St. Alphonsus Parish
March 16, 2014
Second Sunday of Lent
Rev. Stephen F. Leva, Pastor
Rev. Joseph B. Smits CICM, Weekend Asst.
Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. Owens, Pastor Emeritus
RECTORY— (215) 646-4600
FAX— (215) 646-0180
Kathy Morris, Parish Services Director
MUSIC MINISTRY — (215) 654-0129
Mary Lou Lewcun, Music Director
Carol Opdyke, Interim Principal
Linda Cifone, Business Manager
Rev. Quan M. Trinh, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Peter H. Burghart
Rev. Wilfred F. Maloney, Pastor Emeritus
CHOIR — (215) 542-8319
Frank Stieber, Director
P.R.E.P. — (215) 643-7938
Linda Tonelli, Director of Religious Education
YOUTH MINISTRY—[email protected]
Suzie Devlin, Youth Coordinator
A joint ministry of St. Alphonsus,
St. Anthony of Padua & St. Catherine of Siena
29 Conwell Drive Maple Glen, PA 19002
Located on the campus of
St. Alphonsus Parish
(215) 646-0150
Saturday Vigil: 5 PM
Sunday: 8 AM, 10:15 AM and 12:00 Noon
Monday through Friday: 6:30 AM and 9:00 AM
Saturday: 9:00 AM
(Located in the Rectory)
Monday through Friday: 9 AM to 12:30 PM and 1 PM to 4 PM
(In Chapel)
Saturday : After 9 AM Mass; 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM
A proper examination of conscience and the prayers of the rite are
available in the Chapel.
The Sacrament of Baptism celebrated on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of
the month at 1:15 PM in the church. Parents are expected to attend
a Pre-Jordan class prior to the baptism. Please call the Rectory to
arrange the baptism ceremony and/or to register for Pre-Jordan
Couples contemplating marriage must contact one of the priests at
least six months in advance to make an appointment to discuss
marriage plans and preparation.
Those hospitalized, seriously ill or anticipating a hospital procedure are welcome to celebrate the Anointing of the Sick after the
last daily Mass on any weekday. Please contact the Rectory to
indicate your intention to receive the sacrament.
All new families are asked to please register at the rectory. We are
eager to greet new members of our parish community. Call for an
appointment. (Note: Families moving out of the Parish should also
notify the rectory).
33 Conwell Drive
Maple Glen PA 19002
Parish Website:
Parish E-Mail Address:
[email protected]
Phone (215) 646-4600
Fax (215) 646-0180
Mass Intentions for the Week
Saturday, March 15:
9:00 AM:
Daniel Citro—Drew & Ashley
5:00 PM:
Angela Serratore—Dolores Serratore
Sunday, March 16:
8:00 AM:
For the People of the Parish
10:15 AM: Raymond Tatlow Jr.—Connie & Rod
12:00 PM:
Mollie Menapace—The Hopper Family
Monday, March 17:
6:30 AM:
Thomas Murphy—Peggy Ann & Frank
9:00 AM:
Maryanne Barrett—Tom & Nancy
Tuesday, March 18:
6:30 AM:
Jack Lemmel—Dick & Eadie Ruth
9:00 AM:
Mary Kay Greenwood—The Dolaway
Wednesday, March 19:
6:30 AM:
Hilda Mignogna—Phyllis Dearolf
9:00 AM:
Mollie Menapace—Susan & Louis
Thursday, March 20:
6:30 AM:
Jacques Lemmel—Charles &
Roseanne Hofmann
9:00 AM:
Jane Lewis—Maura Jennings
Friday, March 21:
6:30 AM:
Jacques Lemmel—Jean & Dick
9:00 AM:
Rita Stefkovic—The Gallagher Family
Saturday, March 22:
9:00 AM:
Sophie Terleski—Tom & Nancy Moore
5:00 PM:
Mollie Menapace—Mr. & Mrs. Peter A.
Martosella Jr.
