Agenda for AGM 2015

Agenda Proposed for the Discussion during the XXII Annual Convention and
General Body Meeting to be held at AIZWAL on !"#$%#!$%&
Approval of the Action Taken Report
I. Proceedings of the Meeting of the General Body of Indian Society of Animal Production
and Management held at Veterinary College, Anand Agricultural University on 29.01.2014
at 6.00 PM.
The General Body meeting was convened by the Secretary General, ISAPM and presided
by the President, ISAPM. The meeting was graced by Dr. MM Mishra, the Chief Patron of the
society, Prof (Dr) NSR Sastry, Chief Patron of The Indian Journal of Animal Production, Vice
presidents of the society, Chief Editor of the journal of the society, Former Vice President of the
Society and about 200 members of the society. The following items were discussed and
identified the action to be initiated by the concerned agencies/members/society for the follow
up action.
1. The general body has mourned for 2 mts while praying the God for the peace of the soul
to the departed members of the society and remembered their contribution for the
growth of the society.
2. The general body appreciated the efforts of K N Wadhawani and his team for the
successful organization of the XXI Annual Convention of the Society and National
Seminar. The general body congratulated the Honorable Vice Chancellor, AAU and Dean,
College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Anand, faculty members of the
College and Dept of Livestock Production and Management for celebrating Golden
Jubilee Celebrations and thanked them for the providing the dias for the society in
organizing the seminar.
Action: The society has sent a letter of appreciation to the University and College
administrations along with the appreciation letter to the organizing secretary and his
3. The society has applauded the efforts of the scientist members Prof. Sreekumar,
Professor and Head, ILFC, RIVER, Puducherry and Dr. Ninon Jacob for authoring the text
book on “Understand the Animal Behavior”, and the scientists who authored a text book
on livestock production sciences, which is released in the presence of society members
by Dr NSR Sastry and executive members of the society.
Action: The society has taken this as a initiative to publish a special bulletin/text book
during the Silver Jubilee year under the guidance of Dr NSR Sastry and Editorial board
of Dr. Roy Choudary , Assam Agricultural University.
4. The president has requested the members to post the achievements of the members to
the social net works viz., face book and twitters attached to the website of the society,
so that the achievements can be known to the scientists of the globe on the production
5. The society has unanimously agreed to honor Dr. NSR Sastry, life time achievement
awardee of ISAPM and legend in LPM science with the position and responsibility of
Chief Patron of the Journal, Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management.
Action: The decision has been intimated to Dr NSR Sastry.
6. The chief editor of the journal, Dr. Roy Choudhery, has explained the journal issues and
requested the members to send the articles of quality for improvement of NAAS ratings
of the journal. It has been decided to co opt two foreign reviewers and invite the articles
from India and abroad. The chief editor is authorized by the general body to start the on
line journal and uploading of the previous issues of the journal. Further, the chief patron
of the Journal, Prof NSR Sastry is requested to study the feasibility of increasing the
frequency of the journal publication.
Action: The Chief Editor and Editorial Board is authorized by the AGM to enhance the
frequency of journal, upgradation of NAAS rating by inclusion of the foreign reviewers
and invitation of the articles from India and abroad.
7. It is resolved to enhance the amount of award installation of the society from existing
Rs.10,000 to Rs.25000 with immediate effect. It has been decided to request the
persons/institutes who have already instituted awards on their behalf to enhance the
award amounts also.
Action: The decision will be implemented by the society.
8. It is resolved to approve the awards of the following:
A) Award instituted by Dr. Sarat Chandra, Principal, AH Polytechnic, Warangal, Andhra
B) Award instituted by Dr. Hari Krishna, Senior Scientist, LRS, Warangal, Andhra
C) Award instituted by Prof. Raghunandan, Professor and Head, ILFC, College of
Veterinary Science, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad
D) Award instituted by Golden Jubilee committee, College of Veterinary Science and
Animal Husbandry, Anand Agricultural University, ANAND
E) Award instituted by Dr. Patel, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry,
Anand Agricultural University, ANAND
F) Award instituted by MM Siddique , Professor and Head, Dept of LPM, Parbhani,
G) Award instituted by Dr. RMV Prasad, Associate Professor and Head, ILFC, College of
Veterinary Science, Proddatur, YSR Dt.
After receiving the money and interest of the above donors, the awards will be
named and awarded from XXII Annual Convention of ISAPM.
