8:55 a.m. Worship PROCLAIMING THE WORD 11:15 a. m. Worship ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ GATHERING FOR WORSHIP GATHERING FOR WORSHIP * LIGHTING THE ADVENT CANDLES * OPENING PRAISE SONGS Jeffrey, Elizabeth, and Lorena Best “Prepare the Way” “Holy Child” WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Stewardship Update David Forney David Bear EXAMINING OUR HEARTS Michael Kidd Prayer of Confession Assurance of Forgiveness * Passing the Peace PROCLAIMING THE WORD PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Jack Meaney FIRST SCRIPTURE LESSON 2 Samuel 7:1-16 § CONVERSATION WITH CHILDREN Jane Brennan SECOND SCRIPTURE LESSON SERMON Luke 1:39-56 “Where God Chooses to Dwell” Liz Forney RESPONDING TO THE WORD INVITATION TO SELF-OFFERING You are invited to bring your offering and the PC(USA) Christmas Joy Offering to God. * Offering Song * Prayer of Dedication “To the Ends of the Earth” THE CELEBRATION OF THE LORD’S SUPPER Invitation to the Table Great Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer Words of Institution * Communion of the People Prayer after Communion GOING OUT TO SERVE * CLOSING SONG “We Have a Savior” * CHARGE AND BENEDICTION * END OF WORSHIP ....................... BEGINNING OF SERVICE ________________________ Bold lettering signifies congregational participation. * Those who are able are invited to stand. Please sign the Attendance Pad and pass it along the aisle. PRELUDE ‘Prayer’ from Christmas Oratorio Saint-Saëns/Permann FIRST LESSON 2 Samuel 7:1-16 Pew Bible, p. 269 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM TOWER BELLS § WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Stewardship Update David Forney David Bear * LIGHTING THE ADVENT CANDLES adapted from Isaiah 7:14 Denis, Emma, Mufu, and Ethan Tebit Pastor: The Lord will give you a sign. Congregation: Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel. Candle Lighter: We light these candles as a sign of the peace we have knowing that God is with us. * HYMN 82 PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus” * PRAYER OF CONFESSION God our Savior, we ask for your mercy. Though we have heard Mary’s song, we still seek security in pride and power and possessions. Though we know your story, we resist the cost of following you. We pass by those considered lowly in this world. We turn away from hungry people who still wait to be filled. Forgive us we pray. Help us to work for the justice you intend. Make us messengers for the peace you bring. As we wait for you, turn our apathy into acts of love and service. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Emmanuel. Amen. * ASSURANCE OF PARDON ANTHEM A rose there is a-springing from tender roots on earth; As ancient men were singing, from Jesse came its birth. And now this little flower appears in coldest winter, At this the midnight hour. This Rose, the stem of Jesse, by prophets once foretold; Mary alone has brought us the Child promised of old. By God’s eternal power, the maid has borne the infant, At this the midnight hour. The flower so small and slender shines through with radiance bright. To us so sweet and tender dispels the darkest night. True man with God’s true power, Helps us from all our suffering, Saves us from death’s dark hour. SECOND LESSON SERMON Come, hope of unity; make us one body. Come, O Lord Jesus; reconcile all people. * PASSING OF THE PEACE OF CHRIST Luke 1:39-56 Pew Bible, p. 888 “Where God Chooses to Dwell” Liz Forney Fourth in the sermon series “Faces at the Manger” RESPONDING TO THE WORD * HYMN 158 “Born in the Night, Mary’s Child” * THE APOSTLES’ CREED Hymnal, p. 35 PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER PRESENTATION OF OFFERINGS The Offertory * The Doxology Hymn 102, v. 4 * Prayer of Dedication * CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Hymn 103, v.4 Choir sings through once, congregation joins in the second time Shepherd Yglesias Sieg son of Derek and Heather Sieg “A Rose There is a-springing” arr. Cashmore GOING OUT TO SERVE * HYMN 144 “In the Bleak Midwinter” * CHARGE AND BENEDICTION * POSTLUDE “Postlude sur un Noël” Bédard * END OF WORSHIP ....................... BEGINNING OF SERVICE Pastors: Rev. Dr. David Forney, Rev. Kimberleigh E. Wells, Rev. Liz Forney, and Rev. Kendall Pearson Director of Music: Dr. Jeremy Thompson setting by Michael Praetorius. The postlude is a setting of a popular French carol by Quebecois composer Denis Bédard, full of exuberance and joy. Director of Ministry for Children and Their Families: Kathy Doby Officer of the Day: Jim Gillespie 8:55 Communion Preparer: Jane Brennan The Season of Advent Ushers: 8:55 — Bill and Barbara Carswell In Advent, we expectantly wait for the One who has already come. We anticipate the promised justice of God’s new world, yet we praise God who raised the “righteous branch” to rule with justice and righteousness. We hope for the restoration of the afflicted, the tormented, and the grieving, yet we delight that healing has come in Christ. We long for the beating of swords into plowshares, yet we rejoice that the Prince of Peace has appeared. We yearn for the barren deserts of our inner cities to flourish, yet we laud the desert Rose that has bloomed. We dream of the land where lions and lambs live in harmony, yet we acclaim the child born to lead us into the Promised Land. Christ has come! Christ is risen! Christ will come again! In Advent, we are living between the first and the second coming of the Lord. So in the Season of Advent, we live between memory and hope, past and future. 