Sunday, March 23:
8:00 AM:
John J. Fuery—His Family
10:15 AM:
Casper Boni—The Will Family
12:00 PM:
Antonio Castronuovo—His Wife Edda
& Family
Thomas Fisher
Bill Flanagan
Ann Michels
Audrey N. Murphy
Winifred Auch
Marge Burghart
Mary Curran
Barbara Ramsden
Charles Rankin
Betty Jean Smith
Ceil Young
We are listing persons on the
Sick Relatives, Friends and the Homebound List for one
month at their own or a family member’s request.
John Klaiber (son of Peg Klaiber), Richard Robus
(husband of Frances Robus)
and Irene Mihalek.
New Memorials Available
We are now offering, in addition to our
mass cards, weekly memorials for the
Sanctuary Light and the Bread and
Wine offered at Mass. The donation
will be $30. Your loved ones name will
be mentioned in our weekly bulletin.
A remembrance card will be available. The
funds from these memorials will be used for
liturgical items needed in the church. If you are
interested, please stop by or call the rectory.
Please see an usher for a
device, located in the
Vesting Room.
Next Sunday’s Celebrants
March 22 and 23
5:00 PM:
8:00 AM:
10:15 AM:
Bishop Daniel Thomas
Father Quan Trinh
Bishop Daniel Thomas
Both Species
12:00 PM:
Father Steve Leva
Celebrants subject to change
Music Ministry
5:00 PM:
Morning Prayer is Monday through Saturday at 8:40 AM.
The recitation of the Holy Rosary follows our 9 AM Mass.
8:00 AM:
10:15 AM:
Please remember our parish in your bequests.
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12:00 PM:
Monica Spadoni-Matthews,
Gerry DaCosta
Monica Spadoni-Matthews,
Mary DePaul
Monica Spadoni-Matthews,
Stephanie Zajac
Monica Spadoni-Matthews,
Mary Lou Lewcun
Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to [email protected]
First Reading — When the people grumbled to Moses for
water in the desert, the Lord heard and brought forth water
from the rock for all to drink (Exodus 17:3-7).
Psalm — If today you hear his voice, harden not your
hearts (Psalm 95).
Second Reading — God’s love has been poured into our
hearts through the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:1-2, 5-8).
Gospel — Ask, and you will be given living water so that
you will never thirst again (John 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a,
Olive Wood Vendors
The Olive Wood vendors from the Holy Land will
be here this weekend. Please stop by the tables in
the narthex and see their beautiful hand carved
St. Alphonsus extends a warm
welcome to the following new
Jessica Elliott
Brian & Kristen Collins
(Nicole, Tiffany, Megan, Brian & Matthew)
John & Mary Sullivan (Alicia)
Maryanne Momorella
Diana Williams (David)
Thomas & Regina Murray (Yvonne Simko)
Patrick & Lauren Brady (John & Emma)
John & Megan Kowalski (Kellan, Ryland & Maeve)
Terrence & Stacey Friel (Cassandra)
Sgt. Michael Hiltwine, Lt. Sean Milde, Daniel R. Plefka, USAF,
Cpl. Matthew S. Leonardo, Lcpl. Patrick Miller,
Lieutenant Christopher M. Boss, Lieutenant Thomas Nell, USMC, Connor Cleary, Lcpl. Sean Dickson, Eric Burns, Anthony Szczurek, Tania
Szczurek, Matthew Trimborn, Major Gabriel J.
Zinni, Ryan Greene, Michael McHale, Michael
McDonald, Matthew Morrison, Col. John Sullivan, Lieutenant Commander Thomas Luft, Bradford Hollingsworth. Joey Lewcun has completed his duty with the Marines
and is now a freshman at the University of Pittsburgh.
Together as a parish we pray for their safety.
Please contact John Cavanaugh if you would like to add a name or
for more information at 215-643-3299 or email at
[email protected].
Teller Group # 2 March 23
Joe Kelly, Jim Gallagher, John Kane
and Lee Melair
Poor Box: Operation Rice Bowl
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Adoration Corner
Every Wednesday in the Chapel
9:30 AM –6:30 PM
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
followed by Evening Prayer and Benediction
For Prevention of Alcohol & Drug Abuse
Parishioners of St. Alphonsus
Could you not spend an hour with me?
March 16, 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Catholics in Latin America and the Caribbean face many challenges when it comes to sharing their faith; yet the light always
shines through and hope arises.
