TT 4i. 12/5/2014- v-2 3TRF cff, edit ftThTzIF MIT 4wr diaresi chi a) n Altai-17T 12431171 pia,, 4 fi rc r ft—a 10 l'Ort, 2014 falTzT: 17Witt 2015 TM ;TRW 71* ZIT* MAMA car 311liff qT arannTar (3ITT.VIL)1 T tr-4 air 2015 4'. 4 Ter 4,144 c441 %Mild!!! .1114r1 ruct. 17 thtdtt, 2015 (28 Pm, 1936 VW 3TTIMITT-aalT, Tit PT ?OTT-Jr * farlia, 6.6.2014 * * 394U - n * if 41*-4 2015 * 4Ytloi gilaciftd 3Tawrqii *t T.11 at 4t 1-4,441 71ziT 2Tri 3r 7 - II at NW FT 31T31zf Th-T FfIlitTF %tit ARM tl fi ,(1)Pc- C )S1VCCC. (3311* TITR) 34 wit (aa) VITTif 2309 2589 Ant&30 Viz& +whit Mit J-iAmebraiimi 1. SIT47 2. T4-Er Act, tar 3TrzitzrA.-414 Tratar 3Tr4tirfia4Acti Fur ai chRilemiefla, guff i1 6c4 3TitiTh7v1/3TR-ff ITRT cile1 41/3TAirlii Paltfri 'TNT-ovum +1R010 44/37 0-441ellele1/441el 3Trzitir/317ERizzrw 341701141414.1 31141anTIIRT 317kitff .3irtoiP 31TiltaTI Trma 3Tftl*R 3TRIITT/tiqi+.4 39-freff .71Ira 3. all 4. 4,, el ch 91Thgra. FAIT erIZTK JoIR.14 a, mdl ti ETti, 5. 1its-a-4 ErfM (tirci 6. chi ch, elm th) *4, 7. Treir trinnIcIA th) chAT.01 Ere. * 4-1141c1 mr-r WF (4 4I I I'm, 4 Replii trktg. (a In Vfli) Ertl- * iiGi-41 itgreitzr (titichi I *-41.4 tiopili et. *A 31TIPT S 3ittrFFIT 411 4-1 Tritreallt * 31171491411 acl 344.1ticrl (b•ellul * 39#R) I 8. 39WW, 3i acm' elQ/3.17a Arica -al 9. fiDd-isii * inf 10. 3cr tifla (4-wircv.4), ftr--41 +Haiti ter3cla-1, 314.t.311"., 4 farvil I 11. ;raw (aigRun Nita. +Whit, MP* ecli, 166, al memo! (10 taftwa. ;Paid S I 12. Mttn r iii44/44-Er 13. P.71140-1 Silt' rktt * irsir Tifzr smR fthierir, trail 39-4F, -iv, 3tfi mid-c q-4{, cri3 raepTi (5 3i1 ii i crrazri. TrIta-) 1 14. yr 1*-airw (rat-to J ul fWkneier, d1-fir, Li! sia r, 4 Itri-4'r (5 3ifffilft-a" grazif Tr1:6-MI 15. tt-cl +il + fl .t-in$m- eyed, e- Ci, 4441 Qiic. 4. 8,Hatt -V, tile< A'W, nig eig,trii-700091 I rtrr dicro, 16. it 17. 1Thltzr ittodi MAIO dirv, (+11-3Sq, chlei 1791a-Tur faiTPT (20 Ceitzli)1 4111-Ach 711401 (www.persmin.nicAn) 'TT Sici 18. •:(1. WZL 100 3TrOfft-a-srairrl tl sftarir faigra) S 39tIT CRTA-Tur Brat 14-41iTre MOST IMMEDIATE F.No.12/5/2014-JCA-2 Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) North Block, New Delhi Dated 10th July, 2014 CORRIGENDUM Subject: Restricted Roliday(R.H.) on the occasion of the Maha Shivratri to be obseived on 17th February, 2015 The festival of Maha Shivratri falls during the year 2015 A.D. on 17th February, 2015 (28 Magha, 1936 Saka Era, Tuesday). Inadvertently, this Was not included in the list at Annexure II of this Department's O.M. of even number dated 6,6.2014, under the heading "List of Restricted Holidays during the year 2015 for Administrative Offices of Central Government Located at Delhi/NewDelhi". The Annexure II now stands amended to this extent. 2. Hindi version will follow. Encl.: Lists of holidays To 1. All Ministries/ Departments of Government of India. