office supplies - supplier briefing session

Crown Commercial Services - Office Supplies
Central Procurement Directorate, on behalf of the Northern Ireland Public Sector,
wishes to inform interested Suppliers that Crown Commercial Services (CCS) are
holding a supplier briefing meeting for Office Supplies on -
16 July 2014
Trinity Bridge House, Manchester
The Northern Ireland Public Sector may avail of the arrangements established
by CCS.
Supplier briefing
CCS has developed their Office Supplies Strategy which is to service the whole of
the UK Public Sector office supplies requirements, regardless of organisational size,
spend or buying profile. Our intention is to undertake a two phased approach, with
the first phase focussing on the provision of a one stop shop contractual vehicle that
will provide the necessary choice and flexibility to meet the diverse needs of a wide
and diverse customer base, whilst at the same time optimising savings opportunity
with regular competition and benchmarking to ensure best value for customers. It is
intended phase 2 will be a strategic partnering relationship with a limited number of
suppliers, providing a route for Central Government customers and Wider Public
Sector customers with similar organisational and servicing profiles, to maximise
strategic leverage within the marketplace and drive supply chain savings.
This overall approach together with the Office Supplies Marketplace solution outlined
below will provide CCS with the range of contractual arrangements needed to deliver
a full end to end service for all our customer’s office supplies requirements and
maximise public sector savings opportunity.
CCS Procurement Strategy
Phase 1- Procurement for Wider Public Sector (WPS) Office Supplies
OJEU date planned Aug 2014
Single lot, one stop shop, multiple suppliers, vehicle to direct award or further
compete customer requirements
*This will be supplemented with the launch of a Crown Commercial Service Office
Supplies Marketplace solution for none contractual ad hoc WPS spend, open to
suppliers to register by region
Phase 2-Procurement for Central Government (CG) and open to WPS to access
OJEU date tbc
2 lots EOS and Office Supplies, mandated for CG, marketed to WPS with a
similar customer profile or buying behaviour
Next Steps
CCS will hold a supplier briefing meeting at 13.30 on 16th July at Trinity Bridge
House Manchester where we will outline Phase 1 of the procurement process in
detail and Phase 2 indicative timescales.
Suppliers wishing to attend this event should contact Anne Toone of Crown
Commercial Services:
Direct dial: 0151 672 2361
Email: [email protected]
Customer Service Desk: 0345 410 2222
Further details on Crown Commercial Services tender opportunities are available