The Collection for the Church in Latin America, through
projects like formation programs, youth enrichment and leadership programs, bible instruction, training sessions on rural ministry, as well as catechesis programs, empowers the faithful of
Latin America to deepen their faith and share it with each other
and the world.
Our Archdiocese will take up this collection the weekend of
March 22 and 23, 2014. Please be generous in this Collection
and take the opportunity to share your faith with the youth of
Latin America and the Caribbean. Your support will truly
make a difference. Thank you and God bless you.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Temple Sinai 2014 Blood Drive
A Red Cross Bloodmobile will be at Temple Sinai, 1401
Limekiln Pike in Dresher on Thursday, March 20th from
1:30 PM to 7:15 PM. Note that all types of blood and all
blood products must continually be on hand at all hospitals
in our region to meet emergency needs. You can help fill
those needs by donating. Informational sheet can be found
in the Narthex or contact www.pleasegiveblood code:
This Week at St. Alphonsus
Sun., March 16: 8:45 AM PREP; 10:15 AM Little Church
Mon., March 17: 1:30 PM Senior Citizens
Tues., March 18: 6:30 AM Morning Bible Study; 3:45 PM
Share the Word; 4:30 PM PREP; 7:00 PM Journey Through
the Bible
Wed., March 19: Adoration; 9:00 PM Men’s Basketball
Thurs., March 20: 6:00 PM Cub Scouts
Fri., March 21: 7:30 Stations of the Cross
Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to [email protected]
What’s Going On in the Archdiocese
Liturgy for Persons with Disabilities Workshop
Canonical Visit
Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas, our Regional Bishop,
will be making a Canonical Visit to St. Alphonsus Parish on
March 22, 23 and 24. Every parish in the Archdiocese of
Philadelphia is visited every five years. Bishop Thomas will
be celebrating the 5 PM Vigil Mass on Saturday evening
and the 10:15 AM Mass on Sunday morning. Bishop Thomas will also speak after the Closing Prayer at the 8 AM and
12 noon Masses on Sunday. While he is here, Bishop
Thomas will be meeting with the Father Quan, Deacon
Burghart, Kathy Morris and Linda Tonelli. The Bishop will
be reviewing the Sacramental Records of the parish. He will
also be meeting with the Parish Pastoral and Finance Councils.
On Monday March 24th at 8:30 AM, Bishop Thomas will be visiting our parish elementary regional school. He
will meet with Carol Opdyke, our interim-principal, and
will visit all the classrooms and have lunch with the school
The occasion of the Canonical Visit of our Regional Bishop is an important event in the life of our parish.
Bishop Thomas is the representative of our Archbishop
Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. He is visiting us on Archbishop’s behalf to learn about our parish and to support and
encourage us as a community of faith. Their visit is a wonderful expression of our union with our Archbishop and
with all the others parishes in the Archdiocese.
This workshop will be offered on April 5th
from 9:30 AM to noon at the Archdiocesan
Pastoral Center. The presenters will be Fr.
Dennis Gill and Sr. Kathleen Schipani. For
more information or to RSVP email
[email protected] or call (215) 587-3530.
The Collection for the Archdiocese
for the Military Services will be conducted this weekend of March 15 &
16. Thank you for your continued
prayers and generous financial support
of this collection.
The Catholic Charities Appeal is ongoing throughout the
year. CCA envelopes were sent to you by direct mail. If you
have not had the opportunity to make a donation, please
mail your donation to:
Archdiocese of Philadelphia
Catholic Charities Appeal
CL# 4710
PO Box 95000
Philadelphia, PA 19195-4710
You may also drop your donation in the Sunday offering
Please join me in welcoming Bishop Thomas and
praying for the success of the upcoming Canonical Visit.
The St. Alphonsus Share the Word Group is sponsoring
A Simple Lenten Meal
Friday, March 28th 6:30 to 7:30 PM
Menu: Soup, Bread, Coffee, Tea, Water
If you missed the past opportunity for the Simple Lenten Meal , we have another! This activity is a time for parishioners to come together for a very simple, no frills meal with other parishioners as a way to identify with and
pray for the poor, the homeless, and the less fortunate people of the world.
