GOVERNMENT OF KERALA Abstract - L.D. Clerks in Aided Schools - Third Time Bound Higher Grade in the Scale of Pay of Junior Superintendent - Modification Orders - Issued Pay Revision 2004 & 2009 FINANCE (PRC.A) DEPARTMENT Read: 1. G.O.(P)No.145/06/rin. AaG 2, G.O.(P)No. 85/201l/Fin. dated 26.02.20'11 read with .O.(P)No. 1 43 l\\LllFin. dated 30.03.201 1. or+ ORDER Prior to the issuance of VIII Pay Revision Order Aided School Clerks have been enjoying the beneflt of third Time Bound Higher Grade in the scale of pay of Junior superintendent. This benefit was not extended in the 2004 and 200g pay Revision Orders. Several requests have been received to allow the same in the 2004 & 2009 Pay Revision period also. Government after having examined the matter in detail are pleased to modify the 2004 and the 2009 Pay Revision Ordeis by incorporating the following sentence in Para t4 of Annexure 3 of Government Order read first above and in para 12 of Annexure III of Government order read second above respectively. "The existing benefit of third Time Bound Higher Grade in the scale of pay of Junior Superintendent allowed to Lower Division Clerk in Aided Schools will continue.', This order will take effect frorn 01/0712004 and 0U0712009 for Pay Revision 2OO4 and for Pay Revision 2009 respectively. But the monetary benefit in this regard will be given from the date of this order only. BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNOR RA'ESHKUMAR SINHA SECRETARY(FTNANCE EXPEN DrTU RE) To The Principal Accountant General (A&E), Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram The Principal Accountant General (G&SSA), Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram The Accountant General (E&RSA), Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram The Advocate General, Kerala, Ernakulam (with CL) The Private Secretaries to Chief Minister & Other Ministers The Secretary to Governor. The All Head of Depaftments. The Addl. Secretary to the Chief Secretary. Al I Secreta ries/Add iti o na I Secreta ries/J oi nt Secreta ries/Dep uty Secretaries/Under Secretaries to Government. All Depaftments (All Sections) of the Secretariat. The Director of Public Instructions, Thiruvananthapuram. All Deputy Directors of Education. All District Educational Officers. All Assistant Educational Officers. The Secretary, Kerala Public Service Commission (with CL) The Registrar, High Court, Ernakulam (with CL). The Reg istra r, U niversity of Kera la/Coch i n/Ca icut/MG/Ka n n u r/Sa nskrit (with CL). The Registrar, Kerala Agricultural. University, Thrissur. The Private Secretaries to Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Leader of Opposition and the Government Chief Whip. The Director of Public Relations. The Di rector of Treasu ries, Th ruva na nthapura m. The District Treasuries/Sub Treasuries. The Stock File / Office Copy. .ftne Noda I Officer, na nce. kera la. gov. i n Fonrvarded lBy Order, I i AH \/'/+I Section Officer v
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