ST. ALPHONSUS ST. PETER Pastor: Rev. Paul Appel Residence: 2618 Boies Avenue • Davenport, Iowa 52802 Phone: (563) 322-0987 • Fax: (563) 323-1458 • E-mail: [email protected] Web Page: Office Hours: Monday ― Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Closed for lunch 12:00-12:30 Debbie Phelps ― Administrative Assistant DAVENPORT BUFFALO MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 4:00 PM St. Alphonsus Sunday 7:30 AM St. Alphonsus 9:00 AM St. Peter 10:30 AM St. Alphonsus 2:00 PM (Extraordinary Form) St. Alphonsus **Confessions approx. 30mins. before the 4pm Saturday Mass and the 2pm Sunday Mass ST. ALPHONSUS CHURCH Parish Council President Tracy Rommel ................... 388-5193 Religious Education Director Mary Ann Hagemann ........ 391-8593 RCIA Director Sister Susan Rueve, O.S.F. 323-1502 St. Alphonsus Early Childhood Education Center............. 323-3204 Shelly Mclntosh, Director ST. PETER CHURCH — BUFFALO Deacon Larry Dankert....... 381-2741 Parish Council President Mary Iossi .......................... 349-0537 Religious Education Elementary - Nancy Stalder . 381-2058 Intermediate - Scott Heskett . 381-4991 PARISH SACRAMENTS Baptism: Baptismal preparation class meets 1st Tuesday of the month, with the Baptisms the following Sunday. Please contact office for more information. Weddings: Make arrangements pastor at least six months before the wedding date. Dates and times for wedding in both parishes must be scheduled by contacting the pastor. RCIA: Classes meet every Thursday from 6-7PM at the convent for adults wishing to join the Catholic church and/or wanting to enter more fully by receiving the other sacraments. Please contact the parish office to register. FEBRUARY 23, 2014 .-. 7 T H SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME GENERAL NEWS NEXT SUNDAY’S READINGS: Is 49:14-15; 1 Cor 4:1-5; Mt 6:24-34 From Father’s Desk Here is a (slightly edited) copy of the memo I recently sent to Bishop Amos. It relates to a plan that was proposed to our parish councils recently and received unanimous approval at each parish. Bishop Amos, Recently, the parishes of St. Peter Buffalo and St. Alphonsus Davenport have discussed moving the tabernacles to a more prominent space in their respective sanctuaries. As you may be aware, both churches have the tabernacle placed somewhat off to the side, but still in the sanctuary space. At St. Peter’s, the subject came up when the liturgy committee decided to install a statue of St. Joseph in a prominent space, but found their options for placement were limited. In consultation with the pastor, the liturgy committee asked if the tabernacle could be moved to the center of the church, under the crucifix in order to make room for St. Joseph. This would involve moving the tabernacle around 10 feet and would put it in a slightly more prominent space. In this way the statues of St. Mary and Joseph would be of equal prominence with each other, off to each side of the sanctuary. At St. Alphonsus, the presider’s chair is placed under a number of spotlights, on a pedestal in the center of the sanctuary. Currently the presider does not have table space for his hymnal and the servers do not have space to kneel in front of their chairs. The tabernacle is only a few feet from this area and this would be a much more fitting place for it. The location where the tabernacle is now would allow space for the presider to have a small table next to his chair as well as being near to the altar servers. In both parishes this plan has been discussed at the liturgy committees and parish councils. The parish councils have both agreed that this would be a nice change for the sanctuary and no serious objections were raised. The plan would be to present a bit of catechesis in the bulletin and homilies before making the change before Ash Wednesday, provided this plan meets with your approval. Below you will find the relevant passages from the Diocesan Liturgical Guidelines: “In accordance with the structure of each church and legitimate local customs, the Most Blessed Sacrament should be reserved in a tabernacle in a part of the church that is truly noble, prominent, conspicuous, worthily decorated, and suitable for prayer. (GIRM §314; see also RS §130 and c.938)” “If it is determined that a reservation chapel is unfeasible, the tabernacle must be located in the sanctuary area of the church, but in a way that will keep the tabernacle (the reserved Eucharist) and the altar (the action of Eucharist) separate and distinct. (See BLS §§79-80, §§250-51; GIRM §315)” In both cases the tabernacle would be placed on its own table, separated from the altar of sacrifice by both lighting effects and decorations. Thank You for your consideration. -Fr. Appel 2 │ St. Alphonsus & St. Peter CALENDAR OF EVENTS Today 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08:00 AM NO Elem. CCD/ St. Peter Mon. Feb. 24 08:30 AM 06:30 PM Adoration/ St. Alphonsus Choir