ffi it it. E t GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PUNJAB RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PROGRAM MANAGEMENT UNIT Ph: 042-9920419f W,-acoYtootzotst6Tl "' Director General, ubf ic Relations, punj ab, hore. - Fax: 042-99204194 Dated: Lahore; December Iq 2014 fl-'n-s(A)PCj:\ * 22 DEC 2Ut4 * &offit'',,\',y Subject: Kindly refer to the subject noted above. 2' I 3' The relevant press cuttings with the bill may kindly be sent to this office am directed to enclose an advertisement regarding Scholarships Available for Spring Session-2015 at PMU, PRMP, for an early publication in at least two national daily newspapers of wide circulation simultaneously both in one Urdu and one English newspaper as per Government policy. for payment. tJ^""w ( UMAIR ANWAR ) Assistant Director (A&A) PMU, PRMP, 184-A, Upper Mall Scheme, Behind NIPA, Lahore @ fr.i*'"-;: ' Jnl',.n)nt, pstor.ffiab8*{,t^un. 6 2. 3. PS to Program Director, pMU, pRMp. Office File trw4s'^fr( ( D.d e2 .W Uery Ng ,UpperMallScheme,Scotch_Corner(behindr'rrpn),ranore-Ph:(042)99 E-mail: infoprmp@punjab. gov. pk - website: http://www. prmp. punjab. gov. pk GOVERNMENT oF PUNJABc PUNJAB RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM PROGRAM MANAGEMENT UNIT (P&D DEPARTMENT) Prograrn Management unit (PM^u), Punjab Resource Management prograrn (pRMp), planning ;;;;,?; apprications ror spri'g session_ 20ts from eligible oifi..r, for award of a :i ilirT:1":il"-,i;"":F;::",*,o:.y^,jl:;: ry"t"b; timiteJ numb., MastersAyI.PhillocaldegreeprogramSirrspecifieddiscipline;-i "r'lJ;";1fr;JT::::ttJJT:::; universities/institutes under the'schem. ,ru*ri *punj.ab capacity Buirding program-IV for civil Servants and Policy Makers'' The list of universities, eligibility criteria and broad list of disciplines are avairabre at pRMp's website www.p'np.punjab.gov.pk. 2' only those candidates will be corrsidered for funding who will get admission in the identified degree programs against the indicated universities/iistitutes. cindidates are advised to get admission only in the degree program which has a direct relevance with their Departrnent/ organization' However' tnls is only an i'dicative list and capacity Development lnterventio' (cDI) committee may add any new universities/progru.r-u, itirr., nt. 3' Applicants who believe that they meet the eligibility criteria can apply directly to the specified universities without waiting for any clearance froni pRMp. However, their apprication must clearly indicate tlre names 6f univeisities (rnaximu m 2) u,J th" degree program against whicir they should be considered for scholarship. onr. granted admission, candidates must inform PRMP immediately'.Acceptance by the uiriversity is not a guarantee tbr final selection. Final selectiott will be made by Capacity D-evel"f,"r", Intervention-comrnittee (cDI), i. Ii'e with the el igi bi lify criteria, interview, and availabi I ity oi r"rrularship. 4' PRMP reserves all rish]-s ,rJ^r:, any/.a.ll applications or call off the whole .the selection 1o assig,i'g any reason. sclrolaiship ru.itity i, ,,,t;"t to provision or fundi'g by Government of the PunJab fo' 2014-15In case of non-availability of fundi'g facitify by Government of the Punjab, the process without whole process shall be withdrarvn /cancelled. 5' Applicatiotts ott the prescribed Form should be routed through the respective orga'izatio's/ Di...t9r, punjau R.rource Management program, l84-A,UpperMa|ISchemebehindNtiR,Laho,e9vhyI600 proper channel and submitted to the Progru* Hours' Advance coyies of applications *oy i, t3ot woulcl be processedforlinuiielection unliss ,lirrffi, no application fficiol nontiintio;/*;i i'{r"rriJro. 6' Application forms, list of universities/ prograrns may be downloaded from pRMp,s website. PROGRAM DIRECTOR Punjab Resource Management program , Lahorc Ph No: 042-9920050g0 042-JS7S5941 tr'ax No: 042-gg}04lg4
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