Shaler District Parent Council (DPC) Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014 | 9:30 AM | Central Office | Meeting called to order by Eileen Phillips, President Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Eileen Phillips, President. Attendees introduced themselves. Meeting Attendees: Arrigo, Jeanine Marzolf Mignogna, Gary SASD Bartolovits, Khrissy Bartosh, Sandy Clanton, Lorraine Cochrane, Heather Donahue, Suzanna Reserve, SAES SAES, SAMS, SAHS SAES, SAHS Jeffery Burchfield, SAES Milligan, Penny Mueller, Lesley O'Black, Bryan Pacek, Athena Phillips, Eileen SAHS SAHS SASD Jeffery, SAES SAHS Fisher, Jane James, Eric D. Lang, Stephany Lescisin, Alison Magoun, Amy Mendicino, Amy Michalek, Beth SAHS SAES, SAMS Burchfield, SAES Burchfield, SAES Rogers SAHS SAES, SAMS Poniewaz, Jodi Reed, Sid Salego, Karen Schneider, Heather Shipley, Wes Yurasits, Linda Neely Rogers, SAES Marzolf Jeffey, SAMS Rogers, SAES SASD SAMS, SAHS President’s Report Eileen Phillips thanked all for attending and announced the meeting agenda. Additionally, she stated that the District is requiring all groups to revise and submit their by-laws. Following this meeting, all attendees are invited to stay and assist with the amendment of the DPC by-laws. Secretary’s Report Alison Lescisin stated that meeting minutes for this and all future DPC meetings will be available for review on the DPC website. Additionally, this year’s DPC meeting minutes will include a list of attendees and their associated schools within the district. Treasurer’s Report Lesley Mueller reported a balance of $184.24 in the DPC account, and asked that each school contribute $15 in annual dues to the DPC fund. Checks can be made payable to Shaler Area High School. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Shipley Dr. Shipley reported a week of in-service was held for SASD teachers prior to the start of the school year. Additionally, orientations were held at the schools for each incoming class (K, 4, 7, 9th grades). He asks that DPC members solicit feedback from parents on the orientation program, and to report back either via email directly to Dr. Shipley, or in person at the October DPC meeting. The current district enrollment is 4584 students: 1340 in K-3, 1008 at SAES, 681 at SAMS, and 1555 at SAHS. Due to a late summer enrollment increase for Burchfield Kindergartners, a fifth Kindergarten section will be added this coming Monday. Dr. Shipley introduced and welcomed Mrs. Batis as Jeffery’s new Principal, Mrs.Foht as Rogers’ new Principal, and Mr. Ian Miller as the new SAES Principal. The District is in the process of hiring a Public Relations director. This is a new position within the district. Funding for this position will be provided in part by recovered funding from the elimination of the InShaler Magazine. The PR Director will serve as the School Board Secretary, and will handle all electronic media, media relations and the promotion of a consistent positive message for our district. The district was presented with the Facilities Feasibility Study in an open presentation held at the Buildings and Grounds Committee meeting on Wednesday, August 27, 2014. Another presentation will be given on the study, including new ideas and details, and pros and cons of each alternative. More information on the Feasibility Study can be found here. Chris Grossman, formerly Administrative Assistant to Dr. Shipley, has moved to the Hampton School District. Jeanne Hollwig is temporarily filling the role vacated by Ms. Grossman. Additionally, Mike Connors has retired as Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds, and his interim replacement is John Kaib. The district has purchased 700 additional iPad minis for the school carts as part of the Project ACE initiative. Additionally, this January marks the beginning of the one to one implementation of iPads at SAMS. When this occurs, the iPad minis currently used at SAMS will be transitioned to the other district schools. Dr. Shipley recognized Dr. O’Black for successfully gaining his doctorate this Summer, and asked the group for congratulations. Guest Speaker – Dr. O’Black Dr. O’Black reported that the Raptor Security System, a national visitor management program, has been implemented at all district buildings. All first-time visitors to district buildings will be asked to provide a government issued photo ID (such as a driver’s license), and the ID will be scanned by a secretary, against the Megan’s Law violation database in all 50 states. The system will collect the following data on individuals: first name, last name, date of birth, and driver’s license number. If a match is found in the system, the secretary’s PC will bring up the on-file photo from the Megan’s Law database and ask for visual confirmation. Additionally, district administrators will immediately receive a text notification and will visit the building. If no match against the database is made, the secretary will print a wearable sticker badge. All visitors will still need to leave either a set of keys or driver’s license with the