May 2014 Global Industry Urges APEC Economies to Jump-Start ITA Expansion Negotiations Industry associations from around the world urge the AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) trade ministers gathering in Qingdao, China May 17-18 to take active steps to restart the tariff-elimination negotiations to significantly expand product coverage of the Information Technology Agreement (ITA). These negotiations made tremendous progress last year, but were suspended in November when all the negotiating parties could not agree on a final list of products to be included in an expanded ITA. This was unfortunate as the ITA is one of the most commercially successful trade agreements in the World Trade Organization (WTO), and an expanded ITA would do even more to help drive innovation, accelerate productivity, create jobs, lower consumer prices, and bridge communities across the globe in ways unimagined 18 years ago when the agreement was established. Product expansion of the ITA, as well as expansion of geographic scope of the agreement would yield immediate and substantial benefits, removing tariffs on a vast array of tech products not currently covered. APEC has deep ties with ITA. APEC ministers meeting in Singapore in 1995 played a critical role in helping to launch the ITA. More recently, the 21 APEC leaders in October 2013 called for conclusion of ITA negotiations before the WTO ministerial meeting in early December of last year. We therefore urge the APEC economies participating in the negotiations to exercise strong leadership, embrace the longterm benefits of ITA expansion, and limit product sensitivities so an ambitious outcome can be achieved as soon as possible. The APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade have an excellent opportunity in Qingdao this month to re-energize APEC’s ties with the ITA by providing the leadership and determination to get the expansion negotiations restarted. We very much hope they don’t miss this opportunity. We continue to be deeply committed to working closely with our governments to achieve a swift and ambitious outcome that will expand trade, stimulate growth, increase jobs, spur innovation, and promote prosperity around the world. Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed, USA) - American Chamber of Commerce of El Salvador (AmCham El Salvador, El Salvador) - American Chamber of Commerce in India (AmCham India, India) - American Chamber of Commerce in Thailand (AmCham Thailand, Thailand) - American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (AmCham Vietnam, Vietnam) - Association of Electronic Industries in Singapore (AEIS, Singapore) - Association of Thai ICT Industry (ATCI, Thailand) - Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA, Australia) - Brazilian Association of IT Companies (ASSEPRO, Brazil) - BSA | The Software Alliance (BSA, USA) - Camara de Industrias de Costa Rica (CICR, Costa Rica) - Camera & Imaging Products Association (CIPA, Japan) - Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME, Canada) - China Semiconductor Industry Association (CSIA, China) - Colombian Software and IT Industry Federation (FEDESOFT, Colombia) - Communications and Information Network Association of Japan (CIAJ, Japan) - Communications and Manufacturing Association of India (CMAI, India) - Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA, USA) - Computer Society of Kenya (Kenya) - Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA, USA) - Consumer Electronics Association (CEA, USA) - Costa Rican Chamber of Information and Communications Technologies (CAMTIC, Costa Rica) - Consumer Electronics Retailers Coalition (CERC, USA) - Consumer Electronics Technology Industry Association (CETIA, USA) - Costa Rican-American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham Costa Rica, Costa Rica) - DIGITALEUROPE (DIGITALEUROPE, EU) - Egyptian Information Telecom, Electronics and S/W Alliance (Eitesal, Egypt) - Electro-Federation Canada (EFC, Canada) The European Engineering