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. (Ashok Kumar) Deputy Secretary (JCA) Tt 2309 2589 UPSC /CVC/C&AG/ PMO / Lok Sabha Secretariat/ Rajya Sabha Secretariat/ President's Secretariat/Vice-President's Secretariat/ Supreme Court/ High Courts Central Administrative Tribunal/ Election Commission of India / Minoritie* Commission/ National Human Rights Commission/Central Information Commission/National 'Commission for Women. All attached and subordinate offices of Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions. Secretary, Staff Side, National Council (JCM), 13-C, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi. All Staff Side Members of the National Council (JCM). All Staff Side Members of the Departmental Council (JCM), Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions. Chairman / Secretaries, Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committees (As per updated list from Welfare Section). Commissioner for Scheduled Castes /Commissioner for Scheduled Tribes. PS to Cabinet Secretary. Deputy Secretary (Coordination), Delhi Govt. Secretariat, I.G. Stadium, I.T.O., New Delhi. The Manager (Store), Government of India, Forms Store, 166, Lenin Sarai, Kolkata (with 10 spare copies). Chief Secretaries to all the State Governments / Union Territoreis. Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, PTI Building, New Delhi (with 5 spare copies) Deputy Director (Bills), Dte. Of Printing, B-Wing, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi (with 5 spare copies) Positional Astronomy Centre, Block-AQ, Plot No.8 Sector-V, Salt lake, Manish Bathan, Kolkata - 700091 Facilitation Center, DQP&T (20 copies) NIC (DOPT) with the request to place this O.M. on the Website of the Department (www.persmin. nic. in) 100 Spare Copies. EM-.#. 12/5/2014 -*eff-2 317-6 41-MTT 1t/TF' Joneiei WrfAW, eilto fl-+-i c$ (Wrf4 3t1T sftarir fray) Fr4sMlct,Ft" itFtW 06u1, 2014 zr4. 2015 * PIM *Taft 701" zir#1 IftAIT I rgt ftna -4/-4 P,(s-eit f4-4Tr Oen t f arlattm a1 itrAtz Fr 44e-116e 711 ,40 AliliiPct, mi 445M4 fr air 2015 frt. 71. Tier cr, t NOR-11 a1 W' 31faftW-6, CIT4W ct, AT.01 041 tr itxt A- A 3r9At S Lf9,iortili 4,14 OziT -4A. A. At 393:11 OA I Po u 2. 3.1 gl* f rmt v.-4t A ow( ftra- fir +1icki A A 4W 711-4it fri. 1T Ter 414(441 of a?k 41-1 l'A- if41t-ff > T 3TfA-41"4"ff: 4411 1. 7111TOW-ItUT 2. 3. +wren Itlift 4. 5. 111471T 1)tiaiti frd"fr 6. 7. WOW (ftrazT AlPft) 8. 9. WM trarrdt (441aefi) *nit 7 maw wen. two 10. St Tff ROM 11. t4." 3.1 12. WIrraltf Wzilt 13. 14. zitrt4 thrAFT #i (1.4414 *I Wa:1* Ti (11""-TI- a14) thT •2 A ittra- *-4rzr Trz-izr ct- ci chAtill) cbe-elluT 31-z-rzr TITF1 t +14-10-14.4 S'DOPT/Misc-3 14 311:1A-414 11711 31fafTW6, ii1Afaeit ccili , * oaf A, fir) aT Ter Trallif4zit 311-4/ziT"> t gr AG-I a-74. r WCT f1 I tigiitiw c IJtr 4 f C'fidk eA. arrfl Ift-zil *1 -6, * Tret- r4q. 311 +0, cleorli 3ritReff RA A- crwrT iT reft-OF ire Bill f*FzifigT1. 3ItTar artrat * Wit f4,41 5141 q/x11(1, 3+14 771-4t 311T sit Trm• ell ,Alcit 391:rf . 061 t 1. 