L o d i P r i m a ry S c h o o l / O S C Volume October 2014 Lodi Primary School / OSC 103 Pleasant Street Lodi, WI 53555 608-592-3855 Sherri Endres-Lovell - Principal Check us out on the web www.lodi.k12.wi.us/primary Check out Lodi Primary School & Ouisconsing School of Collaboration on Facebook In this Issue: Calendar & Upcoming Events - Page 2 Counseling News - Page 3 Art News - Page 4 September Fun / New Staff - Page 5 Message from the Nurse - Page 6 PTO Press - Page 7 Issue News from the Principal The 2014-15 school year is off to a great start and I have exciting plans and high expectations for all of the student’s learning. I know that you also have many hopes and dreams for your child’s success in school and beyond. To make sure those hopes and dreams are realized, I want to ask for your commitment to making sure your child attends school every day possible this year. The evidence is clear: children with good attendance are more likely to be successful in school. High attendance rates are linked to high student achievement. This is true for every grade – elementary, middle and high school students. A recent review of student attendance data by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction shows that regular school attendance from Kindergarten on is essential to successful learning. • Every day counts. Missing school 10% of the time has a significant impact on reading and math achievement as children progress through school. • Students with good attendance performed better in math and reading. Children who had good attendance in Kindergarten through Grade 2 were more than twice as likely to score proficient on state math tests by the time they reached Grade 8 as their peers who missed more school. In reading, there were similar results. • Good attendance starts early. Research has shown that the attendance habits established Kindergarten through Grade 2 have lasting effects on students throughout their education: children with high attendance in the early grades continue to have good attendance; and students with low attendance in the early grades are more likely to have low attendance—and lower academic performance—throughout their elementary and middle school years. As your child’s most influential teacher, I am asking for your support in helping your child get to school on time every day this year. Your child needs to be in school and engaged in learning to reach his or her full potential. We realize that every family faces challenges— illness, transportation, child care, or scheduling demands. Please let your child’s teacher or myself know if your family needs help dealing with issues that may arise. We will do our best to help your family ensure that your child’s school attendance stays on track. More information on what families and schools can do together to support good student attendance can be found at: http://www.attendanceworks.org/about/what-can-i-do/parents/ Thank you for all you do to support your child’s school success and well-being, as well as our school. I look forward to working with you this year and to having your child learn and grow at Lodi Primary/OSC. Sherri Endres-Lovell Principal Upcoming Events: 3 - Homecoming Parade 4pm 4 - OSC Golf Outing 6- NO SCHOOL Parent/Teacher Conferences 12pm - 8pm 6 - PTO Meeting @ ES LMC 7:00pm 13 - BOE Meeting @ DO 7:00pm Day 3 14 - Picture Retakes 17 - NO SCHOOL 22 - OSC Board Meeting 6:00pm 27 - District PAC Meeting @HS “Internet Safety” 6:00pm 30 - 4K Fall Fun Fest 6:00 - 7:30pm 31 - Halloween Parade 8:30am Main Street No School P/T conferences 3pm—8pm Day 6 Day 1 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 P/T conferences 4pm - 8pm Day 2 Day 1 Day 5 Day 4 Day 5 Day 3 No School Day 6 Day 5 Music News: Hello Kindergarten and OSC Music Parents, It has been an AWESOME start to the new school year. The OSC musicians are singing new music, counting their rhythms, reading their staff notes and practicing their keyboards, The kindergarten musicians are now learning about “steady beat” and they are also having the most amazing time in the keyboard lab. It is never too early to let you know about the Primary/OSC Winter Concert on Friday, December 19th at the Lodi High School Performing Arts Center. The inclement weather date is Monday December 22nd. The Kindergarten performance starts at 1:00pm. Please keep your eye open for more information. Lexine Weber Page 2 LO D I P R I MA R Y S C HO O L / O S C I would like to thank everyone for being so welcoming my first month back here in Lodi. I have had the chance to meet quite a few parents and community members but cannot wait to meet more. As the school counselor, I will be in your child’s classroom once every 6 days for classroom lessons. I will also be facilitating small groups and meeting with students on an individual basis. Follow me on Facebook to see what fun and engaging activities we are doing. We started the year out talking about building a positive community and having good character. Ask your child what positive qualities they think they bring to our learning community here and to your family. I think it is very important to keep open communication between parents and children. Engaging your children in conversations about what they are learning at school is a great way to keep lines of communication open at home. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about your child, I am more than happy to help in any way that I can. If you are interested in parenting resources I have some handouts, books and CD’s available to lend out. I am also available to help you get connected with community resources, such as assistance with food, clothes, healthcare, school supplies or anything else you may need. I hope everyone has great October, and a safe Halloween! PBIS Pbis is about teaching, modeling and practicing expected behaviors, rewarding appropriate behaviors and reteaching often. Here are a few things we are doing this year to encourage student’s “SUPER HERO” behavior: PRINCIPAL’S “100” CLUB Each day EA’s and specials teachers are given tickets to pass out to student’s showing “Super Hero” behavior. The tickets are then brought to the office where they are displayed on the 100 chart. Once there are 10 in a row the principal will call those 10 students down for warm cookies and milk and will also call the parents of those students. KINDERGARTEN PUNCH CARDS Teachers will punch cards for “Super Hero” behavior. Every ten will earn the following rewards: 1. Super Hero picture posted on bulletin board outside Guidance room. 2. Email home from Principal. 