Principal: Doug Elliott Assistant Principal: Barbara Nicoll PO Box 809 Heathmont 3135 Telephone: 9870 6098 Fax: 9870 6051 [email protected] A Learning Community Volume 17 Issue 32 16 October 2014 NEWSLETTER Watch this space for notices sent out each week. If you have not received any of the following notices, please ask your child’s teacher or contact the school office. Thursday 9 October Thursday 9 October Thursday 9 October Thursday 9 October Friday 10 October Friday 10 October Monday 13 October Hoop Time Hoop Time 3 Way Conferences Fete Help notice Newsletter Science Talent Search Monash University Selected Years 3&4 Students Selected Years 5&6 Students Grades 12N, 34W & 56E Grades FDJ & 34R Students in Years 1&2 Grade 12N Years 5&6 Students Diary Dates October 8/11/2014 Help us reduce paper use across our school by receiving your copy of our weekly Newsletter electronically! Help us reduce paper use across our school by receiving your copy of our weekly Newsletter electronically! To subscribe to our weekly email distribution list simply email: [email protected] and post “Subscribe Newsletter” in the subject line. (Walktober – Walk To School Day Wednesday October 15!) From the Principal: Don’t forget next Thursday, October 23 is our Twilight Working Bee. There are lots of important tasks to complete across the school, so if you can Monday 20 Tuesday 21 Thursday 23 Assembly – S&PC Fire Ed for Foundation Twilight Working Bee spare a few hours after school, please hang around and lend a hand! Join in on the sausage sizzle at the end of the evening and go home with your belly full and ready for a good night’s rest, knowing that you have helped your kids by joining in to improve our school’s grounds and facilities. This is a great way to meet other families and get to know the parents of your children’s friends or perhaps to meet their teacher. Families who help out at a working bee have the $40 Grounds Levy removed from their account. Fun & Frolic at the Festival of Colour! Every day our biennial fete is getting closer and closer! Don’t forget to go to our website to pre-book your Fete Ride Wristbands at a bargain early bird rate. You can also pre-purchase Fete Tokens through the website. This will enable you to simply pick up your wristbands and tokens when you arrive on the day and avoid the queues. Most stalls, only accept tokens for purchases on the th day! Online sales close on Tuesday November 4 ! Most importantly, if you can support with volunteering before and on the day please let the school know (if you haven’t done so already)! There is a roster at the office. Our Fete is a wonderful community event. A great day for children of all ages! 3 Way Conferences for 12N, 34W & 56E: Notices went home last week with all children in 12N, 34W & 56E for their 3 Way Conferences, which nd will be held next Wednesday, October 22 between 4 and 8pm. If you have a child in these grades make sure you follow the instructions in the notice to book your meeting time. Conferences for all other grades were held towards the end of last term. Student Placements for 2015: Final Reminder: Information that is helpful to your child’s placement for next year must be put in writing, to the Principal, no later than 4pm, next Friday, October 24. While we do not accept requests for placement with individual teachers, we do take into consideration relevant information, based on educational needs, which can assist us with student class placement, which is a complex and time consuming process. In particular please note that teachers often move between schools or between year levels and in-fact we usually expect at least a third of staff to move to other levels from year to year. Monday Assembly: Instead of assembly last Monday we met in our F-6 Connections groups where group’s tried to lower amazing ‘Helium Sticks’, a task which was almost impossible without great group working skills! Next Monday we will have a performance and presentation assembly in the Sports and Performance Centre. (Come along and sit on our new SPAC folding chairs!) Looking forward to seeing you at the working bee next week, Doug Elliott Principal “Every Child, Every Opportunity, Everyday…” School Captains Reports: Ethan N, Jasmine L,: Ethan Newnham in Years 3&4 A great welcome back to all of the Years 3&4 students, we hope you all had a wonderful holiday. In literacy, the students have started to look at the structure and language of transactional texts such as postcards. They have also explored abbreviations and what they mean. In Maths, the Years 3&4 students have started working on angles and how to use protractors. In the integrated unit, they have started writing factual narratives about the journey of a five-dollar note. Jasmine Lacy in Years 5&6 Years 5&6 had a wonderful day last Friday with the launch of our new unit of study - Space. The students looked amazing in their 'space' costumes and rotated through 5 full-filled learning activities on space. This week the students will be continuing with their free choice writing and learning about the solar system by