Free Will Offering will be accepted and given to the St. Vincent DePaul Society
Afterwards, everyone is invited to join us for the Stations of the Cross in Church.
We will be reading the beautiful Marion Stations.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Please detach this bottom part and return by March 24th. Either drop off in the Sunday collection basket or at the
Rectory. Please contact Kathy Morris at the Rectory if you have any questions.
Phone: _______________________________
Email: __________________________________________
Number Attending: _____________________
_____ I/We would like to make soup for the Simple Lenten Meal.
The kind of soup being made: __________________________________________________
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Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to [email protected]
St. Alphonsus Seniors
St. Alphonsus’ Seniors Club will hold its next meeting on
Monday, March 17th at 1:30. Since our meeting falls right
on St. Patrick’s day, why not be festive and wear
your green –shirts, pants, hats, ties, sweaters,
jewelry, scarves, hairbands, etc. Everyone’s
Irish on St. Patrick’s Day!!! We will be having
a gourmet dessert table. Members are asked to prepare your
specialty dessert with enough to feed 8 people. Bingo will
follow. Any questions, please call Connie at 215-6466473.
St. Alphonsus Seniors Travel
Tues., April 29: Amer Music Show/Shady Maple. Cost:
$82; Show Music of the Night begins at 3 PM. Departure
is at 10 AM.
All checks made payable to
“St. Alphonsus Seniors”
Mail to: Eleanor Deon
405 Haywood Rd.
Ambler, PA 19002
(215) 646-4492
Buy Your Scrip At Church – earn money back while
helping our school!
Our Lady of Mercy Catholic School will be selling scrip in
the Narthex after mass on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the
month. Scrip is an easy, no-cost way to earn money for
yourself and our school while you do your regular shopping.
We will be keeping some of the most popular local stores
(Grocery stores, Wawa, Walmart, Starbucks) in stock for
immediate purchase and taking orders for hundreds of other
The students listed below have been listed
on the academic honor roll at Saint Joseph’s Preparatory School for the first
semester of the 2013-2014 academic year:
Brendan Cavanaugh
Daniel Cavanaugh
Eamon Gallagher
Daniel Marley
Declan Mirabella
Nikolas Novakovic
Edward Pacitti
Take a Look at Your Life
For the second Sunday of Lent,
(can you believe that?!) the
“Little Black Book” tells us that
Lent revolves around our baptism. During the season of Lent,
we, through our Lenten practices, prepare ourselves for the
renewal of our baptismal promises. We walk together with
our catechumen, Kevin as he gets ready to become a member of our church.
So how are your preparations going for Easter?
Have you completed you Lenten Plan? You may consider
taking a look at a YouTube video by Father James Martin,
S.J. . You may remember that he visited us a few years
back and is a native to our area. Father Martin encourages us
instead of giving something up for Lent, do something a
little positive. His advice which is at the heart of the Christian message is to BE KIND. He gives the ways on how to
do this.
Check out the video at
v=90g8fVNkPPU. His message should help you “Take a
Look at Your Life”.
Spring Fling at the Mount
Mount Saint Joseph Academy in
Flourtown is hosting their Annual Spring
Fling Shopping event on Thursday evening, March 27th, from 6-9 pm in the
Academy’s gym. Over 40 vendors will
be at the Mount featuring clothing, home
goods, jewelry, accessories and much more!
Ticket Price - $10/Adults, $5/Students (includes light refreshments, wine and cheese). To register visit
OLM Trivia Night and Adult Social
Join us at our OLM Trivia Night and Adult Social on Saturday, April 12, 2014 - 6:30 PM in the St. Alphonsus Parish
Center. Sign up as an individual, a couple, or a group
(maximum 10 people per table). The evening is open to
friends, family, and neighbors. The cost is $35 per person
which includes dinner, dessert and open bar (beer, wine and
soda). You may also bring other snacks or alcohol if you
like. To register, please contact Liz Selgrath at [email protected] for registration form.