4.strirr * 3M IT TIT 2. trat 3. airoilibc#ft (butt) 4. Afriffici 5. Rtirflinmfk 6. gruhr irliffartiqql igtif 7. R*7 •tista 8. 111 zTTT 9. 31117111* 10. ritirg 11. 441 tiWkiffi7 12. fillyhTtitra/T11301711/IPT ftirrOlt 3irr47ft TreitRitjt TliVapit 911FT VW srevra 'Oro. srtpr wauwiritiloisa . laTtifirar 'eltr 12 ft 3TftRea w aRA Fzit-FT +igi d 141, 3rdWRT 3rvar awiRaki f Q PT 144 AT fka- trt- 3RT4T Li t Rad vw FziteR t raR ITT 04 30 g.0 4tt aliv I 4. ITT 41141 Pitt-.7114a1 k Ittra. *3-tRr ti fchl t cnie1lei441 mr-4tzr 5.1 f tzrFa1 4, Aeiti 4 tit'idtri Tt" 9 3fRiT q11Pei f4)V ReTkaii f2,e, '41 tl ii9c) r, ."Lli ttiT gftzt 2't i-14-10-clti a1 +PINT, 3fr14r 4c:nrc,Nct, *r NWT ii=fl 3.1 4 tr 3 l ► noclAi4 git4 Try) 311 f" t I a ittrff 4)1444 * al WY& itZflt 1:11" 1: 14T ctlial 4141 4it 4 ml 3Travv* prr ImIrt 417 ft-F4- t (111t4T Fdtsr fk-F--611. xif4R) fttfi . *cur cr;iA * trNict., wri5*, 1--wrzr-6 c7/TT Tir 71ZT 311 5.2 341M 1201.1)/4 f^ rc^l ta.-V-ffiard" r rfzIt *2'1 MtRii 31IN1, +14-1161(1 Th-{ Ren .7111'‘II I ftr.#114 Re-A ittiff chiei wit c #411. gr TWA" r 1r *7-r-azr crwiflui ildicraq Tri7/rd-zit titaci * Puler * 3T11ITT rff, ciiNi al ia 31ratw e . -cfl', rifted- ct 3iftr*R- t , S/DOPT/Misc-3 t&-V-'grar *"1. z11 Trat att 5.3 3T1 #11" ft cl,ic,4-4/3Trwricalufli TritZig # r 14-4 +IN zftrurr 6. wrtait er tser ti Tar 3T4 4-4 7rKr Frr ftan-grarai-A--Cf4ta-TT 14-,q I 4t4T-4.1' (aLiiaA), 11 WIC 2015 t' tr a 41TRT tf0 4T-4-4r cblii 30741f4W 3fralr 41t Tt q,mic444, tilAacio f4-a-r xiitedF, c er Or At ittfurr, I 1 411 6 q, ail aralit 3 1.1 (Tt691.) t tad-ai, 2015, rag (20 -TafAW) *it. 7-0 311fra: "oict) Td,bit W r, T/TrF1 tR crlich9-roft (tl,1Lilciet it-47 t. rff-41,4t4Icic.I'l t• 144 # 4410A A'r t, raft 344 1-1"5-71 gf, t 9-ff *rs- 31T $; Rci Ter 141) 121T4 ef aially 70 At WITT t I cbI 41 a1 44144(4) At afr4-4171. TET 4-,qo RF1 AT Efrilt-6 4 7. ait A- 16 7117IT Doe) Aid 31 04 3rtitff AT IftztY 31fAaTit (411 4tt 2015 At qttf gitz11/3T411# e-W0111-71ittt-v1fr4-1-faclii ttu 3.2 30TR Tad ft f4len 00Q I fAtfrivr, 8. +moo 71., Tiftff, ai 3 31171YRTW, al u fttr-p-r, 71-6 J-IA I el ti qatii yitzlt lila ihrei us I 3a ft 31•11- "1- 1 9. itav fftici am-Arzr fgrvmt 3T-4-+-rfr f #41.1" ItIVET-12/5/2002-4.t.g., fk-FtW 17.12.2002 3)- f 3ittrirff fellMV I Colzr f k vTr fkaTtir A'r +kw 3ffa3ti- * 311:14t ft 094 pzrt 3T ER di, facm-4 #'R ii bag fftzft 34tT t3r4K-3F-Ft z1T t&-v-ftruK, .11Udirackfi TOW 1,41 @11l10 chi.) 10. ftt * Tiitr 31fMr4 ► > dzir *fka-fit Tr{ ErTA 0141 Pt AT wr-4. fr 39-41eti OdII 31141a 1:47.--ART tlalL f ray e.,cilii rara - faPe ► a-fri err N, eAn Yjr—C_ rk)r4(yew crii) 3E1 Tlf44 ("fitV) VaThsf : 23092589 39-graW : - S/DOPT/Misc-3 Vitt * I ft: 1. 3.T7-6. 2. TNT Ach 4)01 3T1 411717 * Tit chiellefii/Ach 31Tz1171/P4 Act) aeTT 41 J kg! titTaTWATUR MIT +1RclIefelkloq4 F TT iiRc11(4 41/i1V-11- ilocq .-4414410e1/5..,4 31ftWUTTATT -{-6 .3TROT/37.-ERTg7TW 3iT4dTriTttzT 3171#11 iI I- .