WJPS Paw Print - Jackson County Schools

Paw Print
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jackson.k12.ga.us/wjps, to connect
with our accounts and receive up to
the minute information about what’s
happening at WJPS.
Health & Safety
¨ Flu shots are now
available . Get them
soon and be ready.
¨ Parents, the CDC
addresses your questions &
concerns with new educational
materials about EV-D68.
The CDC is continually updating its
information on Ebola. Information
that can be found here: http://
Red Ribbon Week
October 27th through
October 31st
PTO News
Happy Fall everyone. It is that fun
time of year of pretty colors, camp
fires and FALL FESTIVAL! Yes it is
time. Please mark you calendars for
October 24th, 6 pm to 8 pm.
Admission will be $5 per child. This
amount will cover all games and rides.
There will be concessions, s'mores,
and cakewalk for an additional cost.
We will also be holding our annual
silent auction. This year we will be
featuring the "Julie" doll from
AMERINCAN GIRL and we will be
raffling off another YETTI cooler
for $5/ticket. We are looking
forward to seeing you there.
Also, we need your help with set-up,
clean-up, sorting candy and prizes,
concessions, auction baskets, and
silent auction. If you are interested
in helping please let us know @
[email protected]. We cannot do it
without you!!!
forward to
seeing you
This year’s celebration at
West Jackson Primary
School will include a 2nd
grade guidance classroom
activity that will focus on
being aware of the
potential dangers of using
drugs, alcohol and tobacco.
4825 Highway 53
Braselton, GA 30517
Office: 706-654-2243
Fax: 706-654-1560
October 2014
Dates to Remember
¨ 10/20-10/29-1st
Quarter Teacher
¨ 10/24—WJPS Fall
Festival 6-8:00pm
¨ 10/28—Late Conferences
¨ 10/31—WJPS Spirit Day
¨ 11/4—Santa Pictures
¨ 11/13—PTO Meeting @
¨ 11/18—Zaxby’s Spirit
¨ 11/21—WJPS Spirit Day
¨ 11/24-11/28—
Thanksgiving Holidays
Go to:
You can also contact Lisa
Stephens by phone at 706410-5525 to find out more
about becoming a mentor.
View the WJPS Newsletter online @ http://jackson.k12.ga.us/wjps/images/Information/newsletter/WJPSOctober2014Newsletter.pdf
Grade Level News
Pre-K has been so busy
learning about friends,
family and fall. We are
looking forward to learning about
pumpkins the last week in October
and also seeing all of our friends at
the fall festival on October 24
to have lots of fun with our
friends and families.
In kindergarten this month, we have
been enjoying our investigation of
fall, apples, and pumpkins. We are also
learning about maps, globes, and
making safe choices. We have
completed our math unit on shapes
and are now working on number sense,
which includes counting, creating, and
labeling sets, more/less/equal, and
ordinal numbers. We are continuing
our work with letters and letter
sounds, as well as the sounds of “th”
and “sh”, and we are practicing sight
words every day.
1st Grade
First grade closed out
their study of fairy tales
and had a wonderful time
at the Pierce Theatre at
Brenau University watching “Sleeping
Beauty.” This next month, we will be
learning about the water cycle and
will start our study of famous
American inventors. In writing, we
will continue to write narratives but
our focus will now be on informational
pieces. We will work on developing
our base ten number sense in
Unit 2 of math. And of course,
we will be reading our little
hearts out and trying to learn all
of our sight words too!!
2nd Grade
With the conclusion of October,
Forces (speed, direction, push, and
second grade will be completing the
pull). During Math, we will be
Social Studies unit on Famous
working steadily on fluently adding
Americans (James Oglethorpe,
and subtracting.
Mary Musgrove, Tomochichi, and
Please make sure to sign your child’s
Sequoyah) and Creek/Cherokee
agenda on a nightly basis. This is
Indians. After this unit, we will
our form of communication with you
sure homework is
begin another Science unit on
to make sure you are aware of daily
Energy (heat, light, and motion) and
behaviors and assigned homework.
always completed
Page 2
Homework is given MondayThursday. Students are responsible
for completing all assigned work
(reading, math, and spelling). Please
support us at
school by making
and returned.
View the WJPS Newsletter online @ http://jackson.k12.ga.us/wjps/images/Information/newsletter/WJPSOctober2014Newsletter.pdf