多IR病 【 拘.fも 205タ 働“ュ lTe Hon'blc Chief Justirc tws been ptea.sed.ta grant pertnissian to Ms. shabana Afzal, civil Judge-atmJudiciat Magistrate l"r cras", Larare. to cttarqe her ^am.e from "shabana Afzap to "shabana Sahi,, on account of ter maniage, in fuAtre orrespondenre. 降 中 ″ . ュ 23 4iaZa 身 拘 五 郷 中 コ 印 切 ヒ確ど Copgforwarded for information to: - TfE *cretary, Government oJ, paki,stan" Ministrg of Lazt, Justie and Humatt Rights, Islama.bad. lTe Secretary, Electinn Commission af paki.stan, Islamabad. The Director General, Federal Judicial Acad,emg, klamabad. Tltc Awuntant General Pakistan Reuenues, Islamabad.. The Awunlant General, Punjab, Ialnre. The Dkector General, Punjab Judicial Audemg, Latare. TTe Chief Secretary, Gouemnent of ttre htnja6, La|rcre. Secretarg, Governmert. of the punjab, LdtD anl ry* Parliamentary Alfairs Department Latwrc. T-he &cretary, Gouemment of the htnjab, Home Department, Latnre. I'lte Secretary, Gouemment of the punjab, Firnrtce Departmen\ LaLnre. The &cretary (Seruices), Gouentmcnt of the punjab, S&GAD, LaLnre. 'I|e Prouinciat F2. Election Commissigner, punjab, Lahore. ヱ3 . T?e Secretary, Punjab La@l Council.s Elections Auttnrilg, Lalwre. ヨ4. The Solicitar to Govetnmeat of the Punjab, Lolare. ヨユ AII the DistTict and Sessions Judges in the punjab. Fa TPe Ladg Offer cnncemed 】Z The Director General, Public Relations, ruqiab, Inlnre. ヱ8 . The Stperintendent, Gouemment Printirry press, punjab, Latwre. All tle Di.strict Accounls Ofiers in the punjab. 2α TTreD&SJ/ Staff Offcer to the Hon'ble Chief Justice and. all the P.ls of the Hon'ble Judges, Staff Afftrer to the leamed Registrar, all Gazetted Affiers, Lalwre High Cutg lalwre. The Addttianal Registrars/ Deputg Registrars, Inlwre High Court, Latnre and. ifs Bench.es at Multan, Rawalpindi and Bahawalpur. The Assistant Regi.strars, Confidential-I&fi, Bud.get and Publicatians, Latnre High Court, I,alare. t 夕 ″ A晋 鱗 群 器犀 ∬ O 中.rS決効 咎 Trrrc4 Tど ,。 立 ぇ o∬ Datef rrOれわた G班 ■/L4S'∝ れ 匂 αs陸 =ィ れ P晦 ゎ 流 れを控 秘 益 ゎれ ya動 呼 θ あ 中 胡 え れ “ 的 件 範 れ ャ 航 抗 1晩 ぉ施 ャ Fsr α徳 こ とαttre2 わ c h 卸探 h e r 確 れ 駒 れ確 を ル yas確 れ 晩 続 &娩 i中 り をヴ ■ o れあ わ 推 ・免 竹 れ a向 匂 島 碗 ル 肋 ぞ ∽ 確 wOれ 確 確 ‐ arrattroft5L&.nwwt..r.2ozs Da&d, ■4 COpyⅢ?αだ胡rorじ 材ヵああれなと ヨ ア . θ ュ 9 θ 〓 ク ゴ2 F3 ヨ4` ヨ5 ヱa F千 F8 The-Se-retary, Gouernm.ertt,of pakistary Ministrg --'' Y "r af Lau, ' ----. Justice and. Human Rights, Istamabad. Elcction Commi.ssinnof pcrk:.stcLn, T *ya"rU, Islamabad.. T'trcDirector General, Federal.hrai,rit e"aa"^g,'istam.a!a,a. The Ac@untant General paki,stan ne ".u-uesl'ir"iri)o"a. - -' -- *" "" The Ac&untant General, punjab, hlwre. A"ryerat, T, lunj ab-Judiciat Aead,emy, Latnre. ttrueJ $ecretary, Gouemment t:E 2r:*: of the punjab, Latwre. tne ecretary, Gouemment of the punjab, Lana and. parliamentary Affairs Dep artm.ent, Lalnre. The Secretary, Gouernnant of the punjab, Home Department, Lalare. Gouernment of the punjab, Finane Department, T P:"**, LAnOre. 宅 of *e hnja\ S&GAD, 骨 Ⅲ 朝 Ⅲ警 続 挽 着中 Ihe Prouincial Electian Commissioner, pu4iab, l,atore. Punjab LoutCouncils Etechans Authoritg, Lahore. T *y.:ArU, The Solicitor to Government of the punjab, Lalnre. AU tle District and Sessjons "frrdges in the puniab. The la.dg Ofier concerned. Tne Diredor General" pubtic Relations, ht4jab, La.hore. Th.eSuperintendenl Gonemment printing Freis, punjab, Latnre. ' AU tle Di"strictAcuunts Officers in tlw 6tnjab. 弘 物 officer to theHon'bledhief Justieeand alt tre lY D*il/!"ff ,_.,?Z:!* Juds.es, Staffofficerto ihe teamedResbtrar, aLl Gazetted!:*b Olfiers, Lalnre High Canrt, Iatnre. The Additional Registrars/ Depitg eegistrars, Lahore Htgh Court, Lahore and its Berrches at nfuftan" Raiualpindi and. Bahiuatpur.' Regi.strars, Coffieniiat_Iwr, Bud,get and k,. l:*t":t" tublcattorrs, Lalare Heh Court, Latnre. ぱ群
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