THE SCOTTISH LEGAL AID BOARD MINUTE OF MEETING OF THE SCOTTISH LEGAL AID BOARD HELD AT 1.30 PM ON MONDAY 16 JUNE 2014 AT 44 DRUMSHEUGH GARDENS, EDINBURGH Present: Iain Robertson, Chairman Vincent McGovern Graham Watson Denise Loney William McQueen Ros Micklem Rani Dhir Alastair Kinroy QC Sheriff Ray Small. In attendance: Lindsay Montgomery, Chief Executive Colin Lancaster, Director of Policy and Development Marie-Louise Fox, Director of Operations Graeme Hill, Director of Corporate Services and Accounts Matt Taylor, Senior Analyst, Policy and Development (item 9 only) Jo Garrett, Research Officer, Policy and Development (item 10 only) Elaine Young, Head of Service, CLAO (item 11 only) Anne Dickson, Planning, Co-ordination and Corporate Support Manager David Montgomery, Media and Communications Manager Stuart Foster, Board Administrator 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Les Campbell, Derek Ogg QC, Ray MacFarlane. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No interests not previously registered in the Register of Board Members’ Interests were declared. 3. DRAFT MINUTE OF BOARD MEETING HELD ON 12 MAY 2014 The draft minute of the meeting held on 12 May 2014 was approved. 4. DRAFT MINUTE OF LEGAL SERVICES CASES COMMITTEE HELD ON 28 APRIL 2014 The draft minute of the meeting of the Legal Services Cases Committee held on 28 April was noted. 5. DRAFT MINUTE OF MEETING OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE HELD ON 12 MAY 2014 The draft minute of meeting of the Audit Committee held on 12 May 2014 was noted. 6. CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION Board minute – 16 June 2014 1 The Chairman reported that Board member appraisals had commenced. 7. CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S UPDATE Members considered and noted a paper by the Chief Executive updating them on matters of interest since the previous Board meeting. The Chief Executive referred to the importance of having clarity about the Scottish Government’s likely timetable for implementation of key legal aid savings and projects work. It had been agreed with the Scottish Government that SLAB staff would provide the programme management support for the delivery of the programme of work. Members noted the position. 8. JUSTICE DIGITAL STRATEGY Members considered a paper reporting on progress with the development of the draft Digital Strategy for Justice in Scotland. It was noted that the draft strategy, which would be presented to the Justice Board on 19 June, aimed to encourage a more user-focussed, streamlined and efficient justice system. SLAB had already made progress in the use of digital technology through Legal Aid Online, and would review all business processes with business partners to move, wherever possible, to a digital platform. SLAB would finalise its own digital strategy, aligned to the Justice strategy, and this would create a co-ordinated strategic approach with bodies such as Faculty Services and the Law Society. Discussion took place on the importance of making suitable arrangements for those without access to digital services, and the need for high level encouragement of video use in courts. After discussion, it was AGREED: the Chief Executive convey to the Justice Board the importance of the need for suitable arrangements for those without access to, or the ability to use, digital services. ACTION: LM 9. TRENDS REPORT Members considered a paper presenting an analysis of legal aid trends for the financial year 2013-14 compared with the previous 12 months to March 2013. In discussion, reference was made to the possible impact of SLAB grant funding projects on the number of A&A applications. After discussion, members noted the position. 10. RESEARCH PROGRAMME 2014-15 Members considered a paper reporting on progress made against the research programme during the financial year 2013/14, and plans for the Research Programme 2014/15. Board minute – 16 June 2014 2 It was noted that the projects within the Research Programme covered a wide range of business areas and were driven by SLAB’s corporate needs. Good progress had been made in delivering the 2013/14 programme; research input had also been provided to other areas of the Board, such as the Accounts Best Value review and the Making Advice Work client evaluation. After discussion, it was AGREED: to note the good progress made in 2013/14 and approve the research programme for the current year. ACTION: JG 11. CLAO UPDATE Members considered a paper which reported on the operation of the Civil Legal Assistance Office network between October 2013 and March 2014. It was noted that the network was operating under pressure due to resource issues, but was maintaining high service levels. A review of staffing levels and structure was being undertaken; however, business volumes were higher than envisaged when CLAO was set up, and it was likely some additional resource would be required. Discussion took place on the likely impact on the CLAO as the economy improved and if solicitors’ firms saw an increase in their non-legal business. After discussion, members noted the position. 12. MAKING JUSTICE WORK UPDATE Members considered a paper reporting on the work of the Scottish Government’s Making Justice Work Programme (MJW) and, in particular, SLAB’s involvement in specific projects. The paper highlighted the main achievements to date, and set out key events and milestones for this year and next. It was reported that, through the Justice Board, the MJW Advisory Board and the individual programme/project boards, consistent collaborative working between the Scottish Government and other justice organisations was now in place, and the MJW portfolio was making a significant contribution to the delivery of justice outcomes. After discussion, it was AGREED: a senior Scottish Government representative be invited to attend the Board Strategy Day to discuss the full scope of the Justice change programmes. ACTION: AD 13. PRESENTATION ON NEW OFFICE ACCOMMODATION A presentation was given on the progress being made in preparation for the SLAB move to new office accommodation. After discussion, members noted the position. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Monday 28 July 2014. Board minute – 16 June 2014 3 The meeting ended at 3.15 p.m. Board minute – 16 June 2014 4
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