reading lots of different texts and learning how to note take. In Maths the students are learning about size, scale and direction to describe relative locations and objects. They will continue on with learning about different types of maps and the features of maps. In our unit on Space the students are viewing lots of DVD's on the Mars Rover the topography of different planets and gathering information from a variety of sources. FROM THE OFFICE Payments made via BPAY If you make a payment via BPAY, less than your statement balance, can you please advise the office which charges you would like the payment allocated to. Brian Allen Hall Looking for a venue for your next function? The Brian Allen Hall is available for hire on Saturday evenings. Contact the office for details and prices. NUDE FOOD RESULTS THIS WEEK We encourage all children to bring their snacks, drinks and lunches but leave their rubbish at home. Especially on Tuesdays! Years 5&6 56E 81% Years 3&4 34M 74% Years 1&2 12A 83% Foundation FDS 88% Community Notices Is there some good news in your family that you would like to share with the rest of GRPS? A new addition to the family, a win in a Grand Final, a great sports game …. Let Yvonne at the office have the details by Wednesday morning and we’ll let everyone know!! Relay for Life 2014 As the Cancer Support Nurse at Ringwood Private Hospital, I ask you to consider joining our team and participating in Maroondah’s Relay for Life held at th th the Croydon Athletic Track on the 15 & 16 of November. The event runs between 4pm -10am and you can give as little or as much time as you like. Registration is $20 and can be done via the Cancer Council’s website. Lily and Lachy have participated in this worthy event for the last 7 years and would like their school community to join them, while raising funds for the Cancer Council. There are moving tributes at the opening ceremony, at twilight and at the closing ceremony, as well as lots of activities available for children and their families. If you have any enquiries please feel free to contact me on 0400 138 950. Thank you, Tracey Moroney. English Competition Results 2014 It gives us great pleasure to announce the following results: Year 2: Jacob Henry – Distinction, Jackson Mooney – Credit, Anthony Westerveld – Credit, Lawson Thomas – Participation Year 3: Ella Leavey – Distinction Year 4: C J Bosomworth – Distinction, Ashley Newnham – Distinction, Kyle Ashcroft – Credit, Lachie Bosomworth – Merit, Mackenzie Skinner – Participation Year 5: Hannah Murray – Distinction, Gabriel Chan – Merit, Sylvia Dang – Merit, Sam Rhodes – Merit, Emilie Young – Merit, Olivia Henry – Participation, Stephanie Kewley - Participation Year 6: Ethan Newnham – Distinction, Lily Moroney – Credit, Jordan Armstrong – Merit, Nicholas Kyranakis – Participation Well done to all those students! ICAS Maths - Here, Mathematicians are the results which you have been patiently waiting for: Year 2: Jacob Henry – Distinction, Sam McPherson – Credit, Jackson Mooney – Credit, Anthony Westerveld – Credit, Bardia Bahrami – Participation, Jasmine Coney – Participation, Noah Mulligan – Participation, Lawson Thomas – Participation, Nikolas Vida – Participation. Year 3: Sienna Neil – Participation Year 4: Ashley Newnham – Distinction, Tom Jackson – Credit, Lucas McPherson – Credit, Kyle Ashcroft – Participation, Ben O’Dwyer – Participation, Jamie Pether – Participation, Mackenzie Skinner – Participation Year 5: Gabriel Chan – Credit, Sylvia Dang – Credit, Sam Rhodes – Credit, Angelina Vida – Credit, Caspar Witherspoon – Credit, Josh Bird – Participation, Simon Du – Participation, Sam Kerwin – Participation, Stephanie Kewley – Participation, Hannah Murray - Participation Year 6: Jordan Armstrong – Credit, Ethan Mulligan – Merit, Ethan Newnham – Merit, Matthew Barr – Participation, Dion Braione – Participation, Josh Holland – Participation, Nicholas Kyranakis – Participation, Lily Moroney – Participation, Callum Rigg – Participation. Australian Mathematics Competition Year 3: Sienna Neil – Credit Year 4: Charlotte Jackson – Distinction, Ashley Newnham – Distinction, Kyle Ashcroft – Credit, Lachie Bosomworth – Credit, Tom Jackson – Credit, C J Bosomworth - Proficiency, Mackenzie Skinner – Proficiency Year 5: Hannah Murray – Distinction, Sam Rhodes – Distinction, Josh Bird – Credit, Sylvia Dang – Credit, Shubham Panwar – Credit, Caspar Witherspoon – Credit, Gabriel Chee – Proficiency, Olivia Henry – Proficiency, Stephanie Kewley – Participation Year 6: Ethan Newnham – Distinction, Jordan Armstrong – Proficiency, Josh Holland – Proficiency, Lily Moroney - Proficiency, Ethan Mulligan – Proficiency, Callum Rigg – Proficiency National Water Week Poster Competition Well done to the following students from Years 5/6, who entered the 2014 National Water Week Poster Competition: Alanah Potter-Cook, Angelina Vida, Archie Hore, Aya Nahas, Caitlin Graham, Charlotte Tolliday, Chloe Borradale, Declan Magee, Dion Braione, Dora Lu, Eh Soe Soe Joseph, Estee Fifita, Ethan Newnham, Fletcher Smith, Gabriel Chee, Hannah Murray, Htoo