HELLGATE CORVETTE CLUB NEWSLETTER APRIL 2014 MINUTES FROM THE APRIL 3, 2014 MEETING The meeting hosted at Karl Tyler Chevrolet and Cadillac was called to order at 7pm by Don Matlock, President. Members present were Larry Jones, Shelley and Richard Peters, John Christensen, Jeff and Sharon Morren, Chuck and Carolyn Bell, Don Matlock, Mike and Helen Nesbit, Ron and Linda Benton. We were glad to welcome two guests who wanted to see what we were all about. Robert has a ’96 LT4 (we followed it part way home and folks it looks and sounds great) and Bob bought Clint’s car! Hope you both decide to join us for fun and fellowship. OLD BUSINESS: March minutes were approved as sent out. There was no Treasurer Report as Clint was on a well deserved vacation. Charitable Contributions - No report this month. Jeff reported the committee will be meeting when Clint returns and will have a report next month. Things are in the thought process right now. Logo – Ron, Sharon and Richard had a meeting to compile ideas for the logo. These sample logos were brought to the meeting for the club to view. It was noted we started this process in ’04 so perhaps it is time to actually make a club decision. With that in mind, the members voted on the top three designs with minor tweaks. As soon as these minor changes are made and the designs are emailed to me, I will send them out to membership for a vote. The logo with the most votes will then go to K Design for final design detail and mock-up. The committee did a lot of work on these designs and club members commented that the work was appreciated. Keep your eyes open for voting information to come to you soon. Name Tags – It was brought up that not all members have name tags. Larry volunteered to get tags done for members not yet having an official tag. Contact Larry SOON if you need a name tag. CPR Class – Linda was unable to attend the meeting so Shelley reported for her. Only 3 members showed interest in attending a CPR class. It was decided to table this idea for now. Thanks Linda for all the work you did to find out information about classes. Car Show - HCC representatives Don and Richard attended an organizational meeting earlier this week about the July 20th car show we are participating in at Fort Missoula. So far at least 5 valley car clubs have shown interest with the purpose of raising money for Camp-Mak-A-Dream. The idea is to make this a fun event with not a lot of hassle or rules. Camp-Mak-ADream will handle the money part of the show. Montana Rail Link has donated the cost of entertainment. Event location costs are being covered by MOPAR. The committee asked all clubs involved to donate $200 as seed money for advertising, posters and publicity. This money will go to Garden City Rods and Customs and they will coordinate publicity. If any of the 1 seed money funds remain, they will go to Camp-Mak-A-Dream as a donation. HCC discussed this and proposed a motion to donate $200 seed money. Motion passed. A copy of the minutes from the car show committee will be forwarded to HCC members. Lots of good information in the minutes explaining car club involvement and ideas. This is sounding more and more like an easy to do, fun event with lots of like-minded car buffs. The show will be on the grass area at the Fort. The show name...drum roll please... Showin’ Off for Camp Mak-A-Dream. For more information contact our club representatives, Don or Richard. Save the date: July 20th. Be there or be square as we used to say in the “old days”. Big Sky –Ron shared some history of Big Sky for our guests and members. It started back in ’72 in Virginia City. HCC did our first Big Sky in ’76. Bozeman club reported 42 registrations so far with most being from out of state. 12 are from Sioux Falls. 75 rooms are booked so far. The Diamonds are the entertainment for the Saturday night banquet and Ron said they are really good. There is a Show and Shine with several categories. All advertisement is on Facebook, no magazines. There is a rally on Saturday and an Auto Cross at Ressler Chevrolet. There may also be a Poker Run or tour, these are yet to be determined. Cost is $80 single/$160 double until APRIL 26 th. So register soon to get the best price. Contact Ron for more information. Larry suggested member going meet at Hooters at 12 for lunch and head out together at 1pm. NEW BUSINESS: Correspondence – The current newsletter from Garden City Rods and Customs and Bitterrodders Car Club was passed around for members to view. Events Committee Report – Larry reported that 5 cars participated in the St Patrick’s Day Parade. The weather was great as was the food and beer at Paradise Falls. May 3rd from 9 to 4 is the 50 Years Bitterroot Classic 2014 at Sears @ the Southgate Mall. Hosted by Five Valley Ford Club. See fivevalleyfordclub.com for more information. July 20th mark you calendar for the fun car show Showin’ Off for Camp Mak-A-Dream. See above for more information. Clint is working on an ice cream run but needs at least 20 people to commit to participate for it to work. More details coming for this fun “secretive” event. Date