EAST HADDAM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PTO 14TH ANNUAL EHES PTO BASKET BASH WAS ANOTHER GREAT SUCCESS!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT! MAY 2014 BASKET BASH 2014 SUMMARY $5 RAFFLE SALES: $2120.00 50/50 RAFFLE: $270.00 BASKET TICKET SALES: $5671.10 SILENT AUCTION: $1635.00 EXPENSES (tickets, permits, Shagbark, supplies, change): Approximately $2000PROFIT: approx. $7886- Special thanks to this month's amazing volunteers (over 65 of them!): Marcie Kolanski, Beth Stewart, Deb McGahee, Trish Hagerty, Lindi Cambi, Wendy Vincent, Heather Angelillo, Kelly Olander, Julie Bonilla, Jean Millen, Jessica Aillon, Kelli Little, Betsey Havican, Kathy Gregory, Christina Sikorski, Lisa Conroy, Jen Dorr, Cathie Locke, Kristen Humiston, Bethany Matschulat, Maura Burns, Jen Higgins, Laurie Hall, Julie Frazier, Kim Crysler, Brianna Crysler, MaryAnn Caron, Erin Crowley, Alyson Karpeij, Joan Foose, Celina Nelan, Sue Hyatt, Jody Campagna, Lara Matetich, Monique Kananowicz, Sharon Steflik, Kendra Iozzia, Stacey Harvey, Angela Sodergren, Heather LaMarr, Barb Rogerson, Jack Rogerson, Blerina Simler, Caryn DeLisa, Laurel White, Melissa Crowell, Scott Allen, Christina Ricard, Jamie Furhman, Denise Gable, Gary Mezzi, Kim Soucy, Cindy Houghson, Wendi McNeil, Teresa Caffrey, Stacey Barbara, Trudy Rottino, Sarah Kraszewski, Denise Sevigny, Lori Grodski, Tammy O'Connor, Liz Clark, Sharon Chemacki, Carri Mansfield, & Elisa Banon. ~~~~Join us in being a part of your child's educational experience~~~~ EHES STAFF APPRECATION During the week of May 5th, we celebrated our staff in a special way each day. Monday, staff were given flowers by students, Tuesday was our annual Staff Appreciation Breakfast, Wednesday staff were "Stars" for reasons written by students, Thursday staff enjoyed a "Coffee Break" and Friday ended the week with a luncheon for staff, along with "Hugs & Kisses" and notes written by the students! Special thanks to Carri Mansfield, Elisa Banon, Trish Hagerty & Caryn DeLisa for making Staff Appreciation our most memorable yet! Community Music School Visit... DATES TO REMEMBER May 16: EHYFS Ice Cream Social, 6:30 pm, EHES May 1919-22: EHES PTO Spring Book Fair, BOGO May 21: EHES PTO Book Fair Family Night, 4-7pm ------------------------------------------------------- EHES PTO AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS The EHES PTO is currently offering the following school programs: Kids Fun Fitness, Fencing, and Karate. Contact: Kelli Little at [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------- YMCA KIDS' KORNER There are currently openings in the YMCA Kids' Korner Program for the remainder of the school year. In addition, next year's program has been expanded to include 4th and 5th graders!!! Contact Melanie at [email protected] or 860-343-6208. ---------------------------------------------------------- EHES PTO BOARD MEMBERS Feel free to contact us anytime!! President: Tammy Spurgeon [email protected] or 860-873-9492 Vice President: Betsey Havican [email protected] or 860-873-2341 Secretary: Jessica Aillon [email protected] Treasurer: Christina Sikorski [email protected] BOX TOP SPRING CONTEST WINNERS TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON! THANK YOU CATHY AND YOUR VOLUNTEERS! SAVE THOSE BOX TOPS OVER THE SUMMER TOO!! VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES HELP WANTED: Book Fair EHES PTO OPENINGS: Board Secretary Cultural Arts Rep Snack Bin Volunteer Thank You For Your Support! June EHES PTO Celebration TBD at May 15th meeting, 7pm, Rm 304
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