Htoo Soe Bwint, Isabelle Di Biase, Jess Bowyer -Smyth, Jesse Harper, John Hartweger, Jordan Armstrong, Josh Holland, Kathleen Mitchell, Kelly Miao, Khalid Al-Shawaf, Kiarna Aronleigh, Lachie Sanchez-Legg, Laura Milton, Liam Finkbeiner, Lily Moroney, Madelyn Pater, Maeghan Sadler, Matthew Barr, Mawi Te Van, Mitchell Plant, Nicholas Kyranakis, Olivia Henry, Renee Egan, Sam Kirchner, Sam Kerwin, Sam Rhodes, Sera Giltinan, Simon Du, Stephanie Kewley and Tameka Morris. Congratulations to Sam Rhodes, Sam Kerwin and Kelly Miao whose posters have been chosen as finalists. Prizes will be awarded at the Water Week st Presentation event to be held on Friday 31 October from 12:30 – 3:30pm at the Whitehorse Centre in Nunawading. Invitations have been extended to the families of these students to attend the ceremony. Science Talent Search This year, although our number of entries may have been small, we have achieved our best results yet in Science Talent Search. Congratulations go to: Ashley Newnham who won a Major Bursary worth $50 for his Working Model, ‘Bing – It’s A Light Bulb! How Does It Work?’ His bursary was sponsored by the Australian Institute of Energy. Finlay Hughes who won a Minor Bursary worth $25 for his Poster Scientific Wall Chart, ‘Where Have All The Bees Gone?’ His bursary was sponsored by the Noel Schleiger – Memorial Awards. Kieran Tirikawala who won a Minor Bursary worth $35 for his Working Model, ‘Electromagnetism’.His bursary was sponsored by the BHP Billiton Science and Engineering Awards, managed by CSIRO. All the Students of 12N for their Minor Bursary winning Class Project, ‘12N Bein’ Growin’ Kids’. Their prize of $150 for the school was donated by Australian Skeptics. All the students of 12S who were awarded Merit Certificates for their Class project, ‘12S Jumping Beans.’ All the students of 56F who were awarded Merit Certificates for their Class project ‘56F Investigates’. Xavier Tucker who won a Merit Certificate for his Computer Program ‘Wild Food’. Eric Li, who tried very hard to finish his project on time, received an Acknowledgement Certificate for his solar boat model. Unfortunately, Shubham Panwar and David Xia were unable to take their robot model to Judging Day. Students who won bursaries will be presented with their cheques at the Science Talent Search Exhibition and Presentation Day on Monday October 27 at La Trobe University, Bundoora. Fundraising Promotion of the Festival of Colour: it is everyone's job The Fete Committee would like to ask all GRPS families to assist with the very important job of promoting the fete so that lots of people come and we make the most of the hard work we have done in organising it. There are several ways that everybody can help: 1. Send the fete postcards to your friends and family. Extra copies can be obtained from the school office. 2. There is a Fete poster available on the school homepage, and attached to this newsletter (if you have received this by email). Print off copies of this and put them up at work, in local shops, on the noticeboard at your sports club, etc etc. Anywhere you can think of!! If you do not have a printer, please come to the office and ask for one to be printed for you. 3. Email the poster to lots of people and invite them along to the fete. 4. Visit the fete facebook page and share the invitation to the event. Cow Pat Lotto!! ‘X’ the Calf is coming to visit the Festival of Colour for Cow Pat Lotto!! X will be hanging out near the chook shed and you can win cash by guessing where he is going to drop his cow pat! A grid will be marked up with 105 squares and you will be able to purchase a square for $2 each. When the cow drops his pie, the lucky person who purchased that Square will win $60!!! (If the pie lands on a line, the prize will be shared between the lucky squares.) There will be approximately 5 rounds on fete day, with each round lasting a maximum of 1 hour unless the cow poos early! How easy is that! Foundation G – Mrs Gordon’s class will be selling off the squares to students and staff at lunchtime on Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd October. So bring $2 per entry and a mobile number so the winner can be notified on the day! Prize money will need to be collected by an adult on the day. Buy a square for every family member for more chances to win! “X Marks The Spot!” CAKE DECORATING COMPETITION This is an exciting addition to this year’s fete, giving those of you who love to decorate an opportunity to show off your skills. Competition guidelines and entry forms are available from the office. Direct any queries you may have to Mrs Bosomworth. AVOID THE QUEUES! Fete ride wristbands and token presales opened th online last Monday and will close on Tuesday 4 November. Visit or click on the buy tickets button on the GRPS website. Cash presales for fete wristbands will be advertised soon. HELPING OUT AT THE FESTIVAL OF COLOUR Rosters will soon be available online for you to register to volunteer on fete day. You will also be able to register the ‘old fashioned way’ by putting pen to paper on a roster which