is yet undecided but plans are in the works. The Caravan Lunch that is happening at Karl Tyler’s suggests 412 people may attend as they travel east. Mike is coordinating with Karl and Sandy Tyler. As far as we know the date is Wednesday August 20 th. Karl is asking our club to help with this event as the time the caravan has for lunch is severely limited. We are only supplying manpower/womanpower. Let’s do this to support Karl Tyler Chevrolet and Cadillac. It’s our turn to give back. Save the date. More info coming as available. August 1st and 2nd – Missoula Bitterroot Valley Dusters Swap Meet. Mile marker 9, 13699 Mullen Rd just off I-90 exit 96. For vendor or other information contact J @ 406-626-4143 or Doug @ 406-728-5174. Booths 15x20 $20 to $25. Fun run to River’s Edge for food and fellowship Saturday, April 26. More info coming from the events committee or call Larry. IT’S BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Dining on the Deck with Don! Our June 5th meeting will be held at the lovely rural Hamilton estate of our President Don Matlock. Map and more info will be coming. Camp-Mak-A-Dream Car Run is on Wednesday, July 30th. Leave Karl Tyler at 12:30. Pick-up other drivers at Gold Creek at 1:45. Great eats at the Dinner Bell follows the car rides with the kids. Chuck arranges this memorable event for us. Take a camp kiddo on a short ride in a Corvette to experience what’s really important in life. Notify an Event Committee Member if you have ideas or suggestions. They want input from the club. Sink Hole at the Museum Report – John reported when they pulled what they thought was the last car out of the sinkhole, one more mangled mess was found. It’s a ZR1 Spider. It’s out now too and restoration is in progress! Thanks John. UPDATE 4/8 – Final vette found in sinkhole. A 2001 Mallet Hammer Z06 is upside down with nose going to spire in center of the room. See it at CorvetteBlogger on Google. 2 The meeting was adjourned a little after eight. Minutes respectfully submitted by Secretary Shelley Peters CREW MEMBER REPORT Chuck Bell has always liked Corvettes. On his 50th birthday his partner got a black convertible Vette & he let Chuck drive it. Carolyn said “You’re not going to buy that.” So he didn’t. Instead he ordered an ’89 from Dave Smith, took a Greyhound Bus over to get it, drove it home and the **** hit the fan! But they got in it and went to Yellowstone. It was dark charcoal with gold flake. Sold it to a guy in Spokane. Next was a ’93 black rose he kept until ’98 & sold to a guy in Oklahoma City. Next was a ’99 magnetic red coupe they picked up in October at the Museum. Drove home in snow from Bismarck to Missoula. Got 1, need 2. Added an ’03 Z06 for more power. Shirley & Dwayne bought the ‘99. Down 1, back to 2 in Sept of ’06 with one of the first ’07 Z06’s out. Carolyn went on a trip and surprise, Chuck picked her up at the airport in it. Don’t know what happened but probably more ****. First time they were out for a ride, 60 miles out, they had a flat tire. Sold the ’03 to HCC member Linda White. Watch out Carolyn he’s down to one. Hey Chuck, next time try picking Carolyn up at the airport in her new Toyota Avalon and see what happens. Just a thought... SAVE THE WAVE The National Corvette Museum sells copies of Corvette build sheets and window stickers for Corvettes of all model years. The build sheet is the set of written instructions and specifications used at the factory to build your Corvette, a great piece of memorabilia. (Information from 101 Cool Things About a Corvette by Beth Hensen) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO... Laura Aimi Iva May Johnston Shelley Peters Claudia Kux Charlotte Morran May 3 May 9 May 10 May 17 May 23 Did I forget anyone? Please let me know as the list is sketchy. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO... none for this month listed Please let me know about corrections or additions at [email protected] or give me a call. Save the wave, Shelley Officers: President – Don Matlock 406-369-0706 Vice-President – Mike Nesbit 406-778-4204 Treasurer – Clint Baertsch 406-543-7070 Secretary – Shelley Peters 406-360-4776 Donation Information Committee: Clint Baertsch 406-240-8080 Linda Beilby 406-363-7438 Jeff Morran 406-728-2610 Events Committee: Richard Peters – 406-381-0409 Shirley Shinn – 406-396-6531 Larry Jones - 406-544-6074 Logo Committee: Ron Benton – 406-370-3181 Sharon Morren - 406-728-2610 Richard Peters – 406-381-0409 Ambassadors to National Corvette Museum John and Elaine Christensen – 406-544-04727 or 406-544-4742 3 Dust your Corvette off and get ready to participate in activities, committees or meetings. The next meeting is May 1, 7pm, upstairs in the conference room at Karl Tyler Chevrolet and Cadillac. The more the merrier so plan on attending. Watch for the agenda. Pre-meeting dinner at 6pm, Taco Del Sol on Reserve across the street from Lowes. Thanks to Karl Tyler Chevrolet and Cadillac for your continuing support and use of the facility for our meetings. We appreciate you!
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