Lansdale Catholic High School
Stay in Touch with the Parish
Our parish recently received notification of our
high school students on the First Semester Report. We are particularly proud of those who
demonstrated academic excellence:
Receive our latest parish news and announcements as they
are posted. Go to Add your
email address to the email newsletter section. An
email will be sent to you as new information is
posted. You can also keep up to date with the
parish on Facebook. Find our page and “like us”.
Elizabeth Wydan achieved First Honors
Alexandra Wall achieved Second Honors
Page 5
Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to [email protected]
A Word from Father Leva
Registration for Our Lady of Mercy School is
open. Registration can be completed on line. Please go to
our website,, and follow the registration buttons on the home page for current and new families. If you have any questions, please contact our school
office at 215-646-0150.
Our Lady of Mercy School took first place overall in the
Lansdale Catholic Math/Science Bowl which took place on
Thursday, March 6th.
We congratulate our teachers, Mrs. Gribb and Mrs. Ayers,
and our teams who worked so hard and represented OLM:
Math: Chris Metzler, Joe Giorgio, MacKenna Rietzke, Greg
Cooper, and Rob Gentile.
Science: Alex Cabulong, Sarah Mahoney, Matt McHugh,
and Molly Mook.
Alex Cabulong received the trophy for the highest science
score for all schools present and Chris Metzler received the
trophy for the highest math score for all the schools present. We are so proud of you! Thank you for all your hard
work on behalf of OLM.
We are very excited to launch our 1:1 iPad Initiative Pilot
Program in the fourth grade! All fourth grade students
will be given a school-issued iPad that they will use exclusively and this iPad will travel with each student throughout
the day. This same iPad will travel with each student from
grade to grade. The iPad will be the property of the school,
will stay at school, and will be returned to the school at the
end of each year. Our goal at Our Lady of Mercy is to roll
out a 1:1 iPad program for grades 4 to 8 by 2016!
An Evening of Scripture
and Music
“You are on Holy Ground”
This Sunday March 16th
Dear Parishioners,
One of the many blessings about being a member
of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is the presence of so
many wonderful and devoted women and men religious,
priests, and brothers and the blessing of a caring Archbishop in Archbishop Chaput and his Auxiliary Bishops and the
retired Bishops.
Because our Archdiocese is so big and has many
demands it is clear that our Archbishop is not able to be
everywhere all of the time. To be his co-workers in the
vineyard of the Archdiocese, the Archbishop has his Auxiliary Bishops who represent him especially in the parish
communities of the Archdiocese. Our regional Bishop of
course if Bishop Daniel Thomas. Many of you know that
Bishop Thomas is my classmate and dear friend. We really
did walk into the seminary with our dear parents almost at
the same time and from that first day we have spent many,
many days and about 35 years together as friends, fellow
priests and followers of Jesus.
One of the important tasks of the Auxiliary Bishops is to pay a pastoral visit to the parishes in his particular
region and to speak to the priests, staff, school administration and teachers, inspect our sacramental records and most
importantly to be among the people of the parish to listen
and be with them and to show his support and solidarity
with them and for them.
We are honored to have Bishop Thomas coming to
our parish on March 22nd, 23rd and 24th. I know that his
visit with us will help him come to understand better something he already has a good sense of, just how wonderful
this parish family is and how much it does in the name of
Jesus. As we announced at last week’s masses, Bishop
Thomas will be the main celebrant at the 5:00 PM Saturday
evening mass and the 10:15 AM Sunday mass. He will
preach at the 8:00 AM and Noon mass and be in the Narthex after all the masses to greet our parish family. I know
that you will make Bishop Thomas feel welcomed here at
Saint Alphonsus and that we will show him exactly what it
is that makes this parish such a wonderful community of
Enjoy what I hope is the changing weather and
warmer temperatures. Think Spring!
In the Church
JT Toth and John Mischler (our deaconate candidates) will
provide a peaceful hour of prayer and worship based on our
parish Lenten theme “Take a Look at Your Life”. They,
along with some of their fellow classmates, will combine
the beautiful words of Sacred Scripture and the sweet
sounds of JT’s guitar to grow ever so deeper into the love of
Registration not required.
Refreshments will follow the program.
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Bulletin notices are due no later than Monday noon to [email protected]