-441441‘441/ 3TROTAlltzT Pital 3frzOra1strz1 31 TSff 7Tira 3TRItiT/ 3.9r4R• otcrtaiQ 3117117T I chi s ch, Act) 51Wizij crtrr 1113T 4. +I 0, ct) e ill) ITT, UtItzT tIfkisic (tTit.Lrg.) 13 5. ire,004 trftsK 6. mlfdim, Act, fimRra- atm ei21F' di iei chrellul 393-Trar 314. * Mit +161%q 3.11T 3itiRTIT chm W-11 Rffisr-aliTT Ts, 4 (- chilT411) ITU * RA. +1G4-4-11 fbTfirt4 1:Ttt's1", (ii ert. d trW11 G14) Mt' i-Ki-t11 7. ,r=T 9. (tiro tivxmld,141 th) TTAT di elltrIc11 3. 8. 1:1111 ,ti147 Tftfrat 3it:4497,tiRci TiTuff 3TcZreF ittl) * 3 91T17)1 Vita * f 111:44 I fkz-4r 3ift.1.3ft., W3' r41- 1 10. CT4ITW (BUT) 31Trj Fllq,l t, th-Tr4 3frdistfa• VW- TIftff)1 11. TT* TRizr 12. faMLIgi 341" TUT 13. ikrel &tit k 166, '#P4-4 cr, octlicil (10 FF'4-al 4T-4FT 3-T-4-0. era-IV, fkizA 1-1100031(5 3traftWa . Afazit Rita) iput Wkquelei, tr-14di, 3T-4";-T, 4 it-F41 °Il " mid-LI "I 4 (5 3TraftTff 941'64:11 41ft-j) 14. q 1Qic l•t--OcrI)04) ts.eact) T4." LeiIC ter. 8, T-V, +II .1-04 el100-1, ch)Q1c111c-11-700091 I 15. 16. VFT KrE VITT 410 A, c14175W 3.fri. At-WWI FOIPT (20 ArdZ11-)I TPstrzT R 4 - W f 4)01% (OP* 30.1. TIfirkTuT ibiTaT) ITT 31•IT *Oci si* Tkr 404 ei qilticri wri1* 31"I -{ vfitaTur fowl- tcort-c - (www.persmin, AZ Slc nI t I 17. 100 31.1dftWa- Cera-zif S/DOPT/Misc-3 1mirguitm1 fNainz1tElotg.14. ImuottLio Mt 2015 TW ?NW tiir ITT triF Tiara Itr mtg. r i' iff.t fT VW *Ca 1936 1. Prlic,-3- -( 41 31"441- t4"-LTII#NT-4" 047-44# INT 14 i d ati iiigco (43174-{ 46€1.-H -f?,ctii) ' WTI 2. dturCil fact*, 26""a"'Itt 71TV 06 II +KIK 3. Fl y 06 d-iitl TFTRIa'15 qlociti 411F fitrff 1937 07 q11 9T 12 ditcili 41- 13 Vrali 4. WI' ock41 28 HI ti 5. Tre-raT oleict 02 3ft -ft 6. 7 WO 03 Sic 7. 8. 1-4- ...1 S-3-6•.-1)c-ii 9. 10. 11. iim 14 ii aiali 18 leili 3111fq 27 3Ti2A-ar{ i aciici S 1c, ci1 15 3rwrfa- i5TWIT 24 3TM-dri- .71•-(4-110.c 05 clII-alt ITT-- 14 qTfarT 25- cid-cii 311'f803 /Istmii 02 3TWT 3i19V4 10 qlstpili 22 31WT4-{ 31TN - dW 30 drcili 04 TIS - -3--a-cr i (WWTM) ,2_____ 13. Horifil mTur 14. Trefxr 24 3C *71" WrdW 02 2ii -arl- 15. tal4 (c41(441) 11 '-ifrdw 20 421147 16. * irf 12. Witit 74r 1'0-Tr oloct, wa:r 1111-6-3-4-Ft crIcla-ali 25 gicweli iciii 3V1-41 t4'--V- Jouoqui 04 24 Iiia-gii rItsi 03 kiti-sii rik' 04 113-47 Grew( fik"ard' (4711:4T di 04 4 1c, 4.1161 - - a77 - T RE4i) 17. %Iiiiiii fkiti 25 31"tRIT.-Kr-fttRg (4FifT •41'4- qtarri S/DOPT/Misc-3 - ii*si TT WM qiFdr{ cki) Mit 2015 at alt 2015 gkicr tiverrAlt 1217* ityPille1 44 74. Tait w. Ti.. zrr* ila,feNe, yawl' ier T4t yit *T. wrif aT tT*. 3:1-4-a, 0 artrar 1. tea' a* taw ol 7.--4-ft 2. €1-Ictli ii 5111 crci 1 4 - I 3. titziF 15 4. ciiici 14-4-sit/41" ti-4711 • 5. 7 6. arw 44-6' 1936 Ittil. 11 iiucifti *T. ft-4 d...rail tl' OF 24 W-411 It's!' 25 !IIT-413TIO 1 i 24 7Katt TE11:1- 04 urA-417 03 tb-cdfr aim 14 a-idlocili TEMA' Gencric, iiii-acI1 7ztt 14 th-cdt TIM 25 e4d7 7. itarjr 19 TR-4ft 37117 30 , dkiiii 8. F)it'ffil' 46o 05 9. 47 toic-dto ..7 14 tb-77 (. 30 Mali ..7 jai' Bail ''zi-4t 91 t 017TWarit/d1S a 4 11 - 21 TIT-4. 2TiA41-{ 3-z1rerr=)cil wk 111/F 10 . 11. 