that it is inappropriate for a charity to supplement NHS services but that the situation should be handled sensitively. Action: DP to Investigate Further Following JK’s announcement to resign from her post of Fundraising Manager DP, on behalf of the Board, explained that whilst he was disappointed she was leaving he fully supported her reasons. He added that she would be sadly missed. RH asked if there had been any progress made on the non NHS email address and JM confirmed this would be discussed under item 9. 4. Chairman’s Report DP confirmed that the majority of his report would be made during the Confidential Meeting. DP has written to Keith Sach regarding a role as Hospice Patron and is awaiting a response. DP confirmed the Board 1-1s had nearly been completed with only 3 outstanding. DP reported back on the meeting with the Project Manager from KKE to discuss the delays with the Warren. KKE have since been carrying out weekly site visits and further progress has been made although the project remains 6 weeks behind schedule. Page 1 of 4 5. Chief Executive’s Report (Including Operations Manager) Please see EH’s report. JC reported on the Shop’s Accounts. After setting a very optimistic budget it was pleasing to note that only 2 shops were failing to meet their target. JC is working closely with both managers to look at ways of decreasing costs and increasing income. JC plans to meet with the landlord of Books Revisited to discuss whether there is any way of negotiating a lower rent and the Finance Sub Committee have requested a 1-2 year Business Plan. An hourly analysis of takings for Furniture Revisited will start in June to identify if there are any trends – this then may allow an appropriate change to opening hours. MH commented that she had seen the furniture van and samples of furniture in Nuneaton Town Centre, with two staff members handing out leaflets and felt it was a brilliant way of raising awareness. EH confirmed that the marketing ploy had gone well with an increase in donations and customers commenting that they had also seen the van in town. EH confirmed that the Warren’s completion date remains 20 June. Contractors are very aware that the Garden Party is taking place on 14 June and have promised the site will be as tidy and as accessible as possible. Shaylors are contesting the Extensions of Time decisions submitted by KKE and there is a risk it may go to arbitration. EH confirmed that whilst she does not believe the Hospice is responsible for any of the delays it may be liable for some of the costs as we have employed KKE. MH added that the arbiter will work within the contract to identify who is at fault by challenging the facts – arbitration is usually a cheaper solution than seeking formal legal resolution. DP confirmed that the Hospice should let it go to arbitration and await the result. 6. Clinical Services Manager’s Report Please see MC’s report. MC and Hospice at Home Team Leader, Anita Ashby attended Gold Standard Framework (GSF) training at Lakelands Hospice. This is GSF for Hospice at Home and Day Hospice services and we were the only local hospice at the training. MC said that the outcome of implementing GSF is improved patient care, advanced communication and admission avoidance. It is also seen as a quality marker for CQC and can be used at GP Qof meetings. Before the next training session MC will need to develop a training programme for all staff. MC and EH met with Arden Commissioning Unit (ACU) and Warwickshire North CCG to discuss the 2014-15 contract. ACU are planning a review of all end of life/palliative care services. The current contract for Hospice at Home is only for 5 months and ACU are currently reviewing the Warwickshire services. BF said that the Finance Sub Committee requested EH to contact the George Eliot Hospital to seek support for our Hospice at Home service highlighting the savings it enables the Hospital to make. MC added that the team are currently working very closely with their colleagues at the Hospital to enable early discharge. Action: EH to contact GEH Fundraising Manager’s Report Please see JK’s report JK highlighted the What’s On Guide and asked Directors to support upcoming events. Hospice Open Days are planned for October – Friday for businesses and GPs and Saturday for the General Public. Dates to be confirmed. 7. Page 2 of 4 Lights of Love services will this year take place at the Hospice and in Nuneaton, Atherstone and Coleshill. 8. Chaplain’s Report Please see GH’s report When asked why referrals to the Bereavement Service are increasing GH responded that statistics show that up to 20% of all bereaved will seek support. 6 months ago we generally only received referrals from the Macmillan – now the referrals are coming from the wider population which has led to the increase. Working hard to facilitate the transfer of services to the Warren. GH highlighted the quality and dedication of volunteers throughout the process. EH reminded everyone about the Warren meeting on Tuesday 27 May at 3.30pm. 9. Sub-Committee Updates a) Finance & Corporate Governance Accounts are looking healthy although there are concerns about two of the Hospice’s shops. Draft Accounts 2013 should be ready for July’s meeting. b) Marketing, Communication & Income Generation (MAGIC) Welcome Brochure: is due back from the printers very soon. Newsletter: looking at introducing a tighter process for distributing the next newsletter. Volunteers’ matrix: Caroline is organising a nucleus of volunteers to help coordinate activities. Volunteers’ Questionnaire: Next one due 2015. Giving Tree report: Project concept has been withdrawn. Non NHS Email Address: Awaiting response from GEH. Fundraising Review: On hold awaiting outcome of Rowena Dean’s work. Review of Sub Committee: JM added that he would be looking at reviewing the work of the Sub Committee. c) Clinical Governance & Service Development MC reported that the recent Infection Control Audit had gone well although still awaiting the final report. Verbal report highlighted the floor in Lymphoedema, toilet pipes needing to be boxed in (already actioned) and some of the recliners in the Day Hospice. The Quality Account was discussed. Priorities were agreed and only a few other minor changes were highlighted. The Hospice’s current Vision and Mission Statement does appear dated and requires updating. EH congratulated MC on the final document and highlighted the hard work that goes on putting it together. 10. Any Other Business DP confirmed that an Away Day, to look at the Hospice Vision and debate current issues, would be a good idea. Dates and venue to be confirmed. Action: EH BF commented on a recent health & safety incident at one of our shops and stated that Board Members should carry out impromptu inspections. EH agreed Page 3 of 4 this was a very good idea and added that although JC carries out annual inspections these are never unannounced. Action: Finance Sub Committee Members 11. Date and Time of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held in the Seminar Room on Thursday 17 July 2014 at 1.30 pm Signed: D Phimister Date: 17.07.14 Page 4 of 4
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