3. Lunch with Principal. Our first “100” 4. 10 minutes iPad time in classroom. club group that 5. Call home from Principal. received warm cookies & milk! 6. Lunch with classroom teacher. 7. Ice cream with Principal. 8. 15 minutes with Guidance Counselor. 9. Extra recess with Principal. 10. Warm cookies and milk with Principal. CLASSROOM BUCKETS Each K and 4K classroom will have a bucket to fill with pom pons for whole class good behavior. When the bucket is filled the whole class will be rewarded (teacher/student’s choice). LO D I P R I MA R Y S C HO O L / O S C Page 3 Art News: I would like to take this opportunity to say welcome to a new and great school year. We are starting off the art school year with our Square 1 Art fund raiser. This a great way to display your child’s art permanently on a mug, ceramic tile, pillow case, fabric square, etc. For more information you can visit www.square1art.com. If you have a child in kindergarten please send him/her with a baggie of photos or copies of photos that you do not mind if they are cut. You can also choose pictures from magazines or the newspaper, anything that may represent their home. We are studying Pablo Picasso and his blue/collage period. The children are going to create a collage of their home. Thank you for your continuing support of the arts and please feel free to stop in or call me anytime. Thank-you, Mrs. Sandy Osterman 608-592-3855 ext: 1501 10 Lessons the Arts Teach By: Elliot Eisner 1. The arts teach children to make good judgments about qualitative relationships. Unlike much of the curriculum in which correct answers and rules prevail, in the arts, it is judgment rather than rules that prevail. 2. The arts teach children that problems can have more than one solution and that questions can have more than one answer. 3. The arts celebrate multiple perspectives. One of their large lessons is that there are many ways to see and interpret the world. 4. The arts teach children that in complex forms of problem solving purposes are seldom fixed, but change with circumstance and opportunity. Learning in the arts requires the ability and a willingness to surrender to the unanticipated possibilities of the work as it unfolds. 5. The arts make vivid the fact that neither words in their literal form nor numbers exhaust what we can know. The limits of our language do not define the limits of our cognition. 6. The arts teach students that small differences can have large effects. The arts traffic in subtleties. 7. The arts teach students to think through and within a material. All art forms employ some means through which images become real. 8. The arts help children learn to say what cannot be said. When children are invited to disclose what a work of art helps them feel, they must reach into their poetic capacities to find the words that will do the job. 9. The arts enable us to have experiences we can have from no other source and through such experience to discover the range and variety of what we are capable of feeling. 10. The arts position in the school curriculum symbolizes to the young what adults believe is important. Note from Mrs. Chambers: Thank you to the families who supported their students’ summer reading efforts. Summer reading helps students maintain their reading level while away from school and makes the transition back to school much more successful! Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge. Students who read and logged their minutes on the Scholastic website were part of a world-wide group that blasted the old world record of 176,438,473 minutes. The new world record is 304,749,681! Lodi students who participated logged a total of 76,598 minutes!! Those students who participated received a certificate of accomplishment and can now say that they helped set a world record. Page 4 LO D I P R I MA R Y S C HO O L / O S C Meet our new staff! Sarah Cahalane - Kindergarten Teacher Sarah is the newest member of the Lodi Primary/OSC staff. She may look familiar though as she has previously been a substitute here. Sarah and her family have been living in Dane for the past 8 years. She loves to attend all of the activities her children (Emma and Michael) are involved in and travel to see family members that live all over the country. Val Bilkey - Guidance Counselor Val has lived in Lodi her entire life. She has previously worked at the Primary School and we are so happy to have her back! Val is married (Ben) and has a 2 year old daughter Bricelynn. They enjoy spending time doing outdoor activities together with their two dogs! Janel Errthum - Special Education EA Luann Schwartz - Regular Education EA Janel is from Kenosha, WI and attended high school in Boscobel. She married her high school sweetheart, Eric, in 1999. They recently moved to Lodi with their three children (Branden, Chloee, and Baylee). They enjoy many outdoor activities as a family and baking lots of treats during the holidays! Luann grew up on a dairy farm outside of Waunakee. She has been married to her husband, Tom, for 37 years. They have six children and seven grandchildren. Marie Yates - Special Education EA Rachel Steinkopf - Regular Education EA Marie was born in Bogato, Colombia. After being adopted at age 6 with her brother she was raised in Massachusetts. Marie was previously a Certified Nursing Assistant for 10 years, an Outdoor educator and a licensed after school care giver. She is married to Michael Yates and has two sons (Mason and Michael). Rachel has lived in Lodi her entire life. She is married (Joe) and