UOIUU ~ UU 12 : 13 FAX 01l2338i293 l eAR HQ N. DELHI I NDIA ,/'. (~ .;~) . /': "\ ~. . ~ :; , ~.; '.;; i' ! .~~)' ~'.! JSI-:'{.el-'1.- .,' ~ PD DKMA P[ SA 14100 1 \tim ~ lilRlI..6.,&3.~..../'!1'f 310 ~...... E .\.:'":l.\ ..?.c:Q,\,l:\ ..... ... lNDIAN COLNCI L OF AGRICU LTURAL RE~;E~~·"""""<>.s.· .. ••· ...... ··· KR ISHI BHA VAN : NEW D ELHI F. No. FIN/9/ 1/2014 -CD (A&A ) Dated the 4'h Sept. 2014 CIRCULAR Sub: P urchase of Uti li ty Veh icles by ICAR Uni ts: Reg. Refer ence is inv ited to thi s Otfice Memorandum of even nt'. dated the l2'" Aug, 20 14, endorsing the Mini s try of Finance, Departmen t of Expenditure 's instr uctions vide OM 1'0. 3(1) E,IJA /2009 dated the 6'h August, 2014 o n the purchase of Stan Car,. 2. 10 add iti on to the propos,tl s for replacement of Staff Car. leA R receives proposal> for procurem ent of Util ity Vehicles such as Toyo la Innov". ToyOta Corol la, Ta ta Safari, Tata Sumo, elC. againsl the condemned ve hi cles sllch as Jeeps, Milfu ti Gypsy, A rmada etc. In this rega rd , il ha ~ bee n observed lhat there me m any Util ity Vehicles ava ilable on DGS & D fat e contract, within the NDP limi t of RsA,75 lakh , 3. H ~ncc , the Co mp"t~ n t A uthorilY has tkCiued ihal the terms and co nditi ons laid dOwn by MlIlislry of f ina nce in lhe above mentioned circular. w ill also appl,' on the purchase of Utili ty Vehicles. Therefore, all the ICAR Units and Subject Maltcr Divisi ons . arc reques ted 10 ensure compliance of these te nns and conditions while send ing the proposal s for procurement of Util ity Vehicles. -t. This issues wi th the approval of Secretary (DARE) and DG, IC.t..R. (De~~ Directhl(fiiil~ I ICAR Research Insli tutes etc; 1. 2. 3. Di rectors/J oint Directc,rs/Project Directors of all Research In slitutes/P roj ecl Direclorates/National Research Centers and Bureaux . P roject Coordinators/Coo rdinated Research P rojects/ Zonal Project Directorates. Finance & Acco unts Officers of all Rese"H.:h Insti tutes/Project Directorates/Nat ional Re search Centers and Bureaux. Contd ... 2/- 05 / 09 2014 1 2:13 FAX 01 1 23 38 729 3 l eA R HQ N.DE LHI I :--'DIA • PD DKMA Pl' SA ~00 2 2 11 l eAH H ead q uarters: ]. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. / "8. 9. 10. 11. All oe('jcers/S~cl.ions , ICAR, Krislli Bha va n, 'ew Delhi includin g Krishi Anusandhan Bha v<ul I & ll, I"ASC, Pusa, Ne.w Delhi . Chairman, ASRB. ND. NAIP/ l"C, NFRSFARA ADO (CDN)/ADG (PIM)IPD, DKMA Directo r (A)/(P) DS (A)/DS (GAC) Sr. PPS to Secmary , DARE & DG, ICAR/PPS to Additional Secretary, DARE & Secretary, lCAR/PPS to AS&FA. DA.RE/lCAR Sh. Hans Raj . Inrorm at ion Syste m Officer. DKMA, KAl3 -1 for placing tile Circu lar O J) ICA R Web-Si tl' Secretary (Staff Side), ClSe , NRC on M ~al , H yd~r" b"d . Gu ard fil e Sp<lfe copies ('10). 