12. ii-ci 114-4TT +it fi-4-< 1937 05 3f r TfaarT / ftql/ 411 141 - - cl idimaii - - 41T1Writ (eidim)/f4-614 114'§- !Pr{ (3TP) 13. 0 oi ic-i A W• .710-4-1 14. .ark- TA-.7m -41- 7-4-4t 15. 01,1-iid -'37-q 41 16. T41' ziriT 17. tITT4fr 18. 31"lvT4 19. MT' 4C-M' 20. rd.-114441 9Iff771 1311T "Vgaff 4* it-OrAta ) 1-67-1 (1W i-it,ci i 21. ) (3•Tf4itqa) 22. "13r677' (o-T i 3Prd41) (31itftWa) S/DOPT/Misc-3 17 20 3T c-f 6 - alb iTTi 26 3TIf^d^ 28 ) 22 3rfai" 3TT --d" 30 asoq ► i 7Ztt 27 NWT W'r4W 05 J-ialeiciii 30 3.1"qT4T WFAW 08 T,sociii werAw 19 TTf4w 19 11krTT (ifT rso 23. 24. J-1 25. apic) 7,1tt (coicn 26. 10 ocia-e4i io eicp-sii 29. 4 ,ircob (c,Rui MR) aiicr) veer 7trat.1. 17 Mt' Ea ---- 13 cr► cti-oi WslAW 22 30. '51f6-6R- Ny81 3ftrdi 141 17 ocweii •I'MT 26 .1-idicoli 27. 28. 611r 1`4.T) 12 ri cl c1-61 i - iff dw 21 . a-ial Qiciii ,1-idieiciii dk, ciii !Icha ► i 050 TA 31. 7 tai. A--eTsT q16141 Raii 24 ocio-wt 3$44144ui 03 e-iime ► i 32. 1).0.4-iii Al 1:' Tit-4T 24 ?OTC' 4T 03 cistaii S/DOPT/Misc-3 MOST IMMEDIATE F.No.12/5/ 2o1.4-JCA-2 Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) North Block, New Delhi Dated the 6th June, 2014 Office Memorandum Subject: Holidays to be observed in Central Government Offices during the year Rms. It has been decided that the holidays as specified in the Annexure I to this O.M. will be observed in all the Administrative Offices of the Central Government located at Delhi/New Delhi during the year 2015. In addition, each employee will also be allowed to avail himself/herself of any two holidays to be chosen by him/her out of the list of Restricted Holidays in Annexure II. — — 2. Central Government Administrative Offices located outside Delhi / New Delhi shall observe the following holidays compulsorily in addition to three holidays as per para below: 1. REPUBLIC DAY 2. INDEPENDENCE DAY 3. MAHATMA GANDHI'S BIRTHDAY BUDDHA PURNIMA 4. 5. CHRISTMAS DAY 6. DUSSEHRA (VIJAY DASHMI) 7. DIWALI (DEEPAVALI) 8. GOOD FRIDAY 9. GURU NANAK'S BIRTHDAY to. IDU'L FITR 11. IDU'L ZUHA 12. MAHAVIR JAYANTI 13. MUHARRAM Lt. PROPHET MOHAMMAD'S BIRTHDAY (ID-E-MILAD) 3.1. In addition to the above 14 Compulsory holidays mentioned in para 2, three holidays shall be decided from the list indicated below by the Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committee in the State Capitals, if necessary, in consultation with Coordination Committees at other places in the State. The final list applicable uniformly to all Central Government offices within the concerned State shall be notified accordingly and no change can be carried out thereafter. It is also clarified that no change is permissible in regard to festivals and dates as indicated. 1. AN ADDITIONAL DAY FOR DUSSEHRA 2. HOLI 3. JANAMASHTAMI (VAISHNAVI) RAM NAVAMI 4. 5. MAHA SHIVRATRI 6. GANESH CHATURTHI / VINAYAK CHATURTHI 7. MAKAR SANICARANTI 8. RATH YATRA ONAM 9. 