Industries Association (ORGALIME, EU) - European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA, EU) - Entertainment Software Association (ESA, USA) - Entertainment Software Association of Canada (ESAC, Canada) - Federation of Hellenic ICT Enterprises (SEPE, Greece) - The Federation of Korean Information Industries (FKII, Korea) - Guatemalan Software Commission (SOFEX, Guatemala) - Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association (HKEIA, Hong Kong) - Hong Kong Information Technology Federation (HKITF, Hong Kong) - Ibero American Federation of IT Associations (ALETI, Latin America) - ICT Associations of Jordan (int@j, Jordan) - ICT Chamber of Commerce - MASIT (MASIT, Macedonia) - IKT-Norge (Norway) - INFOBALT (Lithuania) - Infocomm Technology Association of the Philippines (ITAP, Philippines) - Information & Computer Technologies Industry Association (APKIT, Russia) - Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC, Canada) - Information Technology Association of Nigeria (ITAN, Nigeria) - Information Technology Industry Council (ITI, USA) - Intellect (United Kingdom) - Interactive Games & Entertainment Association (iGEA, Australia and New Zealand) - Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE, EU) - Israel Association of Electronics and Software Industries (IAESI, Israel) - Japan Business Council in Europe (JBCE, Japan-EU) - Japan Business Machine and Information System Industries Association (JBMIA, Japan) - The Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association (JEMA, Japan) - Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA, Japan) - Japan Information Technology Services Industry Association (JISA, Japan) - Korea Electronic Association (KEA, Korea) - Korea Semiconductor Industry Association (KSIA, Korea) - National Association of Manufacturers (NAM, USA) - National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA, USA) - National ICT and Multimedia Association of Malaysia (PIKOM, Malaysia) - National ICT Confederation of the Philippines (NICP, Philippines) - PRBA-The Rechargeable Battery Association (USA) - Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines (SEIPI, Philippines) - Semiconductor Equipment & Materials International (SEMI, USA) - Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA, USA) - Singapore Semiconductor Industry Association (SSIA, Singapore) - Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA, USA) - Taipei Computer Association (TCA, Taiwan) - Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (TEEMA, Taiwan) - Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA, Taiwan) - TechAmerica (USA) - Technology CEO Council (TCC, USA) Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA, USA) - Transatlantic Business Council (TBC, USA-EU) - United States Council for International Business (USCIB, USA) - United States Chamber of Commerce (USA) - United States Information Technology Office (USITO, USA) - Vietnam Electronics Industries Association (VEIA, Vietnam) - World Information Technology and Services Alliance (WITSA, USA) - World Semiconductor Council (WSC) For more information, contact [email protected] (仮訳) 世界中の業界団体は、5 月 17 日~18 日にチンタオに集まっているAPECの貿易担当大臣 に対して、ITA品目を大幅に拡大する関税自由化交渉を再スタートさせるアクティブな ステップを採るように求める。 この交渉は去年大幅な進展を見せたが、すべての交渉団がITA品目の最終リストに合意 できなかった 11 月に中断された。 ITAはWTOで最も商業的に成功した貿易協定の一つであり、そのITAの品目拡大は、 協定が成立した 18 年間には想像もつかなかった方法で、イノベーションの促進、生産性の 向上、雇用創造、消費者物価低減、地球上のコミュニティの架け橋となること等に対して 更なる助けになるはずである。 ITAの地理的拡大と同様に対象製品拡大は、現在ITA対象となっていない多くの技術 製品の関税が撤廃れるといった、すぐに実現される現実の利益を生む。 APECはITAと関わりが深い。1995 年のシンガポールでのAPEC大臣会合は、IT Aの開始支援に重要な役割を演じた。直近では、2013 年 10 月にAPEC首脳 21 人が、去 年 12 月上旬のWTO閣僚会合までにITA交渉の終結を求めたりした。 従って、我々は、この交渉に参加しているAPEC経済に対し、強いリーダーシップを発 揮し、ITA拡大の長期的な利益を享受し、野心的な結果を直ちに達成できるようにセン シティビティ製品を制限するように求める。 リーダーシップを採ることと拡大交渉の再スタートの決断をすることによって、今月のチ ンタオでのAPECの貿易担当大臣会合は、APECのITAとの関わりを再度活性化さ せる素晴らしい機会となる。我々は、彼らがこの機会を逸することがないように望んでい る。 貿易を拡大し、成長を誘発し、雇用を増やし、イノベーションを促す、世界の繁栄を促進 させる迅速で野心的な結果を達成するよう、我々は引き続き、我々自身の政府と密に協力 していくことを強く約束する。
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