will be available at your child’s classroom. Keep an eye out for more details in upcoming newsletters. FETE POSTCARDS will be coming home soon if not already with all students. Please feel free to pass these on to family and friends to invite them to the Festival of Colour HAMPERS – DONATIONS NEEDED!! We are asking all families to please contribute items for hampers that will be packaged and used as prizes and silent auction items at the Festival of Colour. The list below outlines the theme for each joint class and we would be really grateful if you could bring your new/unused items along by FRIDAY 24 OCTOBER. Each teacher has a box in their classroom to collect things, so all you need to do is send them along to school with your child. Thanks, in anticipation of your help! FOUNDATION Arty 12H &12W Garage/Shed Retreat 12A &12G Baby 12N & 12S Gourmet Treats 34J & 34W Sporty 34B & 34K Stationery / Bookworm 34R & 34M Party 56A & 56F Garden 56J & 56K Kitchen / Homewares 56E & 56M Pamper/Beauty Chaplain’s Spot Term 4 Week 2 2014 Clear Communication Clear communication is a goal to strive for in every area of life. Work becomes improved if we know exactly what is expected of us. Our relationships are enhanced if we can be open and honest with each other. Our children will become more motivated if we are able to fully communicate with them in a language they understand. The following strategies will help: When you have made a decision ensure that the standards are clear and the limits and boundaries are fully understood. Provide your rationale for the decision and allow your children to understand the reasons for your decision. If appropriate allow your son/daughter to have input into the decision and for them to feel heard and valued. This level of open communication encourages them to take a high level of responsibility for their actions to the point where they are able to regulate themselves. Ensure that both parents agree to the decision and don’t fall into the trap of being played against each other …’but Mom said ...’ Be consistent. Your word should be your bond. It is also wise to be consistent over time too – not swaying from week to week. In all your decisions it is good to acknowledge your child’s feelings and needs and, whenever practical, to offer them alternatives and choices, without becoming too permissive. Helping your child with their homework requires a slightly different approach to communication. By that I mean don’t give them the answers! In this case it is best to give hints or prompts and encourage them to think it through for themselves. When they succeed then clearly communicate your joy at their abilities. Solid verbal encouragement will always produce a good feeling inside your child and that will reap benefits for them both individually and well into their future. Written by Nigel Lane. Used by permission Alan Silverwood – Chaplain [[email protected]] [The Chaplaincy program is funded through the Federal Government & Community support. This is a voluntary program in our school community.] PAID ADVERTISEMENTS The Department of Education, Employment and Training and Great Ryrie Primary School do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by DEECD and Great Ryrie Primary School for accuracy of information in advertisements or claims made by them. COMMUNITY BUSINESS PARTNERSHIPS We would like to acknowledge and thank the following sponsors for their support. (For more details please see our website!) ALL SMILES Sorrento Ocean Beach & the Yarra Valley Donate vouchers for all fundraising events Phone: 9876 4044 --AMAZING TRANSFORMATIONS COSTUME HIRE kindly donate all the wonderful costumes we use for school functions. 33 High Street Glen Iris, 9885 4714 --BEAUTY ON RYRIE donate many beauty products and vouchers for all school fundraisers and events. 41B Great Ryrie St Ringwood, 9870 6766 --BENDIGO COMMUNITY BANK (Heathmont & East Ringwood Branches) sponsor our school and along with Student Banking donate the following amounts for services taken out. The amounts are $200 for a Bendigo home loan greater than $110,000 $100 for a Bendigo home loan less than $110,000 $50 for a Bendigo equipment finance loan $50 for a Bendigo personal loan Heathmont branch: 9870 6654 East Ringwood branch: 9870 3655 MYSTERY BAGS ITEMS NEEDED!!!! The Fete is fast approaching and we need to get the Mystery Bags made up prior to the big event. Please get your donations in to the office or Mrs Stainton’s Class room 12H as soon as possible! Remember for lollies/chocolates they need to be wrapped, toys need to be new and lots of little things are always a hit like erasers, loom bands, stationery and jewellery! Thanking you in advance!!! Children Classes Spiritual education, fun games, and songs for children. Provides children with a strong foundation of spiritual and moral education; Designed to develop their spiritual capacities and interests. Commences 4th October, Saturday’s 10am11.30am in the Glen Frost Room, Croydon. For any further information email [email protected]
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