10. PONGAL n. SRI PANCHAMI / BASANT PANCHAMI 12. VISHU/ VAISAKHI / VAISAKHADI / BHAG BIHU / MASHADI UGADI / CHAITRA SUKLADI / CHETI CHAND / GUDI PADAVA isT NAVRATRA / NAUROZ/CHHATH POOJA/ICARVA CHAUTH. 3.2 No substitute holiday should be allowed if any of the festival holidays initially declared subsequently happens to fall on a weekly off or any other non-working day or in the event of more than one festival falling on the same day. 4. The list of Restricted Holidays appended to this O.M. is meant for Central Government Offices located in Delhi / New Delhi. The Coordination Committees at the State Capitals may draw up separate list of Restricted Holidays keeping in view the occasions of local importance but the 9 occasions left over, after choosing the 3 variable holidays in para 3.1 above, are to be included in the list of restricted holidays. 5.1 For offices in Delhi / New Delhi, any change in the date of holidays in respect of Idu'l Fitr, Idu'l Zuha, Muharram and Id-e-Milad, if necessary, depending upon sighting of the Moon, would be declared by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions after ascertaining the position from the Govt. of NCT of Delhi (DCP, Special Branch, Delhi Police). 5.2 For offices outside Delhi / New Delhi, the Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committees at the State Capitals are authorised to change the date of holiday, if necessary, based on the decision of the concerned State Governments / Union Territories, in respect of Idu'l Fitr, Idu'l Zuha, Muharram and Id-e-Milad. 5.3 It may happen that the change of date of the above occasions has to be declared at a very short notice. In such a situation, announcement could be made through P.I.B./T.V. / A.I.R. / Newspapers and the Heads of Department / Offices of the Central Government may take action according to such an announcement without waiting for a formal order, about the change of date. 6. During 2015, Diwali (Deepavali) falls on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 (Kartika 20). In certain States, the practice is to celebrate the occasion a day in advance, i.e., on "Narakachaturdasi Day". In view of this, there is no objection if holiday on account of Deepavali is observed on "Naraka Chaturdasi Day (in place of Deepavali Day) for the Central Government Offices in a State if in that State that day alone is declared as a compulsory holiday for Diwali for the offices of the State Government. Central Government Organisations which include industrial, commercial and trading 7. establishments would observe upto 16 holidays in a year including three national holidays viz. Republic Day, Independence Day and Mahatma Gandhi's birthday, as compulsory holidays The remaining holidays / occasions may be determined by such establishments / organisations themselves for the year 2015, subject to para 3.2 above. 8. Union Territory Administrations shall decide the list of holidays in terms of instructions issued in this regard by the Ministry of Home Affairs. 