Practice/ St. Alphonsus Tue. Feb. 25 07:35 AM 06:00 PM Pro Life Rosary/Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions/ St. Alphonsus Knights of Columbus/ St. Alphonsus Wed. Feb. 26 09:00 AM 06:00 PM 06:30 PM 06:30 PM 07:00 PM Sewing Group/ St. Alphonsus Altar & Rosary Mtg./ St. Alphonsus Religious Ed. Mardi Gras/ St. Alphonsus Maintenance Mtg./ St. Alphonsus Set up for Fish Fry/ Holy Name Sun. Mar. 2 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08:00 AM Elem. CCD/ St. Peter 10:10 AM Rosary before Mass/ St. Alphonsus 06:00 PM Intermediate CCD/ St. Peter Latin Mass News 23 Feb: Sexagesima Sunday 1 Mar: Saturday of Our Lady (First Saturday 8am) 2 Mar: Quinquagesima Sunday, High Mass 5 Mar: Ash Wednesday (Noon Mass) TODAY: 3rd Annual Art of Faith Sacred Art Show & Sale Sat. Feb. 22nd from 2pm - 7pm Sun. Feb. 23rd from 8am - 2pm Farrell Hall across from St. Pius X Church, Rock Island, Il. Please plan on attending FUNDRAISING FOR SACRED HEART ENTHRONEMENT St. Peter parishioner, Bob Quast, is the author of LIFE 101. In this book, Bob talks about his faith, his business experience, family tragedy, lobbying congress, and everything from fast cars to first communion. It is a reflection on how his Catholic Faith has touched every aspect of his life and what he has learned along the way. While it may not earn an Imprimatur for theology, it is an interesting point of view on life from the standpoint of a good Catholic gentleman. There are still a number of copies available for sale ($20) in the parish office or in the hall after Sunday Mass. **All proceeds will go directly to fund our Sacred Heart enthronement packets for the parishes. OUR LADY OF VICTORY MEN’S CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE WEEKEND (CEW) Would you like a weekend with NO CHORES, NO COOKING, NO “HONEY-DO-LIST”?! February 28, March 1 &2 is your opportunity. OLV is hosting a Men’s CEW retreat where you will have time to rest, relax, laugh, and give praise. The gathering includes Mass, multiple inspirational talks, fun activities, and the chance to grow in your Catholic Faith. Invest one weekend of your life for Christ! Call John Diggs at 563-940-3914 or email at [email protected] to RSVP or with questions. Open to all men 18 yrs. and older. Volunteer Photographer Needed Amateurs Welcome A volunteer is needed to takes various pictures of all the events and groups of St. Alphonsus & St. Peter parishes over the next couple of months. Anyone interested should call Sr. Anthony at 563-323-1502 or the parish office at 563-322-0987. PARISH NEWS & EVENTS ST. PETER – BUFFALO MASS INTENTION Sunday, March 2 9:00 AM † Leon Werthmann Wed, March 5 7:00 PM Celebration of the Word & Distribution of Ashes LITURGICAL ROLES FOR MARCH 2 Greeters ................................................... Tim & Mary Iossi Eucharistic Minister ........................................... Jim Gadzik Lectors ................................. Jane Gadzik & Mark Buehner Altar Servers ........................ William Iossi & Anton Kordick MARCH CHURCH CLEANING: Angela Keeney & Cara Morgan Thank you! FIRST RECONCILIATION Please congratulate and continue to pray for: Rowan Buehner Cariyana Cummins Michael Iossi Peyton Pilgrim Joseph Cummins Gavin Fowler Ian Keeney Mason Stalder They celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Feb. 10 at St. Peters. May they always appreciate this beautiful sacrament of forgiveness! March 4 March 5 March 6 March 7 March 9 6pm 7pm 7pm 5pm 6pm UPCOMING EVENTS Mardi Gras Ash Wednesday Parish Council *NO HOST Communion Service Card Club- bring your own drinks and a snack to share to the Gathering Area. MORE COMMUNITY EVENTS: Assumption Spring Musical - Children of Eden - Fri. 3/7 & Sat. 3/8 at 7pm, Sun. 3/9 at 2pm. Tickets ($10 adults & $8 students/ seniors) will be available at the door or purchased in advance at Theology on Tap - Eastern Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, our Brothers and Sisters in Faith - Thurs. 3/13 at Jersey Grille (upper level) in Davenport. Fr. DeFrancisco, presenter, teaches theology at St. Ambrose University and is a priest in both the Roman and Byzantine Catholic rites. Visit qctheologyontap for more info. Benefit for the St. Joseph Evening Meal - A Celebration of the Feast of St. Joseph - Sun. 3/23 at 4pm in Farrell Hall at St. Pius X Parish, Rock Island Il. Please reserve your tickets ($13 adult/$8 child) for this celebration which will include a silent auction, live auction and dinner. Proceeds go to support the St. Joseph Evening Meal, which fed more than 15,000 people in 2013! RSVP by Tues. 3/18 to Sr. Marilyn Ring at 309-283-2229 Menke Parish Scholarship Program - applications are now avail- able in the parish office for the 2014/2015 school year. Please contact the office for more information. 3 │ 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time ST. ALPHONSUS – DAVENPORT Parishioners will have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday’s at 3:15-3:45 p.m. