Voluntary Disclosure in Israel

Private Clients
Voluntary Disclosure in Israel
Due to recent developments aiming at tax
transparency, private individuals in various
countries start to reassess their assets and income situation. This often involves regularizing
their current affairs to avoid being pursued by
tax authorities. The Israeli Tax Authority (Hereinafter: “ITA”) has launched a Voluntary Disclosure (Hereinafter: “VD”) procedure that may
be the tool of choice in such circumstances.
Recently the ITA has launched a procedure according to
which an individual taxpayer is given the opportunity to
­disclose any taxable income and/or assets (Hereinafter:
­“Disclosed Info”) that has not been reported yet for any
reason. According to the ITA procedures there are different
methods of submitting a VD per the different events and
issues that are being disclosed subject to the procedure.
It should be noted that VD procedures are time limited and
expiry dates are noted herein.
ITA has a currently active VD procedure for a limited period
of time. The current date of expiry per the VD procedure is
December 31, 2016. In addition, the ITA launched an additional procedure according to which a taxpayer may submit
an anonymous VD and “shortened course” VD as described
Voluntary Disclosure in Israel / Tax / November 2014
Generally, the benefit deriving from such a VD is immunity of
criminal procedures and charges applicable under tax laws
and regulations per the Disclosed Info.
Conditions per eligibility
A taxpayer must meet the following conditions as determined by the ITA in order to be eligible to submit a voluntary
disclosure and enjoy the benefits of such a disclosure:
1. The submitted voluntary disclosure must be complete
and must contain all assets deriving tax liability in Israel.
2. The voluntary disclosure must be submitted with good
3. Shall the ITA have any prior information in result of any
previous investigation or any other procedure including
the taxpayer’s partner (husband/wife) and holding of
companies owned/controlled by taxpayer and partner,
VD submitted by taxpayer will be rejected.
4. At the time of submitting the voluntary disclosure no
investigations have been conducted or are currently
being conducted by the Israeli police regarding the
taxpayer or his partners businesses.
5. The ITA may reject any VD if the Disclosed Info regarding
whether taxpayer and/or life/business partners has
been mentioned directly or indirectly within any other
procedures and/or by any other state agency, media or
court procedures.
Notwithstanding Section (3), (4) and (5) above, the ITA may
approve a request for VD due to extraordinary circumstances
such as critical illness, advanced age etc.
As mentioned above, the VD is procedure effective until Dec
31, 2016. Simultaneously, the ITA published a temporary
procedure effective until 7 September 2015, granting the
option of submitting an anonymous voluntary disclosure VD
and introducing a “shortened course” VD that shall refer to
capital not exceeding ILS two million (ILS 2M) and which taxable income derived from such capital does not exceed ILS
half a million (ILS 0.5M).
All the relevant documentations, including, the names of
the applicants, relevant tax years, source of income, details
regarding the “omitted” income and the estimate tax liability,
and any other information and documentation regarding the
Disclosed Info must be submitted along with the relevant
official VD forms.
Disclosure limitations
There is no limitation with respect to the years to be disclosed. It should be noted, that for criminal purposes there
is statute of limitations for undisclosed assets/income for
a period of 6 or 10 years, depending on the nature of the
offense. For civil purposes, the ITA may claim that there is no
statute of limitations.
Benefits and relief
The relief per the voluntary disclosure will be Immunity
from criminal procedure solely per the Disclosed Info. The
tax­payer will be required to pay the taxes including interest,
­linkage and civil fines.
It should be noted, that in certain events the Tax imposed by
ITA subject to the voluntary disclosure procedure must be
paid within 15 days, as a condition for receiving the benefits
of filing a voluntary disclosure.
Cross border advice with utmost discretion
KPMG’s network enables us to provide international solutions, calling on our in-house specialists in Israel, with
­knowledge of the local tax law. We offer our clients the
opportunity to have throughout the process a single contact person at KPMG in Switzerland who is familiar with
the client’s individual situation and coordinates the process
with the utmost discretion. Upon request KPMG’s specialists work in Israel with anonymized data until the voluntary
disclosure is actually submitted. Alternatively we can arrange
direct contact with our tax specialists in Israel.
Contact us
Jürg Birri
Partner, Head of Legal and Head
Regulatory Competence Center
Attorney-at-law / Certified tax
expert, Zurich
T: +41 58 249 35 48
E: [email protected]
Assaf Leshem
International Tax, Tel-Aviv
T: +972 3 684 8049
E: [email protected]
Nadine Trachsler
Senior Manager
Attorney-at-law, Basel
T: +41 58 249 71 34
E: [email protected]
Arik Eytan
International Tax, Tel-Aviv
T: +972 3 684 8864
E: [email protected]
The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavor to provide accurate and timely
information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act on such information without
appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.
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