11:15 — Jim Stone (Head), Lu Bolen, Ken Derby, Jim Gillespie, Sandra Henneman, Doug Starns Serving as Office Receptionist: Caroyl Gooch Hearing devices and large print hymnals, Bibles, and bulletins are available from the ushers. It is our privilege to provide safe and welcoming childcare, located on the lower level in Rooms 110 (infants) and 108 (toddlers and preschoolers). WORSHIP About Today’s Music 8:55 – On this Sunday, the last Sunday of Advent we can sing our first song “Prepare the way O Zion, your Christ is drawing near” with greater exuberance and expectation as our celebration of Christ’s coming is imminent. This song tells of our joy that “his rule is peace and freedom and justice truth and love.” “Holy Child, Who Chose the Hearts of Men” is more reflective in nature. This text is rich in imagery and meaning with the invitation: “may the gift of God amaze us till the triumph of all time.” Our final song “We Have a Savior” was written by Hillsong and included on their Christmas album in 2012. This song is all about proclaiming the good news that Christ has come to the world as our Savior, with the invitation not to just proclaim this message to each other, but to the world. 11:15 – The prelude this morning is a selection from Camille SaintSaëns’ Christmas Oratorio arranged for solo organ by organist Joseph Permann. The text in the original setting is from Psalm 110:3. The English setting is a setting of Mary’s song known as the Magnificat, found in our second reading this morning. The original version is set for soprano, tenor and baritone soloists accompanied by harp and organ and is a transcendently beautiful moment in the work. The anthem this morning is based on a more accurate translation of the carol “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming.” It is for unaccompanied choir and continues in the Renaissance-motet style of the well-known Each Sunday in Advent, a team of liturgical artists has created a paper cut window banner to help draw our attention to the faces at the manger. The banner for the first Sunday in Advent illustrates the prophecy of the son of God called Emmanuel – God with us. The banner for the second Sunday in Advent is the stump of Jesse, depicting Joseph’s linage from the house of David. The banner for the third Sunday in Advent depicts the shepherds and their sheep hearing the angel proclaim “the good news of great joy.” Now on this fourth Sunday in Advent, we rejoice as Mary learns that she is to bear the very Son of God. 500 PARK STREET CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA 22902 434-296-7131 WWW.FIRSTPRESCHARLOTTESVILLE.ORG First Presbyterian Church CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA __________________________________________ Sunday, December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent Services of Worship for the Lord’s Day 8:55 a.m. — Worship 10:05 a.m. — Sunday Morning Classes 11:15 a.m. — Worship This Week at FPC CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday, December 21 8:55 am Worship 10:05 am Sunday Morning Classes 11:15 am Worship 4:00 pm Intergenerational Caroling Monday, December 22 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study Tuesday, December 23 9:30 am Staff Meeting Wednesday, December 24 Church Offices Closed— Christmas Eve Noon-1pm Soup Kitchen meal served 4:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service 8:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Thursday, December 25 Church Offices Closed— Merry Christmas! Sunday, December 28 10:00 am Worship W E E K O F D E C E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 1 4 Announcements HAPPENING TODAY The Christmas Joy Offering is received. Presbyterians have long celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ by giving generously to an Advent offering. The Christmas Joy Offering dates back to 1933 when the former Presbyterian Church in the United States began the Joy Gift Offering to supplement inadequate retirement income and provide supplemental medical insurance for former ministers, missionaries, and church workers and their families. For over seventy years, Presbyterians have given generously at Christmas to support the unmet needs of families who have given their lives to the mission of the Presbyterian Church (USA). For many years, that offering has also supported racial ethnic education, helping students develop their gifts and find their calling. A LOOK AHEAD Christmas Services December 24, 4:00 pm Candlelight Service, with children’s participation and music leadership by the Praise Team December 24, 8:00 pm Candlelight Service, with music leadership by the Sanctuary Choir December 28, 10:00 am One service only, no Sunday Morning classes Pledge Envelopes Now Available Pledge envelopes for 2015 are available outside the Chapel for those who requested them. If you did not ask for a box of envelopes but would like to have one, please contact the church office. Also contact the church office if your envelopes should be mailed to you. We Are Privileged to Pray for Others because they may not be able to pray for themselves. Intercession is bringing before the Most High, the needs and concerns of another. Consider