05 / 09 2014 12:13 FAX 01 12 338 72 93 l eAR HQ :.;. DELH I I 1'D lA ':Z - .I...( D I ~ PD DK~IA prSA 141003 (1,< / ---=--- .- ; t'".~. , r J tj L'., ~ : ",'l · 1i:!'i ~ :IG~J Coverllll,, ·,.,t 01 Indl" fIil llllst'.y 01 1··lnanc(· DejJarlnlf'1l1 of r xp"'nOlllll(' • N811tl I::lloc.k . New De!'l i [Jatf; d 6 '" f>..Jgt!st 201 ~ OFJ' ICE:. rY1 E M OR AN DU M P u : cha~e of StCit! Cd'~. hy MU1I ~1nes l Df'pa'1ment -. reViSIQIl of guidelines re9 Tn l ~ /VI IIs1ry hG:~ I IP-p n r p c ~ lv, r i J requests frlirY' va . . IIJ.Js Mlliis tnes/Dcpallfilents for 1!1CiuSIon r)f nc~w rll ode)~ of (,dr~ 01 alte rnati vely to purchase certclln vet llc!es for U~E- .?"::~ ~lcjf1 (,;::In., II exception to tnf2 11=.t of approveo rnOde l ~, of Staff C2rr-. ~1r1 r. p. :nan :v ( l 1110 i;'r.prC.ve:l cal~, ar€: I"l D lor:gnr unde: r (I !i;:H 1I,Ji(:tc: I.U t':' -. \ , t " ~ , ,- .. - \ ~, ,>-, ,. , 2 ThE' maUer has !)ee n eXf:trTlI n c n by tll f. r..~'nlst r~' I ~ l cons ultation Wlitl M II ,if.try of Cc;mmerc(:> Ii na~ nov',", DF(''-r J :.. :".)' I.' ~ '·'(.H ".;.d: ;:~ c:~ ~:~ r~ v.'!lh N,:,t O,c.~!t:> ... Pnc,= (NDCO) 8f :Jp:o Rs II 75 .000 /- avaliaiJif 11'1 Uw DGS&D Rate: Contracl onl)' shal l be cons idered for purchase-as staff C8 1 PI" purchase may be maoe enl)' tll ro"'gil DGS&D rate (:on :ract mode f>,c c~; r:; lI) gl" Ih~ f.l d~·" n , str8t ' ve Se~(e:a-y In (.on~ultatlCtn with ihe Frnan cla l p,dv ~o r m(:J ~' ciecide on L'le model based on parameters includ:ng P "'G ~ . availability ease 01 rnaln\E,nance . service lacility 111 tile specific location of thE office . fuel econClI"Y "co-friendline ss st anci::;rdlsa!lon ' or la rge scale purchases . etc . " ~ .' ~.;,r , - .r Th iS supersedes orevi us 111~.truct IOn!, on nlodeis approved ie,r use as slaf" 0/\,1""-' J . . . . . - ,O-~- Hindi Vf,rSIOIl will follow. 11 (A nil Sharma) Under Secretary to the Government of India To , ol "~> \ \ (). ~ ~\ \ A I! ~ -'. (..,,1\<:( ~ ~>COpy forwarde d to ., /' 1 L. 3. so lV1inlstnes/Depar1m-=nt~ of Gover~l11eflt of Intj a Financial AdVisors of A ll Mini stnes/Departments C&AG. UPSC , etc ., as pe r standard list. NIC Cell c.f (~kA):Q~",,,7 0 8j 0&12.01 "\ 05 / 09 20H 12: 13 F.n 0112338 i 293 " PD DKMA PUSA l eA R HQ 1'. DE LHI I NDIA • . r .~(\ . 9( 1)/2 0 14-C DN (A&A) 't<., !.lilted t ilt 1 0l.7Aug.usl. 2014 E NJ)OH <:;V,M F NT Th'e l'v1 in j st.r), of finance:'. D(:p c:r[IllCn l oi· F::.: PC! zd llUJ t h:ti i;sLJed j nstlu..:! ions regard ill.!:!- PI. ~(: h,l ~t: oi Sraff Cars by l\1iniSlryl Depanmenl - re\ isic):"; ur ;;lI idt.:lJ1lL" reg A:r-. ;:]ppr(, \· td by tile: ( ' O J1~ Pdtnl AUlhoriry. [hi , . O .M.l\o.03( 1)/£-JI A/20()9 del ed 6'" August, 20 1'1, 2014 ha s been po,kd on Ihe IC\!( ~ \<)>.&. ,\,1>< (R . j . 