Morgan News Jan 15 - Hutchinson Public Schools -

Morgan News
January 2015
Please make sure your student is dressed appropriately for the weather. All students will
be going outside for recess, weather permitting, and will need coats, hats & gloves to keep
them warm!
Parents please have your student stop by the lost and found for missing items. Bill our custodian is
planning on sending what is left to the Salvation Army soon.
Field Trip 4th grade
4th grade will be attending the Reno County Water Festival on January 16th. Students
will need to bring sack lunch.
Dental Screenings and Treatments will be completed by Prairie Star Dental Jan. 13th at Morgan
Elementary School. Optional services offered are Fluoride Treatments, Sealants and Cleanings.
*To sign up for these services, download and complete the form at
Thank you to all who helped make the Salvation Army Angel Tree such a GREAT success! Your
generosity is greatly appreciated!
With flu season upon us, it is important that we work together to keep our children healthy. Viruses
spread easily among children in schools, and families with school-age children have more infections than
others, with an average of one-third of these family members infected each year. By keeping our children
flu-free, we benefit the community as a whole. You can help prevent the spread of flu or help your child
get better if he/she does get sick by following a few simple steps:
If possible, you and your child should get a flu shot
Remind your child to cover his/her nose and mouth with a tissue when sneezing or coughing and
dispose of the tissue immediately
Have your child wash his/her hands frequently with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds
Disinfect frequently-touched surfaces and shared items at least once a day
Ensure that bathrooms are stocked with soap, hand towels and tissues
Teach your child not to touch his/her mouth, nose and eyes
If your child is sick and has a fever, keep him/her at home to prevent the spread of illness to others
If you are concerned about your child’s flu symptoms, call your doctor early. Call your doctor immediately
if your child has a chronic disease. Common symptoms of flu include high fever, severe headache,
muscle and body aches, exhaustion, and dry cough. Additionally, children often exhibit other flu
symptoms that are rare in adults, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Some children might benefit
from an antiviral medication, which can be prescribed by a physician and can help lessen duration of the
virus and reduce the risk of complications, such as pneumonia. To be effective, antiviral medication
should be taken within 12-48 hours after flu symptoms begin.
Additionally, as a preventive measure, antiviral medication may be administered to children under a
doctor’s care to help them avoid catching the flu from others in some special situations. For example:
Children who have egg allergies and therefore cannot receive flu vaccine
Children who have been vaccinated, but are at such high risk for serious complications due to a
chronic condition, that extra protection is warranted
Children who may not have received a vaccine but are exposed to flu
If you have any questions or would like additional information about preventing and treating the flu, please
contact the school nurse.
If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason please notify
the office so that the absence can be excused. The office has to put in
ALL excused absences. You may call 615-5200 or send a note to the
office with your student.
ALERT NOW: If school is closed due to bad weather you will be notified by an
ALERT NOW phone message. If you move and/or have a new phone number
please remember to notify the office so that the change can be made in
If you would like to eat lunch with your student please notify the office
before 8:30am. The lunch count is called into another site at this time.
Lunches are not prepared here @ Morgan. Adult lunches are $3.45 this
year. Thank you!
Birthdays are celebrated once per month on the third Tuesday during lunch. Parents
are invited to eat lunch and celebrate with their child. They may bring in a lunch for
themselves and their student, or participate in a school lunch. A specific birthday
table will be set up for students and their guests. We understand that parents may not
be able to celebrate with their student. If this is the case the student may select a
friend to join them at the birthday table(s). Students who are celebrating a birthday
for that particular month will receive a special treat at lunch. Please notify the office 2
weeks prior (Jan. 6) if you need us to order any extra lunches for parents! Adult meals
are $3.45.
Morgan PTO News
Winter Break December 22nd – January 2nd
We hope everyone has a fun and safe winter break! Plan on some fun family time if you can…. Build a
Snowman or Snow Fort, Make a Snow Angel, Have a Movie Night or Board Game Night… enjoy the time
you have together!
Papa John’s Pizza Night
Let Papa John’s make dinner on Tuesday, January 6th. 20% of sales (minus tax and delivery) will be donated
back to Morgan PTO. Just make sure to tell Papa John’s, when you are ordering, that it is for Morgan
Elementary and your classroom teacher. The classroom with the most orders will also earn a Pizza Party. 
Papa John’s information will be sent home in your child’s book bag on Tuesday.
PTO Meeting
Don’t miss the next PTO meeting on January 6th at 6:30 in the Morgan Media Center. Please use the
northeast Media Center Doors. Included in the discussion will be our upcoming events: 3 rd Annual Fun Run
& Spring Fundraiser. Please plan to join us as we will need many volunteer hands to make our Annual
events a success. Meetings are a great way to get involved and meet other parents.
Check out Morgan Elementary PTO on Facebook!
**If you have any questions about the Morgan PTO or would like to get more involved, feel free to contact
Jessica Lowry at 620-474-0944 or [email protected] or Bethany Krafels at [email protected]
The early release times are 1:00 PM. Lunch will be provided. Parents are responsible for
making arrangements for after school programs on these days. The following dates are
for the remainder of the school year.
Early Release Dates for 2015
Jan. 30th
Feb. 18th
Mar. 6th & Mar. 20th
Apr. 17th
May 1st & 15th
Back to school
PTO meeting
Papa Johns Night
4th grade Water Festival
No School
Birthday Lunch
Morgan Family and Friends