Yamagata University

Cross Border Cooperation and the Impact of the Schengen Agreement on
Border Control
TAKAHASI Kazu (Yamagata University)
The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of the Shengen Agreement on
CBC. CBC is the attempt to reduce the obstacles which generate from the border and to
promote the cooperation among the cities and villages located at the border region. On
the other hand, the Schengen Agreement which had concluded in 1985 intended to
abolish the border in order to launch the single economic market. But after the end of
the Cold War and its following years, a lot of asylum seeker came from East European
countries to the EC, then the Schengen Agreement changed its function. That is to say,
the purpose of the Agreement became to interrupt the flow of migrants from the East
and the asylum seekers and migrants were regarded as the threat of security. Then the
EU requested the East European Countries to conclude the readmission treaty and
asked them the rigid border control.
The Amsterdam Treaty of the EU incorporated the Schengen Agreement and the
new member states were obligated to observe the Agreement. Then what happened at
the border? People who daily cross the border have to get the visa and the fee of the visa
are too expensive for the ordinary people.
CBC was the attempt for the reconciliation between the people who had
confronted at the border, but the Schengen Agreement and its succeeded system for the
control of the EU border hampered the activities of CBC.
CBC was the one of the model of the multi-level governance in the EU. However
the change of the purpose of the Schengen Agreement and the introduction of the
Schengen Information System means that the state recover its position in the decision
making process of CBC. Therefore the multi-level governance is at stake.
髙橋 和(山形大学人文学部)
2007 年、シェンゲン条約が適用されるシェンゲン圏は東方に拡大した。EU 域内国境線
EU 域内の越境地域協力にとっては好機となったが、他方で EU の域内外に跨る地域におけ
EU のガバナンスについては、「マルチレベル・ガバナンス」という観点から、アクター
る機能を持っていた。したがって、地域をめぐる議論は EU の統合の議論の延長にあった
一方、シェンゲン条約は、EU の国境管理の一元化によって地域統合を進めているように
ばかりか、EU の域内においても EU 市民と非 EU 市民を区別し、非 EU 市民、すなわち「移
ことになった。この国境管理の強化は「EU の要塞化」として非難されてきたが、この「要
Gabriel Popescu(2006), ` Geopolitics of Scale and Cross-Border Cooperation in
Eastern Europe: The Case of the Romanian-Ukrainian-Moldovan Borderlands,’ in
James Welsley Scott(ed.), EU Enlargement, Region Building and Shifting Borders of
Inclusion and Exclusion, Ashgate.
大学 2004 年度特定課題研究助成費報告書、2005 年3月。
3 Didier Bigo and Elspeth Guild(2005), Controlling Frontiers: Free Movement into and
within Europe, Ashgate. Rens van Muster(2009), Securitizing Immiration: The Politics
of Risk in the EU, Palgrave Macmillan.