11 Sa ha)') S r. f i n:-Jr l(,t & At<: uUIl (,':- Offi ce r Di stribu ti o n: 1 I C", R In stitu tes : 1. Dir.cclor,/Joim DireclOrsfProject DircclOfs oi all Research Directorates and Nati,);):;l Research CC:llrcslBureaux 2. h;'lirL!I~s/ P'U.iL:Cl Prqject C00rdinat ors/Coordll1~11L:d Rt.;earcJ: Projects/lonal Project Directors . .3 . The Fin znce & ACCC'U llts Officer.s l ,j" al; Rt:search Institutes, Project Uirectoralc'~ and National Research Ct: n lrc~ IJ reAR H cad q ua rtc ,'s: All Officers/Sections. leAR, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi including Kr:shi Anusandhan Bha van I & IJ, NASC. Fusa, New Delhi 2. ADG (CDN)/ADG (PIM)IPD. DKMA _,. ND, NAJPlCbainnan, ASRB 4. NC, NFBSF ARA J. Dircclor(i"», lCAR Hqrs.lDirector (DARE) 6. DS (WS)/CS(Cash) 7. Cas h-I, II and Audit-ll Secti ons, leAR, Krishi Bhav;:u], \lew Delhi S. Sr. PPS 10 Secr~tary, DARt:: & DG, ICAR/ FPS to Special Secretar\', DARE 8:Secretary, ICARIPS to 1\.S&[A, DARE/leAR 9. Shri Han; Raj. information System Officer, Directorate or K110 w ledgc Management Uni ts (DKMU), KA.B-l rusa. ?\ cw Delhi-1 2 for placing the above mentioned OM in the l eAR. Web-S ite . 10. Secretary (Staff Side). CJSC , N RC on Meal, Hyderabad . ll. Guard fil e. 12. Spare copies- IO. 1. 05 / 09 2014 12 : 13 FAX 0112338;293 l eAR HQ N. DELHI 11\lH A 4 PD DKllA Pl" SA ~005 'lffiCfl'1 ~ ~ ~ ~'Wf. ~~ R1Tc1i 12.. <n'ffi'!. 2014 ,,. 6 ,~"" -:: r;e ~ I ;y;f fi;;Q ~ I "ePi ViI~cr, h? ,:n~ cr' ll.< Mil Wl~ "fio 03(1)/~0 ~g 31 1., ~' -s !cr.<ql \JIT Wi I I 1l'/2009 q,l11Tq(ll.!f m 3ij'i'Jatl rt ~1iq, 6 31offil. 2014 c.S nJ ffiJI~ "# ~c;orr. liJI ; c.~i1 't1~.n 2,ljQIM'l n %~ ~';..(,. "'-!l( I ;l.1 08J '2-1) ( 4 (miro'm-m) c~ fcjm '{q ~ ~ fcRRuT. 11T.'Il3TJ: q c(; fMn .:lllfc; 1. .n 3l :;xjqp, H~ ~W> I ,,'-1 'IIi fi,'!1R; /~~ '; ·; >lft-J'I / f'l2 ~ 1C(l / :rfhl vl ~ I~; ,[cr, ,)i{ " ¢j-o:<-f;';-;; ci;iI qR 11'1 ",.,1 '1~·-c,1jq)/"jl1 r·"q\l :;',]&"n 'i'R'liM-"1m q;'{l" Jf1i f1~~IIC'11.< 3. ~1 ~1fitn::r WmolT IqR"lhl"fl n2~11C11fl/ $ ~'R ci-;<'j ~4 2 "q' ~0cnrfT II. 11T.Cl%.3T1.rr j&l IM4 'il..~~q. '1i ~ rr~ ~ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. qiEI ;, 'f.n 3r~ lmowr 3IJtiBFi ·' 1 q 2 '!:(f(l ~'l~~ ,nfl '1\ \'. ~.Yl ~i fj",h "Irq ~$1IF1,f, Ul1'1 ~ $ ~. ~~ / <;'1\91. ~'l~lfI~(['Wq,~3!TX1i :,;J1 ,;f)(\~I'{~ '1 )/~vf1 (1ft~)/'fl0'l, gci>qlj~ ~F{> (>T~ I \i -)/R~cp (Cfi I C,~cj))hq~ftq(~) x,R1q, ~ G~n Ijg I A2,~ Iq,. 'J.]1.~.3j ;; ~ Ol~ Ujc'q,,/3l'R ,'!B.'l, {JiN om ''1T '~.3'.q. <i; 4'1l;"'~fi /3i'1 "irij ~ ri2{ ' ~ ,klgCfiI( ~~ / ";1'i23;-q cF 1f1{r~~ I '>11 C:H . ~I, ,t1'P.T ~ ~, ~'Tcr~:1~, q,~.rI-1 Q;) ~ ;~ C(l'1 'l1Tcrz3T,! enl q~xil~C: iT 'G\if W. ~ I ~q \,=c"flf, lRT), ~f J,C:h;~, \'TE(<.: '11'(i ~"'j\cjt;n cR. t"c;'Wl'iG' , mer, 9 om 1f>W'! I 10. 3Jmcm ~ (~o)
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