taking the time to fill out prayer requests for yourself, your family, your friends, and those in the world in need of prayer. The Prayer Team finds it helpful to have as much information as you are comfortable providing. This helps them with framing their intercessory prayers. Prayer Team Request Cards (green) are available in the pew racks. Please put completed cards in the oak prayer boxes available in the narthex and at the receptionist’s desk in the hallway outside of the sanctuary. PRAYER AND CARE NEEDS If you know of members of our congregation for whom we may publicly share prayer concerns, contact Pastor David Forney, Pastor Kim Wells, Pastor Liz Forney or Parish Nurse Kathy Freer. LET US REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Those Mourning the Loss of a Loved One Virginia Dodd and family, following the loss of Calvin Dodd on December 3, 2014; The family and friends of Doris Melton, following her death on December 15, 2014; the family and friends of Jayne Tietz following her death on December 12, 2014 Those Living with Cancer Tom Baber; Dick Comey; Mary Jo Hill (daughter of Betty and Jim Adams); Donna Packard; Chuck Richardson (father-in-law of Amy Richardson); Deborah Starns’ sister; John Wehmann Those Coping with Health Challenges, Anticipating Surgery or Recovering from Surgery, Illness or Accident Rod Beckwith; Ben Bower; Mike Dalton (husband of First Pres Preschool teacher Cathy Dalton); Virginia Dodd; Dick Fisher; Dory Hulse’s son; Bob Rosette; Andrew Wiley’s grandfather Other Prayers Our Stephen Ministers and their care receivers Those Serving in the Military Those who have completed service to join the many veterans returning to civilian life; Those in the military serving stateside, to include: Brian S. Hartless (nephew of Marie Hartless); Patrick A. Keller (son of Barbara & Andy Keller); John Newman (husband of Melyssa Houser Newman, son-in-law of Jim & Gail Houser); Drew Warren (son of John and Katherine Warren); Matthew S. Wilson (grandson of Elaine Johnson) Help Our Pastoral Staff care for you by notifying us when you, friends, or family are expecting a birth, faced with an illness, hospitalization, outpatient procedure, or are serving overseas in the Armed Forces. Please don’t assume that we know. Also, if you are moving out of the area, please notify us so that we can share this information with our church family and bless your new journey. Pastoral Care Emergencies on Nights and Weekends: If you have a pastoral care emergency, please contact our Pastor, David Forney, at 987-5285, or Associate Pastor, Kim Wells, at 987-0117. DAILY SCRIPTURE DECEMBER 22-28 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Psalm 122; Isaiah 31:1-9 Psalm 33; Revelation 22:6-11, 18-20 Psalm 50; Luke 1:67-80 Psalm 2; Zechariah 2:10-13 Psalm 116; Acts 6:1-7 Psalm 34; John 13:20-35 Psalm 150; Matthew 1:18-25 First Presbyterian Church 500 Park Street, Charlottesville, VA 22902 Phone: 434-296-7131 / Fax: 434-296-0751 E-mail: [email protected] W e b s i t e : ww w. f i r s t p r e s c h a r l o t t e s v i l l e . o r g Nancy Maine in memory of Bud Maine POINSETTIAS AND GREENS Joe and Norma Miller in honor of Caroline and Jay Russell and Bobbie Mooney in memory of Russell D. Mooney, Sr. Russell and Bobbie Mooney in memory of John White Page Susie Morris in memory of Preston E. Morris Hollis Proffitt in loving memory of Millie The poinsettias and greens beautifying our Sanctuary for our Christmas services are given to the glory of God by: Mary Rohmann in memory of the Rohmann and Wilde families Rod and Liz Beckwith in memory of Rod’s parents and brother Don and Marian Spano in memory of Marian’s father, Richard Boyn, and Don’s parents, Michael and Minerva Spano Rod and Liz Beckwith in memory of Liz’ parents and brother Dorothy Stone in memory of James W. Stone, M.D. The Beddow Family in memory of Tom and Mary Beddow Barbara Tobey in memory of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Tobey The Beddow Family in memory of Frank and Doris Beddow Leonora VandenBerg and Rebecca Green in memory of Nancy Lee McConnell Tory Blackford in memory of Bill Blackford Leonora VandenBerg in memory of Russel V. VandenBerg Shirley Whitt in memory of loved ones Margaret W. Wood in memory of Dr. James B. Wood Pat Wood in memory of loved ones Barbara Worrell in memory of Kenneth “Buddy” Worrell Travis and Sue Brown in memory of Gail Brockman Orndorff and in honor of Gail’s mother, Dora Kay Brockman Diana Chambers and sons, Bryan and David, in memory of Jack and son Carey Dorothy and Daley Craig in memory of their families Dick and Linda Fisher in honor of our prayerful church community Ruth S. Gibson and family in memory of Deborah Gibson The Mack Halsey family in memory of Marjory Coffey, Mack’s sister Marie Hartless in memory of William E. and Eleanor S. Hartless Helen Holdren in memory of Gary R. Holdren His family in memory of Ray C. Hunt, Jr. Bill and Barbara Isaacs in memory of their dear friend, Charlotte Ramsey Bill and Barbara Isaacs in memory of their dear friend, Ethel Wilson Pat Johnson in loving memory of Bill Johnson Chris and Christine E. Kennedy in memory of the Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Kennedy Jane W. Kerewich in memory of loved ones The Lutz Family in memory of Betty Lutz and Luci DiRico, and in honor of Nancy Stuart
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