Renewable Energy Technologies I
Exercise 2
Prof. A. Wokaun
Assistant: K. Volkart
23 September 2014
• Please give the results in the units provided.
• Round your results to reasonable precision.
• Formulas that are provided in the exercise will also be provided in the exam. If the formula
is not given in the exercise, it will not be provided in the exam neither.
• Exercises must not be submitted for correction.
• Solutions of the exercises will be made available on September 30.
• If you have questions, please write an e-mail to: [email protected]
Electricity generation costs
After the Fukushima disaster in 2011, the Swiss federal government decided to phase-out nuclear
energy. In that year, nuclear energy contributed about 41% to the Swiss domestic electricity
generation1 . Expecting constant or increasing electricity demands for the future2 , the nuclear
generation capacity has to be (more than) compensated by non-nuclear generation. One option
for domestic electricity production are natural gas-fired power plants.
Electricity generation cost of a natural gas power plant
Table 1 shows the technical characteristics of a prospective natural gas-fired combined cycle
(NGCC) power plant3 . Calculate the annuity factor acc and the electricity generation cost
GN GCC [e-cts per kWhe ]. Be careful with the units!
Schweizerische Elektrizitaetsstatistik 2011, Federal Office of Energy, Bern, Switzerland.
Die Energieperspektiven fuer die Schweiz bis 2050, Federal Office of Energy, Bern, Switzerland.
ZEP(2011). The Costs of CO2 capture. Brussels, Belgium. BASE case, middle fuel cost.
Table 1: Technical characteristics of
the NGCC power plant3
Net capacity C
Power plant efficiency ηe
Life time n
Full load hours load
Investment costs I
Levelised O&M costs OM
Interest rate i
Natural gas price P
CO2 emissions EN GCC
420 MWe
25 yr
7500 h per yr
e714 per kWe
e5.8 per MWhe
e8 per GJth
0.347 t per MWhe
Electricity generation cost for a shale gas scenario
Recent developments such as shale gas exploitation have led to substantial changes in the gas
prices on regional level. Calculate the electricity generation cost Gshale [e-cts per kWhe ] assuming halving of the natural gas price P. What is the relative change compared to GN GCC (+/-)?
What does this tell us about the fuel sensitivity of natural gas-fired power plants?
Electricity generation cost for a natural gas-fired power plant with CCS
Switzerland has a CO2 policy including stringent domestic emission reduction targets. But natural gas-fired power plants do emit significant amounts of CO2 . One option to reduce their CO2
emissions is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)4 . The implementation of CCS at power plants
leads to an increase in capital and O&M costs, and a decrease in the power plant’s efficiency3 .
Calculate the electricity generation cost of a NGCC power plant with CCS, GCCS [e-cts per
kWhe ], using the information from Table 2. What is the relative change compared to GN GCC
Table 2: Technical characteristics
of the NGCC power plant with CCS3
Capacity C
Power plant efficiency ηe
Life time n
Full load hours load
Investment costs I
Levelised O&M costs OM
Interest rate i
Natural gas price P
CO2 emissions ECCS
350 MWe
25 yr
7500 h per yr
e1662 per kWe
e12.6 per MWhe
e8 per GJth
0.059 t per MWhe
CCS is a technology that reduces the CO2 emissions of point sources such as power and cement plants. CO2
is captured at the plant and subsequently transported to a suitable storage site and thereby permanently removed
from the atmosphere. Therefore CCS can contribute to the mitigation of climate change.
CO2 avoidance cost
In the previous section, it was shown that the implementation of CCS significantly increases the
electricity generation cost. On the other hand, CCS reduces the CO2 emissions of fossil-fuelled
power generation and therefore supports the mitigation of climate change.
Calculate the CO2 avoidance cost A [e per t CO2 ] for the natural gas-fired power plant
with CCS from the electricity costs G and the CO2 emissions E using the formula below.
Electricity generation cost for onshore wind power generation
Another low-CO2 power generation technology option for Switzerland is wind power. How does
its cost GW IN D [e-cts per kWhe ] compare to the one of the NGCC power plant with CCS GCCS ?
The technology chacteristics for the wind power plant that are provided in Table 3.
Table 3: Technical characteristics
of the onshore wind power plant
Capacity C
Life time n
Full load hours load
Investment costs I
Levelised O&M costs OM
Interest rate i
2 MWe
20 yr
1500 h per yr
e1200 per kWe
e4.2 per MWhe
Learning curves
New technologies are subject to so-called technology learning. With increasing capacity installed, the specific technology cost fall due to the gain in experience. The learning curve is
an empirical function that relates specific investment cost of technologies to their cumulative
installed capacity. An example of a learning curve is displayed in Figure 1.
Learning index
As stated above, wind power is a potential option to expand domestic renewable electricity
generation in Switzerland. Up to 2035, the technology is expected to become more competitive
compared to conventional natural gas power plants as the currently immature technology undergoes so-called technology learning.
Calculate the learning index b of wind energy [-]. Assume the learning rate lr as stated in
the lecture notes 5 .
A learning rate of 20% implies that with the doubling of the cumulative capacity, the costs are reduced to
80% of their initial value.
Figure 1: Learning curve
Technology learning
Calculate the cumulative capacity CC [MWe ] of wind power that is required to achieve specific
costs SC of 1200 e/kWe in 2035. Assume that 800 e/kWe of the 1680 e/kWe investment
costs required in 2010 are the floor cost (floor ), whereas the rest of the investment cost (SC0 )
undergoes technology learning. The installed wind capacity CC0 in 2010 was 18 MWe .
Limitations of the approach
Which considerations have been omitted in the way previous question was formulated? Give
arguments and propose a more realistic formulation for the technology learning for wind power.