9. In respect of Indian Missions abroad, the number of holidays may be notified in accordance with the instructions contained in this Department's O.M. No.12/5/2002-JCA dated 17th December, 2002. In other words, they will have the option to select 9(Nine) holidays of their own only after including in the list, three National Holidays and Milad-UnNabi or Id-E-Milad, Rama Navami, Id-ul-Fitr, Janamashtami and Muharram included in the list of compulsory holidays and falling on day of weekly off. - 3— 10. In respect of Banks, the holidays shall be regulated in terms of the extant instructions issued by the Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance. 11. Hindi version will follow. End.: Lists of holidays (Ashok Kumar) Deputy Secretary (JCA) e 2309 2589 DISTRIBUTION: 1. All Ministries/ Departments of Government of India. 2. UPSC/CVC/C&AG/ PMO / Lok Sabha Secretariat/ Rajya Sabha Secretariat/ President's Secretariat/Vice-President's Secretariat/ Supreme Court/ High Court/ Central Administrative Tribunal/ Election Commission of India / Minorities Commission/ National Human Rights Commission/Central Information Commission/National Commission for Women/ National Commission for Scheduled Castes/ National Commission for Scheduled Tribes. 3. 4. 5. 6. All attached and subordinate offices of Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions. Secretary, Staff Side, National Council (JCM), 13-C, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi. All Staff Side Members of the National Council (JCM). All Staff Side Members of the Departmental CounciL(JCM),IvIinistly of_Personnel, P.G. and Pensions. Chairman / Secretaries, Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committees (As per updated list from Welfare Section). PS to Cabinet Secretary. Deputy Secretary (Coordination), Delhi Govt. Secretariat, I.G. Stadium, I.T.O., New Delhi. The Manager (Store), Government of India, Forms Store, 166, Lenin Sarani, Kolkata (with io spare copies). Chief Secretaries to all the State Governments / Union Territories. Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity, Soochna Bhavan, Phase IV, CGO Complex, New Delhi -110 003 (with 5 spare copies) Directorate of Printing, B-Wing, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi (with 5 spare copies) Positional Astronomy Centre, Block-AQ, Plot No.8 Sector-V, Salt lake, Mahish Bathan, Kolkata — 700091. Facilitation Center, DOP&T (2o copies) NIC (DOPT) with the request to place this 0 M on the Website of the Department 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. ( 17. loo Spare Copies. - 4- ANNEXURE-I LIST OF HOLIDAYS DURING THE YEAR 2015 FOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT LOCATED AT DELHI / NEW DELHI 1. 2. 