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun. Sun. 8:00 10:30 8:00 8:00 12:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 8:00 4:00 7:30 10:30 2:00pm LECTORS Sat. 4:00 Sun. 7:30 10:30 MASS INTENTIONS Week of March 3-9 Rodenburg/Jarvis Families Mass at Good Samaritan † Warren McKenney † Mary El Funke † Paul & Alice Hingst (Latin Mass) † Sr. Azaria Halfmann, OSF NO Mass Cyril Parker Family † Betty, Ben, & Tanya Hensler † For the People † Annie Gonzales † Mark Polaschek Char Starkey & Jeannine Leibold Kris Peacock & John Pohlmann Lori Black & Dottie Gallagher EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Sat. 4:00 Mary Ann Hagemann, Sara Lannan, Kathy Jones Sun. 7:30 Tori McCumsey, Sr. Anthony 10:30 Mary Podhirny, Diana & Vickie Underwood ALTAR SERVERS *First Sunday in Lent, wear Purple Scapulars Sat. 4:00 Arianna & Kaitlyn Skaja Sun. 7:30 Tyler & Brileigh McCumsey 10:30 Anna Black & Jennah Douglas CHURCH CLEANERS: Dottie Gallagher’s Group Coral Degan, Tom Lowder, Bill Reagan RELIGIOUS EDUCATION We will have class & a Mardi Gras party on Feb. 26 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Please bring a dozen of your favorite cookies or ice cream topping. ST. AL’S CHURCH CLEANER APPRECIATION : The Altar & Rosary Soci- ety would like to show their appreciation for all the hard work. Please join us for a brunch on March 9 at Hickory Gardens after the 10:30 Mass. Please call Laura 563-940-1873 or Jill (563) 210-4790 no later than 3/2/14 with your RSVP. Thanks. ST. ALPHONSUS/HOLY NAME SOCIETY FISH FRIES We are starting to “gear up” for our famous fish fries. Our First one is: MARCH 7TH 4-7pm Volunteers are needed for: Wed. Feb. 26th 7pm Setup Klauer Cafeteria Thursdays Receive deliveries Fridays Prep work, serving, clean-up Saturdays Clean-up/prep for next week And as always, Ladies…. Start digging out those recipes for desserts! FISH FRY MEMORIAL PLAQUE: Holy Name Society has ordered a Memorial Plaque for fish fry volunteers who have passed away. If you would like to remember a loved one, please make a free will offering to the Holy Name Society in their memory. God 100th ANNIVERSARY: Holy Name Society is compiling a historical account about the St. Alphonsus Chapter in celebration of our 100th anniversary. All parishioners are invited to submit information about the people & events that make up our history. The information will be compiled and organized into a time-line to capture the history of this organization and its service to the parish community over the past century. Please contact Ron Patton (563) 210-9971 with your input or for more info. ST. ALPHONSUS EDUCATION CENTER We have wonderful programs at our Center, especially the 4 year old Pre-Kindergarten program. We will help your child be prepared to enter Kindergarten and have a GREAT start on their educational journey! We serve lunch and an AM & PM snack. We also provide child care for school age children before & after school and during breaks (Spring, Winter and holidays). If you would like more info please call the Center Director, Shelly McIntosh, at 323-3204. Call & set up an appointment to tour our facility. We have all the necessary tools to prepare your children for their education. Remember, we have an excellent program for your preschooler. Call today to get a tour and some information. There are some field trips planned for the end of the month if the weather is decent! Catechism Corner - Moments of Reflection Sponsored by the Franciscan Sisters 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time CCC 2303: Deliberate hatred is contrary to charity. Hatred of the neighbor is a sin when one deliberately wishes him evil. Hatred of the neighbor is a grave sin when one deliberately desires him grave harm. “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.” (Mt 5:44-45) Reflection: Hate can be eradicated only by creating a new focus, and that brings us to the third of the virtues, namely, charity. Though you cannot like everyone because you have no control over your physiological reactions, you can love everyone in the Divine sense, for that kind of love, being in the will, can be commanded or elicited. Over and above you dislikes and your emotional reactions to certain people, there can coexist a genuine love of them, for God’s sake. Charity is a consequence not of anything which affects our senses, but of Divine faith. Outwardly, your neighbor may be very unlikable; but inwardly he is one in whom the image of God can be recreated by the kiss of charity. To will to be kind when the emotion is unkind requires a stronger dynamic than “love of humanity.” To love them, we must recall that we who are not worth loving are loved by Love. ~from Preface to Religion by the Venerable Fulton J. Sheen Practice: Say a prayer for those in your life whom you dislike. 4a │ February 23, 2014
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