Action: The action has been initiated by the society resulted in announcement of
new awards from the above donors from National seminar and XXII annual
convention, Aizawl will be given to the meritorious candidates. The particulars are
shown below:
Ruminant Research
• Agricultural University Navasari Award for the Best Research in Cooperative system
Sri Cherala Bhagya Raja Ram Award for the Best Scientist of the Year for Innovative
Research in LPM
• Rayavarapu Jayalakshmi Narasinga Rao Award for the best poster presentation in
Livestock Welfare and behavior
• Dr DK Bidarkar Award for the Best Poster Presentation
• Shri A Lakshman Rao Award for the best oral Presentation by fresh PG/Ph.D.,
• SRI THIRUNAHARI MURAHARI AWARD for the best presentation by young lady
scientist on animal production
9. It has been resolved to adopt the guidelines and frame work suggested by Prof (Dr) NS
Sastry and circulated for the discussion by the society in the website and in the general
body meeting has been unanimously approved by the general body meeting. The
Proforma developed for the finalization of the society awards will be scrupulously
followed by the technical committee of the Organizers of the national
Action: The Society would like to thank Dr NSR Sastry for preparing the “Manual for
Guidelines for the Awards” for the unbiased and pool proof decision making in the
awards announcement. The manual is very much available in the website which will
be a great help and guidance of the registered professional bodies and the
organizers of the national seminars of the ISAPM.
10. It is resolved to organize a series of activities to celebrate the Silver Jubilee year of the
society as follows:
A. Silver Jubilee Convention and National Seminar at Navsari, Gujarat in the month of
October, 2014.
B. XXII Annual Convention of ISAPM and National Seminar at CAU, Aizwal, Mizoram in
the month of January, 2015.
C. Silver Jubilee International Symposium, Satellite seminar and work shop in January,
2016 at Hyderabad by the Southern Chapter of the society.
D. One day seminar at Anand on Animal welfare issues
Action: The Silver Jubilee convention and National Seminar at Navsari, Gujarat was
conducted very successfully and XXII Annual convention and National Seminar ,
Aizwal will be organized as scheduled. The oranisation of International seminar is on
and the theme will be announced in the XXII annual convention.
11. It is resolved to make a policy of contribution of Rs. 1,00,000 from the funds generated
by sponsors/registration towards the strengthening of the society by the organizers of
the annual conventions/ seminars/symposiums under the banner of the society. Prof.
Wadhawani, Organizing secretary, National Seminar and XXI annual convention, ISAPM
has announced the contribution of Rs.1,00,000 to the funds of the society.
Action: The society would like to appreciate for adopting the society policy by the
Organising secretary, Navsari for contribution of 1,00,000 towards the society funds
from the financial resources of the seminar.
12. It is resolved to give the priority in organizing the national seminars and annual
conventions in untouched areas of the society. In this process, it is resolved to organize
the society activities in Jammu during 2017.
Action: The society has adopted the policy of reaching newer areas for effective
functioning of the activities in larger areas. The priority is for a) Jammu and Kashmir b)
New Delhi c)Maharashtra d) Rajasthan e) Andamans f) Pondicherry g) Goa h) Kerala
in conducting workshops and national seminar and conventions.
13. Dr. DV Singh has proposed to raise the voice of the society in the implementation of the
strategies and resolutions approved in national seminars and annual conventions. In this
process, it is agreed to involve more number of the members from planning
commission, ICAR, national institutes on planning and HRD.
Action: The society is searching for the active persons and team in and around New
Delhi to help in this regard.
14. As per the proposals of Prof Pan, Vice President, ISAPM, it is resolved to request the
DDG, ICAR and Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation, GOI on the starting of Project
Directorate on “Livestock Production Systems Research”, to strengthen the research on
Livestock Production issues. Prof. Lathuwala, NDRI is requested to liason the activity of
the establishment of the Project Directorate.
Action: The action is initiated by the society in representing in various forums and to
II. Agenda for discussion:
1. Mourning of the death of Prof Jana, Ex president of the society
2. Presentation of the theme of the International conference, ISAPM
3. Inviting New Awards and approvals
4. Decision on the National seminars and Annual conventions 2017, 2018
5. Presentation of Manual of Awards prepared by Dr NSR Sastry and New Logo Proposed
for the approval
6. Audit reports for the 2012-13, 2013-14
7. Strengthening of the Chapters, women chapter
8. Introduction of New Award for the Best thesis (MVSc., and Ph.D.,)
9. Conducting of National Quiz , LPM discipline, chapter wise.
10. Journal issues: Special issue in text book format, making as quarterly and funding
from ICAR.
11. Briefing of the minute of the national seminar, Navsari
12. any other items with the approval of the executive
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