3. Date Saka Date I 1936 SAKA ERA Holiday S.No. ilad-Un-Nabi or Id-E-Milad January Birthday of Prophet ohammad) January epublic Day oli March Day I o4 Pausha 14 Sunday 26 Magha o6 Monday o6 Phalguna 15 Friday 1937 SAKA ERA 4. Ram Navami March 28 Chaitra o7 Saturday 5. Mahavir Jayanti April 02 Chaitra 12 Thursday 6. Good Friday April 03 Chaitra 13 Friday 7. Buddha Purnima May 04 Vaisakha 14 Monday 8. Idu'l Fitr July 18 Ashadha 27 Saturday 9. Independence day August is Sravana 24 Saturday io. Janmashtami September o5 Bhadra 14 Saturday 11. Id-ul-Zuha(Bakrid) September 25 Asvina o3 Friday Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday October 02 Asvina io Friday 13. Dussehra October 22 Asvina 3o Thursday 14. Muharram October 24 Kartika 02 Saturday 15. Diwali (Deepavali) November 11 Kartika 20 Wednesday 16. Guru Nanak's Birthday November 25 Agrahayana 04 Wednesday Milad-Un-Nabi or Id-E-Milad December (Birthday of Prophet Mohammad) December 17. Christmas Day 24 Pausha Thursday 12. * 25 Pausha o3 o4 Friday * Mdad-Un-Naln or Id-E-Milad (Birthday of Prophet Mohammad) falls twice in the year 2015. -5ANNEXURE-II LIST OF RESTRICTED HOLIDAYS DURING THE YEAR eois FOR ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT LOCATED AT DELHI / NEW DELHI S.No Date Salta Date SAKA ERA 1936 Holiday Day 1. New Year's Day January or Pausha ii Thursday 2. Makar Sankranti January 14 Pausha 24 Wednesday 3. Pongal January 15 Pausha 25 Thursday 4. Basant Panchami /Sri Panchami January 24 Magha o4 Saturday 5. 6. Guru Ravidas's Birthday Swami Dayananda Saraswati Jayanti Shivaji Jayanti February o3 February 14 Magha Magha 14 25 Tuesday Saturday February 19 Magha 3o Thursday Holika Dahan Chaitra Sukladi/Gudi Padava/Ugadi/Cheti Chand March March Phalguna 14 Phalguna 3o Thursday Saturday 7. 8. 9. o5 21 SAKA ERA 1937 10. Easter Sunday April o5 Chaitra 15 Sunday a Vaisakhi/Vishu/Masadi April 14 Chaitra 24 Tuesday 12. Vaisakhadi(Bengal)/ Bahag Bihu (Assam) Hazarat Ali's Birthday April 15 Chaitra 25 Wednesday May o3 Vaisakha 13 Sunday May o9 Vaisakha 19 Saturday 15. Guru Rabindranath's birthday Jamat-ul-Vida July 17 Ashadha 26 Friday 16. Rath Yatra July 18 Ashadha 27 Saturday 17. Parsi New Year's day/Nauroz August 18 Sravana 27 Tuesday 18. 19. Onam Raksha Bandhan August August 28 29 Bhadra Bhadra o6 o7 Friday Saturday 20. Vinayaka Chaturthi/ Ganesh Chaturthi Dussehra (Maha Saptami) (Additional) September 17 Bhadra 26 Thursday October 20 Asvina 28 Tuesday Dussehra (Maha Ashtami) (Additional) Dussehra (Maha Navmi) October 21 Asvina 29 Wednesday October 22 Asvina 3o Thursday 13. 14. 21. 22. 23. -6S.No Holiday Date Salta Date Day 24. Maharishi Valmiki's Birthday October 27 Kartika o5 Tuesday 25. 3o Kartika o8 Friday 26. Karaka Chaturthi (Karva Chouth) Deepavali (South India) November to Kartika 19 Tuesday 27. Naraka Chaturdasi November to Kartika 19 Tuesday 28. Govardhan Puja November 12 Kartika 21 Thursday 29. Bhai Duj November 13 Kartika 22 Friday 3o. November 17 Kartika 26 Tuesday 31. Pratihar Sashthi or Surya Sashthi (Chhat Puja) Guru Teg Bahadur's Martyrdom Day November 24 Agrahayana o3 Tuesday 32. Christmas Eve December 24 Pausha Thursday October o3
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