secretary, so that the staff is aware of visitors in the building at any given time. Additionally, visitors will be allowed to pre-register for school events, allowing for quicker entry to the school during the event(s). The district has implemented a new K-12 math series. The textbooks are now consumable, and also provide for online access from home. In October, an event Parent Academy will be held, walking attendees through how to access the textbook online. Additionally, the book will provide an app on iPads for the students. The district is focusing on updating and revising the music and arts, and social studies programs. Last year, a study was completed for the K-12 arts and music program, and the district is currently mapping out a revised curriculum. Mr. Mignogna, Director of Human Resources, noted that PA state legislation now allows for both audio and videotaping of student activity on school busses. The district is currently reviewing its policies to allow for greater enforcement of anti-bullying/anti-violence initiatives on the busses. Placards will be placed on busses notifying its riders of the recording. Page 2 Guest Speaker – Mindy Thiel - Homecoming Mrs. Thiel presented the schedule for this year’s Homecoming. Homecoming will be held on Saturday, September 20th, with the parade at 10:30 AM, picnic at Noon, and game at 1:00 PM. The dance will be held from 7:30-10:30 PM. This year’s theme is a Disney’s “We’re All Ears”. SAES and all Primary Schools are asked to bring a student created banner for the parade, and all students are invited to march with their school’s banner. These schools will be first in the parade, to accommodate the younger children who are marching. Booster groups can apply for a booth at the picnic, though at this time, all booths outfitted with electricity are already reserved. School PTO Reports High School Curriculum Night is scheduled for September 23rd at 6:00 PM. The first PTO meeting is scheduled for September 24th at 7:00 PM. SAMS The first PTO meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 10th at 6:30 PM. The Vendor Fair is scheduled for October 4th. This date coincides with the Lacrosse pumpkin sale, so details will need to be worked out for parking at SAMS during the events. SAES The first PTO meeting is scheduled for September 23rd, but will need to be rescheduled due to a conflict with the SAES Curriculum Night. An assembly is scheduled for next week to kick off the Fall Fundraiser program. Additionally, a PTO budget surplus from last year will be used to purchase furniture and artwork for the SAES library reading café. Burchfield Primary Burchfield’s first PTO meeting is scheduled for Tuesday September 9th, with a 6:00 PM social, followed by 6:30 PM meeting. Jeffery Primary Jeffery’s first PTO meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 15th at 7:00 PM. The PTO will held a Fall mum fundraiser, and Fall book fair. Marzolf Primary Marzolf’s first PTO meeting is September 17th at 6:30 PM. Marzolf will hold a fall candy sale fundraiser. Reserve Primary Reserve will have a fall Yankee Candle fundraiser, and Fall book fair. The PTO is currently soliciting for volunteers to assist with Wednesday Mailbag work. Rogers Primary Rogers first PTO meeting is scheduled for September 10th at 6:30 PM. The Fall book fair is scheduled for the first week of October. Also, this year, the school is celebrating student birthdays with the “Birthday Box”. In lieu of bringing in classroom food treats, the birthday child can choose to wear a special item from the Birthday Box during their birthday. Old Business Page 3 All-school fundraiser Athena Pacek submitted last year’s all-school Magic Show Fundraiser to the PTO Today website competition, and our district received an Honorable Mention award. This year’s all-school fundraiser will be a Spring basketball tournament with the Pittsburgh Steelers. A discussion followed regarding the creation of a bank account for the allschool fundraiser. Athena Pacek will follow up with Charlie Bennett on the creation of an account. DPC Meeting Schedule Eileen Phillips presented this year’s DPC Hosting Schedule, and the schedule was officially adopted by today’s attendees: October 1st – High School November 5th – SAES December 3rd – SAMS January 7th – Marzolf Primary February 4th – Jeffery Primary March 4th – Burchfield Primary April 1st - Rogers Primary May 6th – Reserve Primary New Business DPC By-laws The DPC must revise its current by-laws, and submit to the District for approval and adoption. The current deadline for submission is September 30th, 2014. Additionally, the DPC must open a checking account for its dues, and will open its account with SAHS. Following today’s DPC meeting, a group of attendees worked together to update the by-laws. The revised by-laws will be presented to the October DPC meeting attendees. Next Meeting Today’s meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM. The next DPC meeting will be held at the High School on Wednesday, October 1st at 9:30 AM. Page 4
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