has three children (Devan, Alysa, and Kayden). After lots of volunteering in our schools she is very excited to be working at the Primary School! Mrs. Yates reading to students before school started on “Read around the Flag” day Mrs. Griffing’s class having some fun playing Simon says in Phy. Ed! Mrs. Mayer’s class having fun in ST Math! Welcome to the new Library! Mrs. Anderson can’t wait to see you! LO D I P R I MA R Y S C HO O L / O S C Page 5 Notes from the Nurse’s Desk: The enteroviruses have been in the news lately, so here are some facts and considerations for parents: Enteroviruses are very common, there are 100 different types. Most infected people have no symptoms or only mile symptoms-low grade fever, cough, runny nose, sneezing, mild body aches. Severe symptoms of more severe infections can include, wheezing, difficulty breathing, and feeling much more ill. Infected individuals generally self-recover without complications by treating symptoms. However, some individuals, particularly those with weakened immune systems of underlying medical conditions, such as asthma, may experience severe illness and require hospitalization with supportive therapy. SPREADS THROUGH THE SALIVA from coughing, sneezing, or touching surfaces an infected person has touched. WASHING HANDS 20-30 SECONDS WITH SOAP AND WATER and washing surfaces that have been touched by ill individuals, frequently, is the best way to detour spreading of enteroviruses. AVOID TOUCHING EYES, NOSE, MOUTH AND FACE WITH UNWASHED HANDS. HAND WASHING IS BETTER THAN HAND SANITIZERS, BUT IF WATER NOT AVAILABLE US THE HAND SANITIZER. KEEP SICK CHILDREN HOME—THEY MAY RETURN TO SCHOOL WHEN FEVER IS GONE FOR 24 HOURS WITHOUT FEVER REDUCING DRUGS, AND WHEN THEY FEEL WELL ENOUGH TO RESUME NORMAL SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. As always keeping a healthy immune system is the trick to staying healthy. Good healthy fruits and vegetables, plenty of water, 7-9 hours of sleep a night, keep stress in check, exercise daily, sunshine, and wash those hands, are all ways to keep healthy and get back to healthy faster. Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or call the school office to contact myself or Rodney Barrow RN. Thanks Terry Haag RN School Nurse. Scholastic Fall Book Fair @ Lodi Elementary School October 6—10th Hours will be as follows: Monday, October 6th 3:00pm—8:00pm Tuesday, October 7th 8:00am—5:30pm Wednesday, October 8th 8:00am—3:00pm Thursday, October 9th 8:00am—8:00pm Friday, October 10th 8:00am—2:00pm Page 6 LO D I P R I MA R Y S C HO O L / O S C The PTO Press – a publication of the Lodi Parent Teacher Organization OCTOBER PIE SALE FOR OUR SCHOOLS! Our once-a-year Market Day PIE SALE has begun with proceeds benefiting all Lodi schools. This year the extra money will fund the middle school band and choir programs as well as technology and other needs at all the schools. All pies are frozen and perfect for your holiday entertaining. It’s an easy way to support our schools and put a great tasting dessert on the table for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. This is a tremendous fundraiser and the pies are delicious. Our goal this year is to sell 600 pies which would generate more than $3500 so let’s work together to meet this goal! Prizes are awarded according to the number of pies sold: * EVERY student selling 11-20 pies receives a $10 gift card * EVERY student selling 21-30 pies receives a $25 gift card * Serious students selling 31 or more pies take home a $50 gift card Winning students can choose from either I-Tunes or Target gift cards. The flyers and order forms have been sent home or can be picked up in any school office. On-line orders can easily be placed by visiting www.marketday.com. Invite friends and family to shop here too. ** Be sure to use account number 10343 when ordering ** We have less than 3 weeks to get orders in! Final orders are due by Friday, Oct. 17. Thank-you in advance for your support of this great cause and let’s get out there and SELL now! MARKET DAY FUNDRAISER ONGOING THROUGHOUT SCHOOL YEAR Market Day forms are sent home to OSC, primary and elementary students every month and are also available at all school offices. The next pick-up day is October 9 at the middle school cafeteria from 3:30-5 pm. Please consider doing some of your grocery shopping through this venue to fund great initiatives for our children throughout the year. You can order on-line or just simply return the order form with your child or drop off at any school office on or before the Thursday preceding pick-up day. If you would like more information regarding the sale, contact Kristie at 2132279 ([email protected]) or Jan at 592-4278 (jhauptlodi@ aol.com). Mark your calendars for these UPCOMING EVENTS: Believe it or not, Christmas is right around the corner, and the Holiday Gift Shop will be coming to the OSC, primary and elementary schools the weeks of December 8 and 15. This event is run by students and teachers and is used as a way to practice their every-day-math skills. All children are welcome to purchase treasures for loved ones for the holiday season. Please contact the PTO if you are interested in helping to shop or staff the event. THE PTO IS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS! The PTO is looking for volunteers to help with any and all events throughout the school year. Can you help make calls from home, participate in events or plan with our committees? Even if you have just an hour or two to spare once in a while, we could use your help. The next PTO meeting is Monday, October 6, at 7pm in the elementary school Library Media Center. We hope you can attend to hear all the exciting events we are planning for this year. As always, thank-you to all our supporters throughout the year as we look forward to another fantastic school year for our children! For more info, please visit our website at www.lodipto.com or email us at [email protected] LO D